6 WILMB' TTE LIFE November 8, 1929 ·llllfm·n·iiUIDIDIDIIHIIIIIIIUIIUIIHmmnniiiiiiiDIUIHIIIUIUmiiiHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIII Mrs. B. F. Langworthy to · , .. ....... . Qhe ....... ··MC;)STOfr T H E8ESTFOA THELEAST To Present ·Three Address P. T. A. Meeting Children's Plays Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of Winnetka, in Highland Park formerly president of the Illi~1oi~ ParThree chi ld ren's p lays of unu sua l intere st ~re to be presented d uring th e next few months at the E lm Pla·..:e auditorium in Highland Park under the auspices of the Highland Park \\'oman's club. They are, "Aladdin," to be given hv the Evan ston Children's th eater on November 9, "Ivanhoe," to he o ffered by the Goodman theater 011 j anuar.v 2. and "The Scotch Twins," a ~ t:cond Children\ theater production to he offered on March 1. \Vith the view ' of acquainting th e children of Highland Park and oth er north shore communities with the best in children's plays produced by · experienced players, the literature com mittee of the Woman's club induced the two theater groups t o bring th est· production s to Highland Park. Plav ~ ing the part of Aladdin in the fir~ t presentation is James Lmdher of th e dramatic department of Xorthwc st crn university and oppos ite him as t h(' Princ e s Dadroulbad our is F: -: an or Rice, dramatic director at the R o ·ct· mo rc school in E\·amt o n. ent- Teacher association, a11d for the past two years president of the Woman's City club, of Chicago, will speak at the regular meeting of the LoganHoward Parent-Teacher a ssociation Tue sday e\'ening, November 12, in the Howard school auditorium. ~1 rs . Langworthy's subject will he, "Arc Par ents Citizen s'?" The mee ting ha s b el:n de signated " Fathers' ~ight." MEAT MARKET CO. ORGANIZE SCOUT TROOP Announcement is made of the o r ganization of a new Girl Sc out troop \Vednesday afternoon, !\ovcmber 13. at 4 in the \Vilmette Baptist church . All girl s in th e village, 10 y ears old or over, are invited to attend thi s f1r st meeting. The membership will be lim ited to twentv-fo ur. ~fi ss Pearl Ho os t: will he the ;aptain of thi s new tr oop . Mr. and ).frs. Eugene Lathrop, ,,·ho have been spending six weeks with Mrs. Lathrop's parent s, ).fr. and Mrs. \V. \Vallace Kerr, 707 Fore st avenue, will leave today for th eir winter home in :\felbourne . .Fla. All Telephone and C. 0. D. Ordeta Carefully and Quickly Delivere~ Charge accounts solicited from reliable people I NORTH SHORE MARKETS I Winnetka Wilmette Hubbard Woods 910~ Linden Ave. Winnetka 417 and 418 7H Elm St. 1145 Wilmette Ave. WiDDetka 4 and 333 Wilmette 2814 and 731 I EVANSTON MARKETS 1559 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6868-6867 I· 705 I Mai~ Street Greenleaf 2989 194l Central St. . Greenleaf 4355 1407 Greenleaf St. University 3700 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. 8th AND 9th YOUR WILL NEVER BE A DISAPPOINTM,E NT IF YOU WILL SERVE SUNDAy DINNERS W APSIE VALLEY CHICKENS We Guarantee Every One to Be Tender and Delicious, 391/2 c W APSIE BUTIER-famous Real figs · · ·_ real goodness ... ·in the cake .. . make the only for its purity and sweetness. N'i:'b~ b~~~~~-...... . . . 45c 32c BEST CUT O.F POT ROAST. For an economical meat, our choice cuts will · satisfy. Lb. . . . . . . C 32 real Fig Newtons ··· they're baked only hy"Uneeda Bakers: .. .... I MILK FED LEG VEAL. Only select, tender, absolutely fresh veal comes to this ~~~t~ ·-········· · · F R E S H L E A N PORK LOINS - small. Here is something extra. Try ityou'll buy more. Lb. '."... ... . 291/:2C. ·"uneeda Bakers" Alao aold by the pound. . PEACOCK BRAND HAMS. .Once you try "PEACOCK" brand, you use no other kind. Ita hickory cure makes it choice and tasty. l/2 or whole, lb. . 2C 271/: FRESH LEAN PORK ROAST. An excellent suggestion for your Sunday Dinner. Fine when sliced Fig Newtons NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY co~b. .......... 191/zc -u...........- GENUINE WAPSIE VALLEY SPRING DUCKS. This brand means assurance of the bes~ Our Ducks are specially raiaed, carefully fed, then dry picked. Always fresh Ducks earb.~~· ........ .... 39c SPRING LEG LAMB. Its tenderness and juicy flavor will prove our statement that it is SPRING quality, in fact. Lb. ..... . ..... J91J:2C Tune in on WHFC at h:30 every mornin« and learn of the good thine· to eat and latest market prices, at PALACE MARKETS. -IIDI~IHWftmiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~1111111111111111Ulllllllllllllllll