November 8, 19'l9 WILMETTE LIFE 11 Kenilworth Club· L is t s Officers, Committee Heads Attractive in its new garb, t?f Kenilworth club has issued its year book bearin-'1: tidings of club plans for the winter season. These include the regular affairs, Club night on Fridays, bridge game·s, bridge luncheons, supper dances, and other attractions. . cers for the club this year arc -'.a es Ralpl.1 Starr ·. oresident; R. \Varcl ~ta rctt, v1ce-pres1dent; Herbert B. Ta\"lor, secretary-treasurer; Dan G. ~tiles. assistant treasurer; Robert 0. 11erger, auditor. The directors arc Ceor).!e C. Richards, Harry \V. Mons, \ \' altn Marx, Hugh C. Petersen, llarold Tideman, \Vatter A. Knoop, l.ouis E. Jones, Frank W. Ketcham. :\rthur W. Wakeley, and the officers {'f t ilt,: club. l\m1mittee chairmen are: Mrs. V/endcll H. Clark, dance committee: Mrs. 'l'llm Dix, cards: Louis D. ] ones, ent('rtainment: John Benham. Memorial da ,. : Harold Tideman, Fourth of J uh·: \\'a lter A. Knoop, beach; 1frs. \\rilliam I. Ta dar.' house and propertie~: \\" ard ~tarrctt. memhershtp. Logan · Howard P. T. A. quested that the parents call their room chairman and have her ·enter their names for membership. I Science Claaaea View Film on Redwoods of California Science classes at the Howard and Stolp schools saw a motion pictu-re on the redwood trees of California this week. The film was shown at the Howard builclin~ Wed.nesd.ay afternoon and at Stolp Th'ursday afternoon through the courtesy of one of the .pupil's father. The science classes, un der the direction of Miss Dorothy Ste vens, have been collecting and identi fying leaves and making tree booklets · .... I ~ Tuesday evening, November 12, the Logan-Howard Parent- Teacher association will hold its regular meeting in the Howard school auditorium at 8 o'clock. The association 1s holding 'iFathers' night," and the dads are pi!rticularly invited so as to become acquainted with the work of the organization. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of vVinnetka will be the speaker of the evening. Hu· :-. ubject will be, "Are Parents Citizens?" Mrs. Langworthy ts an expresident of the State Parent- Teacher association, and. for the past two years has been president of the vVoman's The Babies' Friendly will meet at the City club of Chicago. Mrs. Arthur E. home of Mrs. vV. Bersch, 1715 \Valnut Ruff will be soloist of the evening. The mothers of the sixth grade chil- avenue, \Vedne sday, ~ovember 13, at 1 :30 o'clock. (lren will be hostesses. The room t eas have been a great success, and have helped the parents and teachers to get better acquainted with each other, and have aided them in co-operating with one another in the room work. __ On \Vednesday, November 13, at 8 o'clock the pre-school meeting will be held in the Wilmette Public librarv. Mrs. Ford of Carson, Pirie, Scott a~d company will talk on "Christmas toys for the pre-school child." Miss W. Bright, the children's librarian, will discuss "Books for the Pre-school Child." DO YOU NEED TUTORING for Midsemesters? Mrs. Heaps and her assistants are prepared to give individual instruction m all grade, high school and college subjects. Isabel Warrington ISSUE CARDS FOR SUPPER The membership dri\'e 1s now on, and all parents are req uc ted to join before ~ovemher 15 in order that their chi ld's room may recei,·c the prize for being 100 percent perfect . It is reMrs. Sanger Bm\\'n, Mr. and 1frs. Christy Brown, and Dr. 1ferrill Robins of Kenilworth ha,·c issued invitations for supper Sunday c\·cning, N ovcmher 10 from 7 unttl 8. (I HEAPS 814 Ridge Terrace, Evanston Bl. So. of Central, near Ridge) University 4198 "' ..... I THE CHICAGO CLEANERS· WAR HAS NOT AFFECTED OUR SERVICE ; We want our many friends and patrons to know that the Chicago cleaners war, resulting in the closing do\vn of Chicago plants and also many in the outlying districts has not affected us. Our modern cleaning plant is in full operation, ready to serve those who demand the best workmanship. .. I Those who have had their' cleaning done in the past by some Chicago concern, are kindly urged to give us .a trial. \Ve sincerely believe you 'viii be delighted with the exquisite quality of our cleaning and the promptness of our service. An opportunity to demonstrate our work would certainly be appreciated. Schultz & Nord The Village Cleaners oth Proof Bags Free Send us your summer woolens. We will remove all moth attracting soil and return them beautifully cleaned and packed in n1oth proof bags, at no extra cost above the regular cleaning charge. 1152 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones 3 20-3 21 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660