Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE January 11, 1929 News of -Interest to the Church-Goers · of Our Village First Presbyterian Cor. of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue This church extends a cordial im·itation to you to join us in our regular morning worship, Sunday, January 13, at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. It your children are not in any Sunday school this is an invitation to bring them The Young People's society will meet next Sunday and g<>t them started in the at 5 :30 in the Guild room, Sunday afterWilmette Presbyterian Sunday school. noon. Christian EndeaYor at 5:30 P. 1\I. F. A. S. will meet at the h ome of 1\lrs. ReY. E. G. ~tdst r, as.'iociat~ paHtor of W . M. Burus, 7'27 Laun'l avenue. Miss the First Presbyterian chur<'h of Oak Marion Allison will be in charge of the Park, will supply the pulpit of this meeting church next Sunday morning. Th e Junior choir will practice ThursFollowing is the musical prog-ram t o bt· day eve ning at 7 :00. presenh' d by the quH rt t> t : Organ rn·lud t>- "Choral :tnd Prayer" The Boy Scouts will hold their regu(Gothic Suite) . . . . . . . . Boellmann Jar we ... kly m eeti ng" at the church Thun;Anthemday evening at 7 :30. "Rise, rowrwrl ·with Light" ...... Otis Anthem-"B ut the Lord Is Mindful" The choir, under th e leadt>rship of (St. Paul) . .. . ....... . ..... Mendelssohn Madame Gilderoy flcotl, will rehearse Organ Otlertory-Choral-"To God on Thun;<.lay even ing at S. High" (St. Paul) ... .. ... . . Mt>ndelsl"ohn Solo--"Be Thou Faithful Unto Death" The Board of Hcligious Education will (St. Paul) . . . . . . . . . . Mendel:;:;ohn meet Tuesday evening at S o'dud< at the Mr. Miller parsonage . . Organ Postludt"The \Vilme tte Bapti~t dHJI'!'h is t h t· "Festive March" . ...... . ... . ch urt'h of the lighted cross lot:atc <l at the Quartet- · corner of \\'ilmette rmd Forest a venues. Catherine Dushou~e. S(·prnno Rol"e Lutiger Gannon, contralto John B. 1\lille r, t<>nor Edwarrl Uti~. basH Enna Rounds, organist and <lin·dor Sunday, January 13, will be the first Sunday after Epiphany. There will be Mid-w ek me ting \\. t>d nesday at S P. l\f. Holy (.Jlmmunion at , S A. l\J., <'hur<:h schools and Bibl<- (·)asst.'s at !I :4!) and Morning Prayer with a<ldt·t'ss at 11 Recreational program: Monday, 7:30 P. M. Troop 5, Boy o'clock. Scouts. Men's volley ball. 'l'h \'{OHit>ll's A ~soda tNl (: u i 1<1 :-: wi II Tuesday-Men'· bowling, 7 :45 P. l\'1. Wednesday-Basketl>all, lloward s ·hool, meet today (Friday) at :! 1'. ~l. in tlw lub House. Tl1e otlict!rs for the com ing 7:30P.M. Thursday-Young- People'H Xight. B wl- year will be e lt.'c ted and t't' JHH"ts of the vear's work will be made. T en will bf' lng, volley· ball, basketball. Friday-Boy Hangt·rs, 7 ::w P. ::\I. sen·ed after the meeting. All \\'Onwn of th e parish, whetlwr nh ·tnher:-: Df tht.: <:uild Spoke 11 will nwl't Ttwsday, .January or not, are cordially in dted. 16, with Mrs. J. G. Tawse, 1017 Grove street, E\·an:;ton. The Annual Parish meeting will ht· h eld on the evening of Fritla~· .. January ~5. in Abe L. 1\liller, 106 ~ixth stret>t, who was the Pari s h. 1-1 ousc. At this met>ti ng rea beloved nwmbt' l' of thi~ l'httrch di ed of ports of the year's work will h e gin. ' n b~' pneumonia Tuesday, Januat·y S, at 11 the dift'cn·nt oflict>rs, \\'anlt> ns and \'t-stry P. M., at 1\tayo's, Hot:hest<-r l\iinn electl·d, and dt'leg·a t(·~ sl'ledt'd tn rt:>PI'l'l4 "uneral aJTang-t·Jnt·nts had not l>t>~' ll mad~ sent tlw pari:-:h at th · coming· Diot· t·sa n at time of g-oing- to press. Convention, Sunday evening the Sunday Evening club presents Capt. Donald B. MacMillan, who went with Pt!arY to the North Pole in 1908, and who has a record of twenty years of achievement in the frozen north. His subject will be "Under the Northem Lights," and his talk will be illustrated with stereopticon and motion pic tures. Anna Nyberg Spooner, violinist, will play. rooms of the church. published later. The details will be reviewed. Luncheon will be served by the Neighborhood circle. The Church school will meet in all of its departments at the following hours on Sunday: 9 :30 a. m.- Primary, Junior and Intermediate departments; 10 :45 a. m.Cradle Roll and Beginners' departments ; 12 noon-Senior department and the The Executive committees of the Senior· Forum for adults. and Junior leagues will mee t at the pastor's study on Tuesday evening n ext At the morning worship service at 10 :45 at 7 :45 o'clock. These meetings will be held monthly in order to outline in de- Mr. Loper will preach on "The Joy of tail the entire program of the two so- Persecution." cieties. Capt. Donald B. McMillan will speak at the Sunday Evening Club which meets in this church at 7 :30. Captain McMillan who has a record of twenty years of Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth, rector achievement in the frozen north has just returned from a new expedition and will 'The R ev. Samuel A. B. Mercer, Ph. D., speak on "Under the Northern Lights." will be the guest of this parish next Sun- This lecture .will be illustrated with moday morning and will preach the sermon tion pictures. at the 11 o'clock service in the morning. nr. Mercer was supply pastor of the On Monday th e Wilmette Business and parish for two years and the many Professional Women's club will hold its friends that h e mad~ at that time will regular dinner and meeting. at the church. welcome his coming back on this occas ion. Dr. Me rce r was for many years The Neighborhood circle will meet Tuesthe Old Testament professor at the \\<~estern Theological Seminary of this day at the hom e of Mrs. H. A. Pope, Dio<'<>se and is now the h ead of the d e- 910 Lake a venue. The assisting hos tesses partmPnt of Egyptology at Trinity col- will be Mrs. E. H .' Burge and Mrs \V. F. lf'gt:>, Toronto, Canada. He is also Presi- English. Jr. Luncheon will be served at dent of the Society of Oriental ReHear<'h 1 o'clock and one of the most well known Senwtic The vVekeacafila Camp Fire Girls will scholai·s of the day. meet- at the church at 3 :45 unde r the Attention is called to all friends and leadership of their new Guardian, 'M iss nwmbers of the parish to the Annual Ruth Bower. Parish dinner and meeting to . be held n ext Ttt<>!'l<'lny evening at 6:45 in the KenilRoosev<>lt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will worth club. Th e cMt of the dinner is meet at the church at 7:30. nne dollar per plate and reserYations are to h<' made throug-h the r ector. Election Sea Scout Ship No. 7 will meet at the of a \'f'stry for 192!l and the presentation church at 7:30 also. of sen·ra l 1·epnrts will be the order of \Yednesday the subject f ot· discussion bu::;in<'SS. at the mid-wee\{ meeting will be "A T echThe Bishop comes for Confirmation on nique of Prayer." These m eetings are Fehruary 10. Class<>s in relig"ion are bP- held at 8 o'clock under the leadership of in~· fomwcl which will meet at the Mr. Loper. :\Temorial UN·tory once a week for four The . Boys' club will meet at the church Wt>t>ks; ~undays at 3 in the afternoon for th e children, and Mondays or Wed- Thursday at 3 :45 p. m. nesdays at 8 in the evenings for the The Junior choir meets for rehearsal adults. Th ese group meetings are informal and any one interested in theo Thursday at 4 p . m. under the direction nhsorbing subject of religion is invited to of Amy L e~ li e Toskey. The young people of the church are planning a Valentine party to be given jointly by the Seniors and Juniors Thursday evening, February 7, at 7 :45 o'clock. Kenilworth Episcopal St. Augustine's cnmt·. English Lutheran 'TTlE FTR~'T' ~t'~DA Y AFTER TTIE EPIPHAXY ~unday school . . . . . . . . . . . . !l :4;) .To~ e ph .Johnson, ~llJWl'intenclt.>nt ~T orn ine: '"-orship . . 11 The Senior choir m eets for rehear~al Thursday e\'enings at 7:30, also under .the direction of Mrs. Toskey. Friday the Blue Birds will meet at the church at 3 :30. Baptist Church ~rvice St. John's Lutheran \\.ilmette and 1'arl< avenut:>s, \\.i lnwtk You are inYitt.·d to att(·lltl th e inspiringH e rman \Y. ::\lt·ye r, ::\L A., pa ~to r of worl"hip Sunday morning at 11 '1\·lt·J>IInnt· I ::!tli o clock. R<>v. George D. Allison preaches ·106 l'rait'h' :1 \'t·J111(' l'hun·h tt·lt>phont· ;; Ill 2n the subject. "Lil>t<>ning Ears." Thto chorus choir will present two attracth·t· Seni('eS anthems and 1\Ii:;s Lydia Kod1 will pn·Fin;t !:'un<lay aftl'l' l·:piphany aent three organ numbers worth hear ing-. ~un<la \' school ant\ l:ihk ~~ :30 "\ . :\T. dar--ses. Many boys and girls attend our ('httrl'h service and <>njoy the pasto1·'s short t: d I\ s 9:4:> A.M. Fin;t st·r\·iv(· :uHl ~t·rnwn. The subject this Sunday will be "Can·~ 11:00.-\.l\1. ~t·<'o ntl 1-'t'l'\. in · and ~t>rmon. lng Your Name." All boys and girl~ are JIHtin~s welco.me. The regular Sunday school Rt>Sslon IS lwld at 9 ::W und e r thP IPadt>rship :\Ionday and Fritlay at -t : l'las~l'S for of Ear.! E. Carlson. A new term is just children. beginntng and th· w pupils will !Je able to Monday at 7 :30: Choir m t:>et ing. start with tht'ir cla~l-lcR. Tuesday at 7 :4:>: Exec.: uti\·t> (.'ommittt·t· of Y. P. S. Unusual midweek serYi<'e~" art' b<>ing W.e dnesday at 7 ::10: Boy Scouts, Troop 6. held on \Vednesdays at S P. M. On Jan- Friday at 7 :45: Junior Young People. uary 16 the various a<"th·itiPs <lf this The pastor will present his annual .r echurch will he reYit:>w<>d and all members are urged to be prtosent. .A brief buHi- port on the affairs of the <:hurch during· ness meeting will follow . 1928 at the service n<>xt Sunrtay morning·. It will deal with all the phases of church The budge t committee, com;i :- t ing of work. Messrs. Carl"on. Bueth . Ru!';h, l'am}lbdl, Kendrick: and Teichman, will meet after The Lenten season is to begin unusually the mormng service for organi,zation. early this year, on Wednesdav, Ft>bruarv 13, at which time the regular series o'f There will be se~ral Link meetings Lenten services will begin. The choir is next week. They will all be one o'clock to sing one of the chorales of Bach at luncheons. every one of these Lenten !';er\'ice~. Link R: under th<> · leadership of 1\It"R W. Huggms, will meet at the homt> of The annual meeting of the Di:o;trict Mrs. H. J. Dernehl, 1010 Lin<kn awnue presidents of the Walther League will be on Thursday, Jartuary 17. ' held on Saturday ne~t at the Bismarck Ling S, under tht> l<'adership or' Mrs hotel, and on Monday and Tuesday of 3. D. Dlngl<>, will meet at the home ~f next week the Camp Council of the Miss Annie Beach, 1114 Ashland avenue league, comprising the leaders of the vaon Thursday, January 17. ' rious Walther league Summer camps Link I, under the lead e r~hip of Mrs throughout the country, will meet at the B. R. Taber, will m eet at th home ~f same place. Mrs. J. St>gsworth, 1006 Fm·est avenue on Friday, .January 18. ' The annual meeting of the Northern Link E, unde~ tl)e leaderl"hip of Mrs. Illinois District of the Walther league A. V. Bruhn, Will r wet at the home of will meet at the parish house of St. Paul's )(Frrs. G N. LamL, u r, Woodbine· avenue Luthf"ran church, Melrose Park, Saturday iday, January H:. ' and Sunday, February 9 and 10. A numLink N, under the leader!-:hip of Mrs ber of leagues of St. John's will attend A. Heeren~. will meet at th(· home of Mrs. the sessions. A special inspirational R C. Redhead, 1011 Chestnut avenue, Frl~ service will be held Sunday morning, Febday, January 18. Mrs. W. s. Campbell ruary 10. will be the a88lstfmt hostess. Link D, under the leadership of Mrs The Ladles' Aid at Its meeting decided 3. F. Buckle, will meet at the horne of to sp<>nsor a Mothers' and Daughters' llra. P. Arden, 722 Washington avenue part~ which will be given on Thursday Friday, January 18. ' evemng, January 31, at the Sunday school n. m . a. m. !:'t·rmon: "Tlw Calling· of a Co un cilman" Methodist Church 'T'he Sunday Evening club, with which this church co-operates, meets in the Congregational church at seven-thirty. The speaker for this Sunday evening is Captain Donald B. 1\Jac::\fillan. His subject will lw, "Under th e Northern Lights," and will be illustrated with stereopticon and motion pictures. Anna Nyberg' Spooner, violinist, will play. E\'f'r~· rouneilmnn shnuld lw pres<>nt Sun(lay morning, in particular those who wt:· t't' eh·eted at thE' Annunl CongTf'ga1 ional nw Pting" ".(' dnf'sday f'\'ening. T h<>Y will he installed at this s<>nire. 'T'he sermon will cover th e historknl setting of tlw h g"inning of th t' offi e of the d eacon. The Senior Hig"h league will meet Sun'Tiw ExeeutiYe boaHl of the Tllinois Synod Board of Home Missions will meet day evening at 5 :30 in the church chapel. with our couneil next 'Tue!'lday evening at The Junior High league will meet Suntlw church. 'T'he whole matter of tht· new buil<'ling will bt> thoroughly con!'lidered and day evening at 5:30 i1;1 the Junior departsonw understanding betw<><>n the board ment room of the Church school. Bettv Smith is in c~ar~re of the program, and an<'l our church will be reached. Jane Moore will tell the story of a Korean Th<> Wom<>n's Mfl:;sionary soci ty will girl by the name of Ahni. All boys and sponsor the January Get-To-Gether of our girls in the Reventh, eighth, and ninth <'ongregation. ThE' date of the event is grades are cordially invited to attend \YNln<'sday, January 30, at 8 p. m. Of all this ,meeting. th e Fall Get-To-Gethers, without a doubt The theme for next Sunday morning's th e. me.mbprs put on the b<>st program . 'Thts \nil be an excellent opportunity for sermon is "In th<> Beginning God." It our new mf'mbers to meet the entire mem- will set the note for the pulpit message bership. Remember the date and bring from New Year's to Easter. your fri<>nds. The FellowRhip service is now being led The Sixth anniver~ary of the dedi cation in a. rapid reading of Paul's letters to the of the chapel brought out a splendid con- Cormthlan churches. Each week the pasgreg~ tion in spite of the well nigh im- tor selects ~orne section of the letters pa!';gtbl<> roads and sidewalks. The solos that has direct bearing upon church life of Mrs. Hortense Lechler and C. A. of today. Andresan were much appreciated, while Dr. Edmond D. Soper, presid<>nt of Ohio the address of Dr. Irvin was as good as expected. We promised you a good ser- Wesle.yan university, is to make a visit mon when Dr. Irvin came and all agree to thtR church on the first Sunday in that it was just that. Dr. Kleene of February. Two young people's classes J<?vanston ~as received into the congrega- ta_ught by .Mrs. R. G. Kimbell and H. Kmne. have been using a text-book writtion at th1s service. ten by Dr. Soper on "What May I BeliPve '?" He will also preach at the SunWORSHIP IN \VILMETTE day morning service, February 3. · c: First Cong'l Church. Vere V. Loper, minister W. E. McCormack minister of education Today the Woman's all-day meeting at the In the morning the "Youth and the New The monthly Church school rally will be held Sunday morning, January 20. ~he Young Woman's Missionary society w1ll be entertained by Mrs. Dee Stoker 2~8 Myrtle street. Winnetka, Tuesday eve~ Guild ts havlpg an nmg, January 15. A chop suey supper church for sewing. will be served at 6 :30, and will be folfirst chapter of lowed by an inspiring meeting. All young America" will be women who can attend this meeting are

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