Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 33

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Non:mber 8, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE b;;_ 33 Prof. Patty Smith Hill, ht:acl oi th~ Kenilworth ·Pupils Plan ~l,l:part m ent of pri~11ary ~dttc;;t_tion . of Visit to Art Institute l l'achc r s college, Columh1 a uni\'ef::i~t\' :-poke before th t students 'and "Uest~ . ~l'H' nth ).!ra<le pupi ls of the Joseph ,)f the ~ational Kinclergart ·,' n , 111 ~} Ek - ~ca_rs school in Kcnil\\'orth. accommentary collcg. e Tuesday aftnnoon. Or- na_nlccl hv \f iss Edith ~[. Stryker. social tober 29, on " \\'hat ~1ah s Lii c \\'orth sru: I_ l c' tc..:achcr. and ~I iss ~f. Louise \\'h ile ii~ Sehoul anJ su~:ety." ,- I~()!)IIJS(il l, art tc..:achcr, \\'ill \'isit the Answering the que stion " ·hich -;In: (_ hlca _ l.(u .-\rt institute next Thur sdav had chosen as her topic. Pr oi. Hill m.1 'rning. The 'uhiect of their study: mil lH.· tl~L' art \\'orks oi the Ren:ti" -1 :-u~gestecl that · sen:ral ianors tlltbt sanrc ptrtod. . lift:. Hcalt h oi hndY ramt first the li st. "ju:--t to be \~'til and ~tru11.~ is a contrihutiPn tu sPcid,·," :-. aid Proi. 1fill. "because l'\'l'r\' time \'lltt arc ill ruu take just that much ire 1111 :-ocie h . 1 11 a,·e the body :--.o wl'll that it requin:s a minimum oi attcnti~,n and ,,ill art as th<.· In strument i<lr ctn-in).! nt:t the heh<.·sts ni the brain. l~ v ,,··: 11 ('JlOIIgh tn dn \'utlr \\'ork at tr1p IHl\r·l1 1 tn·n · da\· and han: a littl<- kit ll\' l'l' irq· 1]H· lllll>l>iL·s ;u1d pkasun:-., \ ' Ill! haH· :. right tn ' t·nj1n·." "I !L·alth oi JlliiJ(l i., itl'-t a:- iiiiJltlrt;ult a . . hl'altL oi lwch·." runtinucd Prui. IJill. "Culti\·atL'S a philo:-tlphr 11i liie that looks facts in the face and sa\·~. 'There it is. \\'hat Gill he d()l!L' aiHHll it?' \\' atch your l'lltoti,Jnal habits and attitudes. \\\; want that stll"l' ()i C(lll -! tentlllL'Ilt and happillt ss that Clllllt:\\'hen \H~ are using our htst !Ill\\ n.,, L:"i\'ing out, doing, creating." T ran q u i Ii t ,. · L' ll t h usia sm. h t11ll n r a n rl iun \\'ere among thl' desirahk lllL'IIl a! I! aJ )j t s or a tt it u d t ~ ~ t r l' sst d 1 l\ · P r 1 1 :. Hill. \\IIilc th · habit 11f fear "a" gi\'l'll · a..; thl' mo:- t prl'\·al<:nt ntgatin· habit i ear o i i ai I l!rL'. i tar nl l'COI H ·Ill ic 11l- - I JH:Ildt nce. fl'ar oi death. 1 "Fin;! the job that really lllvt·t \ ' 11111' ahi lit , .. That ha :-; a ).!rcat dl'al t(l "it h kl·l' pi n.f:! ~ t_ ~ ~· n .- ~- o i t I~ l' w 1 , r 1h_- " h! It ~ ne !'-- s n t It ll', !'--a HI 1'rot c.: s sm I 1111. ~ l' 11 1 C(lnf~<knce i:-; 1111·:-it important a11d \\v nL·td han· Jittlt itar tli makinl.( tlt(· child conceited h\· :--i11rne prai'L' . "I I ha,·t ul'\·er kll(l\\'11 more than tell (l' t\\'t l\'c conceitt·d people and thtltl:-altl!, '"h~> \\'ere timid ." . . 1-.n.'n· persnn, rl!tld 11r adult. IHTd-. · · a!1 op]lOrtunit\' t(~ help 1ilan _and rn·atc 1 h1s htc: to he ~1\' l'll a clw1rt a1H I an Putlet for creativih·. I .\ffL·ction - the -,,- )H ,II-~<,1111' na\ illl~ l inr someone tn rejnicc in :-urt·v,., and' I s)·mpa.thizc in iailttn·: :uh·cnturl'that daring- lies at the rout Pi all prog-ress. and an un der lying .sc ns<.· that \\-h l'll the hardships and sorrm,·s oi Iii\.· <'n-r " ·htlm us thne is someone-- human P~ . . untrhuman. ~hat \rill prPtvn 11 !--thtst, taken togl'tlwr. \H'l'L' guaranteed to produce the assuraltL· c that liit· j.., \\·orth-\\·hik and the ga1IlL' is \\'<ll·tll thl · randk. ,,j <I ll 1 patty smith Hill Iolog~ instructor at ~ew Trier. wilt tel! tO N K E C of l~Is experiences on his trip to Alask_ a . /ks Ta · · · · dunng the past summer. l Students Oct. 29 .· l'IJtcr the acrjuisitit·tl a Sl' ll ~l' . 1 ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ui tl1e intt· ,,·ortll-\Yhil«:nt: s~ andofgrcatne~~ --- Don't Worry Shore Line Will Take Care Of It Soil OutS~yle Back. that's Shore Line Expect finer dry clean· ing from Shore Line he· cause of our odorless, greaseless process of dry cleaning ... all of the soil is removed . every fibre of the fabric is awakened ... style is re· stored - precisely. Ask your own eyes. ·· -I 1 1 1 1 Our Prices: Men's Suits Cleaned and $1.00 pressed ....... . ..... . M:~~ ~;:s:~~ts. :l.~a.~~~ . $1.00 Men's Overcoats Cleaned $1.25 and Pressed ......... . Men's Hats Cleaned and 75c Blocked ............. .. . Ladies' Plain Dresses ~1.50 Cleaned and Pressed .. ell' Ladies' Plain Coats ~1.50 Cleaned and Pres~d . . ell' New Trier Gavel Club i Entertained by Olders ~[em hers of th e :\cw Trier 1 I !iglt i 9xge?n:es~~~ . ~.~~s- .... Oriental Rugs Dry Cleaned, sq. ft . $3.50 :--c hou! (~a\'el rluh . clebatillg <ll',l!al11i'.a · tion. were guests o i ~lr. a11d ~I r ~ Clifford Older. 102() l·:lm\\(ld aH' 11.11 l' I \\'ilmette , at the club's fir:-t tlll'l'tln!.! oi the vear Frida\' night. Xun.·lnhn I. Olftcers oi th e club for th l' I(J2 1> -i<J30 ~chool term \\'ere elected. and IH'\\ member s were recei,·e<l. : \h(lll t :o-L'\'ellteen memhcr s attcnde(l the llll'<:tinl.(. Grenfell Older is th e new prl'sidt·Jtt of the club, and Beth· Bu ckctt is rin·presidcnt. Other olliccrs arc.: : Solon ' Rei)~' · treasurer; Loi s Cnldst('in, ~ccn· tary · ancl Lowell Comce. sL"rgeant-atanils'. Marie Klapperich, a se nior. Ruth Jackson, a junior, '\f argaret S"'oha. a sophomore, and Leonard (,ee:, a freshman are the new member s ol th(' organization. The facultv spnnc;or is Chester E. MacLean, K cw Trier dehate coach. At the next meeting of the club. I Sc 1115 Washington Avt. Wilmtttt Successors to rht Krauss Cleaning Co. SHoRE La~ C. L. ROGERS, President A PHONE CALL WILL BRING OuR TRUCK TO YouR DooR NO TOLL GREENLEAF (Evanston) 3400 . PHONES WILMETTE ..·....·.. 3400 GLENVIEW 320 HIGHLAND PARK 34oo GLENCOE ....... IJOO 1 vember lJ. Loms E. Htlckbrand, I)J - "·hich is~ be ~eld ~rid~v night.~~-~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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