November 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 1 i 19 New Trier Trims Deerfield's Grid Luminaries 1,1-6 Edith .Cierk Achieves Place in Carleton College Choir Edith Clerk of 932 Tower road, Winnetka, daughter of Supt. Frederick E. Clerk or New Trier High school. has been name d a member of the Carleton collt>ge ch~.· ir for the present year following rece1_1t tryouts for the organization. Miss Clerk, ,vho was a ·1929 graduate ·of Kcw Trier, sings soprano. The Carleton choir numbers 116 members thi s year. Included in the personnel are forty-n.i nc men and sixtyseve n women . Miss Clerk also marie the ireshman ho~team at Carletan. HOSTESS TO SORORITY Mrs. Mils B. Geringer, 1000 Michigan avenue, was hostess to a-bout thi!'ty members of the Chicago alumnae chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon sorority at a luncheon and .program \Vednesday .at Shawne! Countrr_~lub. G24 South Michigan Blvd.. Chleaco Ballet, Charoeter Da1aeiD~ Classes Thursday from t to I For information write or phone Chicago School-Harrison 2029 . Winnetka .communJtt Hoa1e ADOLPH BOLM SCHOOL OF THE DANCE ... The powerful Deerfield High school football team that d.efeated Evanston 33 to 12 two weeks ago fell before a more po\'.·erful New Trier High school eleven last Saturday on the New Trier field, 13 to 6. It was New Trier's second straight Suburban league victory, and Coach Walter Aschenbach's team is no\\: holding second place in the league standing. Coach Aschenbach had much praise fDr the work of the line in last Saturday's game, and stated that if the New Tri~r boys had played . as well against all nf their opponents this season as tlH'\' did against Deer.f1eld New Trier wu~ild still be undefeated.: As inatt~r~' nm\· stand, Oak Park has clinched the cha mpionship of the Suburban league. with four victories and no defeats·. Score. in First Half j All oi the scoring in the D<: crfie! c~ \" l'W Trier game was done in the first ktlf. In the first quarter, after Deer·f1eld had lost the ball on downs, New Trier marched d.own the field for ~ touchdown, Tom Hicks carrying the 1 hall over on a short end run. The same thing happened in · the second quarter. ~ew Trier kicked off, and Deerticld again lost the ball on downs. Tom Hicks broke loose for a long run and brought the ball to the Deerfield fouryard line. Con·nor, fullback. plungec! across fl·r New Trier's second touch. dO\\· n. MILLINERY .· Phone: Delaware 3107 l_R_E_M_o_D_E_L_ · I_N_c_.~l 106 East Oak Street, Chicago ·B. BARRIS, BATS WORLD,S R 'ECORDS . The . . " . .. ARE HELD -BY Ne\\· Trier pass Deerfield's lone tuuchdown in the second quarter. The ktll was· in Deerfield territory durin g IIILl't of the second half, and New Trier tllrL·atened to score again near the ~nrl 11i t :H· game. ·Four Share High Honora Tum Hick s, right halfback and cap. tain. and. Gcnrge Eaton, left halfback did mn:-t of the hall-carrying for New · Dick Mann at left end and TriL·r. Bc;nny Thompson at fullback played t·xrc llt:nt games. Ft)llnwing is the Suburban leagne -.t:tlldillf!: p;l\·ed the way for l· :di: l'arh St·\\· Tri ('r l'~""'~'rfit·lc1 f ·~\· anston l'ro l\·i~o An intercepted SCOTT CUSTOM BU-IlT RADLO RECEIVERS Just what can a radio manufacturer be thinking of when he writes glowing generalities in praise of his product's ability for "distance-getting"? Let's be ddinite-let's stick to facts! ~ 22 MODElS TO SELECT FROM SCOTT Custum·Built Radio is available in 22 console models-each as distinctive in its appearance as Scott Radio 1s in performance· - and every one a genuine masterpiece of furniture craftsmanship. Below, we illustrate . the Scott Chatham, a true classic in .Gothic .. · period art, characterized by rich hand carv. ing and authenticity of period design. Price $484.50. Others upward from .$215. · . Scott World's Record Custom-Built Radio gained its name by establishing the World's Record for distant broadcast reception. 117 programs-all 6000 to 8000 miles away were brought in from 19 different stations within a 13 week test period. Verification of every program was obtained and this verification is an open exhibit that any one is privileged to examine. But what does all this ·mean to you? It m~ans, simply, this: .... Scott Custom- Built \Vou .. 4 ... 2 2 1 ......... .... ). .\ \ ot·ton .. .. 1 . .1 'l'it>d Lo8t 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 Tl1e \"nv Trier frcshman-sophon1 0re ; la:-t iut·t hall team also defeated Deerfif'lcl ~atmday. The score wa . .; 13 to 0. Sears School Grid Midgets Down Wilmette Team, 13-0 1\.ohcrt W. Townley's midget f~)< tb:tll t"L·am of the Joseph Scars school in R~dio will gladly be ~·· KcnihH>rth is still undefeated in the · .\ tlr t h :-:.hurc Grammar School l;notbail kagu<: and is favored to win the chamJ·itllhhip of the league in the midgrt cia;;~. The stellar work of Capt. J~,lhnt nergcr. quarterback. was one nl the principal reasons for the Kenil" ·orth midget team's victory over \VilliJt:tte la~t Saturday. The lightweight team rt:presenting the Joseph Scar~ school was not so fortunate last Satttrday, h1sing its first game nf the sea !'0 11 to \Vi1mette. 13 to 0. Two ganies 1 \\·ith Haven school of Evanston arc the , 1111\- on(·~ remaining on Kenilworth's ~r h('dule. placed alongside of any receiver you care to designate for competitive demonstration. We agree ·to bring in more distant stations with more volume than the other- we agree to produce a station at practically every dial point on the Scott-and we are sure you will agree that Scott tone is the first, genuine music you have ever heard via radio! ·Come lo either.of our sal~ns-:-or let us arrange a private demonstration in your home. Scott World's Record Custom- Built Radio stands ready to justify every cia im made for it. ~f i~s M attiebe11e Huhhart entertained at the Opera club dinner fiance last ~atmclay evening for Miss Betty Harding of Evanston and Paul St~r rc·tt of \Vinnetka who were marncd last en-ning. Miss Hnhbart used to lin· in Kenilworth. -oClaudc Smith · Jr., son of Mr. and ~frs. Claude C. Smith. 123 Kenilworth a ,·en ue Kenilworth entertained eight of his boy classmates at dinner ~ast Fr~ da ,. evening afterwards takmg h1s guests to the movies to see "Mysterious Island." SCOTT RADIO SALON'S 636 CHURCH ST.- Suite 309 C.ulson Bldg. Phone Greenleaf 2210 EVANSTON 4450 RAVENSWOOD AVE. Phone Longbeach 5173 CHICAGO ... The fine things are hand made