Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 54

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54 WILMETTE LIFE LOST AND FOUND Cl January 11, 1929 SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice- Classffted advertisements will .be charged on17 to residents of the district from Evanston to 0 GleDCOe tncluetve whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are nwular eubecrlben to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLBl4'COE NEWS. I ·Rates-16 cents a line In one paper. 26 cents a llne In any two papers. 30 cents a line In all three papers. MINI.IIUil CBA.RGE 60 eea&a. Deadline fot AVera.&'e of ftve words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our oftice at 1282 Central Ave., Wllmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Jnsertiona-Classtfted advertisements wm be ac. cepted up to Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers~ Thursday 6 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. · 27 INTERIOR DECORATING \VEEK END SPECIAL 1926 Dodge Sedan (Perfect) ...... . . $308 ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL ALat price s and term to s uit your ineome ways react to the appeal of b'eauty. A Buick 4 pass. Coupe (Exce llent) ... $415 room is attractive when its lamps and 1928 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 shades are in perfect harmony. We 1927 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . :HI8 study your home and carefully analyze 1925 Dodge Coach (Fishe r Body) :W5 YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. 1924 Studebaker Sedan . . . . . . 170 ·~OODRICH 1926 E::-sex Coach . . . . . . . . . 110 ,.. Greenleaf 8lli For·d Sedan (Good) :16 632 Church St. 27LTX16-lte l\lcDO~.ALD ----------------PHOXE \\.IL::\TETTI'~ 224 F. S. BRASOR ART STORE 1019 Davis St. Evan:,;ton, Ill. Silhouettes, Individual 4LT~t6-ltc Cuttings by Appointment 13~ 2 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON. Univ. 9179 · 27 LTN 4- 16 tp 1928 7 pass. Buick sedan J,OA ~s - $1,500 :w 1928 5 pass. Buick sport sedan .... $1,350 1928 5 pass. Buick sedan $1,075 1928 4 pass. Buick coupe . . . . .. $1,150 $!)25 1927 5 pass. Buick sedan 1926 5 pass. Paekard sedan $S75 OX FIRST OR SECO~D ::\IORTGAGES at rt-a so nable ratt->s, qui ck, courteouf', LOOK FOR THE GOLD SEAL ('(Jilfidential sen·kP. GUARAXTEE Op<'n E\'t' nings and Sundays ~~lcT<ENDRY Dependable Used Cars PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED To ORDER AUTO MECHANICAL WORK LIBERAL REWARD, LOST IN WIL- A-1 chauffeur, or handy man job, in exmette on New Year's day, female black change for gar,. apartment all or in Scotch Terrier, red collar, Glencoe lipart. Can also do hseman. work. 10 cence 204. Answers to the name of yrs. driving, 6 yrs. Auto mechanical Penny. Ph. Wilmette 525 or Glencoe experience. Information given Bell, 1191. 55LT16-ltp through Wilmette 964. 61LT16-1tc CHAUFFEUR A N D HOUSEMAN. HEL PW ANTED-FEMALE German. ·Anthony Schmieer. Wilmette Life A-248. 61LTN16-ltp BY A NE'W TRIER HIGH SCHOOL. For position as Student. Wtll do any kind of work General Maid for room and board, after school. With Second Maid elderly couple preferred. Wilmette Cook, etc. 152:1. 61LTN16-1tp All hotel positions. FORMER U. S. CAVALRY MAN would like position breaking horses. Will teach riding. Ph. Sun'nyside 4407. 1616 Sherman Ave. 61LTN15-2tp. Greenleaf 6130 University 934 56LTN16-ltc HANDY MAN WORK, OR AS JANITOR, round house or store. Wilmette 4407. 61L16-ltp WANTED CAPABLE WHITE GIRL for general housework. Ph. Wilmette WORK BY 'l'HE HOUR OR DAY. 2103. 56LTN16-ltc Cleaning woodwork or windows and waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT16-2tp WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR MOTHer'R h e lper, family of 3, good home. Ph. 1ST CLASS HSEMAN. AND CHAUF. good driver. Winn. ref. Ph. Glencoe 7:3. Wilmette 2908. 56LTN16-ltc 61LT16-2tp SEE US N. S. Etnployment Agency S'"fUDIO C. l\1. l\IONEY 'fO LO.AN 30LT).J'16-tfc USED CAR nEPT. 1027 Da Yis St. \Yil. :m>O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4L16-lt c AUTOl\IOBILE LOA~S. REAS.ONABLE ----------------rat es, immediate service. Motor Acceptance · Co., State Bank & Trust Co. 'VAXTED .\ REFI~ED, ".RITE GIRL, Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. general hOU!-'P work, good cook, and 30LTN4-tfc no laundry . Ph. \\'ilmette 1330. 1926 Jordan Coupe ... . . . . $625 56LTN16-1 tc ...... . . . . . . . ... 325 1927 Whippet 1925 Hup Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 32 )( ASSAGJ~ Rlckenbacker Sedan .............. .. 275 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "'HITE Xl.RSE, FOR 2 f'HILDRE~. Cadlllac 5 pass. CoupP. . . ........ . . . . 275 SWEDISH ~TASSAOE & THERAPEU22 mo. old & 8 wks. old. Highest refs. tic light treatment, by graduate masreq. T e l. Winn :n55 56LTN16-ltc sew.;e. 'l'r~;>atments in ,·our own hom e. For appointment pleast- call Green- EXP. \\.BITE A:\lERI('A~ :\TAID, GEN. Winnetka 330 555 Chestnut St. len f 68!12. :l2LTN16-4tp hswk; Tel. " · inn. 1985. 56LTN16-ltc 4LT~16-t te North Shore Buick Co. REAL'l'Y CO. Hi 14 Orrington A w., Evanston, U ni v. 838:1 'WANTED WHITE WOMAN HALF dayB for housework, $10. Elec. wa~her. 66 l'OR RENT-ROO:liS Ph. Wilmette 4267. 56LH-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NICE ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 IN PRIVATE ,,VA~TED - EXPERIENCED WHITE family, close to transp. 420 Park Ave. g-irl-mu~t he good cook. Small hse., Ph. Wilmette 293. 66L14-tfp 2 a dults, 2 c hildre n in family. $ZO. FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS Tel. \Vinn. 1403. 56LTN16-ltc employed; ltght and pleasant; hot and cold running water: Garage space if GIRL FOR GEN HSWK. & HELP wrrH desired. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp c hildre n. Tel. \Vinn. 1796. 56LTN16-ltc ~ FOR RENT-RCJOMS ~EAR TRANS-".HlTE <aRL TO DO COOKING. 199 portation, also garage space for rent. Birch St., Winn. :~:321. 56LTN16-ltp Wilmette 2248. 66L14-tfc PLEASANT FRONT Rl\L FOR 1 OR 2 adults; also single rm. 731 Tenth St., XL.RSE~IAI D, ¥/RITE, FOR 2 CHILDWilmette. 66LT13-4tp ren, 6 & 2 yrs. Tt"l. Winn. 1450, Miss Lind!-'ay. 56LTN16-lt~ LARGE WARM ROOM, PRIVATE bath; garage. Near transportation. EX PERTEX< 'ED HAI..~ES LADY W .A.NTTel. Winnetka 1543. 66LTN16-ltc t-'d, l'f·nsumer~ Store, 1149 Wilmette An·., \Vilmette. 56Ll6-ltp ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, near trans. Phone Wilmette 1913. EXP. :\fA ID FOR COOK & 1S1'. FLOOR 66LT~16-ltp work. :\luBt h e good cook. Refs. Tel. \\' inn. :?824. G6LTN16-ltc COMFORTABLE ROOM, 1h BLK. ----------------transp. 722 Elm. St., Winn. 3rd floor. :\fOTHER'S 1-. ·~LPER, ASSIST HOUSE66LTN16-ltp work, 2 school thildren, ::;mall house. Ph. Wilmette 17~8. 56LTN16-ltc VERY REASONABLE ROOM; H. W . heat. Tel. Winn. 2844. G6LTN16- ltc \\' A:;\l'TED, )lAID FOR GE~ERAL HSE.work, ~mall family, no laundry, re- 67 FOR RENT-APARTJ\IENTS feren<:es. Wilm~tte 1965. 56L16-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - USED CARS LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 4 and 5 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-arranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Ag-ent on premises. Wil. 460 67LTN2-tfc HANSON l\10TOR CO. 1926 ADV AXC'ED SIX DOOR NASH SE- GEl'\l IXE SWEDISH :\[ A S S A G E, EXP. XCRSE TO f'ARE FOR I~FANT, f'lectrh-al treatml·nts. For app. (·all al!-'o 18 mo. old (·hild. )fust be compt. dan. This car is les!-' than a year Gref'nleaf 6247. :32LTN16-ltp and strong·. (iood home, good salary. old. Condition like new. Bargain at In reply, !'tate ag-', refs., salary expec$ 50. ('o~t X e w $1560. )frSIC AL IXSTRt ~lENTS t~d. Addre~~ 'falk A-252. 56LTN16-lt(' 424 Linden Ave. OLD YTOLI~. FORl\IERLY 0\V~ED BY CO~IPT. WHT. COUPLE, GEN. HSWK. artist li\'ing in \Vinn. ~arne furni8h ed , Refs. r t>quired., Tt>l Cilencoe 492 ----------------$il0. Tel. \Vinn. 1!175. ~5LT~16-ll<' 56LTN16-ltc A SXAI-' Chandler 20th ( 't>ntury St>dan .. . $500 -Ill REPAIRING AND REFINISJIING :i!l Bl"SI\ ES~ OPPORTUNITIES Tom Hay & Son 1819 Ridge An. Ureenlt>af GO UPHOLSTERING AND MATTRESS \YE OFFER TO A RELIABLE ::\'IAN 4LTX15-lt(' renovating, by expert at your home or or "" o man an opportunity to earn a g-oc.d in<:onw reprf:'~enting Kellogg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I)Ur shop. In Evanston ~ince 1916. M. Radio in this loca lity. Call Greenl1 BUlL DING AND CONTRAt;TING Okman. Univ. 5676. 43LTN13-4tp lt>af G7~9 for appointment. 59LTN16-1 t(' Wl\f. OTTEN, MASO).J' CONTRACTOR· WATC'H REPATRIXG DO~E BY EXNew and repair work. Get our estimate. pert. \Yatt'hl·s <"lt>an,ed and adjusted. SI1'UA'fl0~ WTD.-F El\IALE Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc Paul Da\'t>Y, Jeweler, 1 16il Wilmette 60 .. An·nm·. Phone Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HIGHE~T CLAS~ REF. COLORED, J:LF.C'TUIC'AJ, Itl~J>AJRS 21 ]l':t and 2nd ma1d, good cook , fond of PLATI:s-G children. .-\-1 Xorth Shore r e f. Ph. CLOC'RS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. Ken\\·o od c 067. 60LTN16-ltp locks calll'd for and dl'ii\·ered. Paul Sl LVER PLATI~G HAYE YOUR Da\'ey, J(·weler. 116:i \\'ilmette Aveg·onrt old pi eet-H r ' newed at a r easonnu'. Phlllw \\"ilnwttt:> G 2:lL~4-tfc ahlt> pril't>. Paul l)a\'f'Y, Jf'\\'f'IPr, 1165 CO:\IPETE~T WO:\IAN \VISHES WORK h:· day or half day. Catering or chil"'ilm<'tt~· ...-\n·nu e. Phone 'Vilmette 6. drPn <'nred for. \Vilme tte 2919. 45A- L:H-tfc ~~~TJtrC'J'IO~ 60LT16-2tp INSTRUCTOR OF PL\XOSTUDIED :.o GEXEU .\L REPAIRS EXP. 'VO.:\TA'N 'VAXT~ LAUNDRY 10 y e ar!': with l'lan.·nee Eidam of Chi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - work to take home. Will ('all & . deREPAIRING A~D REcago-will go to home!'~ . $2 a le~son. .TEWI·:LRY li\'er. Tel. Wil. 647. 60LTN16-ltc modeling l1y a eraft!'man of rare abilGrac<> Yan't Hof, 706 Sheridan Rd ., ity. Paul Drl\·e:r. Jeweler. 1165 WilC'hkago. Ph. Lake Ykw a648. WANTED LAUNDRY TO TAKE HOME. 25 r:rx16-2t p m e tte .\ \'enut' . · Phone 'Vilmette 6. Ph. \Vilmette 1394. 60LT.N16-1 tp 50L~4-tfc Winnetka 2707 4L'l'XIG -1tc QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. APARTMENT IN ORRINGTON HOTEL -Beautiful two-room combination with electric kitchenette, bathroom with tub and shower, and three extra large closets. West exposure with ' three large windows. Servic·e garage in huildir.g. UnE'xcelled eompl<'te hotel service. :\T.ost convenient and comfortablt=> way of living. Am paying $162 but will make reduction to suitabl~ pHson who will a~sume my ninemonth lease. Call evenings Greenleaf 4660. 67LTN16-tfp FOR RENT- IN NEWLY CONSTRUCted building, east of tracks, Ravinia, 3 room apartment on 2nd floor-heat & light furnished, $7.500. Store (15x50) heat & light furnished, $130.00. Office with ante room- heat & light furnished, $45.00. H. and R. Anspach, Realtors :186 Central Ave., Highland Park, Ill. 67LTN16-1tc 7 Rl\f. DUPLEX, I'N FINE CONDITION, ~ood location near schoolfl. tran~porta tion, 811 15th St. Ph. Wilmette 846J. 67LTN16-3tc Suburban N' ash Sales TUTORIXG JANE THJ(;(,S, B . A. 'VELLESLEY. Tutoring in gramrnar and high !"Chool l>O(I FOP~D. C'OLLIE, BROWN AND white, male, Kenilworth Police Departsubject . Ph. "'ilmette 3588. ment. 55LTN16-1tc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS. WANTS 25LT16-ltc ~----------------~--------~-~---~~ washing and ironing to take home, will To right party, one of our clients will call and deliver. Wilmette 904. rent their fin e hot water heated brick 60LT16-ltc residence with four b~>drooms, three J'OU baths and sleepip!;' norch and garage REFINED C'APABLE "WOMAN WANTS attached for the ridiculou~ly low ~urn pos. as companion to lady or invalid. of $150 per month for next two or three This Office will accept classified advertising to be ron HigheRt ref. Ph. Winnetka 2805 or and possibly four months. House also write Talk A-254. 60LTN16-ltc in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 famifor ~ale, ~o renter could take option to huy and remnin on indefinitely if lin in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. GIRL WISHES DAY WORK. CALL he likes house and neighborhood which e\'enings. Greenleaf 2672. 60LTN16-ltp latter is excellent. ' on Tuesday·. LOST AND FOUND - - 89 -· ~1TRSE MAID WANTS, CARE OF small children by week or by the hour. Ph. Wilmette 3772. 60LTN16-ltc FOR RENT-HOUSES $35,000 House for Rent .Furnished for $150 Baa Waat Ad Ia Bvaaatoa, too - Teirpbone Wilmette 4300 or Winn~tka 2000 - COLORED GIRL WANTS GENERAL housework, can do plain cooking. University 7845. 60LTN16-ltp HEINS EN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St., Winnetka. Phone 254. 69LTNJ.6-1tc r

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