Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Nov 1929, p. 62

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62 .ACREAGE & ESTATES WILMETTE 100 FOR SALE-HSEIILD. GOODS LIFE November 15, 1929 UNUSUAL· INDIAN' NAVAJO RUG, -~ large linen damask cloth, 12 large napABOl'T 2'h ACRES OF BEAVTTI<~UL kin~. NeYer used. Some silverware, wood~ property. G lencoe'l' (.'hoicest dishes, from yr. 1700. W'il. 1998. f'ast side section with view of Ja.ke. 100LTN8-ltc , \Vonderful deep ravine on 2 !"Ides. Prif'e -- Team standings in the Wilmette CLARK JEWEL GAS STOVE. CHEAP. l)ttSI.t1ess Me11's Bo~uli11g league, which $6 - 000 :-.. . 719 Foxdale. Winnetka 3299. ) n FRANJ( A. lOOLTN8-ltp conducts its play at the North Shore REALTORS Recreation Alleys, were reported thi:; !l-4 Lindt'n Ave. ·winnetka. 1300 .:\lAHOGA'NY BEDROOl\l SET, S \veek as follows: · J LTNS-llc parlor furn., rugs, refrig., other furni79 \\·on Lost ture. Tel. \Yinnetka 21RO. . . . . . . . .17 4 lOOLTN8-1tP '~entral Pharmacy Jc'OR SALE-CE~lETF;RY LOTS ;) and 10 '\Voohvorth . . . . .. 14 7 CO::\fPLETE BEDROOM SE'l'. 9x12 Wilmette Post Ottin· .... . .H 7 1 ~ lrHA VE LOT, 1\IEMOHIAL PK. CEM. rug. Che:q1. Ph. \Vinnetka 27GS. American Leg-ion ...... 1:? !l E. of Chapel, No. 364. Rt'c. C. Mkt. 100LT.N8-ltc Schultz and Nord . . . . . . . . . . 1:: 11 price $ 00. Will sell for $570. Winnetl<a - - - - Kational Tea . . . . . . . . . . ....... S 16 :1:?40. 81LTN8-ltp l'SED ELECTH.IC SEWI~G :.\lACHI.NES, Central H:uher ~hop .. . ...... 7 17 - .. portables, treadles, consoles, guar. Rich Alleys .. . .. .. .. .. . . . ~: 21 REAL ESTAT.E · reas. 920 Chicago Ave. Grel· nlea.f ~ -1~0. _ 100LTN6-vh: · R .ARE~ OPPORt'i'UNI'J"' 1 I .-----------·1 Don't W~nt McCormick Rd. Bowling Notes 1 as Gift, Asserts · Bartlett Rf:Jl) · UN ~· 'l'I-II~ 11 ~ .R USINESS :\1 .'\IL0\1 1~1{ Thr appnintlllcnt of Dr. Arthur H 1 Curti~. Chicagn physician and widrly k'nll\\ 11 aut·horih on diseases nf \\'Oilll'll, ';' rt·1·m modern frame hour-:t> '"ith lar~e !-'UH porch; garag-e attarhPd: Ian.:·e or 1 a" rhairman ~_,( the r~celltly combined ~mall lot; near \Vilmett('. Prk<· $1~Ji00 . . <!epartlnt·nt 11l uh:\telrtrs and gynec·.· l~ room morlern hou:-c in YE>J'Y gnocl conn.,.,. i 11 tht Xorthwe~tcrn unin'rsitr · .-. . . dition. Lot 110xl50 ft. Prire $13,000. 1 n1c<llral ~rh(~nl \\~a~ announ~·~·d rrc~nt 1 y INVES~f0J{ 1 1)\· Dean lrnng S. Cutter. I hL' untfir1l02 FOR ~AJ,E-)USCELL ,\XF.Ors ti.ull nf tht·se t\\'o departments is in nEAU1'IFUL L\lPORTED HA!'\D _MADE acco.r~lallCc \Yit~l tht· mnd~rn trend in ----~-------- ---(i;, ant· ~. 8 room modern 111 ' 11 ~ 1 ·: Inr~l' lahle cov<·r to be ~old at ~a<'nficv. :1t nwdt~al vduralltllt. arcorclm;! tn Dean h :tru . and g:u·~ge. All in ,·et·y gontl tlw Glen\'il·w DraperY Rhotl, Glt·n\'lew tt 11 cr. ··lltHlltlnn. $2:.0 pc·r a!'l't ·. · . 102LTN8-llp f,\ .. (·rt·~-larg-e 8 room IHHI~t · , barll Rd. Dr. Curti:- ha:-. ht·ld the prnfl':-.'\Or:\hip ag, . :md l:l.rge chi<.:lH~n hon~<>. l'rii'P \YOOTY Fun :-iALE of gynccoltl~\ at Xt~rtlnn~stcrn 1111i.i'·l'O. _ J.'.,,. fir<'place. $18 JWl' c"rd «ll'1h'<'l't.'tl,' · · · 1 1 0 ).fis:' Yalborg Kydcn of Evanstot 11 ' , l:! 1 1 1 ot t lC ate at·rt·!-' of woodland, ~ 22 ·', J)(.·r ~;tvr« ·. 1 about 2 ton~ to cord. Thorllhill J:ms. n:(~Jty smcc t 1 H' (cat r. entertained the International club o L. 1)>. · J\NDl~-RS():' I J>h. Wilmette 2:?!'1G. 102Ul'l\'8-ltl' Thomas T. \Vatkin:\ . His rrrcnt ho0k · ~ · -' on gynecological diagnnsi~ has \Ynn the '!\" ational Kindergarten and F.tr ~orthl·n·(·k. 111. N'c.rthhr111~k ~.~ FOJ ~ RALE-- MAN':::; FULL Dl!ES~ high praJsr fr ()!Jl . authorities 111 . this mentary college at her homl' on Frirla' S4LT~S-1k ~uit. ~izc :1R, chil<l'~ wln·t t'(J:tt, be:l\·t>r field . Dr. Curti~·:\ home i~ in Evanston. eH·nillg-, Xovcmber 8. f_J_O_R_\.-,-[,-T·-.-1\-,T--,. ,---.~-S-,----- 1 1t·im. age 5-6, beth !n ~wrfed c·o1Hli t i·Ht. L l '\ ··· l~t·a~onahle, K<'nilwot·th 21:\:i . - ------------Xine foreign nations are represented 1\:E~ 1L\V(JHTTI-R e d u c (· d $50,0(10 to 10~L'I':-.-I k llt\mcr Hilton. I r .. ~()Jl oi :--.1 r. and 111 the club membership which is com · Hl ,(tOO. Solid stone and hrid' lH\11!-'v <·n O::.\ r Tl ll!Ol'l; 1L ~Irs . Hot ncr H iltn;1 oi Kc:1ihn·rth. \Yho pused of eleven foreign S'l.udcnts and half acr , lot idNtlly k<'yed at Ien~t lOU ' Fl'Jt~rsn Yorn lL : 1 :.. . Is attenclin.l.! Curnl·ll u 11 i,·crsity. is a an N}tta~ number of American stu f,.,.t from n djoining reHid<'n<'e~ : nf'a r I 1111 r wholt' sa le cnn nert wn-t 1111e }):1 ~ llll'll t !-'t · ho<ol~. bl·aeh and tram:portatiou. Fir!<t linaneinJ:. Lake ~hol't' Im·Pstnwnt member oi the irl·shman cruss cottn- dent~. floor has large living· and dining· rooms, Trust, 4i>l-4GH E. Ohio Rt., h·t fl. Ph. t n· team. aud ha~ already won hi~ ~~iss X.vdt·n. \\·ho spent the SU1l11li~J kitdwn. dc·n and :mn room; ~econd lh·l:1W:HE> 0062. 1Q~LT:'I:S-1tn m'lmcrals. He wiii ~c 'Yith his team flO(Il' ha:::; four bedroom!<, two slel' })ing 1 -· r Ill Europe '\'ith her parents, Colone pord1 .. ~ and two baths: third floor ha~o: 111:t W ,\NTEn TO DTTY-JliSC. to :\e\\· York Cih· Xt)\·emher ~:'\, tn rtttl ~mel ~[r~. John A. Nyden, entertaincc maid·~ mom and bath and ~pace for I . 111 thl' eastern ireshman intcr - rollegi ·tte the club \\·ith lllUSlC oi the Scandi IIH·I't· rnom~ . has hot wntf't' oil heat !HILL JJOUSK· TEL. \YJX~ETKA 11!\G. crnss ronntry race . a,. ·a cotltltr'Jes· atl(l \\·t'tll a y ,...,·.. ;uHl : two carItgarag-f·. 1 o::LT~8-ltc 11 1 11 1110 111 \\'1~:\ETK..\ - On C'hen:r ~tn·t-t near \\-)\NTED __ ('T:l~.A~~ WHITE RAGS, , -:-~\~[ ..... ()() 1. picture of her European trip. t't·mmunity (:olf <'our~t>. $3.fi00 buys 1 lOc 11 er lh. 1~:;~ C<>ntral A\t' .. \\'ilmette. ~frs. C'harlc:- \. ·' tHH 1 ,. nl I ·o r ~~·.(lf~O ~outh-front lot in thjs ~C'lightful i 103LTN'~8-tfp est aycnuc lcit fnr Pitt~lmrg· h \\'eel -~ - -- - - - - -st·l't,.,n of all 1ww homel' rang·mg· from 1 nc:;day en·nin .~~- tn ,·isit · thl' · Haro ld ~ARRIED ~~ll.{tOfl to $:!0,000. Hhould hP worth i 10;; :l'HS(:}~LLA:S}:Ol l :-i ' Xe\\·tons. formerh · tlf \\'ilml'tk . ).fr. 1 \"J'ctc>t· 1-ltt"O Scllttlze. son tlt. \.. fr ~7.~.nl) in two or thr<·e }"('f\1'!-', r-. · ~ · ~ .... T ... , , · ~ HAVE YOUR OLD PIEf'ES nE~~·~~VGD ~looc!y. who is tH;\\' in \:<.·w Yt 1 rk. ,,·ill and '\fr~. Paul ~rlmlze of Chicago. fpr Ill·. I~ ~1~?\ Rl~.'\ I , I 't C( ). at a real'onabh- nric<'. Sil\'t'l'. r\·hm!-<hfld return \\·ith ).frs. Moody · nrxt ).fon - merly of ~lt.'lrose a\·enue. Kcnilwortl 1 REALTORS and made ahr-:oluteiy tarm~h lH'OO\ day. was married on ~londa\· of this wert "_t1'1 J.'l~_·or, 7~0 Eln1 St. l~lt. \\i'l.J1Jl. ?~,4 Pnul Dave~·. Jeweler. 1Hi:i \\-ih ...l~t' tle "\1' I' 1.> i'I d I ~ - \VINNETKA ... 1 \""'1 tt 6 1051 tfc to h 1~s \.OSIIla Jttrnet 1~ cn!!c:n. auo--. 1 AYI'. Ph. \ 1 nw e . _ ... J·. S4LT~8-1tc I·'( II t SALE -- 2 F.XCEL-r... B~~T :.\1.\ 1~ SPECIAl, ,\S8F:S8-:\IE~'I' XOTH'E ter of ?\fr. an <I '\( rs. \\'. C. Hengcn o ~~~~~~~~~~ -- --__;-;;..;;.;;.-:...--.:. 1 flc.or Otwra tickets fot· 1\fnncla~· ,.,.,._ - Faribault. ~1inr~. The wcddin!! was :1 90 WTD. TO 1tENT-f~ l u~. tiOl T SEs 11ing, Km·. 1 th. Ph . WihlH·ttt> 20:\G. WIL-:\I:F.T'l'E SPEC.L\1, 1\SSF.SS-:\fEX'I' the Episcopalian Cathedral ~f Fari - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _ JO:ii...'r~S-lt< · NO. 2:1!1 1 1 ,,r S 1 1 · 1 \\.ANT8D TO RENT FUit \\'I~TEI~. I __ >aut. .n.r. , C lll Zl' s atten< ants w~rl' furni~hed home on ttw l:';urt h ~1\IH't·. IN TilE 1\JATTJ~R OF Till~ RPEf'l.\ L Robert B. Coburn of Hartford. Conn. F':tmily of 4, no small dlildn·n. l!t:~t SPECIAl, ASSESS:\IK~1' NO'l'ICE ASSESSMENT OF TilE VlLT,AGE OF and J. Herbt·rt Bagg· of R:t!!i!~'nre. Md. tlf n·ferences. \V 1·it(· \\' ilnH·t tt· l.i ft · WIJ... lUWI'T}~ SPECI i\J, ASS·~SS-:\H:N'I' \VILMETTE for thP. impro\'emE>nt or the \Yho wrre f nrmcr classmates of M r A (3 '101 T:'\S 1t 1 NO. 21!1 first alley southwrst of Mnin Street frop1 -.t, · · _-_ · _ ' _ I~ THE 1\JATTETI. OF THE Sl'EClA L the north curb line of Oakwood Avenue Schulze at '(alt·. ~Irs. F.dgar Bur-ch · 9!f ANTIC)Ul:s AR~ESSl\fENT OF THE VILLAGE OF to the southeast line of the fii'Rt alley Tr .. the former Hden Schulze of Kcnil \\·1 LMETTE for the improvement of northwest of Linden A nnue by g-rading, ~\·orth. was matron ot honor fnr 1f is Park Avenue from the South line of paving and otherwise improving- the samt>, H d , I l engcn. ~~ r. an .,f rs. Pau 1 Sr Ht Zt DlJ~CAN ~OF.\ Lake Avenue to the Korth line of \Yil- in the· Village of \Vilmette. Coole County, in original condition. brass ft·t·l. \\·inll~o1 · mette A'venue, by p:wing with sheet a~- Illincris. Special Assel'sment No. 243, in were also · in the wedding· party. Tht chaiJ'S, New England IJrokt>ll -ar .. h ~e1· · phnlt and otherwise improving the same. the County Court of Cook County. Illinois. bride and groom are to honeymoo· : tt NOTICE JS IlEHEBY g-iven to all per- the \\·est Indies. retary rler-:k, an unusually finv l'~tl in the Village of \Vilmette, Cook County. lllinoi~. Special Assessment No. 213, in son~ interested that the Bonnl of Lot·al lt'c.:tion ()( cht'sts and hool.;t·tl l'llg-!-'. ~o~ the County Court of Cook County, Illinoi~. Improvements of ~aid Villag-e ha s here\\'a!-<hington ~t.. 1 l>lk. ~o. of .\1:~ i 11 ~l. NOTICE IS HEREBY g-i\'en to all per- tofore filed in said Court. In l'ald cause. 1 1 :.! lolks. E. of Ridge, E\·an!-'tcJII. sons interested . that the Board of Local a certificate showing the cost of the REAPPOINTED TO ZONEBOAR.D :1!11./l':'I:S-1 k Improvements of said Village has here- improvement, and the amount reserved At the meeting of the Kenilwnrt1 tofore filed in said court, in said cause, for intere~t. leaving a deficienc~· of Fh·e a certificate showing the cost of tlw Hundred SevE>nty-five Dollars ($ii7ii.OO) to \"illage hoard \Vedncsday of last wc:rl improvement, and the amount rel'en·ed be raisPd by supplemental a~;.;e~sment Lloyd :\I. \Villis was reappointed to FltJ-::-.:cJI PHOVINCIA L L·T nXlTL' H l ·~ . for interest, Jpav ir.g no deficiency to be levied on the property benefited by said ~ttcce-ed himself as a member of ti~P. 1ith and lRth century. ~<'Nllepoint. abated in reduction of said assessment. improvement. as provided by law, and Kenilworth Zoning Board of Appeals tHJ>(· ~trks, china. glass, pewt«'r :lltd i and also th~t said impJ~ovement ha~ been alHo thnt said improvE>ment has bef'n ('Ompaintings. 1 completed 111 sHl>stantml. ~onform!tY to Jlleted in Ru!Jstant ial conformit~· to the and the Kenilworth Architectural com 8~:J \\·a :-,hington St. t:n·Pitlt·:lf (.i.·,:,:.! I the requirements of the .or1g111al ordm,n-nc.!} requirements of the orig·innl ordinance miss ion. ~r. Main st., E\·anston. lil. therefor, and ha.s apphed to said Court therefor, and has applied to said Court :·!11.'1'.:'\~-llv to cohl:lider and determine W!lether OJ' to consider and detenninP whether or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nut the factR stated in said certlt'lcate are not the facts stated in said certificate Leo :\. ~I urray of Scranton. Pa., wht T\\"0 Fl::\E OLD FH.EXL'lf CULOXL\ L true, and that snid court has fixed Mon- aTe true, and thnt said eourt hal' fixed C'hairs. o\'er d in ~ilk n<'e<ll<' noint of day, November 2rith. A. D. 1929, _at ten Monday, November 25th, A. D .. 1929, at \\'as the guest for two weeks of hi . ·th $400: o'clock .A. l\J., or as soon !het·eaft~r as ten o'clock A. l\f., or as r-:oon thereafter uncle and aunt, ~Ir. and Mrs. Alfred J ran· and beautiful d<'sig·n. \\'o 1 will ~t-11 for much h·!-'s. 1'hont · \\.ilnll'ltt· the busmess of !he court Wl}l perf!llt, at as the business of the Court will permit. Ruby, 191 Park avenue, Glencoe, for 1)60~ ,1· 11 ' I':'\~-! 11. the room of sa1d County Court 111 the at the room of said County Court in the merly of \Yilmette, ha s returned to hi" .... · · · · ' · ' County Blllldmg-, m the City of Chicago. ~ounty Building-, 111 the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and m said Cook County, as the time and home. 100 }'Oil ~ALE-H~EIIJ,]), (;J~S. place fo1· the hearing- on said application. place for the hearin~ on saln nppJica-0AII persons desiring may fil e objection:,:; tion. All persons desiring- ma.v file obOAK · DI~J~G H 0 0 l\1 T.\ t:Lt·:. ~Prs. Rudolph :M. Ostermann, 234 lean·~. 6 chairs, ser\'in~ tahiP. t :ood in said court before said day and ma..v jections in said court before ·said day, appear on the hearing- and mnl<e th~!.r and may appear on the henring- and \Varwick road, Kenilworth ei1tertained condition, $25. Winnetka :~!~~~ . mal{e their defense. 10 ·1.'1'~1\-ltp defense. on Tuesday of this week at a tea for Dated November 8th, 1929. Dated No\'ember 8th. 1929. the mothers of the sophomore girls of EARL E. ORNER EARL E. ORNER EUREKA VACUU~l CL.l~AKE I~ \\'1'1'11 ERNEST C. CAZEL ERNEST C. CAZEL Roycemore srhool in Evanston. attaehments. Almost new. $1:.. ('all ALBERT L. GRINNELL ALBERT L. GRINNELL Winnetka 1:!65. or at Ilu!Jhnrd \\·ood~ -oCYRUS MILES McDONALD CYRUS MILES McDONALD Bake, shop, 1077 Gage St. lOOLT.:\'~-lt(' STANTON VAN INWAGEN STANTON VAN INWAGEN Urs. Frank G. Guthridge will enterliANS von RETNSPERG HANS von REIN'SPERG CARPETS, HALL RUN~Eit, Bt·:I>S. , tain members of the Couples' class of GORDON WILSON GORDON \VILSON dressers, chairs, blanltt>ts, }Jillow~. the \Vilmette Baptist cllttrch at her Board of Local Jmprovement~ Board of Local Imp··ovemen'ts disheR, cooking utensils, Jli·dur ... ~. of the Village of Wihnette.' of the Village of Wilmette. home, 917 Greenwood avenue, this mencoe 470. 1UOLTN8-ltp I L7-2tc L7-2tc e\·ening. . ACRES BACKING UP TO RA TLroad. Suitable for l>usine!:'!<. Pricl' ~I U.liOO. TlTE T-TOiviE Tl TE OR B?X :-:pri11g-, mattr l's, dres~e1·. walnut ,.at11t:r li\'ilt"· roum chair mirror. \\'inndl\ < t ~:iGS. " · ' 10nr:r.:\'S-1tc . _ ·-. · 101 W 'J' u. '1'0 Dl 1-HSEHLD. ~ns. . \vA!\:TEn TO SECOND-HAND furnitun· and otlwr houselwld g-ood~ . llighc~t pril·l'~ f1~r !-'anH·. Cro~t ~'~rn~ture !<IOI'l' 1004-b Enwrson St.. E\an~, ton, in. ·i·h. l'ni\'. 18!1. 1011..'1'~48-tfc F'()J{ - - - - - - - - - - - - - " J :-i.\ 1...1·:--:.\JAUOGANY . BED, 1 I Dr. A. H. Curtis Heads · · l · Combined Medtca Unit J Hl:Y - F.ARMER Evanston does not want its share of McCormick road. Mayor Bartlett made this dear thi:' week in commenting on the Sanita:-y district's plan for turning the boulevard over to the municipalities throu~h which it passes. He said Evanston certainly should not be forced to assume the financial burden involved. . It would mean the city would have to keep up ·the pavement and maintain the lighting system. Ko offer has -yet been made offirialh· to' the city. But Sanitary district trtt~ tees Thursday night passed a moti·:m requesting their law department to Investigate legality and procedure t·f turning the highway over to the vanous municipalities. Evanston's sharr "·ould include the stretch from Emer son street north. There was considerable discussion before the trustees passed the motion. but it was voted after one of them argued maintenance of tlie highway 'vas not one of the duties of the di.;; . trict. c g-;n·-1 I International Club Hears of Trip Abroad ___(_)_l_)_ _ 1 1 11 i I 1------------------- i PHYFE I

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