Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 50

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50 5~% WILMETTE MONEY LIFE November 8, 1929 WEDDING INVITATIONS OUT Invitations are out announcing the coming marriap;e of Ellis Cyril Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cook of 211 Broadway, to Miss Margaret. Cooper of Kansas City, Mo. Saturday evening, November 16. Miss Genevieve Cook left \,Yilmette last Thursday to be the ~uest of Miss Cooper and to be maid of honor at her brother's wedding. Miss Cook will be gone about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Cook will leave i1.1 a few days to attend the wedding. Mrs. Fernando \V. Fuermann of 835 Greenwood avenue entertained the members of her brid,ge luncheon club Tuesdav at her hom e. Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban resIdence property at 572% Interest. See us on renewals. 'JO E. G. Pauling & Co. s. LaSalle St. Telephone Salte 728 N. S. Musicians Engaged . . Club Gives French ·------------'Program on Monday I Franklin 71f0 NOW IS THE TIME TO lNSTALL GARDNER RADIATOR SHIELDS AND ENCLOSURES FOR EVERY TYPE AND SIZE RADIATOR 2+2=5 .I A little extra invested to make your home more comfortable, beautiful and MODERN beats straight addition. Any Finuh ·········· Any DuiltJ The North Shore Musicians club held its first meeting in .its new home, the lounge of the Woman's club of Wilmette, on Monday afternoon, Kovember 4. ~f rs. Alvene Resseguie, membership chairman, read the following nr.mes of its new associate members, whose in terest in the club means so much : Mrs. Sarah M. Cook, Mrs.David Hall, Mrs. R. E. P. Kline, Mrs. Carla Seifer, Mrs. Donald Simmons, and Mrs. \\!err Vvilliams . . A splendid program followed , made up almost entirely of works by French · composers Tea was served with Mrs. Elizabeth English and Mrs. Carla Seifer pouring. Miss Dorothy Rae and Mrs. Elizabeth Thom.p son were the hostesses. The program was as follows : Lc Papillion ...... . . .' ........... Foudr~in L' Heure ·Delicieuse . Staub· ~lid October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yalt: -Smith To the Birdl:l . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ....... Hue Frances Evans Pre lud e .. .. Edward Schutt Nightingale . . . . . . .... .Alabi(·ff-Liszt l'oissons D'or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dcbn~sy Ernau Akely LP Coeur de l\lie ....... Jngut' s-Da l croz~~ Beau Soir . ... .. .... . ............ Debw,sv J ,a Pluie . . . . Ueorg~:s I.oansons La C.lig u e John A. l'arpentt·r Dorothy Cordts ult Pays to Modernize" Equipped with or without Copper Humidifier TJ10usnnds In Use CALL OR WRITE DISTRIBUTOR North Shore Modernizing Bureau Affiliated with the Home Modernizing Bureau of the Nat'l Building Industries, Inc. Parsons & Rauscher li'lS North Wf'IIS Strctt f'hlengo, Illinois Tf'lrphon·· mverscy :;;:13 Tt>rrltory Open for R«>presentutlves · A 708 Church Street, Room 2.50 EVANs:r.o N. ILLINOIS · . ... -'A .... -' University o 9 9 1 A. .... (Photo by Carlos) La Prec:icuse . . . . Couperin-Krt~islt·l' The engagement of Miss Marie Cantilena . . . . . ... Goltenuan Enchelmayer, daughter of ~ifr. and :\L,r:r 1 fughcs M C l L E h 1 G Romance ... . ... Debussy rs. ar . · nc e mayer, 682 rove Bon J our, suzon .... .. ......... Delibes street, Glencoe, to Carl Herbst, son· C h ere Nuit" . . . . . . . . ........... Bach:·ld of Mr. and Mrs. August Herbst of ~ Franct·s Copthornc , . . · I · c.. onl'ertstuck . . . . . . . . ... Chap1111ade Ch Jc.ago, IS announcec. . 1 it·\·illa !'\eukram.: .Jlarit: ~1oll Pdlibt)n(· M1ss Enchelmaycr I S a graduate oi Accompanists, Franct·s Andt·n;on and the American Conservatory of Music, Flt·cta Austin. · Chicagef." Mr. Herbst is a graduate of Armour institute and is a member of ~Irs . .Julia Goranson of Jamc::,tu\\'11. Interlude . .. ... . ........ . ..... . .. Chaus::;ou ~ ...... . 4 ... ~ .... A..-> A, ...... - - - ............... l Sigma Kappa D<.:lta iraternity. No >-:. Y., is spe ndin g a iew daYs this \\T('k olan s have been made for the date of a s the ,g u c s t o f 11 r s. D a vi cl Dj or k , ' i · thl' wrddinf!. 21() Linden a"enne...:..__ . ____ ___ _ .t ards CHICAGO EVANSTON RESIDENCE OF MR. AND ·MRS. RA 'YMOND E. DOONAN 586 MAPLE ·A vE. WINNETK . BUILDERS' MILLWORK & StJPPLY COMPANY General Millwork 2131 AvE. EVANSTON Phone Greenleaf 6040 HuBBARD University 7700 Wooos Wilmette 289 DEERFIELD DEWEY llfll WILLIAM B. LUCKE Plumbing and Heating Manufacturer of Lucke Leakproof Bathtub Hangers-Patented 514 E. RAILROAD A VENUE Phones: Wilmette 2020-2021 llllllllllllllllll. I JoHNSON BRos. HEATING COMPANY Heating · Ventilating Refrigeration 1419 BELLEPLAINE A VENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Phones: Wellington 2 7 9 2.-2 7 9 3 PAUL PHILLIPS Plaster Contractor and Repair Work llus.:. aclt tf Ilill, A.1·chitccts TRIANGLE MosAIC TILING CoMPANY Floor Tile · Wall Tile · Fire~laces Mosaic 1509 OTTO ST. CHICAGO Phone Wellington 8083 Not Inc. 828 OAK ST. WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 2181 John H. Davies WILMETTE COAL & MATERIAL Co. 1301 LAKE AVE. Wilmette· 4!00 G reenleat fl!tO BU.I LDER 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1664 JAMES WIGGINTON Contractor for Our Flagstones Make Beautiful Walks BRICK & STONE WORK 1115 OAK S'P. University 676 EVANSTON Wilmette 4200

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