Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 20

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Latest School News VOL. 1 NO. 49 JUNIO·R LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 11, 1929 Told by the Pupils Publuhed Wttkly by tht achool children of Wilmette undtr ·upewuion of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board Bob Hewitt Enjoys Daily's Story of Wilmette History The Chicago Tribune had a very intresting article on Wilmette January 6. Wilmette was founded in 1872. In the year of 1829 it consisted of 1,280 acres on the shores of the lake about 14 miles north of Chicago. l'he land was surrendered to Archange Ouilmette, a Pottawatomie squaw, wife of Anton Guilmette, one of the first white men in Chicago. Wilmette took its name from these people. A man named Alexander McDaniel came to the Ouilmettes' house one day. They lived in a hewed log block housr considered then the best kind of shelter to Jive in. It was located in Gross· Point where the Evanston Light house now stands. After leaving the Ouilmettes' house Alexander McDaniel walked on north to where Winnetka now is. There he purchased 160 acres of government · land and lived alone. He built a station at this point so the Chicago North Western could stop there. This station soon burned and the present station. was built. Mrs. Edward Scheidenhelm collected much interesting history of Wilmette which has been of much value to the people of Wilmette. In 1854 ·a man built a school house. <'ngag-ed a teacher who taug-ht the 15 pupils of school age from miles around In 1870 an old frame school house was built and since has heen replaced b~ the present building. Soon after this churches and residences were built. There are many landmarks in Wilmette which lead to the shores of Lake Michigan where ru-obably there were . workshops for making arrow heads from the smooth pebbles on the beach. -Bob Hewett. 8B Stolp. Intramural Basketball Schedule L-----------------------------~----------------------------~ nasium. Announcement was made this week A team failing to appear ten minutes of the completed schedule for intra- after game is scheduled shall forfeit. mural basketball in the various grades January 11-GB-I vs. 6C-II, 4; GB-11 vs. of the Wilmette schools. The schedule 6C-I, 4:30. January 18-GA-1 vs. 6B-II, 4; 6C-I vs. follows: I THAW POSTPONES ICE· CARNIVAL FOR,WEEK Community .Skating Competition to be Staged Tomorrow at Village Green Rink Eighth Grade Boys Games will be played at Howard and Stolp gymnasiums. A team failing to appear ten minutes after game schedule shall forfeit. January 16-St. Francis vs. Stolp 8A-l, Stolp, 4; Howard 88-II vs. Stolp 88-II, Stolp, 4 :30; Howard SA-l vs. Howard 88-1, Howard, 4; St. .Joseph vs. Stolp SA-III, Howard, 4:30. January 23-Stolp SC-I VH. St. Francis S, Stolp, 4 ; Stolp SC-II vs. Stolp SA-Il, Stolp, 4:30; Stolp SA-III VR Howard SA-Il, Howard, 4; St. Joseph vs. Stolp 8B-II, Howard, 4 :30. January 30-Stolp 8B-T vs. Stolp SA-I, Stolp, 4; Stolp 8C-II vs. Howard 8B-11, Stolp, 4 :30; Stolp 8C-I vs. Howard 88-1, Howard, 4 .i Stolp 8B-II vs. Howard 8A-II, Howard, 4:30. ·February 6-Stolp 8B-I vs. St. Francis, Stolp, 4 :· Stolp SA-Il vs. Howard SB-11, Stolp, 4 :30; Stolp SA-I vs. Howard RA-1, Howard, 4: Howar·d SA-II vs. Stolp RA-III, Howard, 4:30. February 13-Stolp SC-I ,·s. Stolp SB-1, Stolp, 4; Stolp 8C-11 vs. St. Joseph, Stolp, 4:30; Stolp 8A-I vs. Howard SB-1, Howard, 4; St. Joseph vs. Stolp SA-II, Howard, 4:30. · February 20-St. Francis vs. Howard RA-J, Stolp, 4; Stolp SB-II vs. Stolp ~A-III, Stolp, 4 :30; Howard SA-I vs. Stolp 8B-1, Howard, 4 ; Stolp 8C-II VR. Howard 8A-IJ, Howard, 4:30. February 27-Stolp SC-I vs. Stolp SA-I, ~tolp, 4; Stolp 8C-II vs. Stolp ~m-II, Rtolp, 4:30; St. FranciR vs. Howard SB-1, Howard, 4; Howard 8B-II vs. St. Joseph, Howard, 4 :30. March 6-Stolp RA-JIT VR. Stolp RC-II, Stolp, 4; Stolp 8A- TT vs. Stolp 8B-II. Rtolp, 4 :30; Howard 8A-II vs. Howard RB-TT. Howard, 4. Mnrc·h 13--Hnward 8A-U vs. Stolp 8A-TI, Howard, 4. !ii!Pnnth Ontde HoyR Howar·l Sixth Grade Boys All games will be played at Howard gymnasium. January 11-Howard 6B-I vs. Howard 68-11, 3 :30; Howard 6A-I vs. Howard SA-Il, 4 :30. January 16-St. Joseph \'S. Howanl GB-1, 3:30. Januar·y 21-Howard GA-l vs. Howard 6B-IIJ 3 :30. January 25-Howard 6B-I vs. Howard 6A-II, 4 :30. January 30-Howard 6B-II vs. Howard SA-11, 3 :30. February 4- Howard 6A-I vs. St. J oseph 6, 3:30. February S-Howard GA-l vs. Howard 6B-I, 3:30. February 11-Howard 6B-II vs. St. .Joseph 6, 3 :30. day thereafter on which the weather permits the carnival to be held: thus. ·should the weather man permit, the scheduled competition will take place . tomorrow. Two shifts of six men each worked all night at the Hmvard school January 4, getting the ice into condition and it was perfect at 6 o'clock the next morning. It soon started to rain, however, and at 10 o'clock, the scheduled starting time, the carnival was officially postponed. Every year since the inception of the Ice carnival it has been necessary to postpone th e event. Last year it was postponed three times. The preliminaries will be held in the morning and will be run in the followStolp FJfth Grade Boys Games will be played at Stolp gym- ing order: nasium. Preliminaries 10 n. m.-220 yard dash BoyH und e r 14 years ·f age 10 :10 a. m.-220 yard uash Boys und Pr 16 yean; of age 10 :20 a. m.--100 ~'l.rd daHh Boys unde r 12 y ea rs of age 10:30 a. m. - 440 yard daHh . Boys unde r 14 years of age 10 :40 a. m .-880 yard dash Boys under 16 yean; of age The a ftt:>rnoon program will be as follows: 6C-II, 4 :30. By Lawrence Buckmaster January 25-GB-1 vs. 6C-I, 4; SA-l vs. The Wilmette Recreation Board Icc 6C-11, 4 :30. February 1-SB-II vs. 6C-II, 4; SA-I vs. Carnival was postponed because of 6B-I. 4:30. weather conditions, from Saturday, FebruatY S- GC-I vs. 6A-I, 4 ; 6B-I vs. January 5,· to the first following Satur6B-II, 4 :30. r Skating is Fine Except When It's Overly Frigid The ice at Greenleaf probably was at its best January 3 and 6. . On the fifth. in the morning, all the tcc melted and turned to water but nobody walked on it while it was soft so qn the sixth it was like glass. ' A strong wind from the west made skating slow and the temperature at about zero was pretty bad for the ~katers. but about 100 were out on the tee. They flooded ag-ain on the night of the sixth and it was again wonderful on the seventh. The toboggan at Howard is better ~han usual and the children are coastJOg t_o the Howard school easily.- Boh Hewttt, 8B Stolp. De~onatrate Fint Aid Before School Children A combination safety education and first aid assembly program will be presented at the Howard school Tuesday .morning, January 15, by Public Servtce company representatives. The company's first aid team wiJI put on demonstrations ior the lower grades at 10:30, and the upper. grades at l 1 :15 o'clock. There is also to be a talk on safety. A similar assembly was to be given at the Central school this week. Tor~nto last Wednesday night.-Bob HeWJtt, 8B Stolp. MarC'h lR-Howard 7A-T v~. Stolp 7A-J. play.-Bob Hewitt, 8 B Stolp. Bnw1rl1 . 4: Howard 7A-II vs. Stolp 7A-IJ. Mr. Stone and Mr . Davis were guests 1-l'"~waril. 4:30: Stnln 7B-I v:;:. Stolp 7D-J. VACATION IN SOUTHLAND of John Finlayson at a hockey game ~tolo. 4: Stolp 7B-TI v~. Stolp 7D-II, Miss Skidmore, member of the Re~ between the Chicago Blackhawks and <:::tnlp. 4 :30. Rtoln Rlxth Gradt Boy!il 7T> _n Games will be played at Stolp and I Iowa rrl gymnasiums. Howard FJfth Grad(' Boys A tE-am fn.illng to report ten minutes All gameR will be played at Howard :1 fter game is ~rheduled shall forfeit. January 14- St. Francis v::;. Stolp 7D-J, gymnasium. January 11-·Logan 5-11 vs. St. Francis ~tolp, 4; ~t. Joseph vs. Stolp 7D-IJ, Stolp, 5, 4. 4:30. . January 18- Howard 5-11 "s. Logan 5-I. January 21 - Howard 7A-I vs. St. Francis, Howard, 4; Howard 7A-TT VR St. 4; Howard 5-1 vs. St. Francis 5, 4 :30. January 23- St. Joseph 5 vs. Logan 5-I, Joseph. Howard, 4 :30; Stolp 7\ -I vs. Rtolo 7R- I. Stolp, 4 ; Stolp 7C-II vs. Stolp 3:30. January 25- Logan 5-11 vs. Howard 7n-n. Rtolp. 4:30. .Tanunrv 2R-Howard 7R-1 vs. Stolp 5-II. 3:30; Howard 5-I vs. Logan 5-I, 4. January 28-St. Francis 5 vs. Howard 7f'-T. Ho\,·arrl. 4: Howard 7R-JI vs. Stolp 7f'-TT, How:url. 4:30; Stolp 7A-I vs. Stolp 5-IJ, 3:30. F~bruary 1-Howard 5-I vs. Howard 7n-T. ~tolo, 4; Stolp 7A-ll vs. Stolp 5-Tl, , 3:30; Logan 5-I vs. Logan 5-II, 4; 7n-n ~tolp, 4:30. Fehrua1·y 4-Howard 7A-I vs. Stolp St. Joseph 5 V!4. St. Francis 5, 4 :30. February 6- St. Joseph 5 vs. Logan 7B-T. l111wnrd. 4: Howard 7A-TI vs. Stolp 3:30. 7n-H, Howard, 4:30; ~tolp 7D-I vs. Stolp 5-lJ. February S-Howar·d 5-I vs. Logan 5-II, 7f'-T. Rtohl. 4; Stolp 7D-II VR. Stolp 7C-II, 4: St. Joseph 5 vs. Howard 5-II, 4 :30. Rtnlp. 4 :30. February 13-~an 5-I vs. St. Francis FPhruary 11 - TToward 7B-I vs. Stolp 7A-I. Howard. 4: Howard 7B-JI vs. Stolp 5, 3:30. 7 A-TT. Howan'l. ·4 :30: St. Franris Ys. Stolp 7B-T. ~toln. 4; ~t . Joseph v:;;. Stolp 7D-II, Stolp. 4 :30. Ff'bruary lR- Howard 7A-I vs. Howard 7B-T. Hownril, 4: Howard 7A-11 vs. Howarrl 7B-IJ, Ho~ard, 4 :30; Stolp 7D-I vs. Tht: Wilmette seventh and eighth Stoln 7.\-1. Stolp. 4; Stolp 7D-II vs. Stolp graders will have an ice hockey league. 7A-IT. Stolp, 4 :30. FE>bruary 25-St. Francis vs. Howard The schedules will be complete within 7R-I. Howard. 4; St. Joseph vs. Howard the next few days. The teams consist 7B-TT. Howard. 4 :30: Stolp 7C-I vs. Stolp of six men. Their positions are : 7 A-I. Stolo. 4: Stolp iC-II vs. Stolp 7A-II, Goal keeper, right defense, left deStoln. 4 :30. Mart'h 4-Rtolp 7D-I w . Howard 7A-I. fense. center, right wing, left wing. Hhward. 4: Rtolo 7D- Tl vs. Howard 7A-II, Each team may have six players and Howard. 4 :~0: Stolp 7C-I vs. St. Francis. six substitutes. The games will be held Rtolo. 4: Stolp 7C-Jl vs. St. Joseph 7, at the tennis courts at Howard school. !'\tnln. 4 :30. March 11-Stolp 7C-I vs. Howard 7A-I. The schedule will be started by JanH..-w~t·it. 4: Stolp 7C-II vs. Howard 7A-II. uary 11. If the games are a success ~ m,.. , t·f'l -t :30 : Stolp 7B-l vs. Howard they will put in re~ulation nets and 7R-T ~tnln . 4: Stolp 78-II vs. Howard g-oals. Prohablv all the rooms wilt A· team failing to appear ten minutes after game is scheduled shall forfeit. January 11- 5C-II vs. 5B-I, 3:30. January 14-SC-1 vs. 5B-II, 3:30. January 16- 5A-I vs. 5C-II, 3:30. January 1S-5A-II vs. 5C-I, 3 :30. January 21-SB-1 vs. 5B-II, 3:30. January 23-5A-I vs. 5C-II, 3 :30. .January 25- 5B-JI vs. 5C-U, 3:30. January 28-SA-11 vs. 5B-I, 3 :30. .January 30-5A-I vs. 5B-II, 3 :30. February 1-5B-I vs. 5C-I, 3 :30. February 4- 5A-II vs. 5C-II, 3:30. l<'ebruary 6- 5A-I vs. 5B-J, 3 :30. February 8-5A-II vs. 5B-H, 3:30. February l1-5C-I vs. 5C-II, 3 :30. Finals 2 p. m .-100 yard dash Boys und e r 10 years old 2 :10 p. m.- 100 yard da:--h Girls und e r 10 ~cars old 2:20 p. m.-100 yard dash Boys und e r 12 years old 2 :30 p. m . -100 yard dash rirls 12 years and under 2:35 p. m.-220 yard dash Girls l 4 years and under 2:45 p. m.-220 yard dash Boys under 14 years old 2:55 p. m.-880 yard dash Boys und e r 16 years old 3:05 p. m.-440 yard dash Boys under 18 years old 3 :15 p. m.- 440 yard dash Girls 15 years and over ~ :25 p. m . -1 mile-North Shore championship--Open :l :40 p. m.- 440 yard daRb Boys under 14 years old 3:50 p. m.- 220 yard dash Boys under 16 years old 4 p. m. - Two mile Men 16 years and over 4:10 p. m.-Fancy skating-Open Seventh, Eighth Graders Organize Hockey League The officials are: Elmer Williams referee; Dr. C. B. Blake, starter; Gle~ W. Gathercoal, chief of police; Miss Joe Skidmore, scorer ; Dudley C. Stone clerk"and timer; Mrs. Daniel M. Davis: awarde: of prizes; Hans vonReinsperg, John Fmlayson,Hen.ry Fowler, Herwig Toeppen, and Paul A. Hoffman judges of the finish. Judges of th~ fancy skating will be Elmer Williams, Dr. C. B. Blake, and Herwig Toeppen. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE NORMAL Wilmette Public schools re-opened Monday morning of this week after a Christmas vacation of two weeks. The attendance at all of the buildings is practically normal, according to the principals, who state that the influenza epidemic has spent itself. Ctt r- ln 4 ·~0. reation board, went to Mississippi dur- noticed the zero weather when she ing the Christmas vacation. She en- came back more than we do.-Bob Games will be played at Stolp gym- joyed the warm weather and probably Hewitt, 8B Stolp.

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