Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE' LIFE November 8, 1n~ Variety of Country Club Events .D raw Society Patronage BY JEAN TEN BROECK afternoon bridge party sponsored bY daL ~ovcmhcr 4. at 3 o'clock. at the at Club Vista del Lago this w·intcr .\ dinner and fashion revue and an the philanthropy department of th.c ho;ne of :Mrs. Ceorge ~f. Crovcs in and those who will take most activt: · :lrt ex11ihit with its reception arc the Woman's club of Wilmette and ar- Evanston . parts in the supervision of the women· ~ C ncler the leaclcrship of 11 r:\. GrO\·cs, social events will be: Mrs. John c.. important <·vents at Shawnee Countrv :angecl for Wednesday. November IJ. club thi~ week-end. and these w-e tn the clubhouse, at 2 o'clock. Its pur- the ka!!ttl' has done excellent \vork .\larshall, 112 Green Bay road, H uhha!·d rccorrl in ()rdcr of their coming. The pose is to increase the funds \vith durin!..'· ·the past two years in assisting \\'oods, who has been appointed genformer is Saturday rvl'ning, ).;'ovemher which the drpartment aids the various the ~ atiDnal Kindergarten and Ele- eral social chairman: Mrs. Frank \\ '. ·9, the 1atter the Sunday afternoon charities in which it is interested. mentan- colle~:e in the support of the Church, 610 Maple avenue, \Vilmette following. · Mrs. \Villiam H. Holmes, chairman ~)f ~1 ary Crane Nursery school which the \\·ho is chairman of the hostesses . ~1 r:-;. \{embers and guests will he sen·e<l the affair, announces that thosr wish- rotlegc conducts at Hull House. Fred V..'. King-ore of E\'anston is chair with a seven o'clock dinner tomorrow in~ to form groups of four anrl pta,· This autumn. in expanding the scope man of the season's bridge: Mrs . \\"il (·vening 'before their viewing of smart in pri\·ate homes may do so and th.e of its activities, the league has formed liam M. Crilly, 606 Provident a venl!c. in : rpretations of the latest mood~ of committee will provide a prize for each groups in several localities in F\·ans- \Vinnetka, has been asked to tah:c Dame Fashion, who, in her present · table. as it will for those who arc ton and on the north shore. 1-[rs. charge of the bridge tournament. \[ r:-. . capriciousness. has carried her ft.·min- guests at the club. Groves' home will continue to he the John C. Sanderson of Evanston i:-inc deYotees into a nrw silhouette In addition to Mrs. Holmes member~ league's headquarters. The group chairman of publicity, while her assi,.;t world. lnc'id~ntal mu~ic will he part of her committee, Mrs. A. G. Acker- meeting there. twice a month. is to he ants are Urs. \V. H. Smythe, 43 Kenil of the show which will cnmmenct· at man, Mrs. }-J. B. Burnside, ~Irs. Charl~s the Central g·r oup. After ~Ionday's worth avenue, Kenihrorth, and ~~ r~ . 8 :JO o'clock. S. Dingee, Mrs. \Vitlis H. Hutson, Mrs. meeting thr location and chairmen of Evan Leslie Ellis. 100 BroachYa,· an~ The art exhibit ~unday is the st·r- Charles H. Kraft, Mrs. Kerry C. new groups w<'re to he announced. nuc, \Vilmette. The hostess for tilond of the phase of Shaw.nce program~ ~I <:a~ her, Mrs. H. E. Ring holm, Mrs. ~[iss · Nina KenagY. (lirector of the day's bridge is Mrs. Charles F. !Ien new this year. Among its exhibitor~ \\.iltia111 E. Hobertson, Mrs. \Villard 'Mary Crane Nurser); school, \vas pre.,~ ning, 909 Sheridan road, Glencoe . will he three well known north shore IT. Thayer, Mrs. Frederick Tilt. Mrs. cnt Monda,· to tell of the needs of the Tuesda~·. i\ovember 12, wilt he st'l. artists, Frank Peyraud. Rudolph In- Albert H.- Ullrich, Mrs. A. H. \V eber, . chool which the league " ·itt endeaYor aside for a family gathering, " ·ith a gerle. hoth of Ravinia. and Hcnrv and ~frs. George H. \Vchster. have to supply rluring the year. buffet supper -and bridge planned inr Hnhhell of Lake Forest. · ht·cn keenlv interested in carrying ont the evening's diversion. A large part\ \frs. George \f. Gro\·es " ·ill rnntinue All of this announcement has gone the plans for the affair and in their for juniors is among tht event~ at:out through rc~t1lar rluh channels, but sale of tickf'ts,· for it is the firs·t social as chairman of the Central chapter. ranged for the near future and :1 ~[rs. Robert E. Spaeth i~ chairman of it is from ~frs. Charles H. Dennis of affair of its kind in the attractive new Christmas partv for adult members ot · · · club building ""hich will enhance th" tht· leag-ue's work committee and " ·ill the Vista del La go is to he one of t hl· · '.Yanst\)11, c 1 1a1rman nt t 1 H~ art com1 direct the making- of t!arments for highlights of the " ·inter season. · mittee. that wt han· ;irquired a few rharm of the afterno·o n bridge. ~J ary C'rane and will assist each chap Autumn has introduced several ~orial highlights runc~·mlng thl' artists and ter chairman in plannin~ \\·nrk fnr a activities that will continue into th e on Bazaar, Tea~ Benefit for t lw exhibit. J,enefit :;ale to be antwunced later . coming \\'inter. Ahout scvent\· YOttll!.! In nur \·iilagcs t hl' wMk and fnH· M r.s. Flnrrnce S. Capron. nf the people between the ages oi }(i ;~net 21 Children's Charity Ward talt·nt of ~lr. Pcyraud and ~fr. Ingerle Orrinf!ton hotel. organizatiun chair - attended the dance the cltth .l !ave i_,r Once a~ain the north shore memarc kno\\'11 excceclingh· well. Our vilman. i:-; at present acting- a:-. )..!'l't1l'f'll them Frida,· e\·enin~ oi ta .-t \Hck lagers know that they ·are ct.istinguished bers oi the \\'oman's auxiliarv nf the chl1irlllan. Other affairs of this kind will fnllu\\ . Pust (~raduate hospital arc. issuingartists. and arr familiar with their Xm·cmbl'r 1. abo inanguratcd anCither canYast·s through displcl\·:-; ni the cards for a bazaar and tea to he held Arden Shore. Board Plans ~et oi socia l events at th e dub. tilt at the homt' of Mrs. Duane L Peter :\Mth Shore An lea~uc. Chicagtl, and \l.Tckh· hridg(' luncheons \\·hirl1 \\'ill son, 101-t Starr road. \\.innttka. on other north short txhihits. Day of Mending at Camp l"tllltinm· inr six month:; . A hri<lg1 · .FridaY, 1\ovemher R irnm 1 · tn 5 ~1 r. Huhht·ll has hcen spt'IHling 111uch The tin1e is here for " ·o rk ltl ht' tt\ttrnanlent tu he in pla\· ttl~- thrtt· t~'rli)Ck. 'I'IH' bazaar i:-; an annual atTair time in Lake Forest. \\"innctka. and dt)lll' ior the undernuuri:-.hed hors at nwnth.; at s,) commenced last Friel a\ . along tlw north shun·. painting por- and g-iYen for the hrndit nf thl' rhil - Ardl'n Sllllt"l.'.; wintn cantll. \\' ;+11 SatmclaY nit!ltt dinn er rlancl'.; lla,·v traits of SP11H' t\i the re:-.idcnh. ancl drl'n\ charitY ward. this in min <I. the \\'illtll't t~· .\rrle11 "tarll'd and ~\· ill be weekh· te:t ture-. ni· Be:-.idts tht·ir usual atTa\· oi heautiiul ci~ht or tcn of thc:-;c picture:-. \rill bt' Shore hoard \\'ill mak·· it:- ar1nual included 111 ~uncl;n' ~ exhibit which t hi Ill! :-. in r .l !T tl \r 11- un s a.., w r II as for pill!rimag-r +" the can1p, 'l'hur:--da,·. \:,, _ t ht.· rlnl.> pr0gram. habie~. at attractiH prices. the women will hang 111 tht rh.lh until \:11\'t'lithn 1-t, for it s :\t1\·en1hcr m~·t·tili·!. han· made lll<Ul Y pra ctica I a ncl unusual \"e11lhcr ,.,_). \1 em her;-; of the hnard \rill '-Pl'lld tll(· Mrs. Frank Hixon Speaks article-. inr thi.; sale. Thnse in charge \faritHI I~Hl\\'11 St'\\l'll ni \:nr York day tiH'rl' :\e\ving; and mending. ~lt!d at Last of League Teas will e:xhihit batik:-. ~unda r it 1r t l11· first ni thv ithHl tahk alllltltllll'l' that all l'clrclialh· invit\.' an~'P IIl' intcrl"-.tvd i11 iellil'-... prc~nn·.., and \rhat tltlt ar~· .\rdc n Sh(\re to jnin the l'(llllltlittl'l' \lunda\· afternoon ~1rs . .\lhcrt :\ . ti111c in the middk \\· ~·st. :mel \fr. 011 1 ~tricth· home llla<k. and tllH.' c-..necial Ct·o· gt· \\ill display \\Ttl\lght irnn in inll·l\·ati(ln \rill hv rake-. baked ir1 tin this ncra:;inn. a 11 l'\tllt tkl al\,; 1 ,." 1 agv brought to a clo-;(· tiH· clclightittl m_l'l1ll,c1-;hip tea~ that han· hl'~.n part thi .... hi:-- f1r~t exhibit. " ·hirh lH' i:-. tak - btl:>.t·.; and rt·ach ie~r sltipll1l'l1 1 :1 the ha:' pronn to he lllu-..t rniCI\·ahk. '1'1 1 · · nt the 1alt prngram of the \\ tlmcttt in~ t(l tlll' \lilwaul.; 1·c .\rt in!->titute at 1 . H· >.oarc 1 llll'lll.lt'.r-. 1ca\'l' aht1t1t 9 f.eague of \\'o~ncn \ "ntcrs . \\·hen :,IH' ho,·s and .l.!irl-.. at cnlk;..!t·. t h t rJ n s c t \ i t h l' c X hi hi I it I 11 a I ~ h a\\' IH' l'. TIH· Ct·lltlllittl'v itl t'ltaT.I.!l' j, rom- 11 rl()rk 1~1 the _nlor1l11ll'·_. a11<l :-oml· _,,f · opened hlT Jtnme at 901 .\ shlanc l an· \1 r. (~eurge has dn11c \\ urk for """ed t'i \tr-. . Loui s :\ . Shnman. tlwlll \\111 dn\·e. ltanttg nmm H1r n tlC. many \\Til kn0\\'11 pcr:-.Plb a11d htlttse;-; chair111a 11: '\f r:--. l)u ;tnc 1. . Pt'ln.-;nn. !..!·tie<;ts. :\n\·nnr \\·i:--hitH! ttl gn i..; a-.ked :\frs. Frank Hixon oi I.akv Forcst. in the city and expert:. tt1 han· nn nn<iclcnt Pi the auxili<~r,· : \frs. \\" . T. t o 11 n t i i y 1h e .\ r ck 11 S h n r v c11 air nn n a member of the }}()arc! of the :\atinnal di~play ~unday the heautilul \HtHlght l~ankin . '\Irs. l ·~clgar Crill~· . \fr-.. \\.altn \frs . l.eslie \\~. \tillar. \\'il!nctte 1~-11: League of \\'omen Voters. dC\·iat (' cl iron CW!->S he designed to he;id t hr l~1111i:-. . ~Ir s. Ct'PH!\.' F. ~uh· r . ·\fr". l.unchcPn will he snH·d at thl· ramp. from the talks gi\·en prcvioml. , · in ex stairway in the hnnll' ni l·:ames J."111tl ~tachl'lir1. Cle11rcH.' :1t1Cl \lr-. . C. ~fan\· of the btl _ ,·.; who are ent h) planation nf the work of thC" Leag ue \I c\~t·agh. ( L nl·clcll. F,·an:-.ton. t h~· ramp arc in need of clnt hin g. :uHI ni \\'otm·n \'ntcrs, and tnl1l ni the :\ part oi this m:x t ~ha\\·nc<· c:xhihit Still s- undr1 \Tar and .;hoes for bd':" Cook CuuntY league and what other " i II he t a k en t o t h c 1·: "a n :-. t 1 111 1 I ig h Give Ooera Partq from 1-1 to 1o year.; alwa\·:; an· arcl'i)- :'t<l t l' 1e;-u;uc ;-; are accomplishing. :-.chool aiter Xon'mhn 25. tahle tn the committee. Cli \\·hi ·h \f r~ .. ~fr:-. . Ed\\'ill (~. Fisher, ~frs . Arthur \I r. and '\I r:-- . C. P. Dub h.:;. 1OO.f l.t .;)j" F. Gates is indu.-;trial chairman. The exhibiting arti.;t:-. will hl' glll':-.b Fuller. \1 r-.. C. Miles ~fcDnnalcl. and oi hunor at th t· rt·crpt it HI ~unda\' \lirlti l'all :t\TtllH'. t·ntntailH'd a p:u:' '\fr . . '\lnrl.!illl Hammers assi.;ted \frs. ~~~ 1\\l'h· ~· !'\lt.':-..t . . at dinner :tt tlw ntark "hich \\ill hl' held hdw<·c n tht: hotn::. Page at tl~( tea \\ hich \\·ao; atten<lccl hv Alumnae Supper Tuesday (li J and 5. and at \Yhirh members ni 't"nl' h,,tcl Tta·~<J;t, . pnTt·cling tlH· about fi fh· L'\H'<;t.. "'wra "lri-.'" ;tt the Ill'\\ npt.'ra lwtt ~ t·. The \Mtll Slwrc :\lnmnae associa\1 r--. 1 )l'nni-.' art Cc1tlllnittn· \\·ill assi~;. t111 oi the \'atit\llal J..:inckrgartcn 1tH1 \1 r-,. 1 :.dwin Ilt"drirk Pi Ke11ilwnrth is Their lflll' "h i nrludt·d Dr . a nrl \ hs. ti_ Cl'tlrl'· ~· :\lli-.tln. \lr. ;111 d \Ir s. \\'illia.n l·.k:nH ·nt;l!.. '. c:),llt-ge hrld a buffet sup- Entertain Bride-to-Be in chaq.!.t' 1lf the lL';\ tahk and \lis .-. ( ' . I \11 d h {'. 1> r. a 11 d \1 r:;. F n tl<ltHI n \\'. per meeting luc~da \", !\onmbcr 5. at \1 r.-;. C'ha,·ks N. Roherb anti \fr :;. 1. \.·lla \lrl'auk~ · ni 1 :.\.:111:-.tu n. 11Ptc·d Funm:·ntl. \lr. ;111d \Irs. Frank (~uth· 5 :,~0 o'rlnck. at th~ home of \1 rs . LYlllall ).1. Drake were co-hnstcsscs at art critic \fi~:-. Flizabl'tlt Ht,bert~llll ridl!l'. \lr . attd \[r-... \lon··an 1. lTntll~fr.:. a .lt1nrlH'nn a11d hridve narty last \\"rd 1·i l!hdllancl Park. and \fr-. . Jv..,.._ i, nwr ;tn cl \I r-.. and \I r-.. C. F. . Thom·1 - .\ltn:d H. Bate:; in E\·a nston. Fred ~. Kingore, president of the as~~~~ l'l'~<la \. in ht ' ltnr of ~1 iss Elizahct~~ l.arl·y t ,j. 1:.\·an, \1 11. \\ill pt~nr. 11 riation, presented a ven' intcn·stitw Cutler ni \\'ilntl'ttt.: \Yho is to bt· marIn .Januaf"_\' a OIH'-tnan n :hil1it \\iii ~" · program inr the \\·inter's acti\·itic·s.· . ried in December to Herhert Xicholl ,. lw hung at :-:.h:nrrlt';: . tl1e arti--t ht·irl~ The l11nchenn was held at the home pf --------------~ ;1 Calii c, rnian Charitq Ball December II \Irs. Hohcrts, 1R03 \Valnut avenue, and TIH' E,·a n-;tnn luniPr kagtH' l1;1.:. '-ll't Club Auxiliary· Meets "·a:; flllln\\·c d ln· hrictg·c at ~f r:-;. I >n·L·mhl'r 11 fpr it:-. anPual rharit,· hall 'f'ht J uninr auxiliary of tltc \\"nm:-tn\ Announce Betrothal ancl Ita..; decidecl upnn ~h:-1\\'lll'l' C'nun- ~ club nf \\'ilmctte held a dinner llll'etin!.! Drake's home, 911 Lake avenue. \lr. and \lr . . . '\clrJJlan H. Hall ni /115 tn- club for tht.· plarr of the r\·cnt ThursdaY l'vening in the Ill'\\' dub~ C rt:gory a \'l'll \ll'. \\" ilmtt t ~· a 1111 uunn· ,\·ltirh alwaY:-. is one ni the most bril:..1r. and \lr:-;. John D. Kinnr:1.r tht· cngagL'lllUJt ,,j tht·i r claughtc·r. liant "(leidy <'H'llt:-- t1i thl' \rintn sea- home . ~fiss Virginia Knapp of Erans- t.·ntertain('d at a Hallowe'en (\inner !on played several piatlt) selections dur !\fartha :\cklaidt:. 111 J;:une, H. ~1oore, party fc,r t\\'enty-five guests last Satur:--un. 111g the evening's program. ]f. son (li \lr-.. John J. \ltlun· ni -l-tO day at their home, 2241 Chestnut an> Sheridan roacl. Glenrol·. \1 i:-s Hall j .. 11\lC'. Entertaining W elfa re a graduate of :\orth\\ t~tern univcrsit\·, Plan Extra Welfare M eetinq das · of 1924. and i~ a lllt·mher of tlit· The Junit)r auxilian· of the Infant The senior hoard of the Tnfant \\"f·lMrs. Fred. H. Janssen v.·as hnstd<>" Alpha Xi Dt:lta ~ororit\· . \t r. ~{oore \\"tlfarc wit.! hotel at~ extra S<.'\Yin<)' fare society will meet ~1ondav, Xon~1~1- to fifty of her friends at a Hallowe'en is a graduate nf Ucloit ~ ulh:gc. class of meeting- Tuesda~·. ~onmber 12, at th·; her 11, at the home of Mrs: John V1/. luncheon and bridge on Thursday of 1924, and is a n1embn .of Ik.ta Thl't:l home of the chairman. Mrs. F. F.. Cullen. 1226 Ashland avenue. A busi- last w('ek at her home. 320 Tsahella Parry, 622 \1 aple avcnut·, at l o'clock. ness meeting wilt he held at 12 o'c.lock street. Pi fraternity. Vista del L ago Nursery School League Shawnee Announces Philanthropy Bridge to I~ Anticipating Gives .New Members' Tea Fashion Show, Art . Be Large Society Event The Marv Crane ~u.rsen· School "b · N f\ssuming widespread importance in Busy Days Ahead EX hl lt . OV. 9, I 0 soc1ety circles in Wilmette is the large lca g· ue held· a new members' ·tea M on- There promises to be a bus~· season ·· ·

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