Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 21

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November 8, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE ·IAttend Meeting of N. S. , Announce Book of · Librarians at Evan~ton Bible Stories as Miss Anne L. \.Vhitmack and Mis~ Told by Winnetkan \.Vinifred Bright, of the' Wilmette Pt!h- ..,_ Biblical characters, which for many lic library, attended. a meeting of nortl1 THE NOISELESS OIL BUR.NER. rears have existed in realistic form for shore librarians at Vera Megowan's tea children of the \Vinnetka Congrega- room in Evanston last Thursday night . tional church through the fascinating Miss vVinifred Wilson. English teachl'r stories told 1)\· ~~ rs. Carrier Burr at New Trier hi.g·h school, and cha,ir By actual comparisons, SILENT AUTOMATIC Prouty, will li~·c for other childn~n man of the book list committee at throughout the Cnite~l States just a:; that school, spoke on the hig·h school . will do what no other oil burner can do. realisticallv ior ~[rs. Proutv's stories reading list. Librarians of the north are now . being publi shed tmdcr the shore plan to hold occasional informal Make us prove it! title oi "Stories Jesus 1-Jcarcl and Stor- 11ll'etings at which subjects of inter·.:st it·s Jl'Stts Told," it \Yas rc\·eakd J·.~· to t hl'm will be discussed. See a demonstration-Ask out users ·\\·. A. \Vilde company, Boston plll>li .;hers. this week. BAHA'I LECTURE Leaders in church and iliblc ~chou! ' "Ll O\\ t u 1\ now Go'd 'I'h rough M ~~~ Evanston Show Room Hubbard Woods Show Room ,,·o rk "·ho have examined the book i·il t)f (~cniu s ," is the lecture to be pre1 6 20 SHERMAN AVE. 900 LINDEN AVE. 111anuscript form have been much sented 1)\· Dr ..\!bert R. Vail. in tht Grrenleaf 4821 Wimutka 650 plta~ed \\·ith it and ha\'e l'Xtcudnl second L)l the present seriGs of ti vc free heart\· congratulations buth to tht..· Greenleaf 700 lectures. Thi s lecture \\·ill be given I amhor and the publisher. it is stated. in the Baha'i tt..·mpk, \Vilmctte, Sunday In this connection, Dr. Ueujamin S. aitcrnoon. :\t)\'tlllh<.:r 10, at 4 o'clock. \ \'inchest('r, iormerlv of \ \ "innttka and Jl<l\\' ex<.:cut i\·e sccr~·tary oi th~.: Commission on Christian Fducation of the Fl'deral l'outH:il oi Church('s oi Chri~t in America. commt..·Hds Mr:-. . Prouty iPr ht..·r ttndcr:-.tanding- of the child mind and her brilliant l'Xl'cution of the stories, prepared especially ior them, in his fort' \\'ard to tht hnok, a . part of · " hich iullO\\'S: "Year:- ago, whc.:n the hi~torical mL·t hoc\ o( Bible stud\· \\'as tnorc or lc:-:. s oi a non.:lh·, a - you11g primary tcachcr too correspondence course on t lw Old Testament. As shL ~tuclied, thl'St· characters Jiycd again for her and ~he told about · them in ..,uch clramatic Yi,·idnc ss that the littl· people ni her ~unda\· schol)l cla~s lis tened ,,·ith lm.' athJe-.,s interest. She kne\\' till· hom<: li i L' o i her pupils and had their problems in mind as she told the :-tnrin·. ~lw read \\'idl'h· on chilcl psyclwlog~: and pedagogY. For a gcneratitm she ha !'> had charge oi a n~ r_,. unusual pri· man· departm~nt in the church schch)l eli tht· \\' innetk;t Congrcgatic111al church and has trained mam· a surc t·:-. , iul -.torr -tell er an<l .teacher. The iruit of th i~ ran· t·xpnietll't i:-; .,(fer~d in [ I thi . . lw(lk... TilL· h0nk is puhli~llL· d in largv rkar MAKE YOUR HOME HERE THIS WINTER 1\·J w. i, bound in ~ilk cloth \\'ith a I iackt1 .in iull .colors, and !~as nint lull PopuLu Jrnong North Shore residenrs who winter in Florida. Refined appointments. Exclusive Clientele. pagL' t.lu:-.trattun". accordmg tu the . Light. Airy. Oursidc rooms. Excellent cuisine. Spacious grounds. High altitude and healthy climate. puhli~her:-.' announcemc.:nt. ~I r:-- . Prnuty Ccnrral to all Florida points over paved highways. On the Dixie Highway. state road number 2 and the re~idcs at ~(,} Lincnln a\Tilttc. \\"inmain line of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. Among the hills Jnd Jakes of the scenic Ridge of Florida. netka. Delighrful Jri"c of onlv 30 minutes to Bok Singing Tower . SILE DTOMATIC HOLLY HILL CLUB DAVENPORT, FLORIDA Kindergarten Alumnae Draw Up Winter Program The program of winter activities for the North Shore Alumnae association of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, was presented at a buffet supper Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Alfred R. Bates, o28 Central street, by the president, 1\f rs. Fred S. Kingore. The Mary Crane Nursery school league heltl a new members' tea Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George ).{. Groyes, 415 Davis street, under leadership of Urs. Groves. This seasm1, in expanding the scope of its activities, the league has formed various groups in various· localities in Evanston and on the north shore, with the home of l\[ rs. Groves the headquarters. The ce~1tral group will meet there twice a month. Monday Miss Nina Kenagy will meet with the group to tell of the needs of the school, which the league will seck to supply during the year. Mrs. Groves will continue as chairman of the central chapter. Mrs. Robert E. Spaeth is chairman of. the. league's work committee and wtll dtrect the making of the garments ~ncl assis_t the chairman of each group 111 plannmg a hcnefit sale. 'Mrs. Florence l\L Capron is serving as general chairman. Burt A. Crov;e, 234 Raleigh. roa.d, Kenilworth, went duck shootmg !11 Lacon. Ill. Tuesday and We~nesday of this week, with member !' of hts hunting club. . "Yoll'lf enjoy the winter here." ·- - - -·--- - -- ·-- l Au raccivel v Furnished House keeping Cor cages Decembu 7 Special Round Trip Rare Chicago co Cen trail v Davenport $44·76 Located Jt Tickets good for 1 6 days First Class De<ember 7 Reasonablr Rares ..i. THE MINIATURE GOLF COURSE ' . 6,600 Yard, 18 Hole Golf Course Only three blocks away. Exceptionally beau~ tiful and sporty. One of the finest in the state. Operated by and for the Holly Hill Club. ALEX LAW. Professional. Also an 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course on the beautiful, large lawn of the Holly Hill Club. Uniqu~:, sporty and fascinating. Appeals to all classes of players. "Y ~u must play it." Electrically lighted for night playing. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Address William G. Colvin, 58 East Washington Street, Cliicago. Phone Central 0922

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