Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 36

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J6 W I L M E T T E' L I F E November 8, 1929 Music News and Events Barrere Ensemble to Give Second of Chamber Concerts The second appearance in as many st·asons of t lw Barr ere Ensemble has been set for Sunday afternoon, ~ovem her 17. when that ·group of superlative artists gives the program of the Nort!-1 Shore Chamber ~t usic association in the f\:enilworth Assemhlv hall. Thr conccrt harl been origimilty scheduler) for !\ovember 10. hut was postponed one week. Composed. of thirteen members anrl eleven <.I iff erent instruments, the orchestra possesses all the qualities of the full symphony orchestra. Each of the musicians is an artist and. virtuoso of first rank. In fact thcv are all exmembers 0f the old ~e~,. York ~ym phOJiy orchestra. (~eorg-e Barrrre, who is triply di" ·· tinguished as a conductor, an inimitabh· witty rac0nteur. and a magician of the flutr. speaking ni his Little S_nllphon,·. says: "It is e~pecially adapted to perform iug tlw more intimatr and delicate \\"Orks of the great masters . There arl' manv of these whi.ch han.· hecn lyi11~.{ forg~)tten for a ccntur~· or two simph· because orchtstras of the size ancl caliber for \\'hich thl·y were rompo.-;ed \\"ere not ;n·ailahk Thl'se ,,·nrks arc too much t_lf thl' chamber music \'aric~y for thr great orchestras to prrfon11. y(·t they d<'~Cne to hl' kl'pt ;tlin·. Fnr our little S\'lllphon,· ((l attl'lllpt to t>l~t\' 'The Hide ~)f the Valkvries' ur similar works demanding a large 11rchrstra, would he ridiculou s. On thl' other hand it can pl·rform sOilll' of the can1<'0 works l1i Haydn, ~1 uzart and others· whirh a iull ·sizcr! nrrhrstra could not attl'mpt. r he!ie\'e in the right frame illr till· right pirt nres." \\'ith his retinue of thirtl'l'll lllliSi cians. J1arrl'rt· boldly dC'ht.'S superstitinn. The pcrsonn~l include~ S:wl ~harrli\\. concert-master: Adnl f Bal itr. tir~t .\'inlin: (~C'orge Raudcnhusrll, :-t·cotHI ,·iolin: (~uilin Harnisch, vinl:t: :\lhl'ric!l Cui<li, cello: Saul Ll'nnan, ha~~: Ccl)rgl' Possell. flute: Pil'rre ~f att hicn. nhoe: Fred \1 an A mhurl!h, clarinet: Louis Ll'tt·llier, bassoon: San· tiago Hichart. hnrn: Carl Heinri rh. trumpet: Sam Burudkin. tympani . Brings Ensemble NEXT WEEK'S OPERAS "l)t·r Uost·nkan·ullc-r" an<l "Fuil'ltnff., on :-;uecesHiYe nig·ht:-;! This is but pa_rt of th e tr~at in store for opera-g·oers during th tit><'onrl gTeat week of opera in th e new"CiYiC' Opera Hou~e. \Va<:ker dri\·e at ::\fallison :-;treet. Create Foundation to Foster Interest in Opera's Growth Announcement was made this wetk ni the creation of the Chicago ~~ usir Foundation. Organized. under a per petual trust agreement. i_ts tr_ustees arr Stan lev Fie Id. John F. Gtlchnst, Ern~....t R Graham. Samuel Insull. Samuel ln sull. Jr., C<'orge F. , Mitchell and Her man V·/ alclcrk. Its announced purpose is to collect a fund, the income of \\'hi c!1 shall he use d in producing- grand opera in Chicago and in educating and train ing peoplt in the musical art. and 111 doing other thin~s to make Chicago f\! 1 npera and musical center. .\11 tht· cnmmon stock of tht 20 \\'ac ker Drin.' Building corporation. in which the Civic Opera H (1 Jsc i!' 1p rated. has been donated to and is . llll\1 held In' the foundation. A substantial amotu1t of the preferred stock has als<, heen <lonaled by public-spirited hold ers. <~ifts and bequests of preferred ~tock hv other holders are earnestly solicited. 1)\· the foundation in (lrdcr that it ma ,: sooner be in a position tt 1 do eftiricntly the great work for \\'hirh it was organized. \Yhile th e reQuest is addressed t11 holders of the preferred st0ck in the \\"ack<·r Dri\'e Building corporation, the foundation is empowered t0 accept. hold and manag·C' donations of all kincl ~. that rlnnatinns of money or securitic.:..; oi an,· kind arc acceptable, and tha t all gi(b t·) the foundation may he ar cnnnted for a:; gifts for a charitahk and eduratinnal purpose. The oi"). Ulllization 0f thi:; mu~ir;d inundation i.-; the iulfillment 0f plan' annnutlrl'd sotnL' time ago b~· ~anttH · l Tn su ll. pn·sident of the Chicago C'i\·ic Opera company. in the announrenH·n t of \\"hich wa:; told in a general " ·a1· \\·hat \\'tlltlcl he done with the '?0 \Yackl'r Dri ,·e property \\·hen it hl'CC11lll' free ni cnct1mbrancc. )foncla:r night, Xunmb..r 11. will. h dt>\·o ted to n St>('Ond henring· of "Ins." TuE>sday, th e d edi<'atory bill of N<?vPtnher 4, "Ai«la," will lw repeated wtth Clnudin. Muzio as Aida and the cast otherwbe tllH'ha ng·ec\. ·nubertn l\T ora n~mni · will lw at thE:- eotHludnr's sUHH}. \\'f·tltu· st lllY t·\·t·nlnll. Xcn·e·mhc·r IU. will oe ·ur th e fw:lson's first pprformatH·e of "Dt->t· Ho:·H:· nkn \'ali Pr, ·· grf?at <·r·nwdy with F'ricta Lt-ider as tht· l'rin<'t>SS , t.;rlith ::\fasnn aH ~ophia, ::\Tal'ia Olszt->wsl'a. as OdHYi:~ l. Ali:'XiltHl~·· Kipnis as llaron 0<"hs anrl l!olwrt l{ing-ling· as Vaninal. Rgrlll open1. ~tra us:-;' 'l' hurl'l!ln :r. Xon·mhc·t' 1 &. will nt·<·ur t hi:' first Jlf'l'fon na nc·p i 11 t Wet Sl'a son:-; nf Yt·rcli':-; r·nmi<· oJWI':I, .. Falstaff_" with Hn:-:a Haisn in ht·t· trl(.'lllttl'llQle c·haral'tt·rization ' ctt' .\Ike Fonl. Cia('(11lln l!imini as tlw h eaYy \\· t·h~·ht l.:night. ~ir .John l·'alst:tff. . \lit ·t· )fod; a:-: Annt-' Fonl. .\11 t 1111 in ! 'ttl 'l i:-: :1 s Ft· lltt>n :11Hi Yirg-ilict L:1:r.zari :ts f'istnl. 1;i01-g-iu Pola<·<·11 will t'HIHIU<'t. Sutnr·lu.r l l l l l l i l l l ' l ' - I Ialli, . Stilt-s. young· ;\ ll1t'l'il-a 11 lyri(' :-:opratw, will makt> ht·r fir:-:t .-\tllt'l 'il'an nppt'al'allt'l' i11 tlw Satur<la:-.· matili~'P Jll' rfurm:tlll 'l · rtf "l!onwo and .lulit->t. ·· Saturrla\· ,.,.,,_ lli_ng·, Xct\'f· mltt~ l_· 111. J!, ·llini's _ .. ~onn;" l'nllnk will <'onclud . · Some ui tilt most n:markaiJle tril>tttl':-o cn:r paid a ,- irttt< l~o hart hel'n paid to ~I arret Dupn· . thl' ian1ous French nq. .~· ani..,t. \rho \\·ill p)a,· itt Chri·:-; t church. \ \' innd ka. \1 on-da ,. l'\·L· ni 11~. \\ 'a ltL·r ~pry antHJttnn·..; :t pr·l. !..!rC\!11 :\onmhcr lX. · ni Russian llltt:-.ic to I>·: prts~·ntl'd IJ\· 1 11 Hi-; .;,, a:--:-tlriatc:-- in the prnie~~iPtl lltt:lllher:-; ni hi:-; :li h-:tncl'd pialltl rb,., Thttr~da,· <·n·nin~· . \"m·ettdh: r 1-l. itt [1: · have calkd him "the greate~l li\'in~ l'nngrl'g.ational 'c hurch lttlll"'t', · l-tl7 or!:[aui..;t," :tnd the Xc~\' York Cloh<: Hin111att a\l'll\ll·, l·:,·<llhltlll. Thv llrtl- remarked. aiter hi:- :\e\\· York deh:tt gratH " ·ill include "t1rb h~· Rn-,..;i:tn last -.t·a~un. "Duprl' is ttndouhtcclh· a compnst·r.-; j 11 h()nnr oi tltl' rl'tllenni;tl ~niott:- cntllJ>ditnr for this loft,· honor." ni !\ntt)ll 1\uhcnsteitt. \\·ht) \\'a:> hnrn The Amnican < )rganist. an. <'minent :\()H·nther .?H. IR29. .\ 1111111 g the pup~}..; proil'::;s ional llla. !. !·azinc sa id: "Dupre j..; a \\'ho \\"ill partiripatl' in the prng;rt~lll ,l.!enitt~ inr \\ h()lll ir i~ alm ost impo:-.si hle arr En·l\'11 (~ ltdz . :\larin11 Hall. (:ran· ttl lind :-.ttflirient praise." Thl' Oiap<t Edward Johnson Presents ! c(lllCl. ;lt;cl Hn\\'ard Feigl'S . . Sl)l}, c)ftirial nrgan oi tiH' \"ational :\ :-;· :-;nciation t1i Organi~ts. repnrtC'cl Artist-Recital Concert 1 SCHOOL OF- ~~~-A "Dup_re \\'a:- ma.';(nificcn_t. anr) ,-hi ~ ~.urEd\\arcl Johnsnn. tt·nor of the ~1dn, \ . \ ,.·.. , . . . .. . Jll~lcttlt a11d tmpn·sst\'<.'. I he l.'flc,·t 1 rl'~s - tl (' t·c··t' tal . I] hvmn .. O jJ('ra· comtlallles . I 'I . t· t.1 h . ll lLttl.tll , lltb<nctltlll 11 1 I .. , Cl\.ct" .. ·I1e·I111111g · . .. 1 . lolttau '111< . 1 . . · o . 1 · l c "as l 1 1 1t~p a~ · t·< 1 111 t ll' . ' ' ' · .' . . ' ·' 11:--tr tnll-rc:-;t 1s H'tll . !. ! < . . . . . . . t, to pre:--ent the St'cnnd ot thts scaso11 ~ ~ .110 1 111· ( )11 ,.1 .. 1 1.-cl .11.cl 1 S·t·· .1 .1t 1·,. Dttrttlg In s Pl'l'\' llllt~ \'ISlb t!l .\nll'rtc:t. . f -\ . 1) . I . I 11,.. t (l ' ' . ' ( l, ( . ' '\ l I I) I I I . I ;~r.H.'S o_ . rtt:--t- '\l'Ctt:t s _111 t ll' .. , cw is the clirl'rt(lr 111 thi~ cleparttnvnt . \\·llirh uprl' 1a-,. >ern. t 1c .!-:'llt'~l 111 ltl11 11r I ner Htgh _-.clwol audttunum. Ht~ .ap- . pr 11 misL·s puhlir peri~n·nlann·:; lli cla:-s!c I at -;rtH·~·:-; nt . puhlt~ anc! prt\':tt~· htnc~ 1 p.earanct· \\"Ill he 011 ~~onda~· s~enmg. and mndem opera-; inll11 tilt· Fn··trll I ~·nt~:'. clt_ntlt'r:-. and tunctiOll~. \en:r. ,,) :\_o,·et:lbn 11, at 8:30 o clock . ..l he :-r- and Italian schllnls. 1t 1s .;a.tcl: h;t..; :111 organ \'trttlOSll _hn·n etta! ts "JHllbOred by the \\ tllllL't ka 1 ____ ---·- _ 1he tTCt)ltl'llt llt ~uch a gennal tnhutv (~eorgc Barren>, world renm\·tH:d flute virtuoso and conductor of til~~ Rarren.· Ensemble brings hi s nrga!lization to the nl>rth . horc Suncla\· aiternoon, November 17, in a conn·!' bdor(' the 1\'orth ~hnre Chambtr Musir a:-.sociatinn. The cn11cert \\'a . ; pustpo11ed irom :\n\'l'tniH·r 10, the dat e originalt~· sd ior the prngram. Ti~kct-. ma,· hl' purrhased at thL· clnnr llt thr 1-\l'nil\\· ortl~ As:>emhh· hall 1111 tlw al· · tcr nootl nt tlw ronrcrt. - - - -- - -·- \\"Ill h·· IH·:trd fttr a st·<·ond tllll t' . Suullu:r utft·ruouu, lU t· hard \\?;~g-Jh ·r's /-:Tt·al tnu:-;i, ·-clrilnla. "'l'l·ist:tll lllld T!-<oldt> ." will IH · gh·t·ll it:-: ~t't'lllld !waring- with til t> c·al't \\'hh·h pt·J ' flll'IIIS it during- tht· Saturrl:n· matint·(· ~,l\.t' lll ltt'r ~·. inl'lllrl i11g- J.' ..·i d:t l. t'i«ito r . )!aria (llsZt'\\'ska, Tllt >~tdlll't· ~ll':tl'k. l!i<-h:tl'll }!l·ll!'Jii :tll d .\lt·X;tlldl'l' 1\itllli:-:. \\'ith To:gnn l'oll:tl'l\ :1t tht· c·olldlll'll·l":-: staq<l . Musical Profe$sion Heaps Honors Upon Marcel Dupre Give Piano Proaram to ~ Honor Anton Rubenstein Little Symphony Gives Two Evanston Concerts 'I' h c Little ~ymphon~' orchest r:t ~ :· Ch ira~:Cl. <~tnrg·e Dasch, conductnr. "' to prt· ... ent programs in E,·anst111' ~clwols. Ttte~rlay, Novemhtr 12, \ltH1<'~~ auspice:-: ni tht Central Council ~~! Jt:,·athton ~riJno l clubs. A program :s tn be giHn in thl' ~ichols fntcrmcdiat cschool at I n'rll)ck. and a second concert in tilt' Haven Intermediate sr!1n ,J at 2:30. Tht· program has hrtll :t!l· nnuncl'cl a~ fnllmvs: Cll 'i ·l'llll'f' !1· llH· ()]WI': I, .. Oitt·l'll11" . \\ ·t·lw1· I · 1 From _ ~~· n1phony ::\"n. S, F :\l :l.illr . Opus !l:~ ..... . HI·Pt hf·\'t·ll ~~·~··JIId 11111\'i'lllt>lll: .-\ lll'g-t'l·tln SC'ht·rz<t I Ill·· .\ll;t Zing-an'l-il'" (Fill:tll'). :\Jinor (Opu:-; ~;:;) . . . Jlr:thtll :-: fi'IHII lilt· l'i :1 nn 1.\ IT:t 11g···cl for the Littl e ~ymphc·11~· ()l'l'llt·str:1 hy <:eo!'g"l' na~d1) :-i1111g· ( !11 lw st·lf 'l'lf' r1) ... ·\mlien<C' :tncl Orvh<·Stl':r "l·:11tr' .\dt· Dtid" fot· Flutl' :t nd 1 'Llrinvt A I fn·cl Qu<· JI!-'· · 1 I 'I:~ Yt><l hy Jlny .·\ . l(na uss (~u:tl'l1·t. "ltoJH)i, 1: PIANIST IN RECITAL irn111 lllt'mhr_r:- (ll his tl\\·n pn~ie-.:-:inn . 1 [gnaz Friedman. pianist. i:-; tP !lv ! Lnc:_tl organt~~s. :t11rl lmTr:-. ot llrga 11 Senior Music Club at hl·arcl in recital at 'the Stucll'ktkt·1'1' t1lll.'ilC are lltl ttp -tlll' tll hear Dupre .. New Trier in Meeting theatrr ~unda,· aitnnn·1n. :\on·mhn -------1 :t IHI Lillian Pc.>eni!-ich 10. at 3:30 n'cll:rk. Bertha ()tt. IIll" .. Horowitz Beains Season Tilt · ··.\l~·<litntion" from the Tht St·nior ~f usic club of X ew Trier 1s sponstH"Ing thts program . .., OJWI':t, "Thais" . . . . . . . . . ::\Tas:-:l:'nt ·t High :-chool met Thursday afternoou Concert Tour Next Week "\\.altz Ill" tlw Ji'}(,Wf't'!-l" from the ~nitt·, " Tiw .\'nt-<'rad<l'r" T~chnilww~l'" at the home of ~farjorie Leach. 515 HEAR ROSA LOW SUNDAY \'ladimir Horo\Yitl': \\"ill play Brahm.;, .\I" ··1'11. "l'tllllfl and Circumstance" Elg:1 ,. ~heridan road. \Vinnetka. Piann solo::; Rosa Low. soprano, "ill present ;! , Ochu~..,,-, Prokftelf and nthrrs at hi.; hv Pln· lli~ Dnh skv and Ann ~herwin. rl'cital in The Pladwnse Suncl-a\· aite1 ·-~ SKALSKI AS TEACHER a c<:1lo solo hv Helen Stopka. a Yil lin noon, Xm'emher 10. at 3 J() o'rlnrk fir-;t \"~~"' York recital 011 ~ovember Andre Skalski, the brilliant yunng· 15. Th l' r~ ttssia 11 pianist \\"ill ha \'C a solo hv L0ui~ \Vagner ancl sch:cti(m~ ll\ under the auspirt':> oi Hertha Ott. fnr. t n n r n i :-.c H' 11 t \ ·- Ii \'e r n 11 c e r t s i 11 c I u <1 in~ man to whom Chicago looks for an a girl~' ~txt<·t macle up the prngram . interesting season with his r ecently MARUM RECITAL I an :qlllearann· in :\ ew '!'rier auclitorit.1111 organized orchestra, will teach this winB tl Ott I 'II t l'l I next ~f arch under au:-.ptce~ of the \i\!, 11 . POSTPONE PADEREWSKI'S TOUR er la . nr .. '\"t pre~en ·, eannr netka \lnsic rluh. ter, dwelling on chamber music and enPadtre\\·ski's l ' nited States tour !1as ~f arum. soprano. 111 recttal at the semble playing, musical appreciation been postpnne~l indefinitely. The great Black. tone theat t'r Sunda,· aitern11un. l - - --- - - - - - and orchestral training. pianist is reported tn he suffering from ~o\'Cmber 10, at 3 :.10 o'cl(~ck. 1 CHAMLEE IN "MAROUF" phlebiti . which is ~aid to have af\1 :1rio Chamlee. \\'ho recentlv sailt'<l SINGS IN "ELIJAH" fected his left lt'g. However. concert NEW GERSHWIN OPERA ' for France. ,,·as to create the t-itle role 1-fme. Schumann-Heink will sing in managers in this country are hoping he Grrshwin is said to be composing :1.11 of "~1 arouf" at Brussels t\\·o week-; the "Elijah" which is to celebrate the wilJ be able to gi .-~ some recitals here opera based on the "Dybbuk ." the pta,· ·ag0, later appearing in the Paris Opcr:.t University of Southern California's ,fifbefore the season is over. of ] ewish mvstiri~m by Ansky. aml Opera C'omique. tieth year next spring, ).fu:-.ic cluh. I I ·

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