32 WILMETTE LIFE January 11, 1929 North Shore Society Settles Into Skokie'Club Becomes uForty-Ninets" Dance Hall on January 12 BY EVELYN DUNCAN Pos~ Holiday Gait Now Among Debutantes and Brides-Elect Skokie Country club will not be Skokie tomorrow night. There will be slight resemblance to the unsal comfortable clublike furnishings. For tonight is to be the "grand unparalleled, mammoth and official opening of the '49 Gold Eagle bar and Danr.e halJ !" The usual picture of the pastel colors of women's formal attire and the severe black and white of the men's dre~s clothes wilJ giv.c way to a bizarre and colorful .;cc ne. There will be strange characters appropriately garbed. Miners, prosncctors. cowboys, cowgirls, dancing girl , sheriffs, Indian :> , Mexican s, stagcclrivers, squaws, tenderfeet, and dance hall loungers will make their appearance. The announcement includes "gaming and dicing, games of chance for fun and keeps. ·s quare and round dances with the swellest hand in the country" for amusement beside the fact that there will he six bartenders, "free soda pop" and "good grub." In other words, again we quote, this is to be the "be.;t, biggest, busiest, be goshest bust-out" of the season at Skokie beginning at 7 o'c1ock and continuing until "you want to go home." If t be ·w eather Saturday per mits the children ·of the memhers at Skokie \.ill also have one of their annual days to which thev look forward for some nionth.s. The- annual Children's Ice carnival was postponed from last Saturda v afternoon and is scheduled for tomorrow. The children are asked to come in costume if pawicipating in the events and the announcement states that there will be prizes for ti1e winner of each event, and for each member of the winning relay team. The events are listed as: Grand Slmtanade Boys' race. 7 years and undt-r Girls' rae , 7 years and under Boys' race, R and 9 years Girls' race, 8 and 9 vears Boys' race, 10 and 1i years Girls' race, 10 and 11 years Boys' race, 12 and 13 ye~ns Girls' race, 12 and 13 yenr;:; Boys' race, 14 and 15 years Girls' race, 14 and 15 year!' Boys' race, 16 years nnd 0\'0 1' Girls' race, 16 years and owr Boys' relay, four-boy t ea m Girls' relay, four·-girl t ea m Fhrure sl<ating, g-irls Figure skating, boys MISS LOUISE BADGEROW Photo by Reick MISS RUTH MILLS Photo by Paul Stone-Raymor MISS NATALIE REDFIELD Photo by Moffett At a luncheon given at their residence in Glencoe the latter part of December, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gurney Mills announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth ·Helen, to Gavion Nelson Elwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Elwood of Joliet, Ill. Miss Louise Badgerow is the debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Badgerow of Winnetka. She was introduced at a tea dance given by her parents New Year's afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Redfield of 1131 Forest avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Natalie, to Dorman C. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Anderson of Dixon, 111. ·· Miss Elizabeth Brown At Home in Wilmette Chooses Wedding Day After a short wedding trip, Mi·ss Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Melville Brown, 99 Robsart road, Kenilworth will be married February 2, to James Oliver Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur \V. Brooks, of Monico .. Wis. The ceremony will take place at Miss Brown's home at 6:30 in the evening, and is to be followed by a wedding supper. A reception will be held at 8 :30 o'clock. Mi·ss Ruth Hanna of \Vaukegan will attend Miss Brown as maid of honor, and Betty Thomas of New Brunswick, N. J.. a cousin of Mi ss Brown, will be Aower tirl. Joseph Glover of Win_ netka will serve Mr. Brooks as best man. The Rev. Vere Loper. of the \VilmPtte Congregational chitrch, w!ll offi(·iate at the cercmonv. ~I i.'s Brown is a gradu-ate of North\\.e!'tcrn universitv and Mr. Brooks of th' lnivcrsity of .Illinois. After March IS. Mr. Brooks and his bride will be at home at 544 Chestnut street~ \Vinnctka. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Belshe now are at home at 530 Forest avenue. Mr. Belshe's marriage to Miss Marjorie Baker of Springfield, Ill. took place January 2, at the Abraham Lincoln hotel in Springfield. Mrs. Ruth Lemon of Kincaid, 111. attended her sister as maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Mary Crathorne of Champaign and Miss Mary Louise Gobin of Decatur. Edwin B. Belshe served as best man for his brother, and ushering were D. \\'. Alexander of DesPlaines and H. G. Magnussen of Highland Park. Margaret Kennedy Will Wed Francis Budinger Tomorrow Miss Margaret Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Kennedy, Jr. of Chicago, will be married tomorro\" morning to Francis Budinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Budinger, 1731 Walnut avenue, at Our Lady of Mercy church, Chicago. A wedding breakfast at the Beldon-Stratford hotel will follow the ceremony. Miss Kennedy will he attended by her sister, Mary Virginia, as maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be the lvfisses May , Hilbert, Ann Gabler, Margaret Bell, Ruth Boysen, Agnes Journey, and Alice Keeley, of Chicago. Mr. Budinger will be attended by his brother, Robert, as best man, and the ushers will be William Budinger, another brother, and five cousins Walter Budinger of Wilmette, Raymond Budinger, Peter Budinger, Jr., and Joseph and Earl Birong of Chicago. Music during the ceremony will be furnished by the choir of St. Francis Xavier church of Wilmette, Frederick Budinger, director. Miss Kennedy is a graduate of Holy Child's convent and of Loyola university in the class of 1927. Mr. Budinger is a graduate of the University of Kansas and is a member of Phi Kappa fraternity. After a wedding trip south Mr. Budinger and his bride will make their home temporarily in Wilmette. To Give Large Benefit The philanthropy department of the \\Toman's Catholic club of Wilmette will give a card party at the Wilmette \Voman's club Friday evening, January 18, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. P. Budinger is chairman of the affa>, Changes at Wellesley Theme and a·ssisting her are Mesdames H. for Next Circle Meeting Barry, John Budinger, Fred Farmer. F. Koza. H. E. Lersch, G. C. Ludwig, W. Changes, developments, and yariou s Miller, G. H. Schilbach, ·H. Schroeder, new things of interest at Wellcslcv B h d ] H. vValker, and W. H. Wolff. This college will be the theme next meetetrot e ingt of the North Shore \Vcllesle.-.r ~f.r . an<! ~frs . . Daniel Frederick will he the first large card party given circle Tue-sday, Januarv 15. at 2:30 · St!llmg. b9 Berthng lane. announce hy this department. o'clock, at the home ~f Mrs. S. \V. the ~ngagcment of their daughter, White, 1416 Elinor place, Evanston. Co- Harnett. t<;> Henry T Martyn Ne·wcomb, hostesses for the afternoon will be 11r.;; son of Jostah T. Newcomb of \Vash- To Marry on February 9 1f r. and Mrs. \Vallace B. Crawford A. ,C. Goodnow, Mrs \V. F. Hanchett: ingtot~, D., C. Mi?s Stilling. returned and Miss Marjory M. Billow. to ~f tss \\ heelock s school m Boston of Rockford. Ill. announce the apThe program will be given by alum- bst Saturday. She has also attended proaching marriage of their daughter,. nae of Welle. ley in the class of 1928. ~ra~ford ~cademy and Vassar .. ·.Mr. Geraldine. to Philip Vaughan Brigh~ Welfdre Meeting Monday Moving picture-s of college activity will ~ e" comb IS a graduate of \V!lhams Jr. on February 9. Mr. Bright is the The senior board of the Infant \Vdbe shown college. Although the exact date has son of ~f r. and Mrs. Philip V. Bright fare society will meet Monday, Jan· not been announced the wedding will of 731 Ashland avenue. uary 14, .at the home of Mrs. T. B. take place in the near future. Potter, (JJ7 Forest avenue. A business Welfare Group to Meet Give Dance Tonight meeting and an election of officers will The annual meeting of \Vilmette Luncheon for Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoffman and be held at 11 o'clock. Junior auxiliary of the Infant \VelMrs. George A. Zabriskie enter- Mr. and Mrs. Dorr C. Price of Winfare society will be held Monday af- tained twelve friends at luncheon and netka are entertaining at a large dance ternoon, January 21. at the home of bridge at the Orrington hotel Men- at the Club Vista del Lago this eve- Welfare Dance Saturday Mrs. Harry Barnhjll, 1323 Ashland day in honor of Miss Marion Za- ning. The Wilmette Junior auxil~ary of avenue. The cl1airman will be Mrs. · briskie of Oradell, N. ]., who is a Infant Welfare society will give its Rush Smith, and assisting her will be guest of Miss Jane Triggs, 1041 Ash-· The Infant Welfare society of Chi- annual dinner dance at the Club Vista Mrs. William T. Lane, and Mrs. E. land avenue. Miss Triggs enter- cago will have its anual luncheon del Lago January 12. Ml"'s. James J. M. Antrim. An election of eight ne,\r tained at a supper party in honor of Wednesday, January 30, at the Stev- Johnson, 1100 Michigan avenue is officers will be held. Miss Zabriskie last Sunday. ens hotel. ' social chairman of the dance. ,, .