Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Nov 1929, p. 49

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November 15, 1929 WILME.TTE SISTERS HAVE REUNION , Mrs. Albert J · Nystrom, 714 Central avenue, returned the latter part of last week. f~o m a three weeks' visit with her stster, Mrs. \V. :NI. Nourse of Hartford, Cqnn.. Shl' was accompani'ed bv five other Sisters, Mrs. R. K. Pinkerton and Mrs. A. S. Be 1ison of Wilmette Mrs. V. A. Olidden of De Kalb, 111 .: and ~frs . \\'. D. Smith and Mrs. R. A. EYans of Rogers ParK:. The sisters 1 1elcl. a family reunion at 1'1 rs . Nourse's 1 1o111e in Hartford. LIFE 49 · Central-~aurel P.T.A. r-~~~;.-;-.;-.;..-;:-;;~ Sale . . . ~ . ~J ovtes 11~ Relat10n t<;> our C!1Jldre.1" ":as th~ subJect of the mterestmg talk ~1\'en 1 uesday at the November ~ne.~tt ng- "'~~ thC~I PareBnt -TeBackher assoctatton 1e a ·er of the N :11 J.-:.· 1u 1sK ·s. dara e1 1 t10na 1 ll~ ergarten co 1 ege, " ·ho stated that movtes have become a yen· ill1 portant \1't~s 1,nis · 1 factor 1 in our mndcrn li(e and ~' Schulz, 1314- Jsabelia that t 1eir va ue is only just beginning- str. cct, has returned from a week' s Yisit to he appreciated in the schools. Wit 1 1 f ri cnd s in Ann Arbor, Mich. ).f iss Baker continued to sa,. that some think the movies will in time di splace th e text books and t:ven the teachers, though others itel the,· will nnl-:.· supplement the school \York. . Ea:;t man has lately provideu films that c..:nrrclate with such work and wh<:n· th~ ~·l: 1 han been tried out then· wa :-. f<HliHI ~~~ I b~ an appreciable gain in int~rest. anti a grea ter de sire to read furthl'r on the subje ct. There was als<l an impron:men t in accuracy and rctchtit)ll. ~u far the projector in the sc hoob is pure: - : l\' fur entertainment, but it i ~ prcdictl:d i that in time each cla ss rou1n \rill han. · its projcctor and film libran . ~l l'<lical ro llcg-es arc using mvvie:-. - ll11 1rl: and 1110re. I ~1is s naker quoted figurt· ~ ;-.]l<l\Yill .~ that a large percentage (lj mm·i<: audi Lnc..:cs are children so it is up tu parenb t\) set' that the movie s arl' oi a hcth'ficial content and to rememl>L'I' th<: rc j i:-. ah,·ays a danger of 0\'tr-~ti mulati iHl and eYestrain among chi ldr L"n. l11 t!Ji.., ~ trenu o u s age we mu st ,,·prk toward~ relaxation, poise and serenity. Though tnm·ies are primarilv adult cntertain ment. li sts may be -iound in Parl'nt':-. I ~I ag-azine nf movies that are dcsirahk ! itlr children. I The pre sident , Mrs. :\. ~cndrick. ~poke of the worthwhile \\-a,·s in \Yhich the association's earnin).{s -ha ,.L . been spent. Billy Katz, an eighth grader. : a~ain <klighted th(' parents and tl'ach l'l':-. ,,·i t h hi s mu sic. fntcrc sting reporb \n:rc !ward],,- thl' ftJI Ilm·ing : ~f rs. Hill on "Junior .Pulic<: ( >utfits ;" ~!is s Bright on the <::'\hiiliti on:-; at the library n<:xt week. ~~ rs. Richardson on the' Girl . Scout Hlll\'L' mcnt: Mrs. Miller on Child \\'dian' magazine; ~'ir s. Craig, the secretary. reported on the Evanston confnencl': .\f rs. Stackhouse. recreational chairm;dl, again announced th e adult dancing classes. Sam 1\f ever of Teatro del Lago \Y:ts asked to tell the parents ahout some THE LAST Di the pictures the theater slwws. He sairl thev tr y to shov; their be st picture s m·er the week-end when their audiences are largelY children. He al so said th e~ <:xpcct to run a series of ten animal films which will at the same time interest the parents. In closing, the president urged a greater attendance at future meetin~~" and stated that the P. T. A. needed the parents and the · parents needed · the P. 1'. A. It is requested that parents watch for further notice of the De('ember evening- meeting. The fathers, particularlY, will not want to miss hearin~:r Dr. Albert Yuddelson. The mothers of the kindergarten and the first and second grade children '\'ere hostesses. .. 1 1 I I I t· I CHOICE LQT-97'x182' Southwest comer South A venue and' Valley Road, Glencoe, directly opposite Skokie Country Club I Phone ownet·-Central 5267 I 120 S. La Salle St., Chicago I ·!·--·-··-·-·-·-------------------·... I ERNEST M. KIMBALL !- When the Final Gun Cracks always have time to talk over the telephone. Parents find comfort in frequent long distance telephone chats with their children. And, of course, it's understood that sons and daughters are always welcome to call home and reverse the charges. Call that boy or girl of yours tonight. · "Long distance" is quick, clear and inexpensive. Mrs. R. R. Lippincott, 1132 Ashland avenue. entertained Mrs. Glenon and dren at tea Friday, November 8. ~~ rs. S. Rusnak, 1028 Chestnut a'·.ethe mothers of the fourth grade chtlnue. with Mrs. N. J. Gerber and Mrs. S. M. Swirles assisting hostesses, w11l entertain Miss Chase and the mothers of the 8B pupils at tea November 20. AND scintillating run has carried the ball over the opposing goal to victory, there is but one thing lacking to make· it a perfect day ... the chance to tell Dad and Mother all about it. Sons and daughters away at school may not have time to write the folks and tell them all the things they do, but they ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM Mrs. A. L. Shapiro, 14 Sheridan road, gave a delightful tea to the moth~rs of ~!iss Johannsen's sixth grade puptls. Mrs. B. J. Jacobsen of 1326 \Vih~1ette avenue entertained a group of frtencls at dinner 1'hursday evening. One Policy ,. One System - Universal Service

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