. WILMETTE LIFE November 15, 19~ JUNIOR LIFE (Continued from page 50) Girl Scouts Prepare for · Inter-Troop Knot Contest The Girl Scouts are preparing for a contest between all three troops. This contest Is "knot tying," "bandaging," and "signaling." We are going to haYe so many contestants from each troop. \Ve haYe been practicing in Scout meE>tin~s by having raceR between each patrol. The Jflst meeting we raced in knot tying. The Bucanneeers, our patrol, won two and tied another one. It was "et·y excitingfor us in the last knot race aR only orit' of us knew the lowt and we wen· trvinc· to teach e\'erybody else In om patrol at once. We are all practicing ha nl with hopes that we will get in th ·· cont£·st. -Phyllis Carleton, SC Stolp. Blue Monday It was on Monday morning. First of all I fell out of bed, then baby started to cry and I had to fix some .milk. I fixed it and slipped broke the bottle, so I had to fix Howard 7A Downs Howard · 1 7B in Kickball, Score Is 19-S the her and her Children S'ee Movies of Redwoods in California \\.t>clnesday, NoYembet· 6, the ~ixth, ~eYenth, and eighth grades of Howard ~:"'" motion picture!' on the Redwflods of f'allfornla. First they showed the monarch~ of California. bt'ing ('Ut down to supply our needs. It also showed t}U:' ~awing, C'Ul'ing of the wood, and also ~howed tht' ma<'hint>s that made table legs and th round top of a table. Mt·. Adams of tht> Ea~t side lt>t us han the's,. picture~ and we sut·ely are thankful to him for letting us haYc them. - f'atht rine HP:rnolds, Howard iB. H .\ Y E G 1' ll P ll IV IJ, E G ~~ Two ot· three days ago, "Hap" Gather,·oal nnnounC't>d that tht> .luniot· Police would gt>t the Howard school gymnasiu-m 1111 Friday eYening from j to S o'clock. He said that unless thE-Y had a good turn out they would bt=> det>riYed of the priYilt>g C' so he is urging t>Yer\· Junior Pnlkemnn to ('(Jme.-F'ayette Lilh·. Ho\\'· :lnl SB. DOOST FOR POLICJo~ Many people take the policeman for granted and do not try to help him h any way. People should try to obey the laws and not do the things they should not do. There are many ways to heltJ the police such as <'roRsing the street in the right place, not starting tights and oheying the laws. These are a few of the ways you can help a uolicema n. -Betty June Collins, 8B 1 toward. some .more. I got washed and found that I didn't ,.,·ash my arm clean, then I went and washed that and lool<ed to see if I had anythi,ng else to wash, but I didn't. I was ready to eat my breakfast and as I was pouring the milk on my cereal I spilt some on my dress so I had to waste some more time In trying to clea!.l my dress. · I set out for school and was about a block from home, I found I had forgotten my book·s and by the time I really left . it was nearly time for school t·.1 start so I ran as fast aR I could and stepped into th~ t·nom when tht· tanly hell rang. 1 hope I will ncYer have a mot·ning- as bad as that.- Nancy May, 8B Ho\\'nrd. On Thursday, November 7, 7A Howard defeated 7B In a kickball game. The score was 19 to 5. We were to play five inning!'; but it was so cold we could only play three. Around the end of the' game. our hands got so cold we coul<l hardly catch the ball. The 7A lineup if' as follows: Shirley LeaRon, catcher: Lillian Hoar. first pitchet·; Geraldine Bunch, fit·st base; f'ecelia Hills. second base: .Jean Per·rill. third base: Frances HoRkins, right short stop: Jane Lilly, left short stop; Doris Rmall, right field : Eleanor Steen, left fie}(}; Margaret McClinton, c t:> nter field . We played Stolp Monday, November 11 at Stolp school and again TueRday :1 t Howard Rchool for championship. -Jean Perrill, 7A Howanl. Marjorie Enjoys Visit to WIBO Radio Station La. t Sunday T was yery lucky to bf" able to go to the broadeaRting station nf ·wiBO a. my father was going to Rpeak over Lhf> radio. J went up to the room where thev broadcast. lt waR so still you could ·hear a pin drop. Aftet· whilt: I went into the room where the tele\'ision was. It wa~ a big snuare and thE>rt' wert> bulbs screened in. Then· wal' a bi~ hf!.IP in the middle anrl the people who art> listening to the radio ean hoth hear and s('P 11w JJt>rsons. Thet·t> ' ar~· about ~00 tt-IP\'ision radios in Chi<'af:!'o. I am ven· dad that T got thE> IH"idle~e to see ail this and T am sure 1 know mtH·h m()rf' about J'a(lio teled~·:ion.-1\farjoriP 'Ve<lell. HowaJ'(l SA. The NEW LAMPS are now ON DISPLAY And All Are Moderatelv . Priced The modern spirit is pleasantly reflected in the new displays of table and floor lamps. Simple but decorative, they lend a subtle distinction to their sur-roundings. Bases are copper, brass and brushed steel. Shades are parchment, appropriately tinted ... Also shown at the Public Service Store are interesting assortments of other lamps, including boudoir models with pottery bases and silk shades, and latest,style bridge lamps. Po vnu want to know hnw tlw fir~t C'noldt·H wen· made? "'t->11, I will tell you . .\ long time ago in France a littlf' ho.\· namecl Jean helped his father in a hak1 1'.\' . Tlis father was a bal<er. Tli s f:1ther madt- nie e big cal<es and gin~~· r e:dcer-c One dn y .lean's fatlwr was called out so Jean toolc a spoonful of dough. 1 J, . took the big rolling pin and rolled it in a thin sheet. Then h e took a mearwin!-:' cup and <'Ut out six little cake~ and put them in the oven but when his father eame home, Jean ~aid: "Fath..,,· \'OU clo not have to spoil a big cake fr·r nw hec:1use I haYe made my own." - ·Hnlwrt Fenenz, Third grade. Ct>ntru.l. Robert Learns Secret ·of That First Cookie Mildred Decides Her Dog Simply Will Remain Dumb 'Vlwn my father brought home a littJ ·. rlog for m(' he was small enough to put in your coat pocket. I didn't know if I was ever g-oing to like him for a net ht·(·aust.· he didn't look verv ~mart. Ire wa~-in'L \"ry old so I thought maybe htwoulll ht' smartet· looking when he g-rr>w nl<lPr. One day my father said I l-:h,mlcl lt·;-u·h my <log something. First I enllf'd him but he wouldn't come to me. J Ie :.qt in the cornf>t' and stared at me. Tlw11 my father tried the same thing hut tlw ·log ran under the table and didn't com<' out until T got him a bone. After about threp weeks the dog finally lt>ame<l how to nhey hut T f'ouhln't terwh him \'er~· much.-Mlldred Barter, 8B Howard. AUTUMN In Autumn, leaves fall to the gro.und The wind makes a rustling sound. The leaves are painted with colors g~IS Brown. red, and green are they. They are sorry to leave the tree For they like it, as you can see. Old Mother Earth has something to say "Go to sleep children Your duty is done You've had your fun Winter is coming It has begun." -Betty Ellil:i. NOW HE'S "OIL" RIGH'I' 1 lwd a little collie dog just two months ( old. ,M y father put a bed in the basement for him to sleep in. We have an oll burner. When we sent him in the ba8ement to go to sleep, he smelled the oil and , howled all night. The next moming my father brought the bed in the kitchPn and told mother he would have to sleep there after that.-VIvlan Abrahams, 6H Howard. HOPES FOR CHAMPIONSHIP Speedball is very much like soccer. 7B Howard intends to win the speedball championship just as we won the football championship. 7B Howard has a nretty g-ood team this year. I hope 7B Howard will win the champlonship.Ha rry Kaup, 7B Howard. A HEARTY WISH The 7A girls are going to challenge the seventh grade in Howard school Monday. The game will be for the championship. The 7A girls can hardly walt. We hope at the end that this statement wlil be true: "We won 79 to 4."--Georgette Becker. 7A Stolp. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ·o p NORTHERN ILUNOI& "CANDAUTB"-·1.75 1141 JOSEPH W. KEHOE, Diatrict Manager Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette :2.899