Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 55

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No\'ember 8, 1929 WILMBTTB LIPB 416 FOR RENT-ROOMS LARGE ROOMS, One has private Ph. Wilme'tte 35H7. 66L7-4tc 55 77 FOR SALE-HO{jSES FOH RENT 2 couples employed. bath and 2 c losets. DON'1' OVERLOOK THIS CHARMING DUTCH COLONIAL HOME on choice c0rner lot in Hubbard Woods. 6 rooms, each flooded with eunlight. Concrete foundation. Garage. Hot water heat. Rare value at $15,500.00. L.\ nGE FRONT BEDROOM, 2 BLK~ .. from transp. Instant hot wat r. Nn r·the r roomers. $6. Ph. Wilmett 13Sii. 66Li-ltc \\'E LL FURX I FRO~T ROO::\f. ~l:IT- CROSBY REALTY CO. ! REAl.. TORS 566 Center Street Winnetka 2033 77LTN7-ltc for 1 or 2. Private . t·ntranrt-. f'lo~c to trs'lnsp. Gar. if cl ·~ired. l'h . \\'ilnwtte 3 04. l.ifiL7-lt<' al>le I'LE.AS.-\XT FUR~. HOO~I $:-i l'J·:J~ \\'K .\ 1:-:o lar~e doub~e room. 1 IJJI<. frr1m r ran~I~-. and b.~ s 1~1 e:-s. 629 Park An:. I'll. \\- 1lmette 234v. 6fiL 7-ltc J'LEASANT CLEAX HOOM FOH LADY lll' gentleman. Kitchen nriv. Ht ·(tS(IIl:1hle. Call after 5 p. m ., Satur;la~: ; ~netka ~2!10. . 66LTX7-It 1 1;; 4 1 . AP'l'S., HEADY FOH. p:111cy m th e ne;v \V t>i~senberg Bldg-., all ~.~.~~~~lt'rn com·., mel. elec. refri~ . \\'irm. .,.,U .t. 6i LTX6-4tc 1~:\J. f'OU UEN'f-APART.l\H:XTS OCClJ~t - Phone : Your Want·Ads in the Evening Our c~as~ified advertisin~ department is prepared to accept advert1seme~t . for the curr-ent issue of WrL:'\ff.TTE LtFE even· E:XQUISITEL Y APPOINTED MODERN English brick residencf' ln Hubbard Woods section; 4 bedroom s.. 3 bath·s . downstairs toilet; screened porch with tiled floor ; hot water heat with oil burner; frigidaire, stove; 2 car attached garage ; 75 feet corner lot. A real gem far above the. ordinary and a distinct bargain at $32,500. 't e' ening unttl · Fill~ l~~~T-4 ROOM APAHT~IEXT . Larg-e l1gh~ rooms. Gas stovE> ancl cnal 9 P: :\I. \VEDNESDA , . H6 Elm St. REALTOnS 'VIXNETKA . ,t_;:n· furn,lSh<'d. \\ JlllH·tt~: 807. Nice lnc~tir·n . Call tii f.i-lt)J Winn . 1617 77LTNi-l.tc LIXDEX :\L\XOR JO~I;i-1101 Just Telephone QCI~LAN & 'f'YSO:\. L '> 4 ~l.!:oU ~ '9<QJ. U..d' We i \\'TTTT DAnK ROOF AND SHUTTER::;~ \· ,.r~· "'f' ll huilt and arti"tic·ally fini~hf'cl . nr-:ALTOllS lf :1s liYing- room. pntwle<l library, din- 4till \\'itttll ·t l\a AYe. 1\'innetka 1800 7iLTN7-ltc ing· room, spacious r ec<'Ption hall . butIL~f£'TTF 1 1·'01~ l!J-:):1' 1:::; 1'1~ \I]~ II·: .\\'E .. ~. l··r's pnntry, kitC'hf'n on 1!:it floor; 4larg .. 1 .. ,,1·11 1 IH·ll :-·· :tn d :- !· ···ping p .. tt"!t. 1 1·:tr, ~·;·nH·r ht·rlt·r,oms. :) lmths on :?tHl flor· t·: . 2, 3, 4, 5 and G ROO~IS t.:,:rrag·· . <' ,til Wilm.-tt· · .-, 7:! "r 1:::~I. :! hc<1rooms. 1 hath on 3rd tlol ,l'. 2-<"ar I · II r· rp 111 . \Vilmette 's most convenient and I;'~LT:'\7-lll· :tllar·hvcl g-nrag·0. Lnrg- p lot in lle~irPXrlustve location, you will find \n·ll- ' · I · :dolt· lrw:tlit~n. J'ri('P rE> du c·~·<l tt 1 $~-.:.0011. Cn lifornia owner reduces brick reside~ce arr~nged apartments. ~11 apar.tm nts ' ---.::;: 'J'];'~'J'fl ~o."J'I)T,'f."J' ( Q. 'l"r~()"" in Hubbard Woods, near transportation ha' e outside r ooms whtch prnntl t> an ! I,), · ·. \ ,-..... \ , · ·· \ 4. · \ t\. J ~ · '. - '\ · from $21,000 to $16 ,000 for quick sale. ~"~. ndanct> of llg.ht and ~ir. :\mplt> I I:Xt'I ·: I·TJP:'\.\1. · !,I'J ' ·li!Tl _.:'\ITY t:r·f! . . , TIE.\LTOT!S · . . . .., dO;--ft space. Schools, chur<'he~. ~nd 1 right p:lrt~· 111 l'· ·lll ,,J,J n·-.Itf,. 11 ,.,. a:- 1,.". 711 Elm ~ttt·d "m!~c t~~a.:19~ Xortheast Wilmette on Ashland Avenue .f.lhopping (acllltles within lmn ic· diate :t:- ~~~~~ 11 ,.r 1111111111 _ ;..;,.,\·lr 11 ,.,.1 ,ratNl. , 1 L r~ ,-Itt · in best !':ection. Fine 7 room residen~e. ace ~s . Set> ~hese apartn1et1ts t··fiay. ! r 't·ll\ f'l li· ·nt ··:t"t sitl,. l·)l ·,.tti··n: l:tl'l.!'t· lut. , ---------·------'~--2 baths, heated sleeping porch just Agent on premtses. , l'l t. \\'ilmf'tt·· 11 ;1 ;!. . reduced to $25,500. 6:1Li-ltt- :\Terrill ~tr('r·t liuhhnrd \\'r·od~ 3, 4, and 5 Room :-: :\Ioclt·rn in En:n· \\';r ,. 'fill. :Ill(} s lww bath~. F'rigill: tir, .. ~t.·:tln l~t·:tr. Elt ·(·tril' light. l"nn,·,·ni.·llt t 11 IHl FOH HE:\T-HOl . ~.E~ 11?11~P-: ~.<'hotd~. l'lturdlt's, :111d ~ltrtp· I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )'IIH! dtstnct. FOR nEXT I~ .-·.i 7 nnEE:\ DAy TIOAD, GLE:\f'OE, g. A. . · ~· ~ .. room htJ\l~t·, two baths, ne\,·1:.· d· · cor~ttea, 117 t.i 1 . 1 · .diH n H·. I>hont· \Yinn· ·tk:r ~::!',111 IH·t wat ·r hr at, extra largP lot, garage, tiiLTXi-ltp :t\:tilahl;· at onC'e. Rental n :ry r t: ason· --------:tblt·. I 'all 1'. ::.r. (';Jl'IIP". Highland CJ~EST i\PT~. I l'ark fili(), ~:·LT~4-tfc WILMETTE r 4~00 :\E.\H ~CTIOOLS, LAKE AXD TRANS- wllJPlml®ttlk.& fl-nn §©1illttlb® (Mit .\ \ . JI CI' :\R I 1 ;; l'Olt S.\Lt:-HOT;SES ----------------.- STRIT<IXG \\'HI'fE . J' RICI\.. ~ COJ 0:\J t\J J '...( · ... ' E IE: § llfl.m. ~~~ n (C m flow o o pr,rtntinn, C'hann ing- brick house almost 111"\\'. R large nttt·aC'ti\'e rooms, 2 baths. oil lwat, Frig-id~ire. 2 car garage, beautifnllY woo(lf'd Jot. Reduced for quick ~ale from $:l::.noo til $25,000 . LJl\DEN I \ OFF S£.'\.SO :\ Bi\R GAINS >l'"f""l ·\"" T""C I\·c. 1:1'\'t;-\T.O\\' REALTORS Ltnden Ave. · :: 1 ·,~ fl 1 ~:-::~-----------TIE.:'\1' 4 HOO:\IS ...\:\)) D .\Trf. ;:.! 1 \\·i~. ·160 67LT~l-tft · I J :ri_r IH·: t t. __lmn~l·diatc· .\\ItltH ·t l\; 1 , .,:?. h: l tlt, :-h·ping· P"r"ll, t'llll · F(ll~ 1:1·:.\T. :; pns~;·s;int;t; -~~f:O. l;a ~t· tnf'Jtl. · r.on:.r:-:. 11111 F(lf~ "' F.\::\IILY \\"AXT£:\G f,!,r.l:\,-ltc modern ~p~rtmPnt, h eat<'d. mette 23!}9 or 3~60. FOH HI·: ~ 1'-(; _\H . Ha: ~ Phnne '\\"il6iLTX1-tfc TlfE DROXX NILES CENTER 4-:~.- 6 room apartments $60 and up, largE> . 1 h tg t~ modern. Near Dempster· "L" t~>rmma J s tatlnn ~nd North ShtWP "lee 29 1 t 1 m nu es to oop. 1 r: .\1: .\f:J·: SI'.\('J·: Fill~ 1:1·::\T AT 12~2 F11t··~1 .\Yt ·. I 'll. \\'ilnld t·· ;:7n;. 'i2Li-1tp ---=--------------1-:! .-\:'\ll :; <".\!~ J:J~It'K· f:.\1~.\f:l·: . lw u~t'll f··r ,,thvt· purp ·. :-.·s. T>··nipste r Str.Pet at Bronx Ave . Phone Niles Ce nter 93 67LTX36-tfc CURX~R STC'lHJ·, -l4x23, ·w iTH BASEm~:nt. At Cht·stnut St. and hestnut ct;urt. Suital>l · for ~~··~et Sh0p. LJ,mch- J-:Xl'EPTJOX:\LLY 'VELL PLAXXED llil ® :ttHl built homt · c.f fai"·ed IJrick with rnom or lJrug-~tore, He::u;onable. Tel. tilr rof,f nn bf·autiful corner ~ite 125 ft. \\'inn C'tka l!H ·. 73LTX2-tfr T<(IJ: RE:XT-2 noo~1 APART::\IBXT I:\" :\TODERX !} ROO:\f BRICK RE~IDE~CE, !Jy 17:i ft. ·nu~uall:.v attraC'ti\·e liYinf! 1lumphrey Dldg. Call \Vinn etlw !If\. ::! baths, 2 !'ileeping porclH-S, sun porch n·<·m with adjoi nin g- sun room, ha\'ing 1-'0R S .\J .E-JIOCS}~S 67LTX7 -tf,· ii and garage. Hou~ e has recently been three (·xposurE>s. Exquisit!:' li ght ing completely d ecora t ed. Owner will leave fixturrR. Dreakfa:-:t rc.om n\·t'rlor.kin!.! I· TJ~XlSHED Olt UXFUR~ISHED ;; carpets, some of drapes , Frigidaire and fr·t·mal g-arden. F(Jl!J' family lJ ·clrooms. rnnm flat including winter suppl _ ,. nf oil burner. Lnrge d eep lot located in ~··rYants' quartPrs on 3rd fl01·r. Two ~-~,al, 1803 'Valnut Ave. Call " "ilnwtlt· southwE>st \Yinnetka. Price !'educed car garage. Oil burner. Electric re1 "' :~-1334-7 , 3-W. 67LT.:'\i-Jtl> to below cost to owner. No'" $42.000. frig-c·ratiun. Shown by appointment 11111!'. 1\1 T F AI-rER1~',. l\ · . ~ : \. .l. 1 i .\,., .. J I;lt. \\'il11wttr· ;, ; ;: or ] ;,:,'1 ';':.?1/I'Xi-ltp -,.·· J.'()J) l'J·:~·T-!-i'f()Pl·:~ ~ OFFICES ' .· I .-a I\c ltfJtJ , ' ·' !'.\): ' ~ ~ -·' ' ,., I'C hnrming- English Cottage with huge studio liYing- room, cheerful fireplace, attached garage, hot water oil heat, on sit l,, lc,C'ntion nc·ar f'ither Catholic or 1 wooded lot. close to schools, transporl'uhlit· :-:<'ltt.ol:-:. Larg-e li\·ing- J'ot.nt with tflH"n in \VinnPtk~ for only $16,000. nn ·ptal· f', t·xtra la,·ator_,. 1111 nrst n onr. -l heclrntm1s and :-:lt-eping· IH·r<"h t·n ~~·c·' · O!Hl floor. Hot wate1· heat. :! car g-arREALTORS ag-t·, ft·ncecl in play gr~Juncl, gc,c,t1 i'it:t> IG ·l9 Sheridan Road Wilmette 3740 IH·U~f· in g·nr·d' l·r·JH1itinn, f;,r tlw l,w 77LT~7-lt c prkt> of $1G,:i00. f·asy terms. \\'t·ll worth . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in~ped ion. C~ll j TIEDUC'ED $2,500 d A Gl n ' T E c t' ~ll~CGllllnorr® ~ I l't'(·J1\\'()0 ve.,t' I . e c 0 e, ..... . . · 0 . Jackson ave., ar lStJc res., spactous rooms, !':olarium. slate roof. clubroom with firf'J)lllcf', ·lee. r e friu. ·, attached 1;';11;; Chicago Av<'. Grt·(·nleaf JO. 0 ,. . LT~i-ltc 2 C'ar gar.; hea u . 100 ft. cor. In spect 77 and phone Owne1·, Greenleaf 1020 or 2532. 77LTXi-lt!:J :\X 1f@tilllf Clh.©n~® E.-\.~T BILLS REALTY INC It¥11 & (Q)rrrr .,-, ,,;,., (' E:\ST I<EXIL\\"OH.'l'l-1 § ]p)n ® cdln <dl ·v &llllll ---------------------------- IllPI1tK HOO~l APT ! .GAR, ALL DIPHO\'EReas. Glen(·oe 3:n. 67LTX7-1tp CROSBY REl\L'f\" CO. REALTORS Winn etka 20:13 PIONEERS OF THE NORTH SHORE 77LTXi -ltc ii 11 Lin coln An. Winnetka 672 ----------------77LTN7-ltc :ifiG t\·nter Street FOJt RRNT-FURN. A P'fS. Ft_.R:"HSHED & UNFURNISHED APTS. 1or rent. Smith Did g. 503 Chestnut. $58 to $70. Apply 2nd flat 819 Oak Tel. Winnetka 1948. ' 68LTN2-t fc 6fl XEW ::\'lXE l!O<J:\1 I:Ult'K 110:\JF:. Stu<lio Ji\·ing- n·r>m. :: ,.,,f,t··r\ ti,·· ll'ltlls. i-arg-e ~round,... :\Jigllt t r:itl· fnr \':tC'ant. CotnparatiYely :\ C\Y Brick IIotne GSO Cherry St., S. \\·. Cor. FOR SALE-VACANT FOR SALE LOT I~ HIGHLAND Park. 104x378. For ~ale by owners, reasonable terms. Ph. Wilmette 634. 78LTN7-4tc FOR UENT-UOUSES FOU RE~T I~ WIXKETKA: S:\L\ LL 2 ~to ry home. lge. rms., 2 c.ar g:lr., nr. r: r·:.\ LT1 11::-: s t ~tw n, and schls., $75 mo. Glcnc·)<' 1J77 'nlm ctt·· ..-\ \·,.. \\'iln~t~~~ ··~ :! 7:: 1 0 20. G~lL'l':'\7-ltc 1 1 L, -I tc IMI@lill~tt ~ fFh~_,[L~:flcJ \Y inndka $25,000 fo'ir~t floor: living· roCJm, dinin~ r c,om. kitclwn, ~un r oom, nttncht ·d h eated g-ar:tg-(', Jayatory . Second floor: four b e droom~. dn· s~ing ronm, 2 bath:-:. ~Iapl t', Best Buy on North Shore $110 PER FOOT FOR 180 FEET 0!'\ highest part of Sheridan Rd., Winnetka. 'Vooded lot, all improvements in. Ph. Kenilworth 1726. . 78L7-ltp Sublease Opportunity 77 Indian Hill Road Be~utiful ' WINNETKA Spanish home attractively ~ ltuated amid 11f.z acres of landscaped atd gardened grounds. Unusually spa· (' ous interior arrangement. Garag-:! for two motors. Sublease; willing to 1-lacrlftce. For complete details and Inspection appointment phone 528 Davis St. BAIRD & \\T ARNER · Greenleaf 1855 69LT~7-ltc vV i\L1\ER S.\ TURD A\-, XOVE:\IBER 9 SlJSDAY, XOVE:\IBER 10 MONDAY, XOVE~BER 11 tinn. 8 rooms, 5 lwrlnns .. - lit. lR, e .. In\'. 'and toild on ] st fl. 1I. ." · lwat, 1 lwner: George F. GonsaiYes, 746 Elm St., ATTRACTICE LOT IN RAVI~IA, 70X Winn etka. Tel. \Yinnetka 62. J fardinge oil hurnt·I·, t·lt·t'. r.<>fng .. ~ cnr 1551f.z ft. To close an estate we are i7LTN7-ltp attached . gar. Lot. huauttfult,.~.- landpermitted to offer this property at a . 1 lOOx?OO Pl'll't' onb· ~ ... ,.000. bargain price. ~capec. ... . FOR SALE, EXCHANGE OR RENT, small bun~alow in Lake Worth Florida. P. For particular.; address R. Koehle, 1330 15 S. St. Johns Ave. REALTOr~.· Gregory AYe.. or Ph. Wilmette 3677. Highland Park 2340 Park AYe. (;Jencoe 702 33..,. 77LTN7-ltp 78LT'S7-lte ' i7LTXi-ltc AN' ATTI!.ACTIYE E:'\f:I.I~lf ·_ TT~D.Ol.~ ·cl· 011 hullll\\. tilt· 'on. ttt_ IC I Jlll11C () f 111 ·1 ~ ·I I tl X TIUBD!\ RD \ \·c >ODS · Open for Inspection BEL0\1\T THE 11ARKET HINE & HINE S?\TTTTI & Co.

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