Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Nov 1929, p. 43

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November 15, 1929 WILM .E TTE LIFE 4l Comment on Books. and Authors THE BIG"'RACKET. "Yonder Grow IT'S A GREAT WAR. By Mary the Daisies." By \Villiam Lipman. Lee. ~-Ioughton Mifflin compan~·. Ives Washburn. Here IS a book to make you realize If we must have racket::; and rae- the war. If that isn't ,·our object don't keteers in life let us have them in liter- start it. For from the moment that ature. Let us learn about this ne.w you begin to re.ad its slightly laconic, phenomenon to which John Gunther ?ketchy broken sentences, you are in says every Chicagoan pays individual It and cannot get away. tribute of forty-five dollars :::. year. Not This book is written by a woman. to know where'that money goes is like '/( · · who was mary L ee wntes as one helon~ing to a club having. dues ln:t there, it is unecessary to turn to the. no club . house and no meetings. . . , l)ublisher's ote to k now tl 1a t ·11er ex" . n ~~rc m. Yonder Grow the Dat~tt~ penences paralleled those of her char\Vtlhaf!1 .Ltpman, a tH!\\'S papcrman. \\·no/ actn. :\n1rt: \Vl'ntworth. in her book has evtdently had ample opportumtr t'J " lt's a Great \\'ar." "It's a great study the rackets at close hand ·. gt:·es war!" the phrase which echoed over us what seel!'s to b_e an aut~ontattve ami over when they were cold when story of thetr workmgs. It 15 rat~ler the night raider nearly got then;, when a bizarre pleasure to be h(Jbnobbm~ tile general sctlt · 1 requisi · ·t· ·1 1 h · · h .. ·· a spccta 1011 w1t 1 P,~op e to w 0111 pnson ts t ~ 1 >lg clown from the front f · · f house the way back to hone tv ts '·be . .o.r a patr o ' J · ' btnoculars so that Rosalie · tl ~c far t oo, 4 ' up and up" and the waY thev have alwavs traveled is "the- hac·k a'ml pret~y stenographer, could als.o watch .s n. " I the great war. It echoes agam when uOW . . . . . . t I1e men wI10 Imrned over eager to \Ytthout the shght~st sentm~entalttJ' fight find that they were brought to 'tl h · which woul~ make. tt mawktsh, the I scratch maho an d ks author descnbes Bnck Donavan lookg Y e.s · wt 1 t ~tr ing through the ustone eye:~ ·at the spurs or to pe.el spuds ms.tead of_ flymg prison and seeing some daisie . gro\v- \ plane. \~' tthout senttmcntaltty or ing. "\Vhat d'ya kno\\·-dai~ics. Ge'·, . t e roseate. hues of our nursery tales you're the berries. A guy's too . c in of war, Mtss Lee shows the dre~ry the belfry to pass you up for any· eY.erydaynes~ ..t!1e boredom of the 1111t!Jing," and Brick's cunHr~inn t,, tht IlllllCllt posstlHhty that tl~c next shell honest life is begun. ' _v.·ould htt, th e weary longtng for nothWhen he gets out ui pri suu he mg but a hot bath .. Yet she has caught. doesn't go back to the big hos:-; in the too, the drama of it, the fact that it city hut to a little town ,,·here he ~ tarts \\"aS the drama of youth. "all the youth working at his old trade of clectriciaJ ~ . of the world together," in the tremen He meets a girl there who can sine; clous maelstrom. Hmror attcl death and a song about daisies. He doe ·n't kn ov; suffering, Yet in it something which and neither does ~he that they have made life like wine to the taste, exhilboth been framed" by the bo s for arating, intoxicating, hitter perhap:-;, hut a big job. · The time for th e job come" to he drained to the last drop. 1fiss ~tnd. at fi~st they hoth fall into plac·: Lee has ad opted a style, swift, sharp, 111 . l~ne. fhen the. I~lt· mory of tl1o s~ episodic, which ha s in it the comrl ~ttstes and the gtrl s su ng. change:-. pressed excitement, the tapping everything, and Brick iu~tead of tak----- --ing off the door of the safe to get out the diamonds is taking it edt t o put them back. There is a thrilling batt! ·~ hctw<.·cn two ri,·al teams of gangster~ and Brick and the girl come out safe I at last. It is a good story iull ui ; u~tiun :111d Z('~t and yet well written. 41 II ft1v'NfAIN SQVARL · LV.ANS'TON rhythm. the concentration of war. She has given not so much one person's experience, as a tremendous panorama which unfolds in uncannv realitv hefore our eyes. · · EPOCHS IN AMERICAN BANKING. By Xohlc Foster . Hoggson . John Day. ~f r. Hog-gsnn hegins his popular sketch of the deve lopment of banking in America by a brief account of the origins of commerce, finance, and the usc of mon~y in the colonies. passes in revlcw the history of the first mint, Robert Morris' Bank of North America, and the establishment of a national currency, and goes on to the story of Hamilton's financial work, the first and second Banks ·o f the United States, the later development of the national banking system inaugurated during the Civil war, and the onranization of the present Federal Reserve system. Mingled with these chapters are others on wilrl-cat banking, the rise of trust companies and savings banks, banking in California during the gold rush, the formation of the New York Clearing House and. Stock Exchange, and the greenback episode. The book is not intended for specia lists, and technical detai-ls arc avoided, but a good deal of interesting information is offered. The t\\'enty-seven illustrations, a number of them reproductions of contemporary prints, are a commendable ieaturc. EDUCATION Freshman Year English. . lly Bcnia min Rra\\'le\·. :\ohle and :\ohle. Real Life Sto~ies. lly Vj. \V.. Thiesctl and Sterling· A. Leonard. ~[acmillan . The College Book of Prose. Compik·d h.v Robert \\' . Gay. Hou~hto11 !vliiflin. A list of Important Boo~s Hanna A brilliant analysis of · a grut · politician and his times. Thomas Beer Alfred A. Knopf. ....... $4.00 Foursquare John Rathbone Oli"er The Macmillan Company .. $2 .50 Ancestor Jorico William J. Locke Dodd, Mead ~ Company ... s·!.; o A House Is Built M. Barnard Eldershaw Thousand-Pound Australian Prize Novel. Harcourt, Brace . . . . . . . . . . $2.5 o July 14 Emil Ludwig Putnam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 Ward of the Redskins A romance of the Oregon pionrrrs . Sheba Hargreaves Harper ~ Brothers ....... $2.00 The Whirlwind William Stearns Da"is An historical romance of the French Revolution. Macmillan . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 Br H. C. ~lc ~cile. D~ublcday, Doran. Burly Bulldog Drumnwnd again fdls the star role in a hair-rai~ing lllelodrama, and though accomplishing nothing spectacular in the \vay oi detection, when the moment for ~trong arm work comes performs like a lllaster. His curiosity is sharply piqued by the mystery which envelops an ecc ~ n tric occupant of a country-house IH·ar Hye, a man living uuder constant protection of a body-guard and in apparent deadly fear of threatened intrustion from the outside world. \Vhile snooping in the neighborhood, Drummond hears from a stranger the extraordinary tale of a criminal gang th:Jt had terrorized France thirty yeus earlier, hut had finally been brok<:n up and. its members imprisoned in t!h.· penal colonies. One of the gang, however, its betrayer, had escaped arn ~ st in possession of their vast loot, and this traitor is the recluse of the country-house, hiding there in dread oi vengeance from an old confederate now hunting for him in England. Of course this savage outlaw quickly turns up, and to Drummond's amazement comrhits several murders preparatory to laying hold of his enemy, but is at last dispatched. to eternity in combat \Vtth the mighty Bulldog. TEMPLE TOWER. ~ ~~ iij - c~~e~flf~ ean mullipi!J !/ou-;1You can't personally say 44 Merry Christmas." those cheery words. to all your friends. But you can-if you sind the right kind of personal Christmas card, expressing you. Such a design you are sure to find in my Studio. Don't delay longer, select one, and have your own greeting and name worked into it any way you like. SpeclaJ Indh'lrluttl Eves that have The Best Short Stories of 19 29 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story Dodd, Mead \'1 Company ... $ 2. 5o ~1T" "IT" that subtle something which attracts others . . . usually lies in the eyes. · Don't be discouraged if your own eyes are dull, Jifeless and unattractive. A drops of harmless Murine will I few will brighten them up and cause them to radiate 44 IT." Thousands upon thousands of clever women use Murine daily . and thus keep their eyes alway:; clear, bright and alluring. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs but 60c. Try it! The Hawbucks John Masefield A romance of pre-war England. Macmillan . . . . . . . . . . . . . $!.50 Murder at the Inn Lynn Brock A new Colonel Gore thriller. · 1\ Harper sealed mystery ..·. $2.00 DesJgns Created A Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf Harcourt, Brace~ There are many attractive designs to choose from at Sq. to $1 oo per bundred complete. Company. $2·.oo Babes in the Wood Michael Arlen Doubleday, Doran ....... $2.50 Order Now! Wetli.on,W.Brot~ers The Emperor of Americ.t Sax Rohmer A Crime Club Publication by Doubleday, Doran .·.... $1 .00 AJtT_IflT . DRAMA . .Suite 315...17 Hcl.ltrtBuild~ European Theories of the Drama. Ry Barrett H. Clark. Appleton. 1618 Orrin8to'\, Avef\U~ Giant. in the Earth. By 0. E. Rorlvaag. Dramatized by Thomas Job. Eva~of\.~ 11~ Harpers. GREENLEAF 0799 The Marria.re of Hoaea. By Jzachak. Halcyon Publishing Co. I '--......--........--.-....---.-.-.; IJRINL f.OR'(OUR EYEs Lord's-Books luat imide the West Da"i' St. Door

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