Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1929, p. 36

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·Latest School News VOL, 1 NO 50 JUNIOR LIFE 1 Told by the PUpils Publiabed weekly by the achool children of Wilmette under upervi1ion of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board \VILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JA·NUARY 18, 1929 Teams Play Off Deferred Volleyball League Games The postponed volley ball games have star.t ed now. During the last two weeks before Christmas vacation when everyone was sick with the "flu," the girls volleyball games had to be postponed because there weren't enough girls for a game. We hope w e can finish playing our volleyball games soon for we are anxious to start the basketball games. There are several more games to be played though. The basketball teams from 8A Stolp are chosen now so we are already for the season to start. There are enough girls in our class for two teams and two substitutt's for each team. 'Ve are going to play teams and no rooms. Soon we will choose a name for each team and will distinguiRh the m by name. The teams are as follows: First team: Lucy Clagt'tt, captain, guard ; Frances Elli , forwa ru ; Jane t McNulty, forward; Jun e Kehl, forward; Marjorie Seubold, guard; Dorothy Neal, guard; Annabelle llr·own and Martha Gilhofer. substitutes. Second team: Allison Burge, captain, guard ; Eileen Burke, forward ; Eleanor Moulding, . forward; Mary Elizabeth French, forward; Eleanor Jackson guard ; Beth Mcilrath, guard ; Katherin~ T~ompson and Margaret Mackintosh, sub stltutes.-Beth Mcllraith, SA Stolp. . Ice Carnival Results 1. INTERVIEW WITH MR. TODD Wh re were you born? Answer: "On a farm near Anderson, Indiana." (A farm e r's boy and look what he is now!") 2. What colleges did you go to? Answer: Indiana university and Chieago university. SA Stolp Class Chooses Three Basketball Teams SA Stolp class members have chosen their first, second, and third boys' basl{etball teams. We hope all our teams will win their games. First team : Charles Knapp, forward ; Bob White, forward; Cecil Williams, center ; Charles Leonard, guard ; Donald Briggs, guard. Second team : George Fackt, forward ; Hubert Pelott, forward; Roger Palenske, center, captain; Roger Fridman, guard ; Robert W e rden, guard. 'l'hird t eam: Frank Eager, forward, captain; Robet·( Fletche.r, forward; Chester Hanson, center; Richard Pickard, guard; Philip Osborn, guard. Roger Fridman, SA Stolp. Elect New Officers of 7A Clua, Stolp School 7A Stolp eJect~d new officers for their club. Billy Bowen was our first president, Dick Hall was our first vice-president, Eleanor Shapiro our first seceretary and Ruth Anderson our first treasurer. They 1\ll dropped their offices January 9. The new officers were elected on the same day. They are as follows : Dick Hall, president; PhylJls Carleton, vice president: Jane Thompson, secretary; Tom Antrim, trea~urer. Jane Thompson who was elected our new secretary, t~ going West so we have to elf'ct another secretary.-Else von Rein::;perg, 7A Stolp. 1·A GIRLS WIN 7A girls beat 7B girls of Stolp in volleyball, 28 to 27, January 10. It was a close game at the end of the first halt the score was 12 to 12. In tht> second half 7B started scoring. The y l<e:·pt it up for a long time and theri Caroline Clark of the 7A te~m wa~ up. She brought the score up with tlw aid of the rt>~t ot the tf:lam till it waR 24 to 27, 7R s favor. EIRe von Reinspe rg Rcored four points when the whistle bl e w. 7A ThP othe r night we had n regular trio won the championship. 7A baR not loRt in front of our house. There wa!'l a baria game this year either in J·ickhall or tone, a tt>nor and a :-;oprano. We couldn't in volleyball.- Vivian Grigsby, 7A Stolp. sleep well so W(' inveMigated. vVe had an idt>a that our· t'at was in it but we PLAN RriCKEY GAME~ wondered who tht> others were. After ThE> boyR of HQward arP st'tting un shining a flashlight on the tree we dis~ h~('key teams to play on the ice at tllf' ~ on· n' d that our eat had ehaRed a little VIllage Green . SA and 8B had onp prac- .: nt UJl the tree and the third voice was tic-e each and are waiting for their fir:-;: th t> littl(' Cc'lt's mother. Our cat turned game.-James Kraft, Howard SB. out to bf' the baritone and the little e:-tt in the tree was the tenor.- Frederick Leason, SA Howard. The following events took place at the Ice Carnival, January 12, at the Village Green school ice skating pond: 1. Boys under 10 years of age : 100 Yard dash-First place, · Kenneth Simonds; second place, James Steen. 2. . Girls under 10 years of age: 100 yard dash-First place, Dorothy Davis ; second place, Muriel Kinney. 3. Boys under 12 years of age: 100 yard dash- First place, Howard Ball ; second place, Tom Finlayson; third t>lace, George Green. 4. Girls 12 y ears of age and under: 100 yard dash- First place , Else von Reinsperg; second place, Lucille Hoffman; thirdy place, Emily Symonds. 6: Boy:; und e r H years of age: 220yard dash-First place, Colin Finlay~on; :second place, John Jordan; third place, Dick Preston. 7. Boys under 16 years of age: 880.vard dash-F i r s t place, Clar nee Steffens ; second pace , Lawrence McHale ; third pace, Robert Golden. 8. Boys under 18 years of age : 440yard dash-First place, Paul Youngberg ; second place, Howard Williams ; third place, Victor Schultz. 9. Girls 15 years and ov r : 440-yard dash-First place, Florence Ludiger; second place, Elsie Paterson ; th_ird place, Kathlyn Welter. 10. One Mile North Championship, Open-First place, Ed Rudolph ; second place, Paul McDonald ; third place, Philp Runnfedt. · 11. Boys under 14 years of age : 440yard dash-First place, Colin Finlayson : second place, Anthony Schinler; third place, Ned Shapker. 12. Boys under 16 years of age-First place, Clarence Steffens ; second place, Ervin Foslund ; third place, John Davidson. 13. Two mile. Over 16 years of age. ::\len- First place, Henry Miller; second place, Ed Braun ; third place, Robert Wolff. 14. Fancy Skating-First place, Jules Bi:l,nucci; second place, Vernette Lewis; third place, Fred Nelson. There were about 250 people entered in the races. And there were 100 that raced in the afternoon. The preliminary races were held in the morning for boys under 16 years of age. The ict> was in good condition and there were many onlookers. The ra<'es started at 2 o'clock. - Rl 11ert Klemm, SA Howard. :t How long have you been principal of schools? Answe r: Six years. How long have you b en principal of Howard school'! Answe r: Four years since the ~chool was built. 4. '\Vould you rathe r be a t ea cher or a principal; .-\ nswe r : This i·eally is a hard question. There are many good feature s about each position. 5. Get Back to School to Find Social Hall Gone '\\rhe n w e r e turned to school after hvo weeks' vacation we were quite surprised to find that the Social Hall was boarded off. We were also unable to get to our lockers. The Junior police informed us that we would have to find some place else to put our wraps. At a later time Mr. Todd came to our room and explained th:-1t there has been a change of plans l.'or that west wing. It seems that originally the hall was only supported enough for one story and they have decided to have two stories in that wing- . For the present the eighth graders are u::;ing the lockHs of the seventh grade pupils. - Virginia McConnell, Howard 8A. 6. Did you e ver teach school? Answe r: Surely. Several y ears in l>oth grade and high school. 7. Would you like for your son to follow in his father's footsteps? An~wer: Since he is only 16 months old I haven't given this proposition much thought or consideration.- Fleeta Freeman. SB Howard. Howard Cagers Take Game Urges Pupils to Try for From Stolp Five 16 to 3 Several Athletic Awards The first game of the season in basketball 8B Howard first team won 16 to :~ when they played 8B's first team of Stolp. After the game we took so long dressing and talking over the game that Ed, the janitor, shut off the lights on us. The line-up was as follows: Arthur C'ramer, c; James De War, r. f.; Marshall Doose, I. f. ; Alfred Bartnick, r. g. ; Lee Blaylock, r . g. ; Martin Herberholz, I. g.-Alfred Bartnick, 8B Howard. Mr.;;. Stalling of the 8B class of Howard has commanded all her teams of boys to get all the athletic ::;hields that they can possibly get but a disaster befell them on the football shield. Thev had won every game until it came to the last and championship game on the Village Green with Stolp SA and were beaten, but the soccer championshi)l they won. But the captain has failed to make the shield in manual training but promises he will. And we won the first basketball game so we have come out so far so good.-Alfred Bartnick, 8B Howard. Eighth Graders to See "Merchant of Venice" The eighth grade of Howard school if'i going to st>e Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice." We have been studying this ~ubject in literature and J for one think it very interesting. The play is at the :;::;tudebaker theater and the two eighth dasses are going down in a body Friday, January 25, in the evening. We are to be in charge of ::\1rs. Stalling and :\frs. nroves.-Jessie Steele, SA Howard. Frederick Tells Story of a Feline Music Treat Basketball T earns Engage in Tryouts for Schedule The :;;chool basketball teams, the Peewees, Lightweights, and Heavy-weights, had their first tryout and practice Saturdny, .January 12. The Peewees at 9 o'clock, the Light\ve1ghts, at 10 o'clock, · and the Heavyweights at 11 o'clock. B. F. Ball was in char·ge. This is the first year that the te?.ms have had more than two pract.i.ces before their games. The Pet>wees and Lightweights have about six games. the Heavies four. It looks like thE:>y will have about their best team this year. - Lawrence Buckmaster, 8B Stolp. "HAP" AND HIS BOYS "Hey, hurry up, it's about timt· for gymnasium to start." We ru h down to the gymnasium and throw off our sweaters. "Tweet," goes the whistle. "Fall tn !" "_Say, what's going on over there?" "Rrght llresR !" yells H:-tp. ··'Dre:ss ·it u~ ther<' ! A II right, Front!" .:rount off_ b~, foun:, 1, 2, '3, 4 etc." squads nght, March!" . "C'nlumn lt·ft, ~far ·h !" "Halt, one, two!" "0J)en ordt-r, :\fan·h !" "Ray, Erickson, don't Rlump so, you're ooing mon: harm than good that way. Do yout· Pxen·ise right. Put an honest t'fl'ort in vour· work " ~e go through s \'era] exercises . . Frnally Hap says: "Boys I will have to have a puni~h ment for, not putting fol'th an hont>Rt E>tfort. I 11 take Dan Cassel for fnf>tanc . Ew·ry time I turn my back he doesn't try," Rays he making Dan the sec·ond victim of the day "The punishment Is that ar~y ft>llow who does not put forth an honest etrort will not participate in any after BChool, &'&me. AU right, Jet's play a game. -PhUfp Hoelz, 7B Howard. SB ELECTS OFFICERS Tuesday, January 8, the RB clasR elected officerR. Donald Campbell is presicl e nt, taking Glf'n Roberts' oftice. Herbert Xaper is viet' president, tnking Marjorie Houghton's place. Jane Moore is treasurer, taking Margaret Hughes' place. Selim Ticleman i:-; sf'cretary, taking Bob Hewitt's oft"ice. 'Ve hope they will be as success"PLAY ROUGH IT" ful as the past officers.-Mary Finlayson, ORGAXJZE SECOND 'l'EA)I sn Stolp. Wednesilay, Mr. Stone substituted for 7 A Stolp boys have dN·ided to have a "Hap" Gathercoal at Howard. Mr. l*'<'or:d tt>am in baRkE>tball and elected Stone let us play rough-all basketball. 'VF.IJJJ REPRESE:STED Dilly Bowen as ('aptain. Tht> team is· 6B Howard was well represented on You could run, jump, but not kick. The Billy Bowen and Everett Warshawsky: forwards; Ja('k Slayton, center; Lock E> t~e Village GreE:>n Ice Skating pond. At one and three lines played the two and Rogers and Bill Katz, guard~. Harry drfferent time::; when the reporter was four lines. It ended in a tie score 6-6. .!\liner is substitute. On Monday, Janu- un. there, he saw children such as these: We told Mr. Stone we wanted to play ary 7, we were supJ10sed to plav St. George Green, Stanlt>y Cochan, Virginia basketball because we had a game with JoReph bUt thE'y didn't RhOW Up and SO Green, Shirley, GeeaRon, Frerlerick Ludi- · ~m Stolp. He said "You'll need lt." WE' won by forfeit. We hope to be eham- ger and Allen H enrekson. They are all "'hen they'll find out whether we need piom; of the second teams.-Jack Slay- !:!l'etty good slmterl'.--James Burdt>tte 6B ~t or not.-Marshall Doose, 8B Howard. ton, 7A Stolp. Howard. ' HOCJCEY PUACTICE PERFECT RECORD GOOD CAGF: 1'EA~I~ The 8B Stolp held their first hockey Tht> iA girls of the Byron Stolp school The baske.tball teams of 7 A Stolp girls on Ja_nuary 8. We had a pracha\'e nE>ver lost a game in kkkball or are goo~ one~. There are two teams RO P.ractice tr('e game whrch ended at twilight 3-3. volleyb.all this year. , SeYeral times the there wrll_ h keen ri\·aJry. The captains .John Cutler our captair;1 chose the team st·ores have been twiRted but they have are Phyllrs Carlton whose team is ealled been straightened out. The team hopes S~Iem Inn. Else von Reinsperg i!'l ('flfl- as follows: Glen Roberts and Lawrence llu.ckmaster, goal guards; William Young~hat tht>y will have the same luck play: of the ~olv~rine team. Both teams qurst, center; John Cutler, Donalu Campmg ba.skt'tball aR they had in volleyball tarn at.·e equally dn·ided as far aR good playand krckball. Else von Reinsperg was Pt s go, so each expects to beat the bell, Howard Wilkins, defenses; Frank McCabE>, Bob :aewitt, wings.-Bob Hewitt t ht! volleyball captain. Eleanor Ricks ' ~he voleyball captain.-Eeanor Ricks' ~>ther teams and the opposing team in 8B Stolp. .heir room.-Florentine Strube, 7A Stolp. tA Stolp, ' - - - -----·UF.SPONSIBIJ,JTY WEEK PLAN DRJo~~~ P A'l"rf: RN~ Th~ Byron Stolp school is observing TJJEY WERE TARDY The. 8B git Is of the Howard school are Following is a list of tardy folks In 8A Respon~i~ilit.y "\Veek. The seventh grades Fiow~ud during December: Evelyn How- plannrng the patterns for their dresse"' ar~ wntmg paragraphs telling what the which they are going to make for th~ ard, Carl Anderson, Bill Sorsen. Thank chrldren can do to help their mothers godness, the list of tardy folks is de- exhibit. Miss Woodley, our domestic For instance, practicing without being ' reasing Instead of increasing.-Bob sciflnce teacher, says that we may have to~d and things like that. We hope it any style ot pattern.-Fleeta Freeman Klemm, SA Howard. 8B Howard. ' wr!l be a very successful week.-Mary Ahce Hayes 7A Stolp. --------

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