Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 1

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. ' .. . . WIL METTE Published toeekiJI b31 Lloyd Hollister lhc., JZJZ-JZJ6 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter March JJ, 19Z4, at the post office at Wilmette, llHnotBJ under the Act of March J, 1879. SubscripUon price sz.oo a 31ear. VOL. XVII., NO. 60 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS EXPECT 300 GUESTS AT ANNUAL C. OF c~ DINNER Reservations for Banquet Next Tuesday Will Be Closed Saturday Morning All reservations for the annual banquet which the Wilmette Chambe.r of Commerce will hold Tuesday, Xovember 12, in the auditorium of the Masonic temple must be made by 10 o'clock Saturday morning, ~ovember 9, it was announced this week. No tickets will he sold on the night of the banquet. Those who seek admission that night without having purchased their tickets in adyancc ,,·ill be mis·sing a good banquet. Plans for the affair are complete, and the few tickets still available are . expected to be taken by tomorrow morning. Chamber of Commerce otli- · cials and members of the organization are looking forward to the most elaborate and successful banquet in the Chambers' history. Three hundred guests arc expected. "Hebe" Hudson Headliner Two outstanding features of this year's banquet, it is pointed out, will ' be the excellent character of entertainers and the splendid qtiality of food. The tn<'ntt has not been made known, hut the entertainers include a galaxy of vaudeville stars and an afterdinner speaker of national prominence. ]. H. "Hebe" Hudson oi the Illinois C::hamber of Commerce, widely kno\\'11 numorist who has been engaged in Chamber of Commerce work for the past fifteen years, is- to be the speaker. When the Illinois Chamber of Commerce instituted its department of mercantile affairs three years ago ~f r. Hudson was engaged as director, and was also placed in charge of the organization's service department. He is well known to many in \Vilmette who heard him speak here two years ago. All-Star Roster One look at the following list of entertainers will convince the reader of the fine quality of entertainment that has been provided for the banquet: the Gold Dust Twins, comedians; Alma Clausen, prima donna; Lorenze, comedy waiter: Agnes Frank, acrobatic dancer; ] oe Paul and company, musical comedy act; Maida Firman, pianist; Howard and Hill, comedy act; Frank Salerno, recording accordionist, and the Premier Quartet, singing instrumentalists. Armistice Speaker Armistice Day One of Joy ;.SUNDAY CLUB SmFrS TON. T. AUDITORIUM Burton Holmes Travel Lec:ture to Be Given in Larger Hall Sunday, November 10 The \Viln\ette Sunday Evening club will shift its meeting place to New Trier High school auditorium Sunda~' evening, November 10, when Burton Holmes, best known travel lecturer lli the country, is to present the theme '·Siam. the Land of Chang." The deCision of the club's directing geniuses to make this temporary· change was prompted by the certainty that hundreds of people throughout the north shore will want to avail themselves of this opportunity to hear the world's foremost travel lecturer right in their own community. A program is to be presented by the New Trier High school orchestra beginning at 7 :30 o'clock, and Mr. Holmes will begin his illustrated lecture at 8 o'clock. Needs No Introduction Mr. Holmes is so well known as to be almost a household name throughout the length and breadth of the country. Sunday's lecture on Siam will l>c in three parts, representing. a viyid depiction-for the most part m mot~on pictures-of the strange land wh1ch can be reached only in two ways-"by rail from Singapore, by sea from anywhere." There will be an intimate study of life in Bangkok, views of Siamese royalty, her palaces and temples, military maneuvers and religious ceremonials, and finally a glimpse into the "up country" of Siam, with its life along the water highways, riverside villages, and home life in the j-ungle hamlets · . with contrasting pictures of mission centers, in fact an intensely interesting and fascinating tour through the land "where the romance of travel stilt endures." · Don't Forget Change! Patrons of the Sunday Evening club are reminded again of the chan~e of meeting place for this Sunday. on.Jy-Nev.' Trier High school audttonum. Doors open at 7 :30 o'clock. American Legion Plans Armistice Day Ceremony The official observance of Armistice day by Wilmette Post No. 46 of the American Legion will take place at 11 o'clock Monday morning, November 11. A squad of buglers from the Drum and Bugle corps will form with a firing squad from Great Lakes Naval Training station at the Village hall when "Assembly" will be blown. At ex~ actly 11 a. m. they will march to the center of Wilmette and Central avenues. Three volleys will be fired as all face the East with bared heads in memory of the buddies left on the battlefields of France. The Bugle squad will sound "Taps." By Orville G. Daily Adjutant, \Vilmette American Legion . E XT Monday, Armistice day, is the American Legion's own day. ~ o other patriotic holiday has the same significance to the men who served in the World war as November J 1. The other holidays were established before l)Ur time and their meaning taught us as a part of our American heritage. Legionnaires need not be taught them e a n in g o f L.:=::;........;;..=..;=.. Armistice day. w. E. Rlchmontl They wt: re there, Commander Wittaking part in mette Legion the events which make this day one of the most important anniver:-~aries in world history. To some, ~f on day will bring back memories of line trenches, the wild joy that reigned as the last shot was fired at 1-1 a. m. on that memorable day. Others who eleven years Palmer D. Edmunds, recentiy · apago '"'·ere in this locality will recall pointed Supreme Court commissioner, the "snowstorm" of ticker tape and will give a patriotic address in Wilconfetti that filled the air, the horns, mette Monday night, November 11, :tt sirens, bands, the shrieks, ·tears and Armistice Day exercises to be held in laughter caused by the news of the the new Howard school auditorium 2.t termination of the war. 8 o'clock. The program is being spon- · This year marks the eleventh ansored by the American Legion auxiliar~' niversary of the signing of the arof Post No. 46. mistice.- The day commemorating this event should be one of happiASK FOR MORRIS CHAIR ness and jollification and not one of mourning. The brief pause at 11 Members of the ex-service committee of the Kenilworth Xeighbors rea. m. when all si lently face the East in quest that anyone who has a Morris memory of those who didn't return is but a part of the day's program. chair to donate to the disabled The observance of the day by veterans of the Great Lakes station please telephone Mrs. Frank C. Nason, Legionnaires reflects a true expression of the significance that the day Kenilworth 4363. holds for them. Their war service means more now than it did in the years iqm1ediately following ~he conflict. They are proud of the1r great aU-inclusive organization of Worldwar veterans, banded together to . maintain the comradeship of the war and to continue, in peace-time, service to their community. state and nation. For the public as well as the Legionnaires and their families has been arranged the significant Armistice dav program by the Auxiliary unit of Wilmette Post, to ?e ~eld to page in the Howard school auclttonum at 8 p. m. Monday. Other details 'of this issue and see this open meeting are to be found elsewhere in this issue of Wn,ME'f'r~ how near you can N More Football Tickets Free Turn 47 of SHANTZ TO GIVE TALK Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz will give a talk on "The Armistice" before the Luther league ·of St. Paul's Lu-.. thcran church in Evanston this Sunday, eveninu. Kovemher 10. · In This Issue Pages Automobiles ........... 41-42 Amusement Directory ...... 53 Boy Scout Affairs ......... 24 Church News ............. 48 Classified Ada .......... 54-~ Club Activities ............ 34 Editoriab-Sbore Linea .... 30 Junior Life ............ ... 44 Music Page .............. 36 Recreation Events ........ 46 Society News ............. 32 Travel Comer ............ 40 come to solving the football contest. Free tickets to the Indiana · N o r t h · western game await those who . ·wtn. LIFE. One New Diphtheria Case Reported in .the Village One new case of diphtheria was rePorted to the Wilmette Health department on November 1. The patient was taken to a hospital. The health department has received no other new reports of contagious disease in the Village, and there are no cases in quarantine.

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