Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 51

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November 8, 1929 WILMETTE : . voters Forum \\'Ill be held 111 Ch1carro The Arthur G. Brown home at 460 Saturday, Xovembcr 9. It will be,.. a Oakdale avenue, Glencoe, completed confe:ence on relations with Latin only two weeks ago, wa~ the sce~1e Amenc~ and will be conducted in the J:~st Saturday of the weddmg of M1ss F~orentltle :oom of the Congress hotel, Drapery and U pbolstery Fabrics F ranees Brown to Walter Eaton w1th a session at 10:30 in the morning Pratt, son of Mr. and ¥rs. \Vatter an/! anoth~r at 2 in the afternoon. ANTIQUES Pratt of Boston. The serv1ce v.·as read fhe topic s under discussion in the at 4 o'clock by Dean ]. H. Edwards morning. will he "The Economic DeWe specialize in Antique Furniture of the Chicago dioccs_e of the Episco- v~lopment in the Caribbean Region," Repairing and Refinishing pal church. About s1xty guests were w1th Chester Llonl Jones the speaker prese nt a: the ceremony and at the a_nd "The Debatable Right of Interven: and Springs Made to Order Hair M. a ttresses reception :.~following. Music ·for the twn" by H. \V. Dodd. se rvice was provided by Mrs. F.rnau .In the afternoon "Our Rc lations with .-\keley of Wilmette and :\frs. Fay Nicarag-ua '"ill he discussed bv Mr. Palmer Kreer of \Vinnetka. Dodd, and "The Pan-American · ArbiHighest Grade [/pholstering · · 'fhe bride wore eggshell pannc vel- tration _ Trtatv" hv Jc~~c~. Read. 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 vet and carried ~adonna lilies, \~hite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ roses, and lilies of the valley. Her tulle veil was handed to her head with :t barh of point lace belonging to her s 1Ncr. grandmother. Miss Faie Green field of ::::::: 5 Chicago, the .· maid of honor. wore orange georgette trimmed v.·it h lace ~ and carried yellow and bronze chrysanthemums. The bride's brother-in-law, Fred J. gageman of :\orthbrook, was be st man . $· .\I anv parties have been given dur2 c::: ing th~ past month for the bride wh o. c:::: a::: c::::: until the complctit)ll of her parent< . :::::: ( ~lellCl>l' home, lived in Evanst1111. :\[is~ ~ c::::: Crecn field, the maid o( h onor. gave a luncheon and ·bridge party Oclllber lY. :::. at · the Edgewater Beach hntel. Octo her 25, ~fiss Ruth Duncan of l ·~van~2 11111 gave a lunch on and Oct <l ber 2(), ·~ the bride's sister, Mrs. Fred Hageman, c::: gan~ the trou ssea u tea at her humc in c:::: c: ;,;orthbrook. . Mrs. Hageman also gave a Jlallowe'en party for IH:r sister OctoIH-r 31, and had a kitchen shu\n' r fur her earlier in the month . Oth~.:r -..ht)\\'Crs \\'ere a handkerchief :-hmn'l' :::::::: ~i\· e11 bv .\1 r~. Stanle,· \\.i:-dtllll oi .\orthbr<;ok and a miscc-llam·m ~:- ~ hmY cr given by ~Irs. :\1. l:n.·mnH: r oi \\.il - ' 2 mette . . \ ftl·r a wedding trip, ~1 r. ;uid ~I r:-; . ;:::::::::: Pratt will make their home lll'ar DP ~ ton. New Glencoe Home League of Women Voters IsS e t tin g /or Have ~ity Forum Nov. 9 Recent wedding l,,_The Chicago . League 0~ · ,V?me~ I LIFE Highest Grade VPBOLITBBIII.G Cabiilet Work . H. G. LINDW ALL ~/V\l\1\/\/V\MMI\MN\I\l\MN\N\IUU\1\1\1\/\I\I\I\I\I\1\IVUli\I\N : ~ - 1185$ Skokie Ridge Holds A Unique Position on the North Shore - GIVES HALLOWE'EN PARTY :\f rs. \Villiam H. Smythe (lt -U Ken ilworth avenue entertained fortv chil - I dren .Saturday evening, October- 2(>, at a .Hallowe'en party for ht:r · daughtt r,' Dorothy. Her little guests were class- I mates of her daughter in the se,·enth grade of the Joseph Scars school. The top of the garage was decorated with pumpkins and cornstalks for the dancing and Hallowe'en stunts planned for the children's pleasure. 1 i:::: :;::; .::::::: 2 := : 5 :: Developed to take .full advantage of the natural surroundings, Skokie Ridge will give a greater sense of home life. At the prevailing prices your investment "·ill prove .attractive. ;::::::: ::::: ::::= ::::: ::: ~fiss Elizabeth Fitch, who has been spe nding ten days at the home of her iather and mother, Mr. and 1L·s. Claude E. Fitch of 1033 Elmwood avenue is leaving the end of this week to motor to Fort Riley, Kas., where she has been stationed. Prior to her lean~ ~1iss Fitch was stationed at the \Vatter l~ecd hospital. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Fuermann oi 835 Greenwood avenue entertained ~fr. and Mrs. W. A. Dixm . of Hollywood, Cal., over last week- ·nd. They motored with their guests to Madison, \Vis., for the week-end. F T ~ ::: :: -o- :: §; ::::; Representative Alwa.vs on Property ~ c:::::: $ n s 'r EVAISTOI ~ [11 ~HORTGA\L I 618 Established 1889 Grove St. Greenleaf MORTGAGES Construction Loans 80 s E $ ::::> c:::: BAIRD & WARNER c 0 N D 0 /fice: 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe Phones: Glencoe 1554-Briargate 1855 Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe, West to Bluff Street, Nerth to Dundee Road and West to Entrance. :: $ ~ 5600 :2 . . -. ~ iiiU\AIUUUVUli\1\J\nl\l\l\l\l\l\ni\1\I\I\J\nnnnnni\I!III\I\I\I\I\!~U\IUU\I\IUU\nl\IVU\J\I\niU\IU\IUtnl\l\nnnnnJU\I\IU\I\MnMMI\MnnnMnnnMIUUIIu" .._ . -- ,.. ________

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