Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1929, p. 56

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56 \V I t. M E.T .T .E L I F E : January 11, 1929_ "Shorty" B·r eaks Into News; Builds Home for Mother Know Shorty ? If you . don't you don't know your Wilmette, because Shortv is an institution in Wilmette, and ~s ·such pretty nearly everybody in our village docs know him. He's ~I ways on the job ?.t the Terminal station of the Elevat ed with the glad smile and friendly greet .. ing when he hands you the new~ paper. Maybe \Vilmetters ha \'e missed him for a couple of da~"·'· but he '11 lw hack on the job so::m after he licks the flu which grabbed him. Shorty's mail is addressed to Carmen Torterello, but yery few kno\\' him bv tha t name. But getting- away from names this story has something to do with Real kstate and belongs in thi.:; section, becat_t e Shorty has just built a home in Kenilworth. On Tempk Court there has just been completed a:1 eight room residence and there Sh :::>rtv'. , going to reside with hi s mntht·r a·nd other mcmhc..·rs of the family. · But the real ·:-;torv of this vcntur1~ in real es tate, conce~ns a desire on the part of Shorty to make his mother n~ore comfortable. He calls his \*10th l'r h1s . weetheart and savs he built the home for her . Wht>n l~c started building he sa id nothing about it becaus e he wanted to surprise his mother. But there was a "leak" and she found ot1t about it before it \\'as completed. "Tough break" said Shortv. "but Mother'll enjoy the new home." Having .. !ookt;.d at it the writer will say it's a fine home. And Motlwr Torterello will sa v that Carmen To;._ terello is a fine bo)·. New President New Apartment Building· W.P. Smith Reports . May Go Up at Linden-4th ·S ix Transactions With the three story Wimberg in Property on N. S. building going up on Linden avenue Walter P. Smith and company, 337 Park avenue, Glencoe report the following list of real estate de~s closed recently: The home of the late A. D. Langworthy at 815 Grove street to Daniel H. Brush, Jr., of the firm of Rapp and Rapp, architects. Mr. Brush is remodeling this home into a Yery attractive English type residence. The home of the late Alfred E. \\7inter at 258 Walden drive to Ray B. Anderson of the U. S. Gypsum company. Robert B. Leffingwell's home at 195 Fairview to C. C. Tatham. The bungttlow at 836 ·south St. John's avenue, Highland Park, belonging to Verda B. Smith was sold to Gilbert K. Hardacre. Harry G. Horder of Horders, Inc., has purchased a fourteen room residence with an acre of ground at 91 Beach road, Glencoe for an undisclosed consideration. The seller was Alfred Washington representtd by Attorney Allan G. Mills of the firm of Mills and Howe. Mr. Horder was represented by the firm of Herrick. Vette and Peregrine, attorneys. Walter P. Smith and company were the brokers in the foregoing. Two exceptionally large leases for the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company. One for the new building located at 333 Park avenue, Glencoe, for a term of five years and the other for a store in the Gunn building at Lake Forest. These two leases are reported to be the largest to be negotiated in Glencoe or Lake Forest. near . Fourth street in Wilmette there is much talk of future building in the Terminal section. In the last two or three years this has been a busy section and if rumors one hears have truth the corner of Fourth and Linden 'will take on a new prominence in the village before long. From a source which can hardly be di~puted, it is learned that there may he a new three story apartment building on this corner. Nothing definite, however, has been done in this direction for plans must be worked which include razing the building which at pre ent stands on the corner. It is said that if the new apartment building is constructed the first floor will he used for stores . ~fiss Cecelia Bald\\·in, ·daughter of ~fr. and Mrs. \\'alter \\'. Baldwin, lOIS \Vilmette avenue, returned to La\\'rence college, Appleton, \V~'. , Harold R. Vant of Deerfield was elected to the chair of chief executive of the North Shore Real .E.;tate Board at the last monthly meeting of the organization held at the Old Stvle Inn. He uccecds Lewis T. Dod-ds, who incidently was elected a director of the board. ·M r. Vant formerly wa':l treasurer of the hoard and distinguished himself by constructive aggressiveness. Cnder his guiding hand the North Shore Board is expected to continue the progressive policies which characterized it during the administration of ~1 r. Dodds. study being an examination in detail of the actual farm ownership in selected counties of Illinois. \Viscon in, and Iowa. The s tudy brought out both the type of tenure and the degree to which farming by the O\\'m·r is being superseded by farming hY a tenant. Suggested standard forms for the appraisal of iarm land will he brought before. the Divi~ion by C. B. Jennett, of Ch1cago, chatrman of a committee appointed to work out :-ouch forms. Wide planks or hoards for flooring, January 2. Miss Dorothy Gough, 619 ~1aplc avenue, also returned to Lawrence. --0- Dan Harrison, 307 Abbottsford road Kenilworth. returned · to AsheYille, ~: C .. on Tuesday, where he is a student at the Asheville School for Boys. GREATER CHICAGO LAKE WATER COMPANY 1112 Bankers' Bldg., Chicago Tel. FRAnklin a879 Filtered Lake Water for Chicago's Suburbs Watch for Announcement ,. ............................................................ . Phone Glencoe Phone Wilmette National R. E. Men to St~dy Problem of Farm Dealers \Yhat will he the work of the future for the dealer in farm lands? That 1s tl:e 9uestion which the National assocttattOn of Real Estate Boards will have before it at a specia l con f crenc~ to be held by its Farm Lands Division i1.1 Bir!ningham, Alabama, in connectiOn wtth th r annual business meeting of the A .. ociation, Januan· 23, 24, and 25. George \Vehn,:ein, professor oi agricultu~~l ecc;mmm~s at the University of \\ 1sconstn. w11l adddress the Division on the iuture work of the farm land Realtor. Professor \\"ehrwcin has rcccnth· made a study of land settlement i;1 nor_tl:ern \Visconsin and in Texas, exan~mmg in detail the motive which brmg families to the land and their histor~· as settlers. As a member of the st~ff of the l nstitute of Land EconollllCS and Public Utilities. Northwestern r niversity, he earlier made an important study of farm tenantcy, the 385 Daily Service to 4350 KENILWORTH WILMETTE · GLENCOE WINNETKA so popular at the present time, are a ? throwback to the old da,·s. This wa type of, flo?ring in11!1c.nsely popular 111 early l·,nghsh and French archjtec ture. We believe we are employed in the choicest business -that of safe guarding the health and strength . of our women. ~~Talk the better and build the better trade.'· WET BASEMENTS Made Dry from the Inside · All Work Guaranteed National Waterproofing Co. Phone Harrison 5759 506 S. \Vabash Ave. Chicago, Ill. 7379-89 Rogers Ave. ._ .__!,_!~~"!:__+__.! Chicago, Ill. · · · · · · · · · + · · · · · · · · ...o'!.._!.. · · · · · · · · · · ········ ·~ First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmettet Ill. SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES 1 1 A. M. Wednesday Ttestimonial Meeting-S P. M. Sunday School Exercises-9:45 A. M. We have just received a new line of HAEGER POTTERY in lovely shades of blue, red, yellow and green. Also in modernistic d~signs. 13, 1929 Subject: SACRAMENT JANUARY Reading Room- I I 6 3 Wilmette Avenue HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M.. to 6 P. M. Wednuday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P. M ~ Th~ ~ible a~d Wor~s of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Chrrsttan Scrence Ltterature may be read, borrowed or purchased. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM :;1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli: § JOHN WEILAND Ennston Store: 161· Shuman Ave. Univ. 50~-8607 Florist Wilmette Store: 1 1 6 1 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 1128

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