Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 18

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WILME'TT E LIFE Novembe r R. ] lJ~I) Isabel Richardson Molter Gives Recital in New York .ltfw 0ngland 8he/f q,~,q 1Janjo C/ockg Saturday eve11ing. November 2, Mrs~ Isahel Richardson Molter was one ot th<. artists who furnished the progr:tlll for the openjng reception ui t hl' CanH'., Salt1t1 of /dlied Arts. held at tl1l.' .B~l IJ]l)llt hotel, Chicag-o. ~1 r~ . .l an (. lnapusso \ras at the piant' ft~r .~vi rs. ~!_al ter. Fritz Lieber gan~ an llltne-,t11 1 '~ talk <Jil ~hakespeare. :\u\·emll<.'r 7. ~Irs. ~lt>lter kit f,o ·· :\l'\\' Ynrk to gi\'e the pr<.·gram at Li t' np<:n ing reception of the \\' ashing.ton Hcighb Music club ~unclay cytnt_n~. Xm·embcr 10. ~Irs. \foltti' \\'111 ,..;tn~~ on this occa sion the follo\\'ing· program: l:tTitati\'< ' atlll ari;t , "~" ~h:tll th·· l.th nu<l I Ltrp _\\\'a!;:, .,.. frum .fuel:\)-; .\lilt'\'itlll'\1:'. ll:\11df' \\"it · .\t .. lodit ·ll nrahm:-; ~t:tt · JHklwn Officers Named by New Trier Frosh in Election Thursda.v '\l'ew Trier High school freshm ·· , were busy this week l'lcctint{ their ·cl ;t · off1cers for the year. At ~~ nominat ;,, Ctlll\'<'tltiml IH' Id on October 29 t ' , names of l\\'Cnty-fnur can<liclate~ i tl1c various offices were present 1· These . candidates \\'l'rt.· rt ,ted upon a primary. elcctint1 \ \'ednesday of t'· n·cck. The final election \\'as helcl tt Tlmrsda,·. thr namrs of the twn can e! · dates for carh office receiving· ! : highest tlumhcr ni ,·otes in the· prim :ti ekrtion apJH.'aring· nn t~1c ballot. Follo\\·ing art.· the students \\'h ·,, · n.tmcs appeared oil the or'iginal hall,, · ior president-- Juhn Ballenger. Yi ctt . Han:-;on, Bill :\nrdbC'rg and ~tan t .. : Schuman uf \\'innctka. and Charl t l'napp, Frank l·:agcr, l~t,hl'rt \\' ],it and l' h a r 1e s 1. t · 1lll a r d c' i \ \' i lm e t t e ; i ·.· r ice -p r c s icl c 11 t - .I a n d \I r \: ul t y ,t 11 Flnrt.·ncc Sellen uf \\'iiitll'lle, .\lari :t · llarhn of \\ .- innctka ;u11l Barb :u . ~lunn and Janl' \\.ai<lnn t)f Glcncn l· fpr st.·rretary- Lttc .' · Clag-ett of \Y i' nwltl'. and leanl'ttt· Post. ~firi:t1 1 Fllrma nn. \ · i.rgi11 ia S1ll it h. F-It-a q~, Cllicht.·~trr and Helen ~htpard of \Vi1 1 net ka: for trca~urer - Roger Barrett 1,, Kenilworth. Rnbcrt :--;cikr of Clrnc t)· ·. and Dirk OliHr, Cly<le \[urplw 11 1 1 ~an1 1\t·rl..:\\'CII oi \\.innl'tka. ln order to hoI d a 11 \· u ( the ft· e :--II tll;ttl ria-.~ (lffirl's at X~·w Trier a stu dent must lllaintain a scholarship an r agt.· ,,1 "C" or higher and mu st ha,··· L·ntl'red :\e"· Trit·r nnt prinr t o Jan u ary 31. 1929. 'l'lw t\rt·tJt\·-iuur candidate~ i11r ti t·· lre~hman t,fl;ces introduced th.e tnsdn -. at a fre . htnan assembly Tuesday mor ll · in g. The clas~ \\·ill hold its fir st part ' oi the Year on :1\o,·emher 23. H .II llcrron - i~ thr faculty sponsor for th ·· freshmen. and \f rs. Fred Breit, oi Kcnil ha\'e been staying at the :-'oHTeign hntd since their I'eturn from l·:uropc last September have gone 1< · "Pt'HI the \\'inter months at ~1iami Beach. f.'Jordia . Their !-Oil, Fred, is in schonl in the Ea!'>t. Fran?. I l<·l'll1cUl 11 \\' ag·rwr !-\ih ·11:1 l·: l :- ;·' =- Tr·:t lll11 fl'l i lll l,toht·llg'l' ill 'l'\\' ilight Dn·am :.\ J:alo ,\··=- ll:tir 1=- Built tlf S1111 p,, .j Ill 'J';tll Z ' 'I'" \\'t ·lttz.-11 \l11th· ·r cn 1:-:) IJtodi<·nt· ·d t· · .\I :\I uhlt·rt !-\ttli g llf tilt · l~itldll \\ ' lllllilll fl'tllil (.\l·oltt I' ) r< \1 "~h:t \\' 111 · \\' i:-." ( 'll'<ltn . ll1 Hipp & Coburn Co. J ewelers and Silversmiths WRIGLEY BUILDING T O CON DUCT R . C. DR IV E :\ medill!! ,,j thL· juni"r :\eiglthur::. \\':t~ held ~l·ntday aiternt loll at the home of thr prl' .. i<lcnt, ).largartt llluthardt, -H S E ss{'X rnad, Kl'llih\'llrtlt. :\t the nwding tlt L· girl~ ckcidnl Itt undl'rtake the Kl'nih\'<·rth !{eel l'n~~ ~ drin· which ~tarts ~I cnHb ,. . La st \'e;tr \\'<t :-i thL' first t imr the·\: h:id undert:d,t·n it and t hl'Y \\'t·rr vvr.y !'-tlCCC!-Sful. . CHICAGO PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS -~'---- ANTIQUE HOOKED RUGS -.), f' 'I r ,I nwtl(' of ·wool nntl rot.tuu. Also. tuftt·tl rugs ni wool yarn. YuriNI ~izt·s In IJNlutitu l colors llJHl dP~it.l'ns. l ., INCLIN-ATOR-for the Home Up to $40 I I · ~! r. , \\'t~rth. \\'ho 401 Maple Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3545 " l EXHIBIT .and SALE I!' 'I .. I I. II WEDNESDAY and THLJRSDA Y NOVEMBE R THIRTEENTH and FOLJRTEENTH MARl ENE, ·rh e Dra ke Hote l C hildre n 's Froc ks, Distinctive Gift s fo r th e Ho lidays II l I, l!l II: INCLIN -A TOR - A scending Stairs I For Anyone to Whom Stairs Are a Hardship HARRIETTE , Importe r of Millinery Tapp e -B e rg~orf , Goodman, Holl a nd e r, · Henri Bendel, Jay Thorpe, Men;:edes Mr. KASSEES of Venice and New York Belgian and Italian Laces, Banquet, · luncheon and Refectory Sets · O PERATES electrically, by the touch of a button. Is strong and depend able. Folds up and does not interfere -with the customary use of the stairway. In appearance resembles a piece of high grade furniture. Special attachments for invalids. Will last a lifetime. Costs little to operate and price is reasonable. Owners all enthusiastic. Additional information upon requeat. RELIANCE ELEVATOR COMPANY Pa"·tn a·J Frritill Elel'alors 212-216 W. AUSTIN AV E. CHICAGO, U. S. A . Su PERIOR Moraine Hotel Highland Park Illinois I· I Phon e 2-t06

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