Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 45

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REAL ESTATE SECTION January 11, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE' 45 WILMETTE CLOSES YEAR WITH ALL. TIME RECORD Building ,.ctivity in 1928 Exceeds That of ·Previous Year by $704,856--Dec. Good Month Pretentious Building for Wilmette .. NEW WINBERG BUILDING OR TERMINAL SECTION Three Story Structure Going Up on Linden Avenue for Stores, Offices and Apartments - -· A new building, three stories in Climaxing a year which cracked all height, which is to be one of the most building records Wilmette staged Depretentious in Wilmette is soon to rise cember activity which was entirely in the Terminal section. In the last unexpect~d and the result shows in vcar the building activity in this secactual figures that an unprecedented tion-the vicinity of Linden avenue gain of exactly $704,856 was scored and Fourth street-has been something over 1927 the preceding year which to talk about and on ;May 1 there will it had been believed would stand as be completed this latest structure an all-time record. which is to be known as the Winberg \Vhen 1927 closed with $2.120,759 it building. looked as if this Yillage has about The grO\vth of Wilmette and the reached 1he peak in building activity. accompanying growth of the drug busiBut gaze on these figures for the year ness which W. vVilliam Winberg just closed: $2,825,615. And if the started at the corner of Fourth and . word of C. C. Schultz, Superintendent Linden twelve years ago has made of Public \Vorks can be accepted the possible this expansion move. The need peak hasn't been reached even with for more spacious quarters for the the big total for 1928. drug store has been pressing for a long December Permits $131,615 time and Mr. \Vinberg felt that there \\'as no better time than the present to The exceptionally fine December "step out" and build for a future which showing accounted for an expenditure · oromiscs continued progress. of $131,615 and at that only fourteen Building Complete May 1 permits were issued. But of high importance is the fact that ten of these For several days the work of excafourteen permits were issued for the vation for the ne\v building which is construction of residences, the total beto be located on the south side of Lining $129,700. There were three garden avenue 'a nd just to the immediate west of the building recently completed age permits for $915 and one alterabv Harry Dornbos, has been going on tion permit for $1000. rapidly, which insu~es startin~ the For the same month of 1927 eight actual work of buildmg the Wmberg permits were issued for residences for building at an early date. The cona total of $80,500 and the total for tractors have promised that the job the month for all construction was will be finished on May 1. $83,245. That shows a gain of nearThe Winberg Building is to co~t in ly $50,000. the neighborhood of $150,000. It ts to Indian Hill Estates again comes to be an attractive Span:sh design and the front, the residence permit list the architect, Leon £.Stanhope of Chishowing that two fine homes are to cago "·ho is a resident of Winnetka, be built in that section. Both are to has dra\\·n plans which make evident be built by George F. ·Gonzalves. One the artistic skill of the architect. to cost $24,000 will be at 1148 Seneca A~1 artistic and ornate exterior road. This is to be a stone veneer fronting on Linclen avenue has been with attached garage. The other is arranged for. The basic material. to to be a brick veneer with attached be used will be buff colored bnck. garage at 1140 Seneca road and this There will be marble trim around the is to cost $28,000. store windows · and above the first flo?r Other Residence Permits there will be terra cotta. The roof wtll Permits issued for other residences be of green tile. ~wo steel ~indow follow: balconies on the thtrd floor w1ll enhance the beauty of the structure. Brick veneer at 105 Seventh street for R. Bacon, $13,000. Stores, Officea, Apartments Brick veneer at 931 Twenty-second HEN ).fay 1 rolls around this new and attractive structure will be comThe building will provide space for street for Babriel Riva, $8,000. pleted, according to the contractors. The work of excavating for the two stores on the grourio floor, one of Brick veneer at 1405 Maple ave- building which will be known as the Winberg building was started several which will be occupied by the Winber£: nue for William and H. L. O'Connell, days ago. It is being erected on the south side· of Linden avenue directly to drug store, while the other is to ~e rented. On the second floor there '_Vtll the west of the Dornbos building which was recently built. $10,200. be five offices with a big reception Brick veneer at 1530 Greenwood room, the dimensions of which will be of the building improvements reached avenue for James Crabb, $9,000. a million dollars, and the 1928 record 14 by 13 feet and four apartmen~s, Brick veneer at 2414 Lake avenue exceeded one and one-half million two of which are to be four rooms .m for Max Schiehl, $9,500. size and two of two rooms and kitdollars. . Brick veneer at 1234 Greenwood aveThe previous peak year was in 1925, chenette. The entire third floor will nue for ] .1mes Crabb, $9,000. when the total reached $874,425. be apartments, the total number in the Brick veneer on Birchwood lane for The Village of Kenilworth has just building being ten. H. J. Schwall, $9,000. completed one of the most active The building is to h~ located o~ a Charles R. Norman Opens building periods in its history. lot with a frontage of 50 feet runnmg New Real Estate Office to a depth of 150 feet. The c;tores will Frank Donnersberger Buys During the past twelve months, a There's new Real Estate firm in be spacious, each being 19~ feet wide, total of 92 permits were issued, repreResidence In Kenilworth senting improvements valued at Wilmette. a Charles R. Norman who and 107 teet deep. Frank Donntrsberger of Wilmette for some time has been associated $1,514,683. Entry to the offices and apart~1e!"ts has purchased the ten room residence Another feature of this record, one with Mouat and Flaherty of Wilmette wilt be at each end of the bmldmg at 543 Earlston road, Kenilworth. The avenue as manager has opened his frontage. The offices will be entered seller was H. 0. Barnes. This Is a of which the Village is justifyably fine big residence situated on a lot proud, is the fact that 58 of the per- own office at 1137 Central avenue to via a stairway at the east end, while 75 by 175 feet. There are three col- mits were for new residences, costing handle loans, insurance, rentals and the apartments will be entered from ored tile baths. The Wilmette Realty $1,147,500, an average cost of almost various properties. The new organ- the west end. ization will be known as C. R. NorMr. Winberg stated that this buildcompany of Fourth street, Wilmette, $20,000 per building. This is also the first year in the man and Company. The phone num- ing- project is being financed by the acted as broker for both buyer and First National Bank of Wilmette. history of the village when the value ber is Wilmette 3966. seller. ,·-'; W Kenilworth Leaps to $1,514,683 for Year of Building

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