54 WILMETTE LIFE November b, 1929 AT LAST 194 Parts Rust-Proofed October Shipment on New Chrysler· Models by Pierce-Arrow Rust . is the sign of age and neglect. More automobiles find their way into the Pierce-Arrow officials announce j unk heap because. rust has conqllered han for any other reason. E\'Cil if it . record October passenger car shipt ments, the figures showing considerruns well, the rust-eaten car is an oh- ably in excess o·f those of last year. ject of distaste to particular people. The substantial increases over all prePride of ownership is gone and when vious years which Pierce-Arrow ha:; t his has departed, mechanical efficiency been showing since last January, are soon goes al o. \Vith this thought in being maintained, the volume for the mind, Chrysler engineers have made one year to date being nearly double that of the most comprehensive studies it has of 1928. I)Ccn possible to make of the subject of The outlook for the continuation of rust. · good business is very favorable, arThc result has been the classification cording to company officials, the comof every part on the Chrysler car that pany carrying over into November could possibly rust, and the rust-proof- with the largest total of unfilled orders i ng process best adapted to that particu- in several months and over four time-; 1 ar part because of its location on the as many as "rere on the books a year car and the material of which it is com- ago. )()Sed has been srlected. Rust has been 1 I)eaten before it can start 011 the ne\v Chrvsler cars. It has been found that Marmon Divides Country six ·processes are required to meet the Into Four Major Sections requirements - honderizing, cadmium As another important step in the explating, chrome plating, sheridizing, parkerizing and nickel plating. Each pansion and development of the UartTrt>n field organization it is announced puts a rust-proof skin over the metal. that a di\·ision of the United. States To illustrate the thoroughness with into four major sections, each under a \\'hich the new Chryslcrs arc rustfield supen-isor, has been made. proofed, all fenders and many other exposed metal parts are bonderizcd, one of A supen·isor for each section ha~ the latest developments that insures a been named. Operating under the field much closer adherence of enamel and su1 ·rvisors are district representatives metal: 81 parts are cadmium plated, 37 and under the latter, wholesale reprepa rkerized ; 34 sheridized ; 32 chrome sentatiHs, thus giving complete and plat('d and six are nickel plated. Thu a effcctiYe cO\·erage of not only the imtotal of 194 parts on each car are safe- portant cities and trading centers (,f guarded. the countn·. hut of the smalll'r town s and territ~rics as \\·ell. AUTORADIO PERFECTED FOR THE .CAR Installed under the dash, controlled by a single dial conveniently placed on the instrument hoard. Remarkable selectivity. Beautiful tone. No motor interference. Can be installed on any make ·or model. Sets A New Record HEAR 'fHIS RADIO SENSATION TODAY PEACOCK MOTOR SALES 1135 Chicago Avenue ... EVANSTON . TO HAVE LARGE SURPLUS Statistics recently c0mpiled hy The Automobile Club of Illinois cstimak that the State will han~ a surplus of over $8.000,000 at the end oi 1932 from rcn~mtf's rrceived from gasoline taxes, Fed-! era! aid, license plate fcc , , bonds and miscellaneous incomes. Distributors of K B Motor Radio NEW AND USED CARS BOUGHT Up to and including the first hali oi the year 910,923 new cars were pur chased on the tim.e,-paymcnt plan a~ against 695,(ii2 used cars, according to a bulletin issued by The Automobile Club of Illinois. TODAY New The New PricesRoadste1~ Car At prices reduced from $25 to $75 is the outstanding "buy" -the greatest "value far above price." Its beauty and performance are known the world over-our expert and conscientious service is the inducement to purchase your . FORD here. Phaeton Business Coupe Tudor Sedan Coupe ·$507 $512 Sport CortPt' $570 Fordo,. Sedan $580 T ow11 Sedan $580 (.411 prices I. o. b. Bumpers and spat·e tire included) $610 $680 $750 SKoKIE ) MoToR Co. Wilmette 955 Only authorized FORD dealer between Eva~ston and Highland Park 435 Main St. WILMETTE