Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE .L IFE January 11, 192 News·o.V the North Shore Clubs Citizenship School Held on January 14 Women Vottrs Arrangt Prog·ram by Four Prom in en t Speake.rs ; Open to North Shore W, omen On ~Ionday, January 1-l. the \ Vii · mettt" Lt·ague of \\·nllll'll \'tltl' 'r s \rill pre!'ent it. annual all -day citizt·nstliP ~chool. This llll'ding- will b..: held a~ the \ \'ilml'ttc \ \'l)liJan':s rluh twg-inning at 10 tl'cLxk. a11cl prt)rtnling throttl!hout tht· aftrrtllltlll with lunrheon at 12:30 tl'rlork. ()f particular intert"st to me ther3 not onh in \\' ilmdtt· hut llt tht· t·ntirc n rth ~hore will lw the tirst _pl'akLT of thr cia\·, ~ti-.~ 1~.·~--ic· ninf,lrd. rhit·t (li tht· Ju.\ t·nik P;"tlkcti\'t' ll" )riati (lJ.I ni C'ouk rtHlllt\', whn will talk tlll ··R,)adhotht':- a.; -=t'hn· .HTt-rt \\' illltdk a·1d Othtr \'l)rth Shore Suburb.;." ~ [ i , :; B i 11 f u r d i " a 111 u ~ t a h k .· Jl r ~t k er on :->ll ·ial t'tltHiiti~ltl'i a' tltey arft-rt th l' VllttJtgl.'f Jll'Oilk . ~Itt· i::; a mt·mht"r of the ],()ard pf dirt·c <.lr' llf thl· \'ati llll al Cirl-., Pwt~.-rtivt' council, the Travl"ln's :\ id 'L)rid\·, lllinoi·3 \[ental Hvgient" a:-;"ociatiun·. International As"ocia t ion of Po Iin· \ \' t) m t" 11. lll in o i"' .\ ""' )C'Jat10n f Criminal _I u..;tiCl', and t11e FederatiL)Jl of l ouk County L·lub..; . During the war _ht· \\as appointed on a cunllllitt~?t' f<.1r training L·amp artivi tie-·, w hi~ h :-; i nrt· h a' been ta kt' !1 over IH" tht" gO\'t'fl1111t'llt and ~fj.;~ Bi·tford wa;-; appointed director for tit ·~ entire ~I iddle \ \ \·q_ The committe~ functions f1.)r the pnltection of girl., around the Anny and Xavy Trainin~ camps. At 11 o'clock. Dr. \\". H. Pol1ard, the puhlir health commis. , iuner of F.vanston. \\ill di..;cu"" th1.> ubjt'ct of "C'ommunitv Health frt)m the Standpoint <.)f PreVl'ntion L)f Di,ea-.t' ." Dr. Pollard ha · estahli . . hed ..111 enviable recurd f, 1r h inl'L'I i L"Pt"cial h· i1 the mater l)f <.' Jn trul uf conta~ion at d the leag-u~: fn~ls verv f~.)rtunate imlet"d · d uc~.· hint at ·tht· annual ri itt"J· to mtro ship _chool. To Speak at Citizenship School L-----~--~------------------------------~ I Install Officers in Garden Club Mrs. John F . Weedon Now Head of Wilmette Garden Club Em barking on New Year The \ \ 'ilmette Ga r den club held the first meeting of the year F r iday, Januan· -L at the home of :\[ rs. J. H. ~ f athieson in \\.innetka. \I r s. Frank J. ~cheidenhelm read an interesting paper on gardens VISited in several European count r ies, and ~ f r . R. H. Dameier gave a hort talk on the care and cultit.;ation of r oses. Installation of new office r s took place during this meeting. Tho e inducted into officer were: \Irs. John F. \\.cedon. pre ident: \fr'. T. B. Schaub. vice-preside ,n: ~[rs . Charles \·an Deur:;en. recording ~ecretan·: ~I r ·. 0 ..\. Sontag. corre ·P('nrlin~S- ::.ecretary: . fr~. Jame· ~ ~[ n(, r t'. rca.:urer. Tht> 1 ew chairmen o f the s anding c(lmmit t:c:i are as fo llo·w·: \{r ·. C. \'. Hurlbut. program: \[r ·. Hope Thomp·on. member ·hip: \[r· . John C Baker. ·ocial; ~{r ·. C. D. Ewer, plar.t sale·: \[r ·. C. P. Burg, publicity: \Irs . T. F .. \\.eedon . printing ; \{rs. .\. E . · Gebat. telepr ·Jne: '\[r ·. Ralph Hutf. librarian: :\{ r ·. David Cooke, gardt>n problems: :\[r· . \VilEiam C. Fox. Plant. Flower. and Fruit gutld; .\[r ·. E. L. Scheidenhelm. civic improvem ent: '\[rs . \V. G. \.[itchell. editorial. :\[ember · at large ~re 1(rs. B. L. Davi '· \.[r· . E. E. \foore. and 1[r ·. E. H Burge. · Dr. \\·. H . 1:\,llard, Evan ·ton· · public health commrs ·roner, will speak at ll u'dt)ck :\Ionday morning at the all-day citizen ·hip ·chool conducted by the \\.ilmdte League of \\.o men Voter · at the \Vilmette \\.1.1rnan' · club . :\lay \V1.1od ..·itnl)l1 ·, of .:\urth\H'~tern university and ·tate chairman of citizen ·hip [ur tlte rllinuis League of \\"omen \·oter-:. is to be the ·peaker of tl e afternoon. W ilmette Girl Is Elected School for Foreigners O fficer in Cabell Society Resumes After Holiday the: \fary Virginia Filet Cabell .:~.)ciety .\t the annual bu..;ines..; meeting uf of the Children l)t the A.merican ReVlllution. hdd ~aturday at the horne 1.1t it' juniur president. \[is· L~.1 is Jacqu~.·..; L)t Chicago. \lr" l'lement ~· · :::.t ~.~tt \\a..; re -~.·kct~.·d 'L'11i11r pre~ident a11d '\l i,;o; fk)r~_·ttCt' \nita 1fitchell of \\' ilmette v.a · madl' juniu r pre.;idei t i l) r t h t e n " u i tt g ! e a r . \fr..;. Stutt. an ..tctivl' \vurker in the C'hicagu chapter t..lt the D.. \. R. t(Jr mail ·v ·vear~. in lt.J.?() nrgantzed the · \Jarv \'irLrJnia Ellet CabeH "it.h:it::ty ::owh i~_:h nuw has lll'arlv seven tv me mAt 12 :J(\ lllllL'h(,'l.lll \\ill bl.' "l'I'Vl'd I f I . . I t . ..,t· E . J e r s. 111 a 11 v u t 1 em r e s 11 e n s l· ·· \i · with the u..;ual iel'. ' 1\.c,~.·n .tti nn" mu..;: · \\.. k '1 an..;t\.111, \\'ilmc te. and tilT d a. "\.be made bv Saturda\· no(111. Tanu..trv tlwugh the suciety is. in a ..;en·e. a 12. with ~Irs. T. I. :Vl,lreau. v\: ilme tL' lucal rlupter centering around Chi1592, it i_ announc~d . cago, Sl.11l1L' L)f the member· have adThe luncheon -.peakt'r. Dr. :\lien D. drc::'Se:' in such distant parts of the Albert, need3 11o intwduction L )Jl tiL· contnry as \Va.-hington, D. C., Florida. north shor~:. Dr . :\lhl'rt, wh<.) wa.- and Hawaii. formerlv editor ()i the Evat~:->ton :\e\\·, _ .:\une of the meinber..; j..; mure th..111 I ndex, .now hnld~ .111 important pu i- 18 years of age. .\t 18 member· may tion in tht: admini~tration l f the be tran~ferred by request. to member\ Vorld'. Fair·. Hi .-. ..;uhJ···ct w!'ll l1·~ ~'ln- !:- h'1p · D . ."\.. \ R. .... .... m t1 1e timate A pech of the \Vorld\ Fair in ~fr . Stott, as orga nizing president, 1933." with a di·-cu~sion of the plans dirt::ct. the activities of the society. I t for the fair a3 thev now are formu .. has ·e 11 t useful articles to Ellis Island la ted. and to the Crossman~ ~chool, AshAt J o'clock. ). f r~. 1bv · \VoL)d ' Si- tord. ~. C. and paid for a chair in mon . a. :-.ociate prL)ft:"sor ;1f economic:,; Constitution ha ll. \Vashington, D. C. at Xorthwe . tern univer-;ity. and the The society gave a card party last tate chairman of citizenship for the year to raise money fur pa t r iotic purleague. will talk 011 ··rn1p1)r ant TllillLlis puse . It ha: given a program over Legislation." the radio and ent a telegram to Col. ~fn. Simo 11 · · who is a national au- Charles Lindbe rgh. thoritv on civics and citizen:-hip. ,.vill The society meets once a month at have 'much inform atio n to im pa r t re- · the home of one of its members. ).;ew ga rding the legi. la tion, e. pecia lly as me m b~rs are gla dly welcome d. Anyis affect women during the co ming one interested ma v call 1Irs. .=tott, e ion in Spr ingfield . Sheldrake 1-H6. it- is annou nce d. M r . E. H. Freeman i:- chairman fur the day. vVilmette O rder of ~ I art ha wi ll T he chool i·s held not onlv fo r meet at the home of .~vi rs. G. W . M aywomen o f W ilme tte, but all neighbor- h ercy, 108 Th ird stree t, ~f o nday afte r ing villag es. noon, J anuary 14, at 1 :30. Tl e \"orth ..::h() re Catholic \\"oman's league held it- regular monthly meeting- Tue :day aftern oon. at the \Yinnet ·a \\'oman's dub. with ~[r·. ]. ]. Enright and \(rs. \V;lliam Dooley the hostes.:c'. The pro rram was given by '\(iss L!)ue1la H. Ensworth. who spoke on " Home Budgeting." and by \.[i,.;s Johannah .:: iragu:'a. pianist. :Vfi:s En-;worth was. at one time . a ·chool teacher, later spent ime as a c(Jnct:rt ..;inger. and is at pre~ent at the head of the women's department 1) f he :\o:-thern Trust company. 1fiss Press ~ Publicity Chairmen ..:: iragusa i: a young piani:t of world of State Clubs Will Meet ren o wn and is said to have much The regular monthl y meeting of the charm and poise. press and publicity depanme1 of the Illinoi·· Federation of \V1.1me1 ,;, Club~. To Address Women Voters will be held at the ne\,. headquarters, \.fiss Emily Taft. daughte r of Lor30 \Vest \Vashington street. Chit;.ago, at ado Taft, and orga nizing secretary of 10 :3() o'clock 1Ionday mornin r, ]a:l- Illinois League of \Vomen Voters, and uary 14. \.fiss Esther Dunshee, lawyer, of \iVil1Irs. \Vatter Schwedler. tate chair - mette. will be the spe a ker s at the next man. will preside arid urges all pres!; meeting of Kenilworth League of and publicitv chairmen of the club:; \Vomen Voters, Wednesday morning, January 16. at Kenilworth club, at 11 of the Tent!~ district to be present. fmmediatelv follo,1ving thi·s meetin<T, o'clock. Luncheon w ill be served \.Ir". Frank Oderich. press and public- after the meeting. ity chairman of the Tenth district-. v,·ill CLH1fer with her chairmen. Playing Oliver Twist Bobby 1ferrirnan. 643 T em ple court. SOUTHERN CLUB MEETS Kenilworth. is playing t he role of The Souther n Vv oman's cl ub of Chi- Oliver Twist this wee k in M iss F oley's cago met Thur sdav in the East room pr esenta tion of "Olive r Twis t" at the of t he Hotel La Salie. Th e M ozart trio Jack and Jill theater , Chicago. com posed of ~.frs . Lombar t Bryat!t Reed, viol inis t, 'M rs. ~lari e S. Eve rs, Is Circle Hostess celli st, a nd ~Ir s . Grace S im pso n SafMrs. L. .'\. Stew ar t, 423 \ Voodstock ford. piani st, played the in strum ental ave nu e. K enilworth , entertained the numbers and 'M rs. George H. Ni ppert North End circle of vVilmette Congresang. gational church Monday, at her home. The Evening- ~chool [or Foret ner re·sumed it· cia· ·e · \{onday at he \Vi lmette \\"oman· -5 club after ~ Chri ·tm~L rcceo;..: , \.fr". \.[artin' · an 'l :V[ r .-. \\'illiam.;' classes \vi ll meet at \\.Jlr ette pu 1)lic lihrar~~ \( oncb~- t'\ienin~. fanuarv 1-t-. in..:tead of at tl r c ·tb. \I i·.;:' Anne \\'hitmack \\ill explain to the ..;tuden t · hO\\.. to use the librar~ and 'v\ill sugg-e~t bo\Jk · iJr reaclin .-:r. The cia: ses are com pc,serl t) i (~erm aP. ~·wedi..;h, Dani:;h. Dutch. Bc,hemian. ..1nd French ..;tude nt.; , ... eventy in ;.ill, anrl are divided ink' beginning, inter! 1erliate and advanced. English. civic.: . .1nd history are aught. Catholic League Hears Lecture, Music Program

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