Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1929, p. 14

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I Latest ·school Netvs :-======!J JUNIOR LIFE 1 Told by · the Pupils Published weekly by the school children of Wilmette under upervision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board VOL I 1\0 50 \VILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 25, 1929 Demonstration of First Aid Proves Interesting Event a firf;t aid demon1'tration by one of the: TUNlda~· INQUIRING REPORTER What wakes you up in the morning? 1. l\Ty mother starts calling: "lt'.s time to get up."-Robert Klemm, SA Howard On Win·ning Team, 8-B Howard Basketball Team Defeats 8-A Five but H a s Praise for Vanquished Tuesday, January 15; the girls .of 8.-\ Stolp played a volleyball game wtth SC Stolp. It was a fight~ng _gam~ and, even though I'm on the wmmng s1de, I must ;;ay the game was very well played. The SC's played a Yery fine. game for the y oidn't lose by many pomts. They had 80 few on their team and we had so many that we had to only ha\'e seven playing each half. We had twelve ready to . play but only two could play hoth halvel'. We drew name!'i an~ Lucy Cia· gett and Frances Ellis got It. Tho:;;e who played were Lucy Clagett, Frances Ellis. Eileen Burke, Ele~nor Moulding, Dorothy Neal, June Kenl, .Janet McNulty, Annabelle Bro";t· El~a nor Jackson, Alison Burge. Katherme Thompson, and Beth l\Jcllraith. We won hy a score of 25 to 22. It w.as a w·ry exciting game and we were tted at the end of the first half. We hOJle ~o win the cup. We have it from. the ~ockball "eason and hope to keep tt. ~u~ce all three room~. SA, SB, and SC are tted for the cup we played two more games e~ch, Thursday, .January 17.-Beth :\[ Ilra1th, SA Stolp the Howard ~chool pupil!'; had teams from the North Shore line. We had the pledge to the flag first. 1\fr. Bently gave a speech about many of the duties of first aid men. He told us when to use artificial rel-'piratton. His team f'howed us two methods of artificial respiration, the Sylvester method and tl}e Shafteut· prone method. He told us the ~imple directions for first aid of any kind. While bandAges that were later explained were being tied lw demonstrated pressure pointH. They then demonstrated the banda~es for the jaw, head, eyt:>, armsling, hand, ktH>t>, shouldf>r blade and the foot bandages. He dt>monstrated how to make a tourniqu<>t, then the many uses of it. The ~roup demonstrated how to make splint!'; for a broken leg. First they made ~le tit> abo\·e the supposed break and a tie below, a thir·d above the knee, and another clasping the two feet tog<'ther. The squad then demonstrated how to makt> a ~trt:"tchel' with a blanket and two polel', then how to handle a person with an injurt>d leg or arm. Mr. Bently told us how to treat a rib fracture and a jaw fracture. They showed how to rescue a pt.·t·son overcome by smoke in a fire, and ca nied the vi<.'tim out by the fireman's carry. Then they demonstrated a re~cue of a penmn OY~rcome by gaR, using gas m:u;ks. They used tlw fireman's drag to carry him out. They ~howed ways to carry wounded persons. They demoastrated a spectacular rescue of a person that had fallen on an electric wire. Tll.e asst'mbly ended at 11 :25 o'clock.Frederkl< Leason. SA Howard. Get New Apparatus for General Science . Rooms The Gen~ral Science teacher ordered a lot of apparatus for our fuhtl't.' ReiPnce aboratory, which amounted to a large sum. The class has been warned to keep a way from the appat·atus as there are various poisons and harmful things. There is also a small glass pump. The class of 8B Howard is now studying- it. The pump show" how the valves open and draw in the water. The whole apparatus takes up a lower cupboard ann two sheln~s.-Jane Carol Sundlof, SB lloward. 'Yt>dn esday SB Howard boys' basketball team clt>feat ed SA Howard. Each !eam had good team work. SB got the JUmp e\'ery time . Hem·y von der Hoff played a good gAme for SA. 8B made the first 2. l\Jy dog.-Bob Hermanson, 7A basl<et. A good fair g&me was plttye~ Howard only one foul was called. Bill Sorseh wet1t in at the half for SA, but did not 3. 1'hc alarm clock.-Alfred Brown, report ~o SB got a technica l f~)tll. The 7B Howard basl<ets made are as follows: DICk Steen, 1; Hemy Yon der Hoff, 2; of SA and 4. The cat.-Betty Paddock, 8A Arthur Cramer, 4, l\Jarshall Doose, 4. Howard Tlw ~('ore t> nded in the favor of 8B, 16, SA, 6. Th e lin eup i~ as follows: SB SA Arthur Cramet· C'. ll. von der Hoff James Dewar H . F. R. Fuerman Marl'hall DooHe L. F. F. Leason Lee Blaylock H. G. Rob ~ rt Jones S. (;. Brll Sorl'en l\lrs. Jones, our SA Stolp Grammar 1\1. H e rbersholz - - l\Janshall Doost·, SH Howard. tea her, began to assign our homework at about 11 :15 Thur~day morning. She assigned us to make up fourteen sentences on historical facts and diagran1 them. Five were to haye adjectival clau~es, four were to have noun, and five were to han· ad\·erbial dauses. A horse on one of the dairy wagonH The majority of the da~s began to slipped and fell in front of Howard groan as shP went on and .at the end school. The eighth grade boys who were of the assignment she told us that thP in Art class got to see him get up. The other clasRes took the asl'ignment nicelr milkman had to get the harness off so and ~he did not st>e why we did not. he could get up. It wa::; hard work for Then Cecil William~ .said, "Oh, we the horse was !:'Ort of .cross and the don't mind a little thing lik<' th<lt. why weathet· eold. Ed, our janitor, came up in his car and helped the man wheel don't YO':J giYE' us fourtei"n more?" l\Jri. Jones an~wered, "Alright, you the wagon back out of the horRe's way. may do twenty-eight sentences rather Several boys wanted to go out but Miss Scheidler would not let them. Finally Mr. than fourteen." Horse tried to get up but fell twice. All Now we have to do just twiet' .as man~· the boys thought a l'haft or part ot the sentences.-Roger Palenske, 8A Stolp horse w~ broken. When he did get up ewrybody heaved a sigh of relief. Later .:\lr. Horse was seen plodding down the l'treet none the wnrst'.--James Kraft, 8B Howard. Mr~. Groves of the Howard :-whooi hakcd a cake for a dinner given for tht· teachers in memory of Thrift Day. ~h v said it was an upside down cake hut it didn't look it to me. On the stove tht"'r" The Stolp 8A third hal'ketball teRm had was a mysterious concoction of 11eache:-:. Hugar, and butter. ~he wns sifting th·' bette r luck this week than last. Having flour by then she told J'llt' that !';hi> nirl lost to Stolp 8C, January 5, by the score not like flour because you had to l'ift it of !I to :l, they l'taged 11. (·omeback by so much. When she goth through sift- beating St. Joseph's quintet 5 to 4. The ing she added some !';Ugar and other game was very exeiting· for after St. thing!';. I'll bet thf> teaC'her" likt>d it h:>- Joseph had run up a l~ad of 4 to 0. cau~e ::\Jrs. Grm·es haked it. 'VIwn T Stolp s<'ored five points in the last ten lookf>d on the stoYe there was a fine minutes. The Stolp linf>-up was a::; folFrank looking ~tew. She- had a hard time tak- lows: Chester Han~on, center; ing the peache1-: from tht> skille-t tn th.· Eag·er, forward ; Rohert Fletcher, guard ; baking pAn. She said her~t>lf thAt it W[ls Richard Pickard, g·uard; John Osborn, Basket~ were made by Eager a deliciou1-: Nlke. There were thir·t,· guard. The game was played teach<>rs at the dinnf'r .Tanuan· 17 r(, and Fletcher. gymna~<ium at 4 :30 eat th<> cake.-Georg-e Yot:·man. SB How- at the Howard o'clock- Robert Fleteher, Stolp SA ard Cecil Talks Out of Tum; Teacher Doubles Work Horse Fails on Slippery Pavement; Its News Copy Lawrence Attends Concert by Little Symphony Group The second concert . for the young people's matinees by the Little Symphony orchestra, George Dasch, conductor, Wa!-' g·iven Monday afternoon, January 14, at. New Trier auditorium. Jt was one of the best that has eve·· been given at New Trier. The program was as follows : Overture"Der Freischuetz" . . . . . . . Web~:·r Allegretto from Symphony D l\linor . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceasar Franc!< Two Hungarian Dancel' .Tohnnes Br·Ahms Fir~t mo\'ement from C'oncE.>rto C Minor piano and on·hestra . . . . . . ... .. . . ... . Ludwic van Beethoven ... . .. "Caprice Espagnole" .. . ... ..... . Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov The O\'Prture "Der Freischuetz" is not heard vE.>ry much but when it is played it is a beautiful piece. Allegretto from symphony D Minor WAS the second niecton the program and Mr·. Dasch said, "1 wish Cea:-;ar Franck was here today to hear his symphony played. When he wa!-' alive he ha<l a hard time to get along. Now his symphony is played by every symphony or<'hestra in the world once a year." The soloist was Mary Louise Cotton. Miss Cotton played a concerto. After she had played there was fiye minutes of applauding and she was given two baskets of ftowers. - Lawrence Buckmaster, 8B. ' · Watches Teacher Bake Cake for Thrift Dinner Stolp 8-A Cage Squad Trims St. Joseph Team Sixth Grade Cage Team Betty Paddock Is Elected Stolp Basketeers Take Boasts a Cheerleader Howard 8-A President Game From St. Francis ))a \'id Haas of the tloward sixth Friday, JnnuaJT 11. I toward SA had their n._eleetion of room otfic~rs. The eighth grades always ha \'<' a re-elN·tion so that mor·e t>eople will haYe a ehance at being otfkers. Being as we had a boy prel-\ident the fit·st half of the year, we elected a girl for president the last half 1 ·f tht:' year. Former officers : Dick Steen, pr !-iident; Alice !'\ord, Yice presidt:'nt; !\furiel Meyer, secrt>t:u·y; RonAld Fuerman, treasurer. Xew officers: Betty Paddock, president ; Hill ~orsen, Yice president: Yir·ginia l\[(·Connel :. l't'nPtary; Hob rt Klf·mm, treasurer-Betty' Jean Hurtt, · A Howard. firRt team of the boys of S.\ Stolp their fir~t g-amE> of thf' hnsketbnll Wednesday, .January Hi. 'l'hf'y St. Francil' in th~> ~tolp gvmna~ium at 4 o'eloelc. · At th<' end of tht> half ~tolp wet't' 1.-ading with a Rcort' of 11 to 3. 'l'ht>Y <'ertainly did play. The ~core at th.t> f'nd of the game waH RA Stolt> 11. and ~t. Franci~ 8. The nlayf'rs on the Stolp !1 .tm an·: f'edl ¥lilliams. t·t>nter. canta in. Boh \Vhite, forward, Charles Knopp. forward, Allan Ros~man. guard. C'hnl'lt""' Lt·nnard, guard, George Waldner, guard The~· did Rome fine lJlaying- and RA i·· very pr0ud to think the hovs startPd !"P sueceRsfull:r.-Beth .: \Jcllraitl1. 8...\. Stolp The played l-\eaRon played grade went with the 8B class second basketball team as a cheer -leader and mascot but as the second team only had four players and Stolp put a se,·enth grader on David went on the Howard RB team. He made one bal'kN and w aiRo won Howard 17, Stolp 7 and the linE'Ul1 of Howard is as follows : .Jerome X E'vins, c; Alfred Bartnicl\:, rf; Bill Grant, lf: Jam .s Kraft, lg; Davb Han~. rg.Alfn' d Bartnick, SB Howard Thinks pook Reports Will Help Library "Business" 'l'he eighth grades of Howard had their hook reports laHt l\Jonday and there were ma.ny good storit:'~'· :\fn:;. Stalling keeps a card catalog·ue and e Yery time we get our book rf'portH" baek we put the name of the book, the author, the grade we l'f'Cf'iYed and the day we wrote the book rpport on. V(e all like this idc>a because we can keep track of the books we read. T think the library is getting a lot of bm:iness with all the book:-; we report on. -Ell'a Carlen, SA Howard. Plt0(~ lU:l'\S 0~ ~\ DHITIO~ Thfl new addition tn the Howard l'chool is going up rapidly. Then· is to lJe an auditorium, a n{·w kindergarten, and, we hopt>, a getwntl l'dt·ll('t' Ia borah·ry. The building i~ to be two stories high. The ei~hth grade h:Hl to tran~f('l' tht>ir b('lnngings to tlw l't'\'t'nth grade lockf'rs and so we at·c· quih' <.'l'owded. But we hope th(:'y'll finish tlw building lwfore we graduate.-Dorothy Vollman, SA Howard. GOLDFISH GI:T A JHHt·: Since the pool has been torn down in the Howard school, the goldfi~h are lacking a homt>. The janitm· (·ame in 1\Jl'l-\. Stalling'l' ronm ont· day anct asked if she wantt.-d to ket'p the goldfish. She said Rhe would keep the goldfish if he would keep the goldfish clean. But we have Reen nothing of thf' goldfish. Today while strolling around tht> kindergarten room I saw the goldfish. Mrs. Hesse said she felt sorry for the goldfish eo abe took tbem.-KathlJ'n Welter. SA Howard. SEF. :\fA RIO::SE1'1'ES Tht' Ta ttennH n Marionettes were at I toward l'Chool Monday, January 21. They prest>nt('<l Alladin' and the Wonderful Lamp. Last year they ga \'e tht> J.;:i ng of tht> Gold n River and it was enjoyed so mueh we had them again. The play wa:-: ALFRED'S XEW HAT "F IRST PJL\f:TH'E G ,\JrF. Alfred Bartniek of SB Howard h:t~ :1 n ' t'Y intere:-;ting and l am sure evt·rymw Yesterdny, January 17, the girls of SA larl they had come agaiu.-Ruth and ~R Howard had their first basket n£'w hat. It is a felt fedora of dazzling was !!" hlu£'. He got in troublt> with l\Jrs. ~tal Bersch, SB Howa r·d. ball practice of the year. Miss Skidmore ling for wearing it in the roorn and halls. our teacher in the after school games. The price he confided to a ft>w immediate taught us the rules of the games and friends. They all agreed that · it was too how to guard and pass correctly. 'Ve had WHY I LIKE BASKETBALL much.- Janws Kraft. SB Howard. a lot of fun. Aftet· we had pmcticed a I like basketball bt-cause it is a while we had a shor·t game, SA against NEW HOCKEY TEAl\1 clt'an, good sport, which does not re8B. The girls of SA won by the score Howard 7A has got up a hockPV tt-am of 8-2. We hope we shall be as succf'ss quire brawn or weight. You mm;t be We picked our captain, Bob Hermanson. ful in all our games as we were las l->killed at shooting baskets, blocking, \Ve play our first gam~ with 7B Howard. night.-Alice Nord, 8A Howard. dr·ibbling, and passing. There must be l\fa ny of our players are sick, but we cooperation on the pat:t of your teamhope to be champious.Reginald GreE>n, 7A rna tes. A team that does not pass the. PJJAN STYLE SHOW Howard. ball, or depends on one fellow, is not . In Miss Woodley's eighth grade sew a very good team. A good idea is to mg classes at Howard, the girls are HAVE DOK REVIE'V have a certain age limit. If a boy is starting to make dresses for the style Our fourth book rE>view was one WE' over 15 he should not be allowed beshow which is going to be given at the had last Monday and just about everycause it handicaps the smaller and P. T. A. in the spring. We started them body had read some pretty good book. younger boys. Different teams have laRt week which was earlier than the Our next book review will be in Feburary different forms of playing. - Dick classes usually do start them because we Rometime.-Bettye K. Kirwan, SB HowSteen, SA Howard. have to have them finished by April 2 ard. l\far,iorie Wuble, 8B Howard. · ·~

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