Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 53

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= · January 11, 1929 _. . - ~ ~-u L Shore The at ;;:;1-Ne;~--· 'J · _..- ......- -·- - - - · -;- -·- - - - -·- __, _ __,_.14111Hl_____.___,_ · WILMETTE .LIFJ{ y r- Comedies Feature ALICE WHITE STARS Karl Way Players Appear . T eatro's Program young Actress Becomes Ann Penning- at New Evanston Theater The New Evanston theater anDuring Next week Coming ton Of The Screen In "Show Girl" to Norshore ' nounces th e engage!il1ent of the Karl noth comedies and ~ictures of a 1n' serious nature are on th e Teat'ro 1111 del Lago schedule for the coming \\'t'l'K. "Silks and Saddles" ha s been honked for this Saturday, January 12. On Sunday "Brotherly Love" will be th e attraction. The famou s team of laugh- makers, Karl Dane and George i t ·-·------·---·:·----------~!· ie lS I!~ ~fclw oy, \\'ill be at the ~orshore for "S_ho\\' Cirl," from the story b,· ]. P. 1b a \\·e ek beginning thi , Satu rday, Jan- lg lC st r .h lt' h. 1e t ·c I- K :\rthur. are the stars of "Brothcrlv . are shown as com·ict.s 1.. 1·~,-c ." Thev have the time of their li ves in c;pitc of prison walls. Charles F. Rei~ne r directed the new Dane Artlntr comedy from an adaptation hy E:1.rl Baldwin and Lew Lipton of the Pdtrrson Marzoni story, "Big Heart cd Jim." which appeared in a natinnal magazine. Tn a characterization requiring real hi:;trionic ahilitv, Corinne Griffith _corcs another ~ell earned triumph in "Outcast," her latest First National sta rring picture. which will be on the Tc-atro screen 'Monday and Tuesdav. \fi _,s Griffith plays th e part of ~i~iam, a young girl of the streets. ejected from her boarding house with just motlC\' enough left to purchase a new hat. The motion picture adaptation of "~)u.tc~st" as · written by Agnes ( lmst111e Johnston follm"; s the ,\,ell knm,-n stage play by Hubert Henry DaYics in all . the main essentials o~f th e plot. but owing to the greater pnssihi lities of the camera, the screen nrsinn i. eve,n more absorbing and far more colorful than the original - ~ll'~king drama. which first brought T·.b1r F erguson into great promin('llCe . The only striking change s arc 1hat the period has been brought up to the present time and the locale ha s been shifted from London to San Franc isco. :Miss Griffith has been urrn uncled with an excellent cast inr ln<iing Edmund Lowe as her lea.ding man . Louise Fazenda. Kathryn Car\·c·r, Huntley Gordon, Claude King, and others. For Menjou Admirers _'·H~s Private Life," starring Adolph e :\1 en JOU and coming to the Teatro next Wednesday, is a refre shing ro_medy-drama. Menjou gives an admtrable characterization of a swank sophisticated Parisian boulevardier' t!1e type of character that has de~ h~htcd admirers of Menjou. His wtfe. the beautiful Kathryn Carver, wh~ has. the leading feminine role op-· pos tte h1m, contributes much to the \Yi lO th r, ., oi xt y. (", of te nt as r ~" ~ ;1 nt er ~·r ·y. hr a~ 1 ("- uary l2. The nimble-footed Alice \ Vhite plays the leading r ole of Dixie Dugan. Th e fortunes of gav and ambitious Dixie, \\'ho goes from night club to r evue \\'ith amazing celerity, and th ose of one ]imtm·. a hardboiled tabloid rt>porter, mingle.- The ir adn' n tures on Broachyay arc such a~ to hold th e interest of any theater-goer. 'l'hc\love eac h oth er. and the film is goo~\ t o th em in the encl. The picture hoa~t:-; sen·ra l actor ~ a nd actresse s nf prominence. Charlc~ D c l a nt'~ - ha:-; the leading rnlc opposi te ~fi ss \Yhite. Richard Tucker. (~\Yen Lee. and Donald Hcrd arc members uf the cast , ·to o. Kate Pri ce i;-; giYe n credit ior .omc ftnr acting a..; ~frs. Du ,~:;an . Dixie's mo ther. A leading critic ha s :--aiel of "Shm\· Cirl :" " Tt is a silllpk talc. hut spr ig ht 1~- . ali\·e and quick pa ced. 1\c ·e r a Alice \\'hite ioot oi sl.' \Y -nwti on. seems hcnt on becoming t n the mo,·i\:'> \Yhat Ann p nnington ,,·a:-; to the musical comedy ~tag-e.·· Tn order to ke ep pace with the peppy screen nfTrrin~ at thl.' ~or sho rc next week. AI K,·alc ha ~ ar ranged a hrilli ant - stage produrtio11 ca llrcl "Zig-za~ Dita Parlo,J the German actres· 3 who F ollie . ." And AI promises that ~or shore pat ron" '"ill not he misled by \Yas brought to Hollywood for one oicture, will ]eave the film cobny this th e name. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \\'eek enroute for Berlin. perf nrma nee _ ?\ f argaret LiYi ngston. the "ya111p.' also cOllll.'S in for hrr sharl' of the hon ors. a nfl Eugene Pallett . \Yho handl es th e comedY in the ltlm. delight s as the jea lous -hu sband of the "vamp." The story gets under waY wh en Menjou tells a friend that no · longer will he pursue the beautiful women. Th e \\·ord s are hardlv out of hi s mouth wh en ~fiss Ca~ver, as Helene. glides by. ~f en jou promptly goes in pursuit, hut for all his pre,·iott s experiences, he finds her exceedingly difficult to approach and it is not until he us es a former love that finatlv he is enabled to win her. George ~f. Cohan's stage hit. "The Home Tmvncrs," one of the most delightful comedies eve r creened. ,,·ill be sho\\'n at the Teatro del Lago next Thur sday and Friday. The all-star ca st includes Richard Bennett. Doris Kenyon Robert Me \Vade, Robert Ede~on.' Gladys Brockwell, and other noted actors. \l\7 ay Players. one of the foremo st dramatic stock companies now playing in th e middle west. The popular Eva 1 ~ ton playhouse has been very SU(cc.;s ful in th e presentation of stock productions and has outlined an elaborate progra~1 of forthcoming r eleases for their Evanston and north shore patrons. The opening play prt~ sented this wee k, was "\Vhite Cargo" an epic of the wes t coast of Africa. ~ e xt week Ethel Barrymore's late st success , "The Constant \Vife," will b ~ presented following which~ the best nf all myst ery plays, "The Thirteenth Chair," will be offered. This play is hv BaYard Beitler, the author of "The Trial ~f ~1 ary Dugan." A great many of the north sh:->r ~ fayorites arc returning with the new company which will include, be sides ~r r. \Yay, Lew \Velch, Joan Per:- s, Richard \Vard and Beatrice Leiblee. Karl Hackett ·will be the new leadingman and 1liss Dorothy Holmes, recently seen in the Chicago production of the "Baby Cyclone," will be the new lea ding lady. Popular prices will prevail, with a matinee giYen each \Vednesday and Saturday. AL KVALE I" and -Now PlayingThe c_~~eglans HHaunt~,d in Laughing Sound! "C . li nno ne Days" ouse :_Starting SaturdayIn Syncopated Sound! "SHOW GIRL" with ALICE WHITE and an ALL-STAR CAST -On the Staee- AL KVALE and His Jazz Collegians in "ZIG-ZAG FoWES" Scintillating and Brilliant - Production Every Friday Is "NORTHWESTERN NIGHT" Come at 9 p. m.-Just for Fun! sch 1e of THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY er of its a Corinne Grillitb ··OUTCAST'" IN A Forceful Drama of Love and Regeneration g-:;, 1~ ·- as els ed Star Vaudeville Aets IN SOUND ;n Highest Grade SIX BROWN BROTHERS PONCE SISTERS "THE COLLEGIANS" Fox Movietone and Universal N~wa rt: l1 (l f; UPBOLSTBRIMG Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrica ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mauresses and Springs Made to Ordfr rhe li- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 11- "DR· B AM 01' LOVE" JOAN CRAWFORD NILS ASTHER lC. ·gc he s. The Stars of "Our Dancing Daughters" STAR VAUDEVILLE ACTS Ia Sound Fox Movietone and Universal News rJ H. G. LINDW ALL Higbfat Grade U pholatering 808 Oak Street !lr- Eatabliahed 1815 111- ss- Ph. Winnetka 145

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