Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE November 22, 192Q THANKSGIVING SERVICE Conduct Ballroom Dancing A Thanksgi,ring service is to be held Classes for Sears Pupils in St. John's Lutheran church, \Vilmctte and Park avenues, Thanksgiving Ballroom dancing classes for pupils morning at ll o'clock. The Rev. Her- of the Joseph Sears school in Kenil man \V. Meyer, pastor of the church, worth are ·being held each Thursday will preach the sermon. afternoon in the new Kenilworth Memorial gymnasium-auditorium under the ADOLPH BOLM direction of 'Miss Gertrude Herrick. A SCHOOL OF THE DANCE class composed of third. fourth and 624 Routh Michigan Blvd.. Chicago fifth graders meets at 3 :30 o'clock, and Wlnnttka Community House another class composed of sixth, sev Bullt't. Chn rncter Dancln.r Cla!iit~Pfi Thursday from f to t enth and eighth graders meets at 4 }<"or information write or phone o'clock. The new combinati on radio Chicago School-Harrison 2029 and phonograph, which was a gift of the class of 1929 to the Joseph Sears school, is being used for the dancing. Garden Talks (Contributed by the Wilmette Garde't. Club) Old England Is Latest Shop· in Chimneys Block Among the interesting new shop.-; come to Winnetka will be Old En ~ land, which opens this week in t 11. n ew apartment atHl shop buildin g-, th{ Chimneys. The shop will he stoc!.:l·< with a wide ,·ariety anrl r;-~n n· e in mer chandise and price, of En~lish ant i(! t:(·Th c ~c will inc-lude not only f urn it tll' l' of all types, hut needl ework. gla '" · china. !'ilvcr. Shrf~lelcl. damasks, (;1 \\·ell as Italian, French, and SDani -. 11 brocades and silk dama sk s), chint Z\" Staffordshire fi!!urc s, ttntt . uallamp·; :1n.l the matl\' odds and end s \\'hich go 1· . make an .En£Ylish hom r cnmfortabk. \ little later will be addccl modern rt r1, tt H!s and prints. '!'h e shop \\'ill occup~· a spacl' or i~2 inally designed for it and of gcner!>\1 -.. dim ensi on:-> . Tn one cortH·r an En t.di --' fireplace has been provided to ad d t·, the cheerfulness of the surroundint:"' Thosr who arc . f~mi1iar with th t· Chimneys. and particularly the inne :· court, will reco!!nizc the appropr iatt ness of the setting. A special effor· . we are told, will be made to a void t 1 :·· extreme of either an anti(Jue gall n or that of a cluttered. curio:; it\· ~h~~ : Thi s shop is perhaps the mos t in port ant of its kind to be open ed ' ·'1 the north shore. The ample na r k il '~ facilities about the Chimneys will he t further induccme"t tn lovers of anti cp1( to visit Old England. t {) At thi ii time of year we look abo~tt us to sec '"hich of our bu shes still have leave s. The high bush cra!1ber?'· we notic e, has almost as splcndtd fo,tagc now as it had a month ago. yve shall plant more hi gh bu sh cranbcrnes. " Continue to plant until the ground freezes up ti C! ht in December" says one writer. This, he explains, is because the plants sent at thi s time fro~n the nurserie s arc dormant and so \nll benefit by being ;-;c t nut a se ason earlier. Am ong the attractive hrub s, tree:;, and plants which he su gge sts for planting no\\·, some of \Yhi ch are new to u:-; , arc the white fringe tree, the beauty hu sh, climbing roses, the mock orangebu sh. the burning bu sh, the snowberry hu sh. th e cal~·c anthi s shrub, grape vine s, rock cotoma ster, wintercreepers, and the mountain ~~ ~ ~~ In October there appeared in one of thl' papers an account of a great seed gathering campaign in the state of \\'ashington, for purpose:-; of reforesta tion . A large lumb er company, which wa s dircctinQ' th e \wrk had alrcad :\: gathered te n thou :;and hag ~ of con es. The con es were sca :,o ned for a we ek in kilns and then the seeds were tak~n out. A part of the se ed s " ·as planted In· the lumber company, and the rest \\:a .; sold to uther lumber companies and to other countries for planting. ~~ rs. E. F. Korton oi the Sovereign hotil has been spending a few days at the home of her sister, Urs. John D. Small pri or to her departure for Palm Bea ch for the winter. Mrs. Norton left \Vednesday to motor south. . FITTED OVERNIGH·T CASES EVERY-MEMBER CANVASS The annual Every-Member catwa.,s in the parish of St. John's Luthl'ran church is to be held Sunday aft ernoon, November 24, between 2 and 6 o'clock. "HOW I FOUND MY WAY TO JUDAISM" Lecture by of Paris North Shore Congregation Israel. AIME PALLIER; E Many styles to select from ranging in price from $20 to $175 ~ liltW Will Glencoe Lincoln and Vernon Avt'nuts Friday. Nov. 22nd, 8:15 o'clock Ticketa at door at $1.00 EST 18!5e CHICAGO DUTCH MILL CANDIES GIVE SURPRISE PARTY Thirteen friends and schoolmate s {11 Cecilia Hills of 1422 \Vilmette ave nu·· arrived at her home Sundav aftern oot 1 ~0\·emher 10, to R"ive a surprise part \ in honor of her thirteenth birthda \·. The children olaverl bunco and othc1· gamh until 4 :30 o'clock, when refre shments were served. QUALITY OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION For After the Feast When you see the teanpting assortn1ent of tnore than 101 varieties and delicious flavors of Dutch 1\till Hon1e Made Candies, you will want to eat all of then1. They're good because they're so pure -- n1ade fron1 the finest ingredients-fresh every day. Be sure and have sotne on hand for after the feast, on Thanksgiving Day. for Thanksgiving Squabs Chickens Ducks Geese Turkeys Salted Almonds Cashew Nuts Salted Pecans Salted Pistachios Spiced Almonds ·\II poultry sold hy us hns ht·t·n rui!'Nl on nearby farnts, and is the fint'Fot enr orrerecl, (!Ualit.y Is the first consideration. All birds urt· homt· tlrN;st~tl, nntl lf you so desire, you may (~loose a IIH hlnl. Hnd 'H will dress It while you walt. 'l'ht· tleman·l for our Sttnahs Is t'Yflr Increasing · · · and Wt> wnut ycn1 tu tr.r tlwtn · · · tht'n te'l u!' wheth~r or not yon ha,·e en·r tastt>d a more delicious dish. DUTC 75 H'ilmette ·shop 1187 Wi/,et{e .4 ve. \oOtrlC'tly irt·sh l'frfl!>i ··xce.·cllnl{))· low. Hrry . day. EGGS ·- rou will find our prl<'t'S CIDER n ANDONE 't DOLLAR THf LB. :\lad.- frum )lure· UliJih· ,iul<'e mal)'· 'l'ry It onc·e. ancl wt"rr sun :ron'll c-all n~aln. WIJEELING FARMS, located on Dundee Road on the east bank of the Des]Jlaines Rive1·, has lJeen serving hu.,:_dreds of familie3 of the north shore with the highest quality of produce. Many families rnake a 1'C!J7.tlar tveekly call on us for poultry, eggs, etc. We are sure you., too, will be pleased Ulith the quality and prices em eatables we ofjm·. Lake Forest Shop 284 E. Deerpath Ave. WHEELING FARMS Dundee Rd. East Bank of Deaplainea River-Wheeling 15 Shops All Over Chicago

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