s = F_O_R_R_E_..N_T_H_O_U_SE_s_ _ _ , 'i'i .:.._ _·_ _ 69 January 11, 1929 WILMETTE FOR SALE-HOUSES LI-FB 55 90 .ANTIQUES ROOM STONE HOUSE; 2 BATHS; -:F:::-=--=-~-_::._::.:.=::::.--SHERATON MAH'G. C HE S T OF $100. 730 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. drawers. Rare teakwood stand, beau69LTN4-tfc 6 RM. STUCqO HOME NR. "L"; SUNtiful design all over base and top in par., large hv. room; H. W. heat, nicebrass inlay. Large cherry dropleat 6 73 FOR RENT-STORES & O,FFICES ly decorated; 2-car gar. Will consider leg table. Small light cherry dropleaf larger house in trade up to $25,000. tabe with rope twist legs-almost maple OFFICE FOR RENT- LARGE SPACE 1t'l j"l,J]o color. 6 curly maple din. chairs. Cherry main floor, desirable location. l..b:d<lli<illllfnl rrw{lo'()\Tnl ~ .fS..llll~ 011 corner cupboard, glass doors above. 22'hx17%. Tenant pan sublet space! ·ilil~ U.~ilil u ~ ~Iffi~ Pine Dutch cupboard. Special prices Ph. Winnetka 201. 73LTN 4-tfc INC. for January. Many other fine antiques can be seen at Lindwall's Antique Shop, End "L" 410 Linden Ave. ,.. 'Wil. 407-408 808 Oak St. Winn. 99LTN16-ltc FOR SALE-HOUSES II OR SALE OR TRADE Negro Politician Held for . Warshawsky Burglary. William Cripp Woods, blind negro politician and wealthy real estate opera tor of Chicago, arrested several weeks ago on the charge of complicity in the robbery of $20,000 worth of jewels from the home of Israel Warshawsky, 777 Michigan avenue, Wilmette, was held to the grand jury on $15,000 bonds by Justice of Peace Daniel M. Mickey of Wilmette Monday afternoon. Woods was taken into custody by Chicago police following the accusation made by William Lewis, colored, 27 years old, of 4848 Dearborn street, Chicago, that both \Voods and Miss Thelma Herndon, 20 year old negress, and former student at Northwestern university law school, were in possession of the gems. :Miss Herndon was not held however. The \Varshawsky robbery occurred October 31. The actual theft is said to have been perpetrated by a white person, and it is this man whom police are seeking. & -----------~~----~------~~.7~L~l~6~-~lt~c IE ~~it W niiDITil®ttlk~ E):GLISH BRICK HOl\IE, 7 R~lS., 4 bedrms., 2 tile baths, 1 bedrm. 24x18, has nmlteP, ceiling. Cam·ased walls throughout; wooded lot; oil burner, 2 t·ar garage. Reduced for immediate :-:ale. \i\Tinnetka 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS IE CB1lf ~ ~niTil ---=---------------- IHI©lkta1JID~©ITil 7 4ti Elm St., "·innetka & JJ®ITillk~~ \Yinnetka 1617 77LTN15-1 tc IXC. \Vinnetka S ROO)! FRA)IE H01.7SE, 2 CAR ::\IODern garage Exc. E. side loc. Conv. to main trans. Land Yalued at $1,000; \\'ith few improvements this property will materially increase in value. For immediate sale with poss. pri ce $20,000. \YIXXETKA 1544-2809 77LTN16-ltc · " Brick Colonia 1 ho111e with Yery attracti\·e gTounds and :-urroundings, first floor has large liYing room and sun porch. The hall. dining room, and kitchen ~~. re spacious and well arranged. Five bedroom!', glazed sleeping porch and three baths on the second floor. Attached garage. Property can be bought at a n rr r.ea~onable price. )Jr. )[ulford. 528 Da\'i!-' ~treet Greenleaf 1855 77LT)J'16-ltc For Sale X orth East Glencoe An attracti\'e 2 story red brick Colonial home consisting of six rooms, three bedrooms, 1 bath, extra la\·atory and toilet on first floor. Hot water heat; walls ·am·ased ; 2 car garage. Lot 72xl60. Party leaving town. Price for quick action $26,000. \\alter P. Stnith & Co. 3~7 Park An. REALTORS 77LT~16-ltc Glencoe 702 SPECIALS 6 room brick on well landscaped lot 70x132. 2 car garage; canvased walls; ex.tra laYatory; radiator cabinets; electriC rt:frigeration; gas stove. Price ~25,000. Also Att1·actiYe 6 room shingle. Carag<>; splendid location; gas stoYe; ice lJOX; carpets and drapes. Price $23,500. SMITH & BROWN, INC. 736 Elm St. \Vinnetka 142-147 77LTX1 G-1lc Charming- new 7 rm. Colonial, 2 tile FOR SALE - HIGH GRADE FURN.baths, tile walls in kitchen. If sold at )lason & Hamlin Concert Grand piano once $21,000. See agent at 877 Elm St Da \'enports, chairs, fancy tables oii Ph. \Vinnetka 1689. 77LTN16-ltc paintings, hand carved rose~ood table, elegant din. rm. set, handsome FOR SALE-VACAYT bedrm. sets, bookcases, antiques, ;s lamps, Wardway elec. washing machine, Approved gar. gas heater, JohnVIEW OF LAKE & PARK . !'on Outboard motor for boat, 6 burnA Yery desirable home site located in er kitchen range, etc. Must be sold the .hest. N. E. section of the village. re~ardless of price. 1258 Scott Ave., A Site Impossible to beat. Has been \Vmnetka 943. Private home. p~aced on the market to settle estate. Size 80x171. Selling below market value 100LTN16-ltc Call for further details. · FOR SALE-LEO~ARD REFRIGERYOUR OPPORTUXITY ator. :Mahog.. door bookcase. Roomy \V'e have just listed the most desirable fumed oak buffet, cost $100, sell for home site in the village. Size 82x154 ; $15. Cherry dresser. 3 ~well fireless north front; many young trees. The cooker. Very large silk lamp shade location will warrant high class resi:\laid's dresser. Te1. Winn. 1158. · dence and same can be purchased for less than market value. Call for fur100LTN16-ltc ther details. FOR SALE-3 PIECE REED SETTEE set. Kitchen garbage heater. Cheap. ~een at f!69 Spruce St., Winnetka. 100LTX16-ltc 1108 Davis St. Ph. l·ni\·. 80 0 78LTX16-ltc FOR SALE-\VALXUT SPINET DESK. Fred T. Wilson, brother-in-law of ----------------ExcellE-nt condition, price $20.00. Call \Yilmette 1239. 100L16-ltc Mrs. Robert R. Fontham, 121 Third lOJ WTD. '1'0 BlJT-HSEHLD. GOODS 3treet, died at his home in Los Ange les January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAU- WANTED TO BUY - SECO~D-HAND had made a visit here several yearc;; furniture and other household goods. tiful lots left of the few remaining in Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ago before starting on a ten months \Vinnetka. Building r estriction. On a ture r-;tore, 1004-6 Emer::;on St., E\'ans- trip abroad. :Mr. vVilson was known quiet drive-no trees but a beautiful ton , Ill. Ph. l.!ni\·. 189. 101LT~48-tfc outlook at a price at least $30 a foot to many north shore people. He was under anything comparable. Address R)f. CHAIRS, IX GOOD in the retail dr.y goods bu3iness until Talk A-221. 78LT~13-tfc (i DIXIXG C"ond. Brown )fahog. or walnut. Tel. his retirement twelve years ago, and FOR SALE - U!'\USCAL RESIDEXCE 'Vinn. 114i. 101LTN16-ltp lot, Wilm ette, East :->ide. There is no since then had taken up his residence site of size, 40x1311h ft., to be pur- \YTD TO B"CY HIGH CHAIR, GOOD in California. chased in this section of fine homes. cond. Tel. Winn. 2091. 101LTN16-ltc Real opportunity for anyone ·wishing to build home in completely improYed 102 FOR SALE-~IISCELLA~EOUS part of Yillage. Lot fronts east, 2 blocks from "L," :Xorth Shore Electric FOR SALE STORM SASH ODDS station and within walking distance and end!', half price while they last. of beach. Last a\'ailable vacant on Firf't come, first served. Robert W. Townley, athletic direc street. Owner lives n xt door and of: ZIOX Bl-II..DIXG J~DUSTRY fers this lot as 80 feet is to large for Zion, Ill. Phone Zion 500 tor at the Joseph Sears school in Ken needs. Price right. Phone Wilmette 102LT~16-2tc ilworth, took ..il carload of boy3 to 879, preferably e\'enings. 78LTN16-ltp Cary, Ill., last Saturday, where the) FOR SALE "CPRIGHT PIANO IN good condition, also complete dining intended to do some skiing. By tht room set-large table, eight chairs all time the group arrived at Cary the HALF ACRE-BEAUTIFULLY WOODmade t-specially to order. Porch set ain had spoiled tbe skiing fun, so the ed, highly restricted, on private roadand other hou!'ehold articles. Leaving boys spent their time viewing scenery way, surrounded by fine homes-close town Feb. 1. Tel. Glencoe 191. to schools and not too far from trans102LTN16-ltc in that vicinity. portation-to acceptable purchaser only, at lowest price for high-class property STARR BEST BOY'S REEFER, 13. )fan's heaYy onrcoat, 39. Tel. Winn. in Village. Address Talk A-221. 1f iss Leol.a \ Y oodru ff of Kalamazoo 1158. 102LTN16-ltc ~1 ich., was a guest of the A. B. Sei 78LTX13-tfc FOR SALE - CHOICE RESIDEXTIAL BOY'S 0YERCOAT, EXC COXD., SIZE holds, 52?. Forest avenue, over Ne'.'· lot, on Thayer St., west of Laundale, 14, $15. Tel. Glenc. 1140. 102LT~16-ltc Year's week-end. -oEvanston. Ph. GrN·nleaf t1241. 78LTX16-1 tC' BED FOR CHILD TO 6 YRS.; ALSO Mis·,; Alma }.!ullin of Everett, Wash. ~~~~~~~~~===~~==~ chifforobe; end table. l\'ory finish; good who has been the guest of Mrs. How SO BUSINESS PROPERTIES condition. rea!'. Tel. 'Vinn. 1752 . . 102LTX16-ltc ard L. Fogg, 818 Ashland avenue, ha \VI~I\ETI<.J\ 2 PAIR sHoE sKATEs, r;ooD coxD. returned to her home. ELM ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY !'izes about 5 & 6. 102LT~16-ltc -o125 F ·et Frontage :Miss Barbara Erwin has been visit Can sell in parcels of 50 or 75 · et or will FOR SALE-QUAKER GARAGE HEATbuild to suit responsible tenant. E>r. r ed one ~eason, $40. Ph. Wil- ing her mother, 1-.Irs. C. R. Erwin, 615 10 2LlS-1tc \Varwick road, Kenilworth, for the mette 1!l49. 103 WTD. TO BTIY-~liSCELLA"'S'EOlJ~ _h_o_li_d_ay_s_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fred T. Wilson Taken by Death in California \' ACANT-125x160 WINNETI<A Boys Plan Skiing Trip; Rain Spoils Their Fun VA CANT-WINNETKA E~GLISH BRICJ( ~9 Exclusive Agents \YAXTED JOe per lb. Winnetka 1544 SOLT:-116-ltc mette. wANTED TO REXT-HOUSES ..-----------------\\~ AXTED TO REXT HOUSE FRO)[ April hit. :\Iust ha\'e 5 ~-:leeping room~. and must hP on NU·' !'ide. Xot over. $200 a month. \\' rite "-ilm . tte Life A-250. 89L16-1tc !19 BRAXD XE\V ·w iNXETKA 7 R00:\1 r e!5idence, 4 large sunny bedroom::;, a baths, large liYing room with windows on 3 side1o;, garag-e attached and h a ted. A_ most attractiYe well built house, ent1rely eompleted except for in~-:tallatlon rof fixtures and decorating which will be done to please purchaser. Occupancy c:ould he had in 10 days. Lot 75x174; more frontage if desired. f;'or !'ale at a \' ry low pl'i<·P on w·ry hheral terms. FRED'K B. A:STIQUES ----------------Extraordinary Sale of Antiques 4 post and Rpindle h ·ds, $12 to $15. 'I'HO~vL\S & Ch(·rry Walnut and lightwood, 6 leg, Winnetka 2850 743 Elm St. drop lt:af tables, $25 to $35. "Cnfinished 77LTN1G-1tc s~:wing, tilt top and card tables .. All kinds of china, lu!-'tre, glass, prmts, books and ru~s. Each article will he plainiy markf·d during this sale. 808 (Q)till S) Washington St., Evanst.on. 1 bl. so. of Main St. Op n evenmgs and_ SunSPECIAL OFFER days. 99LT:\16-ltc Wilmette home of 8 roomH, 2 haths, 2 car garage. Lot GOx200. RE'al lJargain BEAU1'JFUL COLO::-.:IAL ~IAH'G SIDEat $18,500 _for quick sale. hoard in fine condition. Will Racrifice 1177 Wilmette AYe. Wilmette 273 for cash at $75, valued at $250. Also 77J... 16-Hc walnut settee uphol. in neutral shade of small fig. damask. Has not been used since it was all do~e oYer new. Is about 90 yrs. old and Is a beautyIN SOUTH EAST WILMETTE 4 BEDa hargain at $135. Can ~e seen by rooms and :;;leeping porch, l~t 50x175, calling Winn. 145 for appomtment. gar. Bargain, $18,000. Owner, Wil99LT~16-ltc mette 3484. 77Ll6-ltc CO. JMI Ea11t & rrn ~lln®lftty ~ A.TTRACTIVE HOME C'LEAX. '\\"'lUTE RAGS, 1232 Central Ave .. Wil- Section Twenty-nine (29), Township 103LT~48-tfp Forty-two (42) north, Range Thirteen ~~~~=======~~~~~~ (13) east of the Third Principal Meridian, 105 JII!i\CELLAXEO'L"S in the Village of Wilmette, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of PRAC'TICA L X"C'RSIXG. PHOXE WIL- the Village Clerk of said Village, and said m ette ::7i2. 105LTX16-1tc Yillage having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improve ment, according to benefits, and an assessTTLL .\CtE OF WIL~IETTE ment therefor having been made and returned to said Court (Docket No. 246) the SPECIAL ASSESS~IE'YT :s-OTICE final h{'aring thereon will be held on Monday, the 28th day of January, A. D. 1929, TJT.. L .\GE OF wn;,fF.TTEat 10 o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter SPECL\L ASSESSJIEXT XO. 2-&6 as the business of the court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons intere!;ted that the President and in said Court before said day and may Board 0f Trustees of the Village of Wil- appear on the hearing and make their mettP. in the County of C'ook, and State defense. Said ordinance provides for the collecof IllinoiR, having ordered that the conc;;truction of a s:rstt>m of storm water tion of said assessment in ten annual Insewers of Yitrified tile pipe, with the stallments and with annual interest nt>cf'ssary brick manholes and brick catch thereon at the rate of six (6) per centum ha::;in::; and house drain~. al~o a connected pGr annum, as provided by law. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, January lOth, sv:::tem of Yitrifted tile pipe sanitary ·~ sewers: al~o a connected system of cast A. D. 1929. CHARLES N. EVANS, iron main water supply pipes and house Person appointed by the Presiservice pipe. all to be laid in parts of dent uf the Board of Local IrOf!UOis Road, Cherokee Road. Pawnee Improvements of the Village ot Road, Miami Road and Pontiac Road, all Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, in Indian Hill Estate~ SubdiYision, Unit to rna~e said assessments. Number Two, a subdivision of the southL16-2tc ea:,;,t quarter of the southeast quarter of