Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Nov 1929, p. 34

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.34 WILMETTE LIFE November 15, 19.29 WILME.TTE LIFE ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEX by LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. 123!-1236 Central Ave .· W!lmet'te, Ill. Chicago office: 6 N. Michigan Ave. Tel. State 6326 Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmette 4100 prevent auto accidents: Of that th~re c~n not be the slightest 9oubt. But thts P<?hce supervision must be supplemented and supporte? hy safety engine~ring. Thanks to the young people, the police, and the various co-operating organizations thi:) recent Hallowe'e't'l was the sanest \\'ithm memory. This is tw.t the · opinion of one short-sighted indi vidna I Sanest of hut of all who ha \ ' l' exHallowe'ens pressed themselves on the matter. . . \II whose work contributed in any degree to this very satisfactory result are certainly completely justified in con · gratulating t h cmscl ves. It was g-ratifying to see ho\\. heartily the young people co-operated. \\'ithont this co-operation the older people could have accomplishc(l nothing of value. Had the young people decided . to act independently it would, indeed not have been a sane 1Iallowe'en. The police earned the thank~ of the Yanou s rpmm tlll iti~s. The increase of their numlwrs and the increased vigilance \\'cnt iar to ]Jrt'\'ent depredations by the tHJ~l-co operating minority. 'l'h<" police chiefs and their men should not be forgotten. Finally, much gratitude is due those organization:-.. a 11d those indi viduab, \\'ho planned and . took charge of Hallo\\'e'en entertainments. Only those \\'ho from start to linish have helpc.d to do this sort of work ran a crura tel y appreciate how exacting it is. l ~ O\\' that all have experienced and en- SHORE.· LINES THE AWAKENING IVhc11 AutrtmH camcs agai1z. and strips Tl~c /o-;'Ciy trees a11d lays them bare, 1Vhm Autumn put her finger tips . U/'Oil ,tJrrrll landscapes, leaving there .·l few br07.l'n lca"i 1CS, a cold gray sky, Grieve not, Ill)' dear, for all things dir, But sontc day tlzr.v sltafl waken. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE . . . . .. .. .. .. . . ti.OO A YEAR All communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articles tor publication must reach the editor by Wednesday noon to lnsure appearance In current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards 'ot thanks, .obituaries, notices of entertainments or other afl'airs where s:tn admittance charge is published, will be charged at regular advertising rates. Grade Separation will save life Lefs have immediate action! In order tbat certain facts ma v he made clearer and he more easih· rcm~mbcred it is of ten \n. ·ll to make a s~ttnmarv of t hcse facts and prtt·scnt this s11mmary it; tabulated ".4ssurance form. \\' hat causes for thanksgiYing docs Presiof Peace" · dent 1loover discover in his n·yicw ( ~ f existing c.o nditions in the lTnitcd ~tate:-;? llerc is a list of them: (1) .\n abundant han·est. (2) Frnib of industry unexampled 111 quantity and value. (3) ;\ssuranres of peace strcnghthencd and enlarged. (4) Progress in provisiun against pre ventable disasters fn)m Aood and pestilence . (5) Educational opportunities steadilY enlarged. · · (6) Enduring advances in prutt..' rtiun of public health. ( 7) Childhood tnore scntre . ( 8) New experience and ne\\' kno\\' ledge . Of all these important causes for thanksgiving many " ·ill agree that the most ·im portant is "assurances of peace ~trcng· th ened and enlarged." The l ,resident probablv had in mind assurances based on tlw rec~nt . visit of Premier ::\IacDonald as ,,·ell a. Jon earlier events such as the signing of the Kellogg Pact and the achieYements of the 0\\'cn Young- Commission. Surely the strengthening and enlarging of the assurances of peace rumbine to make a cause for thanksgiving that is tremendously significant. It raises before one who contemplates it a vision not only of the lTnited States of Europe hut also of the L·nited States of the \\'orld. :\ map of Chicago .ar·rangcd by the Board of Education Bureau of Safety sho\\'S verY plainly that llH·st auto accid~nts do :\0'1' occur at points "·here the Safety traffic is most congested hut out where driYer~ Engineering and .rhildrei1 arc less careful. This fart sltuuld be of g-reat significance to north hore people, inasmuch as traffic is decidedly not so congested on the north shore as in Chicago, and therefore drivers and children arc likeh· to be much le~s careful in north sho.re towns than tn Chicago. Consequently there is need on the north shore for what may ,,·ell be called "safety engineering." .\ careful study of traffic conditions should be made. P,olice supervision will certainly help to ~ .·b.'ltkclliny, as from a dream; The lalldscapc brown and old ,\'hall don a dress of softest green, And Spri11ylimc shall unfold . l !Jloriotts youth in ga)' attire; TltL·n !Vintcr, pas. sing, shall admire 11 ' itll /o"i f', and faith u11shakclt,. - Olivia Kingsley 1 A Shot in the · Night Addressed to our picture editor: "Your able photographer fell down on the joh last nite- Wec!.L1esday-and haYe no pix. Just OJ)C of those accidents-but different. The stage curtain fell on the camera and knocked the flashgun off. Results: broken camera and a scared photog. Please do not call up. Humbly yours, etc." \Ve are happy to rebroadcast this request number for \Vickie and her pals (not original v.dth us) : League of Nations \\·aitre~ ~! "Hawaii, gPn.tlemt>n. Youse must b e Hungary to eat in a dump like this." First l\lan: "Yes, Siam. And we can't Rumania long e:ith er. Yeni ce lun ·h ready?" Waitress: 'Tl1 Ru~-;sia to a table. Will you Havana?" First Man: "Xome. You can ~ait on us." Waitress: "<;ood. Japan the menu yet? The Turkey is Nice." First Man: '·Anything at all. But can't Jamaica little speed?" Waitress: "1 don't think we can Fiji that faf;t but Alaska." First Man: "X ever mind asking anyone. Just put a Cuha sugar in our Java." · Waitress: "Sweden it yourself. I'm only here to Servia." First Man: "Denmark our bill and caB the Bosphorus. He'll probably Kenya. I don't Bolivia know who I am." Waitress: "No, and I don't Caribbean. YoYuYse guys Armenia." B0s:-;: "Som0a your wisecracks, is it? Don't Genoa customer is always right? What's got India? You think maybe this argument Alps business?" Customer: "Canada racket! 'Spain in the neek." J jovcd this recent 11 allO\\T \·n \Ye trust that ~tli fuhtn: llallo\\-c'cns \\·ill he the same kind . It is strange that there . hould he property owners t;n our enlightened north shore \\'h<.) are not entirely willing to cooperate with ,·illage officials in the attempts of the latkr to make such impro,·emcnts as will he oi public hcnetit. ;\\' e understand that there are citizens · in some of our rotnmunit ies \\'ho object to trimming down their corner .shrubs so as to improve Yisibility at street intersections. They are reallv objecting to the saving of li\:es. · 1 ~orth shore residents ha ,-e se\·eral things to ·be thankful for. One is that they live in a suburb ,,·here transportation facilities are so much better than in certain other suburbs. . \not her is that they live on the ~hore of a larg-e body of clear \\'ater. ~<\ third is that their neighbors are about as good as. if not better than, they are. One more is that they live \\'here there are so many open spaces. In Lower Tone The office wag (not the type-eating terrier) senses a singular appropriateness in the circumstance that Angelo del Busto manipulates a mean bassoon in the Barrere Ensemble for Wind Instruments which is currently doing its turn in north shore music centers. Too Shocking Proud father: "Don't you think it's about time the hahy learned to say 'papa'?" ~fother: "Oh, no, I hadn't intended telling him who you are until he becomes a little stronger_/' -Milwaukee Ed. Go U Northwestern! Although daimine less than a ste,·child aile· giance to Northwestern, we shall be ha!J!'Y to mingle with the .,Old Grads" this Saturday and lend our vocal su!)port to the proposition of cheering the Wildcats on to a cage in championship row. Literal Interpretation "Hebe" Hudson, Illinois Chamber of Commerce "p("p" exhorter, tells one on the Ladies Aid society which, anticipating a \V.hite Elephant sale, called upon its members to bring from their homes things for which they had no particular use, hut found a hit to0 valuable to throw away. Twenty-seven members brought their husbands. And then there's the quip about the Scotchman who, when discovered toying with a spare set of false teeth, confessed that he had only the day before learned of his wife's extravagant habit of eating hdwcen meals. See you at the game, Saturday? -MIQUE. .\11 the time, as Germans would say, Christmas is getting nearer. \Vhich should remind all of us that if we're planning to send any g-ifts to Europe . .:-\sia, or Africa, we'd better \\Tap them up compactly, tie the packages secm·ely, and mail then1 in a day or two. Otherwise they may arrive too late to he thoroughly appreciated. Sanitary disposal of garbage and other rc fu~e may not harmonize pleasant} y with such other activities as recitals and plays, hut it must be thought about and provided for before these other activities can even be seriously mentioned. · ~ I

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