Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 46

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46 WILMETTE LIFE November .8, 1929 Wilmette· Playground and Recreation Activities Anticipate Record _ .Attendance at Play Activity This Year If numhers mean anything, the \Vilmette Playground and Recreation board can truthfully say that the opening of the current season · heralds one of the largest programs of activity thus far conducted by the board. Director Daniel M. Davis and his staff of a~sistants announce an attendance of more than 1,200 participants during the first week of the 1929-1930 winter season. ~---------------------------.1----------------------------, 4thletic League.cHoward SA ( 4) Frank May George Maxwell Dan Cassell F;tJ Horn Henry Hoffman Re;_inRld Green Fred A~chbacker Mac Hutchins \Valter Foslund Thorne Edwards f·'rank Christianson Howard 7A (3) Victor Arnason Frank Grinnell Wayne Cochrane Ray Nel~on Ed Snyder James Burdette Blbert Knoop Howard Ruff INTRA~IURAJ, Sports Calendar Todp.y . !\ :30 SPEED BAJ,L St. Joseph 8 (0) llatthew ME-ier Leo Kraft Frank Krusch Fred Baron John Ku~lp Anton Engels Douglass Scott Three games were played in the volleyball league for men at Howard gymnasium and included 75 partici.pants and on the same evening an equal .number of girls reported for the first women's basketball practice. The Girls' Athletic club opened the season with a membership of forty - t\\·o, and thirty-six men became charter Stolp SA (~J Lob Dirks members of the beginning gymnasium I::dwin Andl't·ws class at Stolp school on Tuesday eve- :\ ndrew Rus:-:o ning. The remainder of the week had John St. Clair .. .Jack Allworth activities which included an average liarold Yf'rhHII'n of forty participants. l lloward li l'rbon :-ilwldou Fox There is an activity for hoth men John st_ ut and women for every evening nf the week and !\Jr. Davis and hi s .assist=tnts arc urging all resident s of th r Stolp · 7:\ · (:{ ) village to take part in the various !J<tvid Weinl-ittJck activities conducted bv the hoard. Be- .Janws Koegl'l ginning next \veek tl;e Cyening swi m- Hill Jt:nkins ming class for women \viii he started .lnhn Ad:um: 86 ~{ ('(; at the Sovereign hotel on \\'cdne sday 'i'-idwrd larth:ll'l ~vcning, for whi ch regi stration is no\\' .iohn :--;l:,·illl· I Jo!:ieph (3) Gerald Zapp Jamel:i Kivland Lawrence Roenwr Tom :\Ieier 'Yilliam Hayduk Gordon Re Foy Ed Stanco Ht·imert Xan ~dgHenry Thor:-:cn Ltonard Hoffm ·1.n Edward De Sa:lto :-:ltolp 8C ( 4) Diek Hall Bill :\lPlchoit· .Tamt-s :.\k('lurt> Billy K:t tz .Jack )Jillt'r Hany Hughes Harry Minor '\Van·en Cozzens J0 Sl St. 1 \\"illiarns Lo ·kt' Hogen; St. Frauds 7 (!J) Paul 1 >t·mp<; ' Y .Jad< Le<:hllL!I' l·:d Hushli Dan. Logan <'harl<·s OTonnell ~tuart Fitzhttgh ,J;u·k B ,\Tne C harl f:'s J:~ul l\~~~~~ I 1 I I a. m.-Swimming for women. Tonight at 7 o'clock the Howard Evanston Y. M. C. A. 7 p. m.- Junior Police meeting. How- · school gymnasium ~ill be opened to ~he ard school. Junior Police of Wtlmette. Any .Tumor ·7 :30 p. m.-Boxing and wr(>stling. policeman who comes ~ith his badg·e trf Howard school. ., recognition will be admtttcd to the gym.8 p. m.-Advanced gymnasium for men. Howard school. nasmm to do what he pleases, play bas 8 p. m.-Dancing for married couples. ketball, box, wrestle, work out on ap Stolp school. paratus or indulge in gymnastic stunts. Monday !'his announcement was made by Glen 7 :30 p. m.-Basketball for women. Stolp gymnasium. W. Gathcrcoal director of the · ] unior 7:30 p. m.-Volleyball for lll '11. Howard Police of the 'village, and assistant in gymnasium. charge of Howard gymnasium on Friday Tuesday i :30 p. m.- Business girls gymnasium evenings. c la s~. Howard gymnasium. At 7...,:30 o'clock the stage, which has 7 :30 p, m.-Beginners' gymna:-;lum been arranged for boxing and wrestling. das.· for men. Stolp gymnasium. ·wrtlnes·Ia.y will be turned over to the pugilistically !l :30 a. m.-Beginners' swimming class, mclincd .... Boxing gloves, punching bag. women. Bvanston Y. M. ". A. bag gloves, sand bag, jump ropes, wrest tO :30 a. m.- AdYaneed swimming dass ling mats and other equipment are fur for women. 1~\·n nsto n Y. l\1. C A. 7 1>. m.-Mt:'n's basketball. Howard ni shed by the \Vilmette Playground and g-ymnasium. Recreation board, which is sponsoring ~tnh.l 7 p . m.-:\lt->n's Basl<etball . thesr activities. g-ymna!'>ium. 'flturstluy At 8 o'clock a men's gymnasium class i :30 p. m.- GymnaRium class for \\·ill take the floor. This class is com women. Howard gymnasium. prised of men who want advanced g-ym 7 ::w p. m.-Gymna~ium clas.· f.,t· women . ~tolp g·ymnasium. nasium work. Calisthenics, volleyball, 7 ::w p. m .- I lorseshoes fot· m n. J J,,w kickball. and relays will he included in a nl school attic .. thr acti,·itic s engaged in by the men. 7 ::ll) p . nl .-Al·ro dub for boys. Ct>ntral s('hool ma nua 1 training· room. These actiYities are free to re s~dcnts .. }'rilluy of \\'ilmette and those interested are 7 p . 111 .- .Junior l'olice nH'l·ting-. l!'.. w:trd gymn:u.;ium. · urged to take advantage of the se op 7 ::w p . m.-l!·,xing- an1l Wl'l'stling portunities. -G. \\'. G. da::;sl'-"· Jl owarcl gymnasium. \ p_ 111. - .\ ch·;ut<'Pcl gymnasium 1·la~s f~>r m··ll. J loward gymnasium. Gym Cl ass De Sl ·gn ed to · Junior Police Hold Center of Stage at Gymnasium Tonight · Te11s NationaI Magazine :\(·d Koenig I , ,,.,· J> \'I tO ll ·,(l>td\ . ~ 1 ~,~ '· ~ . ot·ttl'dtct , . ()J ·LI.'\" \I J ... J· ~- · · ('l as!' II ~~id g·: - OAU Jl' ~IOUC.\I,F.:X Satut'IIH:Y !t a. 111 Frttt(I ta ll. "~ilnwttt< l' t'\\'l't' S , . ~. Kl· uil\\'l>l'llt l't·wt·t·S at K· ·nilw .. rth . I. i Help the "Average" Man Lt lll t.t·· -' ~tt··fL·n ·" s .' lunthn· l~:t,· · Hob l 'ah·l'rt <'lan·nt.'l. ~lf'IL·ns =~ :::11 Ji. lll . Kit ·kh;tll. l:irls. 1Jr,,\·a n1 ground .\1agazinL·. a 11ational puhlicati(ln .\t'thur :-;t·<l<l rHJ l:tt'l',. l't. : l·;l'!-, \'s. ~tulp, sixth. Sl·H.!Il tll , and ighth 1 tl ll' J 1 la: g · I .IIH · I I' · <·It1. on ,. 1ydt· .\fl ,r ga n gr:ttl· ·s. Sltdp g-:-.·mtlasitllll. · · ·u('< 1 I\' .1:-1~ >. 't1H1tll \.l'CIL' "\ t1:l ·tll ,, .uauer Tut·s·la:r .-\ s~oc iatinn of :\merica, cutlCerns th t.· : !·'raul\ Lal: Pt l! t· \\'altt-r lla\\'ldtl so n .··,·.. ··,rt Jl . tll.-1·· ,- .. J,· t>,·tll. ·~·.,· 1·1·.··. ll··,,·, ·tt·<l · ~ ~ .~ 1-l()rsL·hack Ridin, !! cl;t:.s .· in,·ttt ."llr,·tt ~.· cl 1>_ ,. · .\ 1 'I'Ut· I" ' r .\nt I1011\' ,...;c 1lirtlt·l' . 11 1 ., .... thi s :.t tm - .~t. .Jn~t·pll (1~·· l ~J) ll""·:tnl 1'. T . ·.\. 00, lit ' ,·:-. l-\'· ·ltilw()rth !'-t·\l'l lth the \\"ilmcttt.· Recrcatittll ht t;ml l'ightll gra<lt · ~ nt sixth, 1-\t·nil\\·,rti L . ' H 1 ;· ·01-gt· \\ 'hit· · l~:t~· Hol>im·on "'""""'·Ia,1t, them a lungthe Coli rla:-. -., \ 'i<:tor I >l'inkin !·'red Lind ::::: 11 p . lll.- Kil'kl.Jall. {;i 1·ls. 110 ,,-: tp l nwr. (both of for with \\'0111l'll) Jlrt>\'td hioh - Harold !"l'lllt·Ul t· r .l·tlm l:aug-hmnn ,.tilL . ,-~- Stulp sixth, st.· \·v nlh :u1rl ··i, ghtlt 1). I>'>t>u l·. tr c'ICti' \·J ' tt'·· . . "pt t tl~ ., t>rl·< l ,...))' La\\Tt·ll('t· \\'d s~ '\\'al tl' t' 1\:an~le im t: r , "' ,, 1> gT:ul\-s. lluw n !'(] 1-:':>mn:t sil tlll . I l I ;-;tanh · ~· llawki n~·'ll ~l<trtin Lyt wh 'l'hur)ida.·· >uarc 011 t h : smnmer pr<tgTam. \l ~andiH · ru \\' illiam 1Jon·· ·' " :; ::l o p . 111 Kkldn1ll. t~irl s. JJ.,,,·: tnl An article conn·rning Aunt San1.111th) l'r<'~ll~· tt · t · iall lJ Optimist Y ::i. Kenilwttrth sixth. l't·\·vnth, :tllll A I ' Jj (6, J fl. };o..) U~·. J, )(}) l'ightiJ gTad~'S. I!O\\';l.l'd g\'lllll:tSillltl. llll, t lt.~ negro mammy st(lry te II er. \\'1 F'ranl< J~t·nwld::Phil Hofftuan El'HJ" ]hti · · <'l:tn·Ht 'l' Braun :: :::o p . llL- SJ>t 't'dha ll. J~oys. ft 11 w:ml. appear in the Playgmund ~1 agazinl' in l::d J I ill the ncar futun·. Director ni Hccrcation IO:arl Lvsli· · Tom Kll'lun :-;trdp, st. .1< ·:-:t:' ph. and :--11. Francis 1 1 11 11 DalJiel ~. 1. Davis. has ht·rn ittil trm·t! h) {;L:. <\',:g·~.:~·a\1\ ~ 11 1> 1 1.t·.'1 n 1 ~ E·. tt:1 \\ .~:~~· u_} 1 :~ )o:ixth, sl·Yenth, and C'ight h gTa(h·s. 1 0 t} II I ~ ., YillagP (ireton and '\nis hin1-.;-tnn P<~t : lc IC pu) 1:. 1crs. - -- - _ _ _ "l\e\r Recreatinn :\ cti ,·i tit·.; ill \\"il - Hallowe'en Parties Bring 111··tte L· t ttt1-ltler tl1 · l 11 · · tt 1 0 ~ .- <~:-. " · L aygt u tl( ut 1900 H appy v1 oungsters and Rrcrl'ation Board of \\"i lmett<.', llli the Central-Laurel P. T. A., wa s a~ nois, organized a riding cla s~ i(lr begin A pouring- ram and cold \\'Cather .~istant hostess at the Stolp party. ntrs, meeting two nights a \\'eek Au failed t'o prc\'C nt l.CJOO young~tns of Sixty pound boxes of candy were }instructor \\'a s employed to teach tht the village from attending thL' :lllnual 1d le c 11 11 c ren', wearing the rudiments <, f ridin .O'. This class was so Hallmn.'en J)artics gi\'en in tlieir hono'r a\\'arc c to ~ 1 ~-> nwst attractive Halloween costumes popular that it soon htcame nccess;~ry hl by the \\'ilmettc Playground and Rec - the winners being selected by a grou ; 1 arrangt.' it>r a Sl'rond class. A heg-innn s :-eat ion !ward at the Stolp and HmY - of ju<lgcs including: Howard C. Milts cla~s in golf was started ahout the samt. :trd gymnasiums last Thursday evening. . ~r cDonald, chairman of the Playground t11ne as the riding cta~s and thi ~ ttH> ).1 o\'ing pictures and musical enter- . Jet Recreat'otl 1 rd H F . It I I 1 . 1 'J'l . . . I . l f· 1 .. ,u I wa : enry O\V 1cr rapJ< y c t'H' oprc1 111to t\\'o c asses. 1( tamment were prone e< or t .1e evenmg representative from the Park boani women rl'cci\'ing golf, imtrurtion mtt pr ogram and at the conclus1on of. the lHl the Hecrcation board; Mrs. John wtekly \\'ith an instructor who tallg-ht ~~art~· apJ~les a!1d' doughnuts were gl\·c n 1 Clark Baker, 1 Irs. John B. Boddie; tht·m ,,·ith various putts and dri,·es." .o ~clch JUVCnJ~c guest. . ~tolp: Mrs. Herbert Leach, Mrs. Ral )h , Lmco~n C. 1 or~ey,, cha_trman of. the Hoff and 11 rs. B. F. I.ewis. I Los Ang_ eles Gets Swim ·{ccrcat)L)n boards Spcetal OccasiOns ~Ir. Reid awarded the pnzes at ·ommittce, pronounced the parties the Pool Valued at $35,000 >est ever sponsored by the board. The Stolp, and John Clark Baker served The Playground and Rccr<:atiun de- >ther members of the committee, who as awarder at Howard. I ;Jartment of Los Angeles is cPn~tructing ·tss istrd 111 arranging the program and The Hallowe'en parties come as a PLAYGROUND AT ANGORA in '\orth Hollywoocl a municipal swim- tctcd as hosts and hostesses at each -;pecial activity in the recreation pro-~ Asa K. Jennings writes that the !\a~ning pool which will cost $35,000. Thr ~vmnasium. were: :\Irs. E. II. Free- ~ram each year and although con- tional Child Welfare association, with ..,\,·imming facilities will include two :nan, ::\[rs. E. ~f. Simonds, Mrs. Her- ducted under the auspices of the board \\'hich he is associated, is establishing a 1r plunges, one for regular the . the o t!ltr lCrt Leach, ).frs. H. A. Storms, S. C. < supported by nrivate subscription. nlaygrouncl at Angora, the capital of for the u. e of children and fnr instrur 11ennet, and \Yilliam TaYlor. Those organizations and individuals who Turkey, which it is hoped will cvcnt).f ilton E. Reid was master of cere- contributed to its support thus far ually become a training center. In contion purposes. The large pool will measure 100 feet hv 50 ieet and tlll' monits at the Stolp party, and Direc- this year are: Central-Laurel P. T. 1wction with the playground, the first children's tank wit( he JO ftet h\· SO tor of Recreation Daniel M. Davis :\.., Optimist club, \Vilmette \Voman's swimming pool Turkey has ever known it'et . Tht bath house, of Spanish de- o.;ervcd Itt that capacity at the Howard club, \Vilmette Catholic Woman's is being constructed. Mr. Jennings also sign, will form an attractin~ adjunct to party. The Rev. Hubert Carleton acted club, vVilmette Court, Catholic Daugh- help~ to organize the first playground the new swimming pool. Provision has :ts advisor in the selection of films and ters of America, Wilmette Chamber of at Smyrna. He is looking forward to been made for the decoration and entertainers and Mrs. ]. H. Stack- Commerce, Robert Stoddard, A. T. the time when there will be a public landscaping of the entire unit. house, recreation representative from 1 Sherman Lodge, No. 892, I. 0. 0. F. playground in every city in Turkey. L· .\ft · ll · ~ :~:qn 1 o:.. :t) · · r~· · Tl1e fL)Ilt)\\'itlg cxcert)t fr<)lll tl1e 1 -l ;i}·- .Joe <·~·n,· of Activities in Wilmette !· ., . I :t :\. m.-F(If ltha ll. . \ \' ('( llll ·· 14 ~~·tl· ij~ 12~~~~~;r~~~' llil\\'lll'( h Li ~ lll\\'t· ig-ht ~ \\'ilm r· tl· · Lig·ht - Thl' Yalu e of the beginning g\·mt' ,'ts .· t ' um cl.·tss hdcl 'l'ue sd;l'· evenings at J :-:;t1>lp gymnasium for men i!:-1 being ' t' trl':-:--.t< I I>,. f)'tree t nr o f ]' \CLTla ton ' IJ:tniL·I ).], J)ayis. wl t(l prnrlaim -.. it the ~ ~; . nost imt>ortant activity i11 th v pr(':-.l'llt tth ktic pro~ram of th t Pla ~· grt ·\l!HI ltHI l~rcrcati n n hoard. I Jn tJ 1j.., t.·l:t...;s, the man \\·]11 , Ita-. gi\'<'11 . . .. . . I up a('t t \ ' C rnmt>C t Ill Oil 111 or _ g a lllzvc j·. pt\r(-.. i . .; gi\'l'll a rhatlCL'. fn tlti:. eta . _ . . the tll:tll ,,ith the \\ t' ak lll·art i~ al1 I I< l\\'ed att CIJ)l)(lrt unit _ ,- f(lr ex crriq· \\'1'tl lOll t 1 1:tr111 t' l1 I rl'S\1 It :' an< I il ·t tl ll'f 1 -..anw tim<.: \\'ill he ahk to keep ]1!11ht'1 · 1 1 1· 1 from gru\\'tllg I ahhy. 11 t tts c ao;~, tl~<t, io; the man who is inttre!->tcd in gt.·tting ha r k to the physical condition he \\·as in !:-1('\ ·cra l yea rs agtl when he fir;-;t ~tartcd in 1Jttsincss ()f \\'a s just ut nf ro ll ecrr. . 11 ~ ill ~hort. Director Da ,·is and D . C. ~· tone. in o.; trnctor of th'c class hav e a lis t t\,·icc as long as this about tht· aims nf th e class and the routinr of I cla ss procedure followed at each class meeting. I ).fr. })ayis intends to make the class an annual affair. starting at the ftrst < li each fall season. Out of the formal e;ymnastics, low organized games, rr lavs, and other forms of exerci se. he hopes to have each class member in l 'I l such physica condition he w1 l be ab l' to compete in the organized sports of the PlaYground hoard with the rx ,. rcption of volleyball. ~ o charge is made for admission tn the cla ss and it is open to every rcsident of \\' ilmette. The hour is 7 :30 n'clock

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