Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE January 11, 1929 Resume Schedule of A II Recreational. .~4ctivity This Week All activities of the Playground and Recreation board resumed regular schedule Monday of this week after a two weeks' holiday for the Christmas vacations. The schedule of activities is repeated again for the benefit of those who have not affiliated with any activity and are interested in joining for the spring season: )londay \\"omen's basketball. Stolp gymna~ium. 7 o'clock. Men's \'olleyball. Howard gymnal'llum. 7 :30 o'clock. . TUf'Ncla)· Pia!Jo ~oloist Engaged Stockholders of . 1st National Bank Re·!!lect Officials At the annual meeting an~ dinner of the stockholders of the · Farst National bank, held in the. new bank building last Tuesday evenmg, all offi- . cers and directors were re-elected for the ensuing year. In additioa~, Robe~t M. Stoddard was elect~d vace-pre.sadent, N. A. Schwall, assastant cash~er and auditor, and Marshall Corns, asststant cashier. . Officers of the bank are: E. B. Knudtson, president; ~an G. Stiles, vice-president and cashter; Robert M. Stoddard, vice-president; N. A. Schwall assistant cashier and auditor, and M~rshall Corns, assistant cashier. Directors for the coming year are : Robert M. Stoddard, A. C. Wolff, C. D. Masters, Frank Ketcham, Axel Lonnquist, David Nelson, and Charles H. Reinboth. A substantial increase in deposits for the year just closed was announced at the stockholders' meeting, the increase being $381,785.86. The increase in resources tor the same period \vas t;rimarried women's gymna!'ium da::-s. How1 u-d school. 7 :30 o'clock. '\\' omen's gymnasium cla~Ss. Open. Stolp sd10ol. 7 :30 o'clock. Wednf'sdny New Trier High school musical de- gagement of their daughter, Mari11<~. partment, will he the piano soloist with the Little Symphony orchestra of Chi- to .I ames V. Onnereno, son of ~~ r. anrl cag-o in an atternoon concert to he Mrs. Otter Onncreno of Rogers Park. given by the orchestra in the 1\ew AU activities sponsored by the ReTrier auditortnm next ~1 on day . Jancreation board arc free of charge {'Xaarv 1-l. ~1 iss Cotton is one of the cept swimming and only a nominal north shore's talented young- musicians . charge covering actual expen~l'S i..; made. The: week beginning Monday, JanuarY 1-l. is to be known as National \\'e.c:k for Cleaning School Children's Garments, the purpose of which is to I' unnal sen-ices for ~[ rs. Paul L. teach cleanliness as a habit. As a part \Yilmette firemen fought a stubborn Harrl'tt wen· held last Saturdav after- of the ohsen-ance locally of this spefrom her late residcn.ce, 801 cial week Shultz and Nord and the blaze for more than an hour at the Jwon ~Irs. Village Cleaners, ha,·e announced that residence of Mrs. ]. \V. Hefferman. (~reenwood avenue, \Vilmette. 539 Park avenue, last Friday nwrning. Barrett died January 3 at the E\·anston thev will clean one garment, free of Though no one in the house was hospital where she had been taken charge, for every hoy and girl in the injured, damage of approximately .;en·ral da\'s hefon·. She is survived village: under twelve years of age. $5.000 resulted before the tin· could he 1)\· her hu~hand: her father, Benjamin Obs~rvance of this period each year brought under control. 'l'ht· hlai'e 1·... Smith, ()f 801 Greenwood avenue: has taken vogue nationally, accorcli 1 started in the basement nf t IH: build - and one son, Bt'njamin. '1 f rs. Barrett to rEmil A. Nord, of the Shultz and ing, hut the principal damage was to was tht· niece of Mrs. ]. X. ~r c Ewen ~ord concern. The moHment has. the roof. ,.,.·hich was almost entirely oi Elmhurst, and Mrs. C. C. Singley moreover, received the enthusiastic demolished. The cause of the fire is of Chicago. Burial took place at ~1em endorsement of health authorities, who Prial Park cemetery. unknown. ha ,.e come to recognize the importance of clean clothing, as well as clean bodies, as a \'ital adjunct to health. The Shultz and 1\ord announcement of National \V eek for Cleaning School Chilclrt'n's Garments is found on another Mrs. Bedc Lee, associated with ~f rs. Bertha B. \\'illiamst)ll of \VilMrs. Helen \\'est on, is opening a mette was instanth' killed last Thurs- pagl' of this issue oi \VIr.:'ln:TTI~ Ln:~-:. studio in Hubbard \\.oods and form- day when a Chic~go. ~filwaukce, St. ing piano classes. using the method Paul and Paciflc train speeding through followed in the \Vilmette, Kenilworth, Glenview struck her automobile. Ac8 Ravinia, and Highland Park public cording to the statement of witnesses schools. Mrs . Lee will be in her ~[ rs. \\'illiamson apparently saw the A. L. Miller, 40, ot 106 Sixth street, studio at 1073 Gage . street Tuesd·ay approaching train and attempted to \Vilmette, general manager of the Xaand Friday aftt·rnoons. Information stop, but her car skidded. Her body. tional Credit corporation with offices concerning the classes may be ob- in the wrecked sedan, was carried half in Chicago, died of pneumonia Tuc:stained there. a mile before the train came to a day night. January 8. at the Mayo stop. Mrs. · ~' illiamson was a hook- Brothers' hospital in Rochester. Minn . keeper for the Swain-Xelson nursery Mr. Miller is sun·ived by his wido,,·, iti Glenview. ~1 rs. Lenoir Miller: a daughter, Mary June; three son5, David, John, ancl Isaac R. Underwood, 92. of Suring, In order to raise money the Alph::t Robert; his mother, Mrs. Mary C. \\is., father of ~f rs. Earl G. Low, Phi mothers' club of Northwestern Miller, of Huntington Park, Cal.; ~l li06 Forest avenue, \\'ilmette, died l:'ave ·a caret' party yt'sterday at the sister, Miss Lazena :\tiller, also of Jast Tucsdav at his winter home on sorority hou e. Huntington Park, an·d two brothers, Fowl river, ·Mobile, Ala. ~fr. 'UnderP. J. Miller. of Los Angeles, and D. wood was a native of Vermont and a \V. Miller, of Sioux Falls, S. D. ECONOMY SHOP cousin of former Senator 0 car \V. Memorial services will be held SunOur stock at the shop is \·ery low lJnderwood. Besides Mrs. Low. his day, J anuar:r 13, at 3 o'clock at the at this time, and since this cold spell widow, Mrs. Nettie Vnderwood. and \Vilmette Presbyterian church. has come, we may have many calls one son, \Villiam L. Cnderwood. of for men's, women's and children's Aurora, survive l~im. clothing, also dishes and furniture. Mrs. Max C. Greigg, 727 Centr::.l Please send us anything you may avenue, entertained eight members ()f Miss Charlotte Eckhart, daughter of have no further use for. \Ve will her bridge club at luncheon la·5t FriMr. and Mrs. P. B. Eckhart, 206 Cumcall for them if it is not convenient day. berland road, Kenihvorth, returned tv for you to bring them. Call 'Vil-othe University of Chicago last Sunday mette 15-l-t. after passing the holiday·.; with her parMrs. ]. B. Denman, Chairman. Eleanor Thayer, daughter of Mr. and Note: Economy Shop is a charity ents. Her sister, Miss Marion, who is Mrs. N. C. Thayer, Jr. 500 Fifth street, and welfare fund enterprise sponsored a sophomore at the Cniversity of Chireturned to Connecticut college Janby the "·oman'~ Club of 'lVilmette. cago, returned January 2. uary 3. '\\rumen's swimming clatis. Evanston Y. ~t. C'. A. 9 :30 o'clock. A. M. Men's baRketball. Howard gymna~ium. 7 o'clock. 1\len's bask etball. Stolp gymnasium. 7:30 o'dock. Thursday Married women's gymnasium (')ass. floward school. 7:30 o'cloek. "\\'ilmette At>rolll_ane club ml'eting. Central 1-'chool. 7 :30 o'clock. Men's gymnasium class. Rtolp school. 7 o'clock. Friday \\·omen's swimming class. so,·ert-ign hotel. 6 o'clock. Junior Pollee meeting. Howard gymnasium. 7 o'c·l ock. Boxing and \Vr('stling da~ fi . lloward gymnasium. 8 o'clock. Indoor baseball. Stolp gymnasium. 7 ::10 o'clock. $555,534.7 6. ~1 ~1 r. and Mrs. Charle5 Russo of 520 Mary Louise Cotton daughter oi rs. Marian Cotton, director of the Sixth street have announced the en- Mrs. Julius Rohrbach, 82, Dies at Home in Wilmette Mrs. Julius Rohrbach, 82, of 1123 Linden avenue, \Vilmette, youngest daughter of the late \Villiam Bowman of Ridgewell- Yeldham, Essex, England, died at her home Friday, January -t, after a prolonged illness. Mr ·. Rohrbach is survived by her husband, the Rev. Julius Rohrbach, for many vears a minister in Berlin, Ger.:. many; ~ two daughters, Mrs. Marion \~ilberforce S~oughton, member of the facultv at the North Shore Country Qay school, and Mrs. David Gibbins, of Egbaston. Birmingham, England; and three sons, Harold Julius Rohrbach, of Downshire lodge, Reading, England, the Rev. A. E. Rohr_ bach, of Stockholm, Sweden, and the Rev. John Herbert Bowman, of the Mont Clare Baptist church, Chicago. Dr. and Mrs, Rohrbach have made their home with their daughter and son in Wilmette for the last nine years. Although an invalid most of the time, Mrs. Rohrbach often delighted her friends with her singing. The funeral service was · conducted bv the Rev. George D. Allison, of the \Vilmette Baptist church, assisted by the Rev. \Viltiam H. Cossum, of the Ravenswood Baptist church, Chicago, and the Rev. H. C. Baum, representing the German · Baptist ·Ministers' conference. Burial took place Monday afternoon. January 7, at ~1emorial Park cemetery. Clean Child's Garments Without Cost Next Week Fire Does Heavy Damage to Hefferman Residence Hold Services Saturday for Mrs. P. L. Barrett Mrs. Bede Lee Opens New Wilmette Woman Killed Music Studio in Winnetka by Flyer in Glenview A. L. Miller Is Summoned by Death Tuesday, Jan. Mother of C. E. Fitch is Summoned by Death Mrs. Harriet L. Fitch, widow of Charles C. Fitch, died Sunday, January 6, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Fitch Kendall, 155 W. Elm street, Chicago. Mrs. Fitch, who was the mother of Claude E. Fitch, of 1033 Elmwood aven~e. Wilmette, was one of Chicago's early settlers. She was 88 years old, and had lived in Chicago since the Civil war. The funeral services were held Tuesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock at the daughter's home in Chicago. Burial took place at Woodstock, Ill., on Wednesday. Isaac R. Underwood Dies at Home in Mobile, Ala. VISITS IN IOWA . Mrs. Styn Wiglama, secretary to Supt. E. L. Nygaard of the Kenilworth Public school, ~pent the Christmas holidays visiting relatives at Sheldon, Ia. Mrs. Tom Dix, 236 Oxford roaq, Kenilworth, was called to New York, New Year's day because of the death of her father.

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