November 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 59 t~e influence on children of moving Ben Marshall Sella His Pictures, commercial carnivals and road Lake Shore Players Will Present Mrs. houses. Shore Drive Apartment Alice C. D. Riley's Domestic Drama After Mrs. Groves announced that . . Ben Marshall, architect, has sold his the December meeting would be in ten-story apartment building at 1100 "Ann," a dome tic drama by Alice · The ~o ,·<·mber llJt:et ing of the Lor _ charge of the teachers, refreshments Lake Shore drive, Chicago. Three of Io\\'ar 1 1)· 'I' . . g~' 1 were served in the social hall. l'. D. Riley, Evanston playwright, will 1 the present residents, Samuel Insult, , .. . .. :. ar~nt:. ca;he r assoctatton Warren Salisbury, and William ]. ght' and was held he choice of the Lake Shan~ Production s ,\as l atl;·r-, :\ 1 Chalmers, have lived there since the lue sda y \o\ emhcr 12. at th e H oward Firemen Extinguish Three players for presentation next \veek Jt structure was built twenty-two years sc h(!Ol. Arthur 1 \uff, ba rit one accomBlazes Here During the iormer New Evanston theater. ago hv Mr. Marshall. The price is ~>a 11le(J IJ,· _..\1 rs . H .t.tff a t the pidno, sang The play is concerned with a situa - a gr,;up nt. ~ongs tncluding "The Peni - . For the week ending \iV ednesday, understood to be approximately $600,tion in modern married life in which a tent " IJ}' \ ;111 dt \\'a tcr, a nd "TommY November 13, the Wilmette Fire ue- 000. The Marshalls are temporarily at - partr'nent received three calls. An the Studio apartment at 612 Sheridan· husband and wife are living at cross Lad. purposes which threaten to wreck their . ..\li ~_s \\ iniin· ,l !~right, tltt· chi ldren's automobile on fire at 1520 \Vashington road, Wilmette. avenue \vas re sponsible for the first happiness, and with the offer of An.1 , 11}Jra: 1 _an .. ann(ltJncecl that the \Vilmcttc Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Ruby Cl!ternntng cousin of the wife, 1\) give the I ubltc !I bran. ··" lltdrl be ope ti next call late last Thursday afternoon. The damage to the car was slight. A tained twelve of their friends at dinlnt~band the child for which he yearns ~[ o nda,· c\·~n1ng _t o L ' xhihi t pictures and which th e ,,·ife refuse s to bear him, mat!e by ch ddrt'll 111 1he an and book second automobile fire at 1028 Chest- ner and dancing last Saturday at their in effort to save the two ~ht· love s project, " hnrin 1hn· illustrated anY nut avenue shortlY after 9 o'clock Sun - home, 191 Park avenue, Glencoe. The cla y night resulted in serious damage Rubys formerly lived in Wilmette. i rom disaster. The sac rifice ni Ann , ~ t nn· tlr h1H1k thn· rht~st. to the machine. The third fire was at the se lfishness oi Blanche, th e inrliffcr The nn,· radio pttrcha~cd ll\· the the rear of a residence at 1614 Central l.'llC<: of Arthm and the Jn,·alh t)f hi s Parent -Teacher a-..~nriation i ·r the avenue Monda.\· night about 7 :20 irie ncl, Dr. Lander, and t-ht :--en·a nt, ~chou ! \\'a' ·t~t the plati,Jrm and Lo\\·ell o'clock. The firemen extinguished the "atit·. are woven int o an i nter e~ tin g F. Todd , principal 1·i the lio\\'ard mall blaze before it gained headway. ,IH.' icty elrama. "-Chou!, tuld h· '" it \\ ;L.._ ll"t.·d to aiel in Pegg~· Fitch oi \Vinnct ka \\'ho has teaching mu~ ir apprl.'ciati<·n, t:,peciallr TO CRUISE SOUTHERN SEAS ]' la,·cd in New York with Pegg~· \\' nt d, 11n alternatl' Frida\' . " \\'ht:ll th e Dam-~Ir s . Charles E. \Veils of 700 Forest Flliott .r\ugent and otht·r:-. ha:- been ro~ch chi ld n ·JJ·:- pn1gram:. arc hrua d- avenue, ,,:ith her sistcr-in-la\\', 1hs. J. Nov. n Fri. Not". ~2 Tues. t'llgaged to succeed CharlPth: :\nd rc,,·s cast. 1lc al"1' "Jlllk~.: of thL· Chri~tma' \V. Kester of ~[adi so n. \Vis ., is leaving Geora-e LPwls New York on :-J ovembcr 28, on the 111 the compan. \· oi pla~·e r :-., inlln\\'i:1g ~cal drive t<· -..tart "-tH)1L Huster Kt'nton Dorothy Gulllnr the latter's resignation to rdurn to th e .\1 r '. \ .!Ill dn J !1dt told 11i adult Panama :\[ail line, for a cruise of the Bryant Washburn -tal.!'e in .:\cw York Cit,·. Baker ~t oore rlancing cla:,"t'~ held at tin: ~t o l p :-c lwul north cnast of South America, and In "Honeymoon ., , ill plav th e ma scu lin~ k ad 'in th~· pia:· Frida \· n-~..:ning . . , ancl <tlll10ttllrecl Open through the Panama canal, stopping Flats .. "Spite ".\nn ." I l11tht.; at tht' li hran. \\ ' ednc~da,· t'\"2- in sneral ports on the Pacific coast. by - - -- - - - - - ninl-". ;\rt\'t·mh;· r ~II, in l'l·lllltTtil·ll \\ith 'I heY will arri,·c in San Francisco De Earl Derr Biggers Marriage" cember 2 o. and will spencl the winter ( 'hildrl'll '-.. nl lllk \\'l'tk. TO UNDERGO OPERATION months in California. 1\. II. Dnrlla11 1. i13 Cn'l.'ll\\t'l(ld a\e\I r~ . J:enj;tmiJ! F. l.ang" Pr tll\· ui ·.tte . ,,·ho \\·'en t 111 t il t F\'an,ttnt h~~~ \\'innc.:tka \\a, tht :-JH·akcr oi the cn::· ital n.:~tt:rda, · . \\·i ll 1111 krgo an rlpt: r;t- liing and had a" ht·r :-uhject. ":\ rc Partillll t(lda\. lit· \\i ll remain at \ ht· h,. ._ _ l.'llb l' :-.. ~~ r'. l.ang\\llrth\' be·· ital ior a \\ee k t·r tell da ~· ~. linT:> that mu:-t oi th ha~· l· the habit OF SWEDEN (1 i 1 i ~ t c ni 11 g t I) t a Ik" a 11 d k ct ur t ' " a 11 d =-' · :1.' tht · ll1 \H>s t pictures of the b ea uty sp<,ts of the Northlands of Eur,)pt>. \1 r. an d ~1 r:'. Ju~eph .\ . \ ' . Tur,·J..:. m.:.L.dL·c ting to an 1111 intllrllJati(ln acT:tl\· · a mincl's ··ruise throug·h th e Lands of the Midnight Sun. · .:, ~.z l.incll'll an·nm·. att~11ded thL· :\r m\'- quired and ~ttl!;t.:c~t=- that the project I lea r tht- '1atiYe follu;ong·~ aurl mndt>rn melodies. lllin(\i~ ioot ball gamt· la st ~aturda y ·at · mcthud oi learning h~· dPing ht· app li ed l'llampaign, and \·isitcd thl.'ir !-> 1l11. ttl 11arenb, particularh· in · kaming Winnetka Community House .lml.'ph. \\'hn i~ a ircsht .. ,tlt and a n - ~~~mcthing alJOut childru1 in relation 620 Lincoln Ave .· Winnetka l ~ · 11 t p1e d g t.: t n t h l' ~ i;..! 111 a .:\ tt ira ll· n , i t ~· t I) t h t· m·i g It b (1 rh 1 H HI i n \\ hi c h th e\' Saturday, November 23 7:00 and 9:00 P. M . .tt tht.· L ' 11 in-r ~i ty oi Illin oi... . lin:. In thi!'> cllnnectit)n :-Ill.' ~ tre ssed TO STAGE 'ANN' NEXT Lo~an-Howard P. T.A. Week COMMUNITY HOUSE I NEW SCENIC FILM AND NORWAY FOR THANKSGIVING B & G CANDY Friday, Saturday November 15, 16 lake Lionel Barrymore and sbo·e P·odaatlons Playing now and continuing until Noven1ber 16th Lloyd Hughes in "The Mysterious Island" Monday, Tuesday November 18, 19 "The Creaking Chair" A Mystery Play at New . Evanston Theatre Richard Dix in "The Love Doctor" Presented by an excellent cast of New York players Coming for the Week o£ November 18th with June Collyer - - -·------ - - - - Wednesday, Th.ursday November 20, 21 "ANN" A Comedy-Drama Ry Alice C. D. Riley (Mrs. H.nrison B . Rile y) Ernest Torrence and Lloyd Hughes tn EVENINGS AT 8:30 "The. Unholy Night" with , Dorothy Sebastian ·Friday, Saturday November 22, 23 BEACH &GEIL5 EVANSTON-1633 ORRINGTON AVE., UNIV. 5970 WINNETKA HYDE PARK CHICAGO HIGHLAND PARK Prices SOc to $1.50 MATINEES AT 2:10 Wednesday, SOc Saturday, SOc & 7Sc BEACH & GEILS will open a new shop at 530 Main Street For Better Home-Made Ca·dies TEL. UNIVERSITY 3000 "Say It With Songs"