Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE A CORRECTION LIFE' January 11, 1929 MARGARET CLAPP PIANO LESSONS for children . Telephone University 1406 1024 Grove St., Evanston Public installation of officers of Lake Shore Conclave, No. 57, True Kindred , Stat e of Illinois, was held Wednesday, January 2, and is not to be held January 29. as was reported in a previous issue of WILMJ<:TTE LIFE. John Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, and Webster Ball, 936 Hill road, Winnetka, returned to Princeton Sunday. Celebrate Golden . Anniversary L-----------------------------~ I Read the Want Ads A JA"NUARY SPECIAL A photograph. painted in oil - in a band-tooled leather frame all for $25 ·Also a clearance on imported hand-tooled frames. Jostph D. To1off Our Photographs LilJe ForelJer 518 Davis Street EVANSTON Phone Univ. 2178 · DR. Photo by Mathew Francis and Mrs. George A. Rogers celebrated their golden wedding anni\'Crsarv on Christmas day at the home oi their daughter, Mrs. H. ]. Thiel, 2()0 Lincoln drive, Glencoe. T\\'entv-t\vo relatives were present at a buffet supper. and a program of piano and violin selections and recitation \\'Cre presented by the grandchildren of Dr. and Mrs. Rogers. Old love letters and poems of long ago had been unco\"ercd and "·ere react. Dozens of congrat ulatory messages were received from all over .the United States from friends and relatives, especia lly from Florida, Texas, and Saskatchewan, Canada. D.r. and Mrs. Rogers were married in Wisconsin in 1878, and have been residents of Chicago since 1896. Dr. Rogers has been a professor of optometry in the Northern Illinois College of Optometry in Chica~ J for many years, and president of the State Optical Society. The Rogers have se\·en children, H. Eugene Rogers, Chicago: \ Vatter I., \Vilm ette: Ceci l D., Milwaukee: Frank E .. Chicago; 1\frs. ]. H. Lovell, Ch~ cago: Mrs. H. ]. Thiel, G lencoe, and ~1rs. C. E. Partridge, Oshkosh, \Vis. of the senior class: director of the mandolin orchestra, for wh ich she has transposed several compositions; and is a member of the varsitv hockev team. Hampton Ripley is · at Duk.c University. and Wilder Ripley is at the Asheville School for boys in North Carolina. RETURN TO COLLEGE :Miss Beatrice Ripley, daughter of ~f r. and Mrs. Robert H. Ripley of \\.innetka ha s returned to Vassar after spending her holidays here. Miss Riplc~· is unusually active in school acti \·ities this ~· car. She is vice-president Bow Can a Pieture Talk! PaltU lhet hold a beckonmQ, · Wllhan lhetr- wh1sper _an~ lhe surf heahng on a ~ked ~IJe-on... and the piomenade A Series of Six Articles A ppem·ing in The Christian Science Monitor January 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.19 will answer this question. The writer will take you behind the scenes and explain the method of sound construction and other mechanical processes involved in this novel form of amusement. The articles will be entertaining and instructive; including a discussion of the problems and possibilities of this new invention and its effect upon the motion picture industry and artist. The technical part will be explained in a simple manner, easily understood by the layman. ftud mirror-s lhe fashion of ~ pc:Jile soc1e\y Are yoo ~in~ early in lhe .~ason 2 !hen.., , now~ \he hme lu begm choos. in~ &om eve~ SduJ!t, lEVA KARON SCHUR EVANSTON Price of Series 25c Leave Your Orders at the r!Jowm ami Sporlfswmr HOltH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 CH ICAOO AVE. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM I I63 WILMETTE AVENUE or at th1 LINDEN TEA SHOP 4 I 3 LINDEN A VENUE, WILMETTE I

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