Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1929, p. 7

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January 18, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE _ , Miss Edna Mayer, second gr~de teacher at the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, was recuperating this week from injuries she received when she fell from a Chicago street car a·3 she was stepping to the street. Miss Margaret Harris is substituting for her. · Saturday evening, ] anuary 12, BerMiss Helen Newey, daughter · of Mr. tram L. White, president of the B. and Mrs. Frederick]. Newey, 436 Lake L. White Printing company, was mar- avenue, returned to University of Illiried to Mrs. Mary Patten of the Bel- nois, after spending the Christmas holi hotel, Chicago, at the home of .days with her parents. Her sister, Alfred . Romig of Glencoe Gives mont Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 M;iss Harriet, who is a teacher in the North Shore School Rating Melrose avenue, Kenilworth. Dr. primary department at St. Katharine 's Herbert L. Willett of the Kenilworth school, Davenport, Iowa, returned also in Preliminaries Union church officiated. Just two of last week after passing the holidays at · Alfred Roniig of Glencoe. New Mr. White's personal fr iends were in- her .home. Trier H 'i gh school junior, tied for vited, Joseph Reynolds and Robert Mrs. Claude Burnham, 536 Roslyn third place in the preliminaries of the Ritchie of Chicago. road, Kenilworth, may accompany Union League club oratorical contest Mrs. John Hicks, 241 Melrose ave - Mrs. Sam Ross to California to be held at Marshall High school Tuesday afternoon. High schools from all nue, Kenilworth, entertained at lunch- present at the wedding of Miss Eliparts of Cook county outside of Chi- eon and bridge Thursday, January 10. zabeth Hannah. s:ago "ve re represented. Directors of the oratorical work at New Trier ,\:ere well pleased with their representati\·e's showi_ ng, in view of the fact that Romig, an inexperienced CAIINETS speaker, had to compete with · experienced orators and winners of previous &Y speaking contests from other higl1 schools. · The finals of the contest s pon sored hv the L'nion League cluh are to he h eld at the Audito~ium theater in ChicaQ'o FebruarY 12. Tn add ition to tl1e preliminar.v contest at Marshall high ~choo 1 TuesclaY for schools outside of Chicago. three simi lar contests were held for Chica.g-o high school s on the north. west, and south sirles. Tllf· four preliminarY contest winners will compete in the · finals. Local Contes't Close New Trier's local contest on ~fon da" to · nick its repre se ntatiYe in the 'Union League club nreliminarie. the followinrr d;~,· prm·ecl to he a hoth· contested affair. Lois Goldstein. whn g-aYe ;111 exrellent sneech. was a close "<'rond tn Romirr in the fin::~l markin(TS. This contest was judged !w Roland 'Vehr ann ~fis s Ma,-ht>l lt' PaYton, members of tl1c !'\ew Trict· farultY. \Vith the Union league contest out of the waY. New Trier's orators \\'tll. now turn their attention to an oratorical contest to be sponsored by the Chicarro Dailv Ke\\'s later in the year. The ,~:inner this event will be given a t\\·o months' trip through Europe. The oratorical work at New Trier is under the supenision of the hi s tor~ department. \\'ith Dr. Laura F. Ullrick and C. \Villiam Reilley as directors. NEW TRIER IS THIRD IN ORATORICAL MEET MARRY IN KENILWORTH LEAVE AFTER VISIT ' HERE MARGARET CLAPP PIANO LESSONS for children Telephone University 1406 1024 Grove St., Evanston ························ .~erkcy &Gay $125 to $450 of einemenff-theessence · ·Mrs. Sam Ross (forme rl v Connie Hannah), daughter of Mr. atid :M rs. At Hannah of Ken ihYorth and Pa sadena. witt le-ave todav for California to visit her family. Mrs. Ross' sister, E liza beth Hannah, will be married on February 2, to Loui s Rosier of Boston. Mr. ann Mrs. Rosier expec t to make their home in Boston. -0- of the new Sal kite receiver furniture house of Berkey & Gay. The receiver is AC without h~ a complete unit ready to operate from the light socket. It has push-pull audio, complete shielding, dynamic speaker power, a jack for reproducing records electrically. The circuit allows for wide variation in voltage with sa,~ty to tubes. Your dealer will gladly demo~strate a Balkite Radio in your home. Fansteel Products Company, Inc., North Chicago, Illinois. A 6imple,pmctical, troubk-free AC set that matches the reception of ·pecial lciboratory jobs; made dependable by extreme engineeriag refinenwnL A set thnt will kut indefinitely. This is the new phase of radio- refinement! Engineering refinement gives you the long-sought combination of fine reception and utter simplicity, practicability and dependability. When you listen to the faultless Balkite reception, you naturally conclude that only the most elaborate mechanism could produce iL Not at all! On the contrary, look at the Balkite chaesis. Simplicity itseH! The cabinets are by the distinguishetl Mr. and Mrs. George Benson, 210 ·Melrose a\'en ue. Kenil\\'orth, are entertaining several guests at the "Palm Beach Dinner Dance" given at the Kenilworth club this eve ning. AIIIIUAL SALE FAHSTEEL SMART NEW HANDBAGS That form.,rly sold from ' ' to ·s& FITTED CASES That sold from 81! to 1/1 of these prtees. at 1/3 of tbese prices. ·uo Ba I ite 1151 WILMETTE AVE. J\ad 10 WILMETTE 2.14 , ~ IIIZW \'OAK EST. 1850 CHICAGO DANNEMARK ELECTRIC C:O. ············································ ·································

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