Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 37

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November 8, 1929 WILME'TTE LIF'E J7 Eaton in 70-Yard Safety Patrol Assembly Held at Howard School Goal Rush as IV. T. An assembly program of unusual inTrounces Waukegan tere st was presented at the Howard · Scoring two touchdowns in the first s~;h<?ol last Thursday for upper grade quarter before Waukegan knew what puptls by the boys' afcty patrol of the it wa~ all about, New Trier High school. A miniature court room prosc hools footba11 team vanquished its ccdt~re \\·as foll owed, and the cases oi Lake county opponent at the N~"· puptls .char~ed with violating sa fet~' Trier field last Saturday 13 t o 0.. It regulatton s 111 the Yicinitv of the school 1 was New Trier's third. victory o.f the :rcre tried. H.ohert \Villi s acted as JUdge, Jack Edmonds as clerk of rourt, season. All an Roth as bailiff. The safetY Soon after the opening of the gam ~ and patr_o l as sembh· \\'as to be repeated fo.r · .New Trier started its march to\\'ard pupils nf the lo\\'cr grades at Howard the Wauk~gan goal an d with the aid thi week. of a succes sful lon g pass scored in t]v· fi;st f C\~ minutes nf play. Conn.l)'~. 1\ew Tner fullback. carrit:d tlw han O\·e r on. a plunge throug-h thr \\r·lll kegan hnc. Ncar the end. of the llr:-.t qnartl' · Eaton. X ew Trier left halfback rlc rided to gin~ the spt:ctator:-; snmcthin . sensational. Taking the hall on t!J, Xew Trier 30-yard line on the fir ~: play follo\\'ing an exrhang(.: oi punt he raced seventy yards for a tnu (; h do\\'11, other memb.ers of the X<·,,· Trier team according him prrf(.: ct intcri(·r encc. For the remainder ui the !..!:till\.' X~"· Trier merely protected it.:-; thirtet.·l ' point lead and Coach \\'alter .\.sche1 1 bach subst ituted frceh·. " ·ith the in teutio.n, nn. doubt, oi k~·cping his rl'.l ~'l Iars 111 tnm for a hard game ,ritl Deerfield t!1is Satt~rcla~ - - \\' auh· ~·:l! l made a sen nus threat to score in 1h l third quarter hut lo:--t thr hall o·1 downs after adyancing it t,, :\('\'. Trier' · 10-Yard line. K cw Tr-ier made cigh 1 dnmh :1n ·l \\"aukegan tin:. The pa:-;sin . :. ! nf Jll.: i1 1H' : team was cffcctin·. Xcw Trin ( il lllple' ing on l~· two of eight attclnptL·d pa-, c..; . w hi I c \\·auk c !-!'a 11 r n 111 p Jc t <: d 1 nH' nut () : rl\'l'. l\ew Trin inttTCl'j)1t·cl h\' 1) ()i t h t · \ Ya u k e g a n pas :--l' s . · Fnlln,,·in!,!' \H'rt' the sta' rti11~ lintllll' · :'\,.,,. Tl'if'r :\Ian n ~AV!ft1AN ~IHIILDS \ AND DICLOSURIS Convert Your Radiator · Into a BEAUTY SPOT American 1\letal Products Corp. 605 North Michigan Avenue superior 717~ Chicago Local Dealers VIc J. Klllan, Inc. Winnetka 908 Good llousekeeplng Shop Greenleaf 1190 I o:n \\": lnl\.··1-! :ltl (fit TJ. 1 ·:. n:t ,.din Lorenz Arnold f'u ll en O~a n L. T . L . r: . :\Jni·pll,· l'· ·flrli, ·,ll··' ~P· ~rllery ~chroeder R. r: . R. T . R:E . r~ . lluf'!,, .,. '"I . '!ll't·ll!-'1" r ... nkh:trt 800,000 ADDITIONAL TELEPHONES ARE GOING INTO USE THIS YEAR. Forrester Q. B. J:r o\\'n Eaton L. H . Lind!!T<'ll Tom Hick !'; ( <') R. IT. n, .:t mwt · Connor F. R. <'arbo1 · ~ew Tri er !' Uh !':t itution s-T.ind~tm!ll f11J · :\Tn.nn. Bunch for L or<'n:-. . ~mith for Arnold. Hill for Cullen. :\foran for ()gan Hudnlnh for Scllery. Wolf for ~chnwll <' l'. .Tack Hicks for Lind fo r \Vnlt ror fnr Frll'l'Psfet·, Nicl{el for Pnulson for 1-.:t!on (;Iabau~h for Tom Hick::; . l1kh :nrls f,.r 1'hompson for Connor. A million and a half dollars a day ,A' Catholic League Sponsors Benefit for War Veterans The United States war veterans ~~ Great Lakes wilt benefit hv a pl'r formance of "Little Old New York." to be given Friday evening, NoYemh ~· r 29. at the Glencoe School auclitori11n' hv the Lovola Communitv PlaYers. Th e North Shore Catholic vVomati's lr:H!'lll' is snonsoring- the affair. . Mrs. Peter Prato. chairman in chan!,· of the play, gave a luncheon for hrr rommittee recenth·. at her hom e i ~· Bighland Park. The committPc 111 P t Now~mber 1. with Mrs. P. \V. Trur1P~,, of 254 Scott avenue. Besides ~1 r . Prato and ~frs . Trudeau. the commit tee includes Mrs. Peter T. BrPnnan Mrs. Leo T. Dovle. Mr ~ . A. E. Til roc 'Mrs. William Pavev. all 0f \Vinnetkrl · \frc; . William Bro\\'n ancl Mr ··. T. F \frC::trtlw. of Hubh(Jrrl vVoodc:.· ~fr c:. "·· T. Sr.hneider of GlenC'oe: ~fr' . Y \f11?:ik of Hirrhwood: ancl Mrs. \f :dk~w Lillil! anrl ~frs. T. H. ~tipc . of Hicrh land Park. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick. jQ4 Melrosf' ;Jvenue. Kenihn1rth . ent('rtainerl snme of thP nei P"h l,nrc:. l::l c;t Sunrl :w r>\'1'ninrr fnr 1fr. ::lnrl 1\[rc:.. H~rn · \ · i.::s" '.;,n· ,,-ho hav"' c:nlrl their 1,,...111f ~'ld ;~rt· lf'·n·in<T for their home in Florich next " ·cf't· T.cir,..c:tr>r · rn;ul. T{enilw0rth entertainPd hrr hrirlg-<' dnh Tucsdar aftcr1101 ~~ Nm·cmhrr ~. · MoRE than 100 new Hell telephone buildings are going up this year in the United States, 800,000 additional telephones are going in to use and new switchboards to care for 3,000,000 additional calls a day. 1~hese are a fey-of the things .in the 1929 constr~nd improvement program of the Bell System which will cost more than 550 million dollars-a million and a half a day. Telephone growth is essential to the new American civilization of better opportunity for the average man. 'fhe Bell System employs mo·re than 400,000 workers, is owned by 450,000 stockholders, and serves the people of th~ natton. Every day the ~ell System is extending its lines to more people. 'This is part of the telephone ideal that anyone, anywhere, shall be able to talk quickly and at reasonable cost with anyone, anywhere else. '"fhere is no standing still in the Bell System. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM Mrs \'V::t rrrn _,_ Prr~ c:.r. J?O I One Policy One System Universal Ser41ice

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