Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE' LIFE / Novemb e r 8, 1929 ENTERTAINED AT LUNCHEON \Vednesday of las t week Mrs. E. F . l\orton of the Sovereign hotel entertained at luncheon and the matinee for her niece, Mrs. Merle C. N utt of Moline, who was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small of 411 Maple avenue. After luncheon Mrs. Norton took her guests to see '" Show B0at." Mrs. Nutt returned to Moline Monda\·, motoring with Evanston friend~ with whom she and Mr. Nutt will drive to Champaign Saturday for thl' lllinois-Armv game. Two Teams Tied for Firs~ Place in Bowling League The \ Voo lworth Five and Ten and Central Pharmacy teams were tied for first place in the \Vilmette Busines~ .\1en's Bowling league this week with fourteen games won and foqr lost, t'ach, \Vednesday of this ,,·erk. The Central Pharmacy team holc1s the title to the highest score for three games with 2,576 and also to the highest score ;n any single game \Yith 874. Rob l~vans of the \ Yilmet tc Post Office ~quad holds the highest individual score itt a single game with 231 while .Toe \1iller of the Rich Allt.·,·s holds the highest individual score for three rrames. haYing n·corded 550. The "tan dine- of the teams f0llows : \ Voolworth Five an<l Ten. ,,·on 14. lost 4: Central Pharman·. wnn 14. lost 4: \Vil·nette Post Office. mm 14. lost 7: American Leg-ion, won 12. lost 9; Schultz ::~nd Nord. won 8. lost 10: Central Barber. won 7. lost 11: National Tea. 'Yon 5: lost 1(}: and Rich Alle\· won 2. l0st 19. Lea~tte p-ames are p]a,·erl ~t Rlescr's Bowling Acarlenw. Garden Talks Leagues of Women Voters to Conduct Citiz enship Scho.ol (Contributed by the Wilmette Garden The Wilmette, Kenilworth and WinClub) netka Leagues of \Vomen Voters, with The officers for 1930 were elected Fri- the cooperation of the civics departday at a meeting of the Vvilmette Gar- ment at New Trier High school, will den club held at the home of Mrs. F. hold a citizenship school at the high , : Brooks. The new officers will begin school on January 10, it was announced this week. The program will \\·ork in January. open at 10:45 o'clock in the mornir.g ~1rs. A. \V. Peard, a charter member and continue until 4:30 o'clock in thl' ni the club. speaking for the nominat- afternoon, according to present plans. in .~ ~ommittec, said that Mrs . ]. F. with a luncheon to be served in the Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh \ \' eedon, president of the club, would road, Kenilworth, will go on to New he in Europe during a large part of t!1c New Trier mess hall at noon . York this ·week-end ·to chaperon her One of the highlights of the clay's iollowing year, and did not feel that daughter, Miss Bethany, at a week-end ~he could take the office a second ye:u. program· will be a talk by Supt. Fred house party at Harvard university, folIn her place, the nominating com- erick E. Clerk of New Trier High lowing the Harvard- Yale footba ll game mittee presented the name 0f Mrs. C. ;-;chool on the school situation from tomorrow. Miss Crowe is attending Miss \. Hurlbut, who has twice been prL)- the standpoint of taxation. Miss Dow's school at Briarcliff Manor, ~-ram chairman of the club. Like ~lr;-;. Kathleen Lockley and K. S. Binnie, New York. \ , . eedon, she is a woman of high ideals, both nf ,,·hom came to New Trier ·High --oa nature lover. a civic minded woman. school this year from England as exchange teachers, will have a part in Mrs. Frank F. Stover, 1183 Tower Cllld an excellent gardener. road, Winnetka., entertained at a lunchMrs. ]. B. Schaub, who will be thl' the program. eon and bridge party at the Kenilworth ~fiss Lockler will discuss the school m·w program chairman for 1930, read C lub this week. the program for the new year. lt situation in England. Ur. Binnie will ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ -~~~~~~~~;l~~tfcrs n1a11V a good afternoon of gar- explain how the cit~· of London is dl'n instruction · to its members. The l[n\·erned. while another speaker not club will contintte the communitY \York ,·et announced will tell of the operaWHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR NOON HOUR t iPns oi Chicago's municipal govern 1hat it has b<.·en doing- each year. ment. :'\n(lther feature of the citizenship DA NCE F OLLOWS STYLE SHOW Followinl-! the fashion shO\v to l>t "chonl program will be a discussion of at staged at Shawnee Countr\· club Sat - ·'The \\"orkin.trs of the Racketeers." urdaY evening, No,·emhcr. 9, which \Y:ll Otlll'r plans for the program include he presented hr one of thl' smart shop::; talb bY -:\ e\\' Trier High school stuun the north shore. Cope Han· ey'~ dent s on the forest preserve problem orchestra " ·ill plav for the dance which and the showing of a motion picture \\·ill complete the eHning for memhc r :-- nrnduced hv Princeton univcrsitv on You'll be glad to know tl~e Declaration of Independence. CIJHI their .Q"ttests. Further details of the program ,,·ill MRS. MACK IS BACK :tppear in a later issue of the \\'II.:'In:Tn:. To provide you with delicious LrFF.. plate lunch. sandwiches. etc. l~ o y Jarrett, 534 Essex road, Kenil\\·ortiJ, has returned from a business Wil. 380 1159 Wilmette Ave trip . He returned on \V-ednesday of this '\\'CCk. ?~ WHY NOT BOWL NORTH SHORE RECREATION ALLEYS New Management Since July 1st Cumnor R d. KENILWORTH 315 INN 167 ... l<rflat un this- }· vu Caw10t Lose! If nur's the storage place you clroast'. Putting your vaiuables in our charge is like placing your money in a strong, safe hank - YOUR PROTECTIO!\ IS COMPLETE. :1'\fOYING · P.\CKING · Sll l PJ>JXG LONG lHSTANCE IL\ UI.ING PAL'I. Kenilworth Meals Served Quiet Environments I 1 Does You· P·ope·ty Meed Any I 1 1· Repal·s! 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Fireplaces a ~·~'"'""'~"""""""""""'~ EXQUISITE Is what you will say when you ·see these chemises of guaranteed washable crepede-chine . . . Every stitch hand-made in French designs. Chemises ........... . $4.50 Speci~lty ~ A. R ENSCH, Pt·esident Porches and Walks, Plaster Repairs Stone and Brick Chimneys All grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work ~ ~ ~ PHONES-WILMETTE 32. UHIVERSITY1317 OiAIR.S & TA8LES- FOR.. R.ENT R:.er:.;e. STORAGE .A:4 Step- Ins . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3.95 I I ~ ·1 . SHORTRIDGE '119 Richmond Road, Ktnil worth Ph. Ktnil. 2 7 3 5 I I ~ MOVING · PAC.k.l N ..2 SHIPPING ~ 521 MAIN STREET WILMETTE)LL. ASTA-MARIE 1159 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 4370 ~....~""""""""""""""'J

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