Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Nov 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE November 15, 1929 Pupils Hear IUustrated Talk on Yellowstone Park 'I When New Trier Trimmed Deerfield J ). Frank Pick~ri ng, no ted ~re~er11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lecturer, gave an illust ra t ed t a lk on Yellowstone park before pu pi ls of the ~tolp ~chop ! Tuesday morning. The lt>cture was repeated in the afternoon at the Howard school. ~ l r. P ickering ha!\ traveled in every stat e in t h{: Cnion, including 11 0,000 mi les in t he H.ocky mou nt ains, and has entertaine(l more t han .five million school children . He is said t o have driven the fir~t aut o t' \'er seen in Texas. .... . . Do you buy pins "one at a time"? Do you bu y p i n ~ "one at a rime"? E ve ry hou sehold uses plenty of pins. so you bu y them by the p ackage . How about foods? - you need a cena in amount of vegetables. fruits. preserves. p ic kles. Chil i Sauce- so wh y bother w ith buy ing " one at a t ime" - a wasteful. expensive w ay at · rh t best ? ( Photo by St aff Pho t ographer ) .... . j Here is a bit of acti o n in last Saturdav' · battl e between ~ he fnotb :dl teams of Xew T ri er a nd D ee rfi eld hig h schook T\vo players in the foregro und are seen trying tn grab a pa!\~. while anothe r r ushes u p fro m behind. Dee r fie ld, which_ had defeated Evanston by a hig score the week previou s. came tn t he Xe w T ri e r fie ld wit h th e h ope of a venging Xe\,. Trier's \·ictory o f ta~t n ·ar . Hut the Lakt: county boys went home wi t h th e sh o rt e nd of a 13 t o 6 scor e. Our new pack is ready and case lot prices will save you money LUNCHEON HOSTESS TEA DANCE CHAIRMAN \1 r ~. \\"illiam (. !\·radford. H21 Fii~I j..,s ~I a ri on Eckart, 206 Cumbe rland tecnth street. wa~ h os h: ~ s to tw e ntY- a \·enu e. I-.: e nil\\'orth has been selected fo ur of ~ r i ril'tHl s at a lunch enn at~d t u act a : chairman of the ann ual hridgr, Tul' sda,· 11i thi . . \\ t·e k. at her ·' Settle!11e nt night" tea dance, '"hich will be held o n Friclav afternoon , ~o hl) l11l'. . vemJ,er 22, in the R-eynolds club, of :\f r ~ . C. E. jarcho'"· 1636 F ore . . t a\·e - the l ' ni\·ersity of Chicago. Studen ts of nue. wi ll be hostes s to twelve o f her th e C ni\·ersity of Chicago, hea ded by neighborhood friend s at her hnmt· thi -; comm it tee ·. manage all the arrangemenb. fo r "~dtlement night." afternoon. Rabbi Kopald Will Speak on "Palliere" This Sunday Rabbi Louis Kopal d will speak t)!J "Pall iere a nd 'The Cn kn ow n Sa nctu ary' ·· at the regul ar S un day mornin l! sen·ice, .\on?mber 17 a t 11 o'clock at ~o r t h S ho r e Co ng r ega ti o n Is r ae l. Lin coln anrl Ve rno n a ve nu es . G le ncoe. · Since )of onsieur Palliere w ilt spt?ak at t he tem ple o n Novem ber 22. the Rabb i has chose n t h is sub jec t ln· way oi in troduc t ion t o o n e of t he most remark ab le pe rsonalit ies of ou r tinw . Palti er e. of a devout Catholi c fa m tly \\'h ic h expe cted him to b ecom e a p r iest. of hi s own volitio n con ve rte d t o Judaism a nd is no w Associate R a bb i of t h~· Lib era l S~· na gogu e o f Pari s. Hi s spiritual autob iograph y. '·T:H' C nkn own S anctuar v." tran slated into ' E ngli sh hv Mrs. Ste ph en S. \ Vise, is said to he an amazing docume nt, not onlv because of the brea'd th of spirit which it r e fl ects. hut because in th e story t old of the appeal of the univer sali stic outlook of J udaisrn to a Catholic, conv evs nothing whatsoever of un kindn ess · in his attitude toward t ~1e Catholic church. The g eneral public is invited . Miss Virginia Prussing, 549. Earls~~ n road Kenilworth has been m Phtladelphia \'isiting a school friend from Bradford academy. She attended a house party in Boston at the time of the Dartmouth-Harvard football game. and went to the Yale-Dartmouth game the fo11owing week. She spent las t week -end at \Villiams college. , --oF.. H. Burge, 924 Forest avenue. r turned the first part of the week frotn a ten day business trip in the East. 1-lc fl ttended a business convention in New York Citv, the Yale-Dartmouth game. and visite-d his son, Seymour. who is a junior at Dartmouth. -o-Miss Isabel Macalister, 918 Ashland avenue. \Vilmette entertained a gr<?ll;P of friends at tea last Sunday evemng: at her home. ... CLEARANCE SALE 57 Silk Uresses 4.95 to 14'. 95 Sizes 2 to 17 Years Fruits - vtgrtablrs- jams jellies - picklts - prrsuvrs - mumabdrs - and tbu special favorite : Fishlrigh's Chilli Saun! 86 Sample Coats 8.95 to 27.50 Sizes J, 4 , 8 and 10 yrs. only 42 Imported Velour Hats 4.95 PUREST FOODS Distributed dirtct to consumer at a saving ..... I EVERY ITEM RADICALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR I The Oareace T. Fasbleigh Co. Not lne. 5 1 7 Main Street Wilmette, Ill. Ttltpbonta Wilmette 53 1 - Greenluf 7 .o4 64 LA J ELJNESSE, INC. JUNIOR'S and GIRLS' WEAR 1168 WILMETTE AVE. WILMETTE 312 Delivery Senice Given

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