46 WILMETTE LIFE I November 15, 1929 News of Interest to Church-Goers of Our Village Baptisi Church \\.ilmette and Forest avenues R e v. George D. Allison, pastor On Sunday morning, November 17, at o'clock the worship service of the c hurch will be held. Dr. Allison will give a sermon of interest to all, entitled "Overlords or H elpers"-a message presenting the true function of the clergy. 11 .\11 d E> partments of the Sunday church 1-chool will meet at 9 :30. Some of our hoy!" and girls are making fine progre~s in thP efficiency contest now running bet w<'en the departments. Shirley Leason, a member of the Intermediate departThe hudg·e t for the yt>ar 1no eo vering rnnt, was the first one of the entire Sun- lw mon e y~; to lJt- raised for home purday ~chool to receive a pin, signifying tier t poses a ~ well as for synodical, missionmt'lltb{'~ship in the Top Notcher's club. ary and be nevolent purposes was s ubmitted to the congregation at its m ee ting .\t ii ::l O the F. A. S. will mcH in the on Tu E'sday evening last by the Finance home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Clark, committee after its approval by the church :.!3 13 Park place, Evanston. Every adult council. It was sanctioned by the conin terested in an informal wor~hip service gregation and copies of it will be sent is most cordially invited to he one with to all the members of the church during this group. the current week. 'fhe total sum to bE: The B. Y. P. U. will meet in the church raised amounts to between eleven and w elve thousand dollars. a t 5:30. The Stewardship commission ·has t· pl a nned a presentation of stereopticon ~!ides picturing the mission work being On Sunday afternoon, Nove mber 24, the done by Baptists among th e Hopi Indians anuual canvass among tlw m e mbers of o f Arizona. We expect this to b n fine ~ l. .John 's will b e undt>rtake n, and it is program. Also, all membe rl' an: reminded l·,oJH·d that e ve ry co mmunicant member of the church attendance contt'st now 0 11. will bt· r ea dy to state the sum with It is being sponsored by the s~·n· i ee Cum- whkh he will ~upport the work of hi ~ ndssion and the goal is to ha.vc 60 perc<'nt vhnrd1. A large r <·ommittE'<' will conuf our memben;hip present at each t·hurc.:lt :-:idt·t:;:bly exywditt· tlw work of ca n\· ;l.s~ sen·k<:> for a pt>riod of six month s. i ng t hi !" ye~n·. ti\·e nature in which various officers of the church will give very brief sketches of different phases of the church's work and activities. An open forum will follow these I rief talks in which those present will be given an opportunity to ask questions on church matters, and in which they may ~ive helpful suggestions. Everyone asking for the floor will be given the opportunity of expressing himself. We hope that this meeting wlll become an annual affair, and that it will contribute a great cleal toward a better undersanding of th e church's work, and a deeper interest in the same. Needless to say we hope that every communicant memlwr of St. .John's will be present. will help make you a well-informed Methodist. Give your subsc:iption to the pastor or to William C. Remhold, Secretary of Good Literature, as soon as po ~ sible. The price is two dollars for fi(t~ two issues. A week from Sunday morning-Xo\·e mber 24-Rev. Rob rt Stephenson of Halst~d street church will spe~k at tl~e wo_r~hlP service. A vested chotr of .thtrty '\OlC~s from Halsted street church wtll si.ng. Th!s choir is under the direction of M,ts!' Marie Briel, and it will be a re~l pn ~· tl ege to ha\'e them share this s erVICE' w1th us. ·tlways heen an annual feature ever. sine~ ~he organization of this church and is c~ne of our most enjoyable m~etings and Earl G. Low, leader. The breakfast after the service under the direction of Thomas B. Gibson. The pastor's «jass, "instructing you.ng people and children in the principles o! c·hurch membership" will be held every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. T!torough cat echical instruction will be gtven ' '~ the minister . ~ther ·t time for real fellowship w1th one ~n· A Foreign Students' Dinner will be held the Hotel L a Salle. See the pastor if .you would like to go and entf'rtain a for e tgn student a:;; your guest. . . The committee m et Thursday mg·ht to plan an early meeting of the Young Married People's Group. A committee has been appointed hy ~ h e Official Board to arrange for the fir st mE>n's get-together. ~ovember twenty-:;;econd in .onal Church Co ngregati. Vere Y. Loper, Minister Elizabeth B. Webster, director of r eligious education This Friday e\·e ning the Young Married People's club of the church will ~eet at the home of ~lr. and Mrs. E. C. H1l.d reth, ::!006 Beechwood avenue.. ':fhe toptc ~or· di !-Ocu ssion will be "Mussohm .and the DlC1 tatorship." George H. Reddmg will lead the discussion: The SundaY morning service of wor· :-'hip is held at 10 :45. Dr. Losper , will preach on "The Candle of the ou 1. Primary, .Junior and Intermediate dep<'l rtments nf the Church school meet. at :· ::10 A. M., the Cradle Roll and Beginners d e partments at 10 :45 A. M., and the Senior d epartment at 12 o'clock no(ln. The Sunday .Evening club will.. meet .in thi s church at 7 :30 P. M., when Capt. T1m 1Jealy will present his illustrated lecture c·n "Australia." On ~londay the Blue Birds will hold their r egular m ee ting at the church at :~ .30 P. :'11., and the Boys' club at :: :45 P. l\1 . An ali-day meeting of the N eighborhood t·> rcle will be he ld on Tuesday, Nove mher 1~l , at the home of Mrs. William Suit~, 211 ,,·arwi ck road, Kenilworth. Anyone \\ ithout transporta tion is urged to call ~ixs. Glover at \\"ilrnette 4538, and. she ,., ill sE'e th a t tran~portation is provided. nooseYelt Troop ~o. 2, Boy Scouts, and ~ea Scout Ship ~o. 7, will meet in the <.:h urch at 7 ::lO P. M. on Tuesday. The r eg·ular mid-week meeting of the <.: hurch wiJJ be held in the church parlQr uext Wednesday at 8 P. M. The subject for di scu ss ion will be the responsibility of hearing and the parabl e which will form the ba~kground of the evening's work will be the " Parable of the Sower. " On Thursday the Junior choir will m<'e~ ( rnr rehearsal at 4 P. M. and the Senior d1oir at 7 ::w 1-', :\1. The Northwes t circle will m{·et on Friday, November 22, at the home of Mrs. Raymond Armstrong, 1001 Linde n avenue. ~frs. E. H. Pearson will be the assisting hostPss. Luneheon will be served at 12 :45. The topic of the pastor's sermon for Runday morning iR "Stadiums or Chapels." The music for Sunday is as follows: The Prelude-"Andante" (Fifth Symphony) Beethoven; the Postlude-"By a !V!eaoo.w Brook" by MacDowell. 'l'he chmr wtll sing "Ye Fair Green Hills of Galilee" ~Y B erwald, and "Praise Waitt'th fo r Thee, 1.. God" hy Fost<' r . On ~tonday at 3 :30 the Ann .Jud :-:o n Till· attention of all reude t·s of these cha pter of the World-Wide Guild will t·hun:h colums is again called to the hold it~ meeting a.t the home of ~Irs . J I. l'IHs!-:e:-: for thp C hr·istia.n education of .1. Df' rn e hl. 1010 Linden avenu e. c-hildren whi <' h an· gi\'f'n at the Sunday ~· vhool room s of our churc h every WedA l<N·n lnteust is being s hown in tlH! Ju ·sdar aftPrnuon at 4 and Saturday mornTuesday night bowling sponsored u.r t he ing at H o'clock, and which are fre ely ( '<·U})l t>s' class. Plan to Join this fin e gruup offt-red t u all children that come. Any Jkxt 'l'u t>sday from 7 until 9 o'clock. vhild s ix years old or over may enroll. The class for those over twe lve years .\ gt·l'd a tte ndance has marked th e th' " i:-: SIWcially d E>signed to prepa r e for con:-.t·rit·:-: pf W ednesday night me e ting ~. Thi s firmation. Sevt>nty childrPn are in I'Pgu\\ t·l· k t ht· pa~tor will be in chargt.~ or · he lar atte nda nce. 1.rog·ram :t mu :::ical evening is being ~cniurs and Juniors pl.ea~e note that pia lltlt'c1. th f:' ne xt r eg ular m eeting of the Xorth e Zon e of the Walthe r leagu e will Thur:-:d;,y, ~on·mUl'r 21, lh e follow in;; ~hor bt- in the hlrm of a banque t, and will l>e Li11k:-: will mn·t: Li.nk 1, with .\lr:;. L ~'a giYen at the pari s h hou se of Bethlehem :--uu, lt·adt>r. will ass<:>mble at the hom E> of Lutheran churc h . Ashland and Lake .\lr:-: . .1 . ( ·. Blaylock, 1202 Lake avenue. !-O treet!-', Evanston, on Sunday, Dec(·mber .8. .\I r:-; . .1. l'. Warble w111 be the assi~ting Tid<t· b; are sew·nty-tive cents th ' pers')n. lwste:o:!-. Link X, with Mrs. E. E. McDow, h·ader, will m eet at Mrs. E. C. Carlson's home, lf,;{!l Spencer avenu e. Link 0 will lllel't with .Mrs. E. A, B each, 1114 Ashland a ,.t·n u e. Mrs. Henry Beach will be Thi~ church < 'OO])E'rat!"s in the ~unday thf' l(·adt:- r . At each of the~ f' meeting~ EH·ning <'lub which meets in th e Cond esse rt a nd cflfft·E> will he se rH~ d pro mptlr gn·g·ational churc h at SE'\·en-thirty. Thb at I :::o. ~und:l,\' t.·Yening tllt're is to he an illus ll':ltt>d lecturt> on Aus tralia hy Capt:tin Friday, Nuvmbl·r 22, is the uatt · Iur the Tim J h ·a ly of the Anzat·l'. lll t·d ing- t·f tht' Evening Lin!\. whi·c h will Ht· nwml>er that llt'Xl Sund;ly mo1·ning IJe at th · hom\.: of Mr::;. G. ]). Alli~on, \\'ill hl· PAREN'L'-TEACHEHS DAY and HI:!~ 1-'1 ·n·st a vf' nue, at 8 o'clock. DAY in the Church 1 I.IO)IE-C'OMING :-:··hool. A general assembh· will l>e held l..'l.lnir rt~hl·:! r :-:a l~ T~mr.sday ni.ght. .1~111i 11 r i!, the auditorium at 9:30. ·There will be dl ~> ll' at 1 < · dock, St·nwr d10 1r aL ~. :-:ong·s with enthusiasm, a 11oem by our c;wn "E. G." or<:'""J. W. R.," and "ColumTr<~c·p £11 of tht· \\' ilnwtll· (;irl ~~.·.,u t!- loi:1,' ' :1 pageant oy some Juniors. A picwill nwH '"'·l·dn esda.r aftl·l'llOPII at ·I ture will be giye n to the d eJ1artment o'duek, in the Junior room. having the larg-est number of parents lll't>St·nt ou that day. \Vill you h e on!' of lht · four hundred pr<:>l't·nt'.' · First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf a\·enue · nev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. 815 Greenwood avenu e Residenee telf' phonE>, Wilm E' tte :1281 Church office, Wilmette 157 5 Sunday, Nov mber 17, morninF w~rship a t 11 o'clock. The se rmon top!(' w11l be " The Encliant('d Highway." .Junior church at 11 o'c lock undt:>r ~[i~s Parker'p n hle lf'a d ('r!'hip. Send ·your c hilrlrE'n. Sunday school at fl :::o A. l\L Clas:;;es for all age groups. Adult Bible cla~s me<:>ts in the r ea r of tlw c hurch auditorium. Young l\farri C'd Folks class in the mhii s ter's !"t ud~-. Or·. 'Vlweland tt aches the cla~~. Christian En (len vo r at 5 P. M. All members are asked to com e early for election c·f officE'rs. Alison Burge, lf'a d er. Topic, '·How Js the Church ).faking Our Nation Bf'tter?" Tea and !'Of'ial hour following r he meeting. Methodist Church Prayer mc·e ling· \\.t> dll t-~ day f' \'l' Hing at , o'clock. "The Proplwt Zepha niah," the Xext Sunday, Xonmber 17, will be the t·rofessional politi cal Pl'<'aeher , will bf' :-:tudied. He rf'fl eets thf' ~nobbery given twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity. There ·n ode r n f'XPl'l' :->!'inn h:· mwYangeli Ntl \\·ill be Holy communion at 8 a. m ., Church school at ~~ :47i and morning· pray(·r with prE>aching. addrf'ss at 11 a. m . S trang('!' ~ and vi~ilor~ :111<1 tho:-:P in t he c·ommunity not id entified with sonw oth c·r X e xt Sunday morning at 8 a. m. will dmrch ar<> inYitNl to ~har 1 · in nll thf' be the l'urporate communion of the ~ ~ · n· ices of this church. J laughte r s of the Kin g. The various Spokes of the 'Voman's !"Ociety will meE't on Tue:;;day, November 1!lth, in the following homes: Spoke 1, Mrs. George TurnE>r, 1019 AshJan<'! avenue. Mr~. nalch, asRil-iting hostThere will be a dinnt'r for the m e n of . · the parish lll"Xt Friday evening, November 22, at 6 ::w p . m. Tickets $1 each. All m e n arl· invited. Reservatians must . IJe made with the rector. The r ector, wardens and vestry of St. .\ugustine's will attend a dinner given by the church cluh of Chicago at the La Salle hotel in Chicago n f'Xt Thursday evening, Xovemher ::n . Dr. Charl~:-: P. Anderson, bishop of · the Chicago area, will visit St. Augustine's on Sunday morning, December 22, to confirm all who have been prepared for co nfirmation. Talks on confirmation and church membE>rship will be given each Sunday evening at 7 p. m. in the church a~sembly rooms at the rear of the Parish house, next door to the post office, beginning this Sunday evening, Novt·mber 17. All " ·ill be welcome whether confirmed or not or desiring to be confirm ed . St. Augustine's Episc. The Senior High L E>ngu e nwl'l!' Sunday · ,.t.> ninp: at fiv e-thirty. Ye.n · int ert·R ting programs are planned for tht.'!-O P m ee ting~ . and nll high school studt.>nts :HE' co rdhll~· f'S~.frs. \V. n . ' F.lli s, sn C:r<'e nwood avenue . : in Yitt>d to attend. This Sunday evP, l\Inr~frs. George P. Fn ckt , 1115 ARhl::wd 1-!ill'f't Bickham, Cecil Cox , and HQward :·Yenue. \\. illiamf' are leading, sen lees Tl\.tllty-fif rh ~unday aftt·r Trinity nor S couts. 'l'roop 5, will m <'Pt 'l'hursTlw \YE'sleyan Servit-~, (;uild will m l·t: t day f' Yening n.t the church. ~· :::· · ..\. M . ~unuay :-;chool :: nd i!il>l e 'l'ue::-day evening at 7 :4ii at the hom" nf classes \Irs. Fay Ives, l G:~o Washington a Yf' Hu e . ~· : 1:1 \ . !\L First st·n·ice and sermon Brie C'hap 1 Institute Auxiliary m emlwr11 :cli.t .\ . .\1 l'econd ~er\'ict· and ~ermon .\i r :-:. Balch i ~ going to hrinp: a homt' !-:hip~ receiYcd during the month of No"The Htt·wardship E,·e t· ( lur nd:-.si on messag·e. 'l'hE'rt' will lw :-:pf'dal wmber by Mrs. Earl G. Low, 1706 Fore~t l'o ~~es~ ions' · (1 Col'. lG , :! ) . musi c and other f eaturt'S of int r n·~t to ;c n>nue, 'Vilmette 607. :til young women. ~le('tlngs .\ l"!i<ld.\. :-;,n·mhcr JS , at 7 :::n : t'hoir A reception for the new membe rs · relll· ·.. t i ng-. 'l'hf' \Voman's Home l\ti~sinn:tt·~· SC)C'it:! r (·eiYed into the church will he h eld .Friday, \\" t:> dn ,·. d ay .tt ·l : Clas:;cs for children. ,,·ill travel the Hoad of tlw Thankful XnYember 22, at 8 P. M. Thur~day :tt i :45: ~~~· ding of all com- llt-art at their mt.>eting nE>xt 'l'hur~day at llllllli<-ants. two o'clock at the church. Miss Laun l\ruRical progrnn1 hy the choir, Sunday, Fr id a:-.· a t 7 :4i'l: Junior \Valtlwr league. .\1. Robinson, ~ecretary of the Spani<;h ~ovember 17: ~;cturd: t Y .lt !l .\ . :.\t. : t l:t!'f\t ·~ for c hil- ,. nrk , is the speaker, and all of the wom .:> n ( 1rgan Prelude, "Andantino in D Flat" dr··ll. will wi.' h to hear her. . .... _.. '... ... L emare . \nthem, "0 Lord, How Manifold" Barnby TlH· pa~tor will ddh·e r tht· :--t.· ·cmd of :1. L e t us remind you :~.gain that Chri~t- .\nthem, "Ye Shall Dwell in the Land" ~(·rit·!" of ~~' rmons on "Chril'tian StPward- mas cards, seals, and tags may be pur......... . ..... Stainer :-: hip ·· nt·:>:t Hunday morning·, sp('aldng on chased through the 'Vesl eyan Service Offl'rtory Solo, "0 Saviour, Hear Me" th, . "('hriRtla.n'~ Stt' wardship of Hi~ Pol<- nuild or the Girl Scouts. The W. S. G. . .......·......................... Gluck ~ f'ssio n~ ... Inasmuch a::; thes an· the day~ will SE>ll you cards of all kinds and will Mis~ Bushouse in whi ch the' financial nlans of churchE's haYe your name· engraved if you so de- Organ Postlude, "Gloria" (12th Mass) :· n · being ~uhmittt>d to the church nwm- , :-:ire. The Girl Scouts are selling box . .... . ...... . .................... l\lozart l1Hs thi~ Auhjt'('t ought to hf' of vital , ··nrd~ with twE>nty-one lovely cards in Tl1e Chofr corl<:4:'rn to ~n· ry one intt·r ·~tt· u in the ··neh box. Catherine Bu~hou~e. soprano; John B.· c hureh 's work and welfare. l\liller, tenor; Rose Lutiger Gannon, conIt will help the secretary greatly if tralto: Edward Otis, hass; Erma Rounds, On'Thursday ~,:.vcning-, N()\'t·mlJl'r 21, at ;d l notices are telephoned before three organist and director. "; :45 r,'dock, there · will be a meeting at c·'clock on Tuesdays as both the Wilmette the Sundar ~whool rooms of St. John's Lu-~ Life News and the bulletin go to press Thanksgiving service-Our Thanksgivth{"ran (·hurch of all the communicant or c·n WE>dnesdays. ing early mornin$ devotional service and cnnftrmE>d members of this church. This l'reakfast will be held at 7 :30 Thursday, Jn(·(·~ill~ i!'l rlE>l:'igned to be of an lnformaThe Northwestern Christian Ad\·ocate Xovember 28. This unique service has 'Yilmette and Purl< avenues, Wilmette Herman 'V. Meyer r pa~tbr 40ti Prairie aYenue. Telephone 1:Hlli Church t e lephone :nn St. J ohn's L utheran The meetings will last one hour and will be informal and convenmtional . 'fhere will be but one class for all boys and girls, men and women. There will be a mission for boys ~nd girl!'l from the ages of 8 to 15 held in the church for one week beginning the first Sunday in Advent, December 1. The Women's Associated Guild will meet in the Parish house today, Friday, with luncheon at noon. The speaker at the Sunday Evening ~lub in the Congregational church next Sunday evening, NoYember 17, at 7 :30 p. m., will be C apt. Tim Healy of the Anzacs, who will give an illu strated lecture on "Australia, Land of the Southern Cross."