44 WILMETTE LIFE January 11. 1929 Introducing · I .I I ! ! TRI--PLY·HOMES Fire, Proof Construction at the Cost of Frame EIGHT-ROOM TRI-PLY HOUSE WITH Two-CAR GARAGE Tr, Ply Construction is the finest kind of · natural insulation. It keeps winter heat in and summer heat out better than any other type of construction. A remarkable advancement · · tn home construct ton Insulated Fireproof Insurance company . figures are the final test of all claims for fireproof construction. You can insure Tri-Ply Houses for Jess money than other houses. T HE WALLS of a Tri-Plv House are built flat on the ground and then elevated, fuily completed, into upright position. Indestructible Tri-Ply Houses are virtually indestructible. Neither weather nor time affects their staunchness. Built Quickly Several of these houses can be erected in little more time than it takes to build one house. The entire wall is a single, solid, fireproof mass . of three separate and distinct building materials: the outer surfacing, the inner core of cinder concrete and the layer of regulation insulating materials. Integrally bonded with one another, these materials become an indestructible unit wall. Unusual architectural designs can be obtained without structural difficulty or undue cost. The strength as well as the visual characteristics of Europe's best houses can be secured at a cost always as low and frequently lower than contemporary conventional construction. The Tri-Ply Process, utilizing as it does the least expensive and most readily available materials in the vicinity, establishes a substantial saving at every step. Tri-Ply combines economy, beauty, individuality, and permanence. Check the seven exclusive 'rri-Ply features in the column at the left. No Maintenance Cost Since outside painting or refinishing is never required and there is nothing in a Tri-Ply house to rust, rot, or decay, there is virtually n::> expense for upkeep. Beauty Tri-Ply Construction enables you to have a real "dream" home-designed and finished exactly as you have always wanted a home to be. Economy Tri-Ply Construction saves you money on building time. It saves you money on materials-It saves you money on maintenance, on fuel and on interior upkeep. W. H. D' ARCY & SON 1330 Central Avenue Wilmette, IllinOis LICENSED BUILDER OF TRI-PLY CONSTRUCTION TELEPHONES: WILMETTE 535--LAKEVIEW 0043 We plan, design, finance and build homes for lot-owners