Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1929, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE January 25, 1929 Club Affairs Now Play Important Role in Society Circles J. Lincoln Gibson to Be Leading Man in u Lombardi, Ltd." I Taking Part in Two Benefit Plays I Announce Children Winning Ice Events at Skokie Carnival The Skokie Country club was the BY JEAN TEN BROECK scene of a gay party on Saturday In our weekly search · for news we .afternoon, January 12, when the chilagain pause at the benefit for the dren held an ice carnival. Most of building fund of the \\'oman's club of . the participants were in costumes that made a colorful contrast to the undisWilmette as it undoubtedly is the turbed white snow. Prizes were awardlargest cnnt in the offing for the next ed for costumes as well as for winners few weeks. It is the largest in the of races. The winners of races were comprehensiveness of its arrangements as follows: and will draw to its doors one of the Race for boys under 7 years : Theodore Templeton, first place, and Keehn largest crowds ever attracted to an Landis, second. Girls under 7: Polly affair of its kind in \Vilmette, present Neeves, first, and Mary Wilder, secplans prognosticate. This week diond. Boys under 8: Charles Rotherm~l, vulges the name of the actor who wiiJ Thomas Harrington ; Girls under 8: play the part of Tito Lombardi, Italian Doris Biddle. Nancy Landis. Boys 10 and 11: Billy Rothermel, Wallace dressmaker, whose experiences both as Templeton. Girls 10 and 11: Mary modiste and collector of antiques will Moore, Mary Neeves. Boys 12 and 13: amuse and intrigue the spectators, and French Postle, Lewis Hoffman. Girls will take place in a shop whose ap12 and 13: Mary McMahon, Barbara pointments will delight their eyes. Wilder. Bovs 14 and 15: Albert Johnson. Richar·d Joslyn. Girls 114 and 15: This leading role will be taken by Mary L. Morris, Joan Wilder. Boys ]. Lincoln Gibson, a·ctor of ability, 16 and over: Thomas McMahon, Rol~ whose name carries with it a long list Photo hy Gibl"on Casebeer ert McMahon. Girls 16 and over: of dramatic associations. He has Lucv Jane Hedberg, Sally Clover. played with the North Shore Theatre Photo by Moffett Hot chocolate and sandwiches were guild ever since it started, taking part Miss Katharine Adams at \rVinnetka ably is playing the part of Squire served in the gritl after the races. in "Mixed Marriage," "Joan of Arc," Trelawney in the Junior . League production for children, "Treasure Island," "Icebound," "The Youngest," "The En- now current at the Harris theater Saturday mornings. chanted April," "Henry IV," and · ]. Lincoln Gibson is to play the lead in "Lombardi, Ltd." when it is given Camp Fire Girls Give "Number 17." He also played with the as a benefit for the building fund of the \Voman's club of Wilme~te, Febru?lry Evening Sleigh North Shore Players at the time of 12 and 13, ~t the clubhouse. 1\{ r. Gibson is a talented actor of w1de theatncal their existence. He played with the experience. A group of fifteen Camp Fire Girls Teacher's club of Evanston in "Old ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Wilmette, of which Miss Trenna Lady 31," "Their Honor, the Mayor," Scott is guardian and Miss Mary McNight School Instructors "Lulu Bett," "Little \Vomen," "Steve," There sa McArdle Selects Nultv is assistant guardian, gave a and "Tweedles." Entertain for Bride-Elect sleigh ride last Saturday evening. February 6 for Wedding Mr. Gibson was a member of the Alison Burge and Dorothy Neal enInstructors in the Night School for tertained at diner before the sleighMi . s Theresa McArdle has chosen Pilgrim Players of the Congregational church of Evanston for ten years, ap- February 6 as the date for her mar- Foreign Born, conducted under the ride. at the former's home, and repearing in Biblical drama under the riage to John Schnederger of River- auspices of the civics department of freshments were served at the home direction of Mrs. A. Starr Best. He side, Ill. The ceremony will be per- the \Voman's club of Wilmette, enter· of Janet McNulty, 84 Robsart road, organized and played with the Rosen - formerl at the residence . of her par- tained at a bridge luncheon Tuesda ~· . Kenilworth. William F. McNulty berg Players, and has appeared at the ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McArdle, 111 January 15, at the Georgian 11otel, in chaperoned. Countrv club of Evanston, the Evans- Broadway avenue. The Rev. Bernard honor of Miss Elizabeth Brown of The guests were: Miss Scott, Miss ; McNulty, ton Community theater, the Young Brady of the St. Francis Xavier church Kenilworth, whose marriage to J arne · Alison Burge, Dorothy will officiate. The ceremony will be Oliver Brooks will take place Satur- Neal, Eileen Burke, Francis Ellis. Woman's ·Community club, the \Voman's club, the American Legion, the performed at 4 :30 in the afternoon day, February 2. Eleanor Jackson, June Kehl, Martha Playshop of Northwestern university, and will be followed by a wedding Guests of honor at the luncheon, Gilhofer. Beth McTlraith, Janet Mr.with the Playfellows of Rogers Park, supper. Miss Mary McArdle will oe other than Miss Brown, who is at Nulty, Jean Monroe, Marjorie Seuthe Ravinia Players, with the Studio her sister's onlY attendant, while the head of the school, were her moth- bold. Svlvia Stoerk. Katherine ThompPlayers of Chicago, which is the out- Richard Schnede-rger \\'ill serve his er, Mrs. J. Melville Brown. and Mrs. son, an-d Mr. McNulty. standing little theater group of Chi- brother as best man. Hayes McKinney, president of the cago, and with the Medievalists of After a wedding trip through the Woman's club. Their hostesses were Chicago. He has done professional South and to Cuba, the couple will Mrs. Percy Arden, :Nirs. George L. Speak at Wellesley Club work with the \VIBO Players of Chi- make their home in Rogers Park. Martin, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Harry HillThe Misses Jean MacLeish, Theresa cago. man, and Mrs. Eli )tt Youngberg. and Ada Rew, and Jane Triggs were Mr. Gibson attended Deerfield the principal speakers at the North Shields High school and was active in Exchange Closes Today Shore Wellesley circle meeting held \Vith dinner, entertainment and dramatics there, where he studied On Benefit Committee at the home of Mrs. S. W. White o{ under Alice Heathcoate McElrath, and sale, the Wilmette \\' oman's exchange Under the direction of Mrs. Hubert Evanston Tuesday of last week. Cocloses its doors this evening. The closplayed with the Deerfield Shields Carleton, Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan, hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Alumni association. He won a gold ing is necessitated by the building of Mrs. Fernando W. Fuermann, Mrs. A. C. Goodnow, Mrs. W. F. Hanchett, the new Methodist church which will , medal and scholarship at NorthJoseph B. Marshall, Mrs. Reinhold H. and Miss Marjory M. Billow. The western university in an Inter- extend· over the site of the Young Palenske, Mrs. Clarence Puhlman. and speakers discussed modern changes People's house, part of which has scholastic Declamation contest in 1915, :Mrs. Lester \Vood. plans are about · and developments at Wellesley. Meand graduated from Northwestern. been the Exchange's home for the completed for the bridge the women tion pictures of Tree day and May Mary Agnes Doyle, now of the Good- past year and one half. of the Associated Guilds of St. Augus- day at c·oltege ·were shown. man theatre, was his instructor in dictine's Episcopal church are sponsoring tion. Hostess at Luncheon Monday afternoon, January 28, at the To Address assarites Character acting is his specialty. Mrs. Hayes McKinney, 1035 Ch~:~ st home of Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich, 925 \Vhile in college he took any type of Lake avenue, Wilmette. The affair is Professor Franklyn Bliss Snyder of part, with German plays his chief in- nut avenue, entertained thirty-six given as a benefit for Chase House the English department of Northwestmembers of the board and the build· terest. and other charitable organizations in ern university, and Mrs. Snyder will From a list of activity such as this, ing committee of the Wilmette 'Vombe guests of honor at the luncheon we turn to the other information new an's club at luncheon and bridge at which the guilds are interested. the Chicago Vassar club will give her ho!11e \Vednesday. this week which concerns the producWednesday, January 30, at 12 :3() tion of "Lombardi, Ltd.," on February To Hold Open House o'clock, at the Coltege club. Fotlowing 12 and 13, and that is the names of To Give Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blumenstock of the luncheon Professor Snvder wiil the committee placing the tickets for ~frs. James C. C~ossley, 407 \Vash- 495 Willow road, Winnetka, will be at the benefit to be given at the club- ington avenue, will entertain at lunch- home during the afternoon and eve· speak on "Literary Standards of Today." house. eon and bridge Tuesday. at her home ning of Sunday, January 27, in honor Mrs. Ira L. Reynolds heads the com- in honor of :Mrs. N. C. Thayer, Jr. of their daughter, Miss Ruth, whose mittee, and working with her are Miss who is leaving Wilmette. engagement to Walter R. Brunswick Class Has Sleigh Ride Ruth Bower, and Mesdames E. H. recently was announced. · The Sunday School class of Mrs. Burg-e, Elmer Berol, John Clark Baker, Raymond Armstrong, 1001 Linden C. P. Evans, R. G. Flood, G. T. Hel- flan H O$pital Benefit avenue. entertained at a sleigh party Engaged muth, Arthur Johnson, Earle Lyon, · An annual benefit bridge for the St. last Monday e\;ening. Refreshments J. A. Pancoast, A. W. Peard, C. L. Francis Foundation will be held on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knobel, 204 were served afterwards at the home kieth, A. H. Rohal, Charles Ripley, the evening of April 5, at St. George's Wood court, announce the engageof Mrs. Raymond Wheelock, 89 RobJ. H. Stackhouse, E. J. Smith, 0. E. High school in Evanston. Mrs. Frank ment of their daughter, Bertha, to sart road, Kenilworth. There were 'l'haleg. T. E. Thompson, Charles Wile, Jones is general chairman of arrange- Arthur C. Austin of Richmond, Ind. about twenty guests, each member of H. 0. Von Der Hoff. ments. No date has been set for the wedding. the class inviting a friend. I ~ Ride v

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