Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE - LIFE November 22, 1929 Kenilworth Club Jobs' Daughters Invite to Harvest Party Nov. 23 to Have Program NO~IN6 Be it a sin1ple job of city moving, a long distance express assigrunent, or an order for storage you may depend on our skilled workmen to handle your belongings with painstaking care. Yes, we will gladly give quotations on rates. Bethel chapter, No. 44, Order o'f Jobs' Daughters of Illinois, will .hold ~ Harvest partv Saturday evenmg, Nonmber 23, a( 8:30 o'dock in the \Vilmette Masonic temple, 1010 Cen~ral avenue. 1Iatw guests '"ill attend 111 costume. There " ·ill be prizes, refreshments, and the mu sic will be fumished hy Joe Schneider' · orchestra. Tickets arc being sold b:r the mem bers or may be obtained from the Cnardian council at the door. VISIT IN WILMETTE }.I r. and ~1 r::; . Albert H. Dyon, \\ hu \\'er e marri ed on October 19, and wh o ha \'l' been on a three weeks' \reddi.t:g Thanksgiving Day The Kenilworth club announce s . a spec ial program and entertainment for Thanksgiving day from 5 until 7 o'clol'k. This will be of especial interest to th<' voung people and members \Yilt haYI' the priYilegc of inviting guests. Julius Van der Locht, late lieuknant nf th e German navv, was chief wir<' less operator on the famous German He has a gripping raider, Emden. ston· of the seas, and the \Vorl(l. war . Captured hy a U. S. warship the fir . t da\' AmPrica entered the war u ~ u t~Jlant Van der Locht never fought ;q~ainst the Americans. After his in tc mmctJt , as a prisoner of war, he h(' c:tme a citiz<'n of the Unitecl State·:; and is now associated with the Bell '1\·h-phone company. Much of hi s lec i urr work has been before American T,egion Pnsts througlHlnt the t T nited States. Many allied ships \verc sunk or cap tured hv the Emden- hut. most retnarkahfe. all passengers and crc\\'s iron1 enemy ships were saved-not a life was lost, the speaker declares. Lieutenant Van der Locht's talk will he follo\Ye<l hy the Hei(t.elbcrg- ~tuclcnt chorus. The phenomenal popu l arit~· of tlw tuneful operetta "The Student Prince" ('Stahli-;hed a tremendou s vogue for male sing·ing choruse s. The Heidelberg Student chorus i: :t male singing orl!anization of the hi g h ~ est type . Pract ically ever. ' · memlh·r j , a soloi st and entertainer as '"ell. Th e ir r (\ U:-.in~· student and militan· numb er '. sung i;1 co stume. arl' intL·rpolated " ·ith humor and li\'elv and original comedy . "Here's something ,,·orth while d.o ing ;·ftcr your Thanksgiving clinner. Bring the youn g· people. \Ve know they wi11 t·nim· it," states a cluh announcement . B~· special request the Christma , Holida,· dance for the ,·oung peopk \\'ill he held on }.; ovcmber 30. from Q in the c\·ening until midnight. Due t11 th<' numerous acti,·itics at Christmas. it was felt that the young people would ha\'(' more ormortunity to enjoy :1. dance during Thank sgiYing week. Mrs. Thomas White. Mrs. F. . J . Hicks, Mrs. S. S. Holden, Mrs. Clyde Ross and a committee of young people will act as hostesses for this dan ce . ~fusic will be furnished bv Bustrr (Leo) \Varney and his orchestra. formerly with Guy l,omhardo's R o~· al Canaclians. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE 521 MAIN STREET Wilmf'tte 32 STORAGE PA UL A. RBNSCH Preside"t WILMETTE, ILL. u,;versity 7317 journey in the \Vest, returned to \Vtl Jnett c last \reck to pend several day s \r ith ~Ir. Dron's parent s. Mr. and Mr s. l. H. Dyon, 1310 Ashland a\·cmH·. ~1\mong the plact'S ~fr. and Mrs. Albert Dyon Yisited \\'Cre the Phantom ranch in. the Grand Canyon. ~an Francisco, a tHl Yosemite Park. ~I r. and Mr. . R<1ymond A. \\~ h c d~)ck, R9 1\ob:;art road. Kenilworth \Ytll cntl"'tain members of their bridge club next Tuesda,· e,·ening at their home. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Oh -here it comes ! It's the truck from the ERMINE CLEANERS with my dress- ·Fresh, Clean, Spotless SPECIAL Next Week All ladies' fancy pleated dresses, dainty evening gowns. and afternoon frocks , etc. Specially priced Our Highest Price ALL OF OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED .\lt·n's Suits thoroughly My t'lt-uned nnd prt>!'sed . . .. . .. . )Len's OHrroat!' or Top Conh dry rh·ntwd and Jlrt·s se d . . ; ~ecktit.'l' tiCRIIt'd and prl'ssetl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.adlt>s' t·hlln Silk or Wool ~~ Hrt' sst·!'i dry C'!NIIlfltl and pr~ ssr tl §'... $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1 SO · Ladles' (.;oats thoroughly tlry elt-aned and finished · t'omforters anti Drapl·~ dry deantd and Unlsllt·d . .. Blankets dry t·lf'IUINI $1 SO and UJ) a ncl carded Auto - ·Robt>s dry t·lc· nnetl nntl t·nrtlt'd $1 00 · $1 00 · 7Sc For your convenience u'e maintain an Alterations and Repair Departme_ nt Eighth Grade Pupils to See Shakespear~an Play Eighth grade pupils· of Mrs. Lu cy Stalting and Mrs. Pearl Jone s at th e Howard sc hool will attend the matin et' performance of "The Merchant of Venice," with Fritz Leiber, at the Civic theater in the new Chicago Opera building \Vednesday, November 27. The pupils have been studying the famous Shakespearean play in connection with their school work. They will be accompanied bv Mrs. Stalling. Mrs. Jones and several mothers. The oarty witt be composed of more than fi ft,· persons. iErmiur <ttlruurr.a, Established 19 21 OTTO F. FISHER, ~ur. President Members National Association of Dyers and Cleaner& Members Master Cleaners and Dyers Association of the No~tb Shore Kenllworth Girls Have Gym Work Each T~esday The first dry cluning plant with tbt chain stort systtm Main Office f1 Plant- WAUKEGAN ~ WEBSTER AVES., HIGHWOOD, ILLINOIS Phone Highland Park 3 71 0 SERVICE. STATIONS WILMETTE 1150 Central Avenue · Phone Wilmette 704 Phone Wilmette 74 8 WIN~~TKA 578 Lincoln Avenue GLENCOE 653 Vernon Avenue Phone Glencoe 865 WAUKEGAN I 07 S. Genesee Street Phone Majestic 16 7 5 Gymnasium classes for girls are being held every Tucsdav afternoon at the Joseph Sears schol in Kcn'ilworth ttndrr the direction of 'Miss Gertrude Herrick. The second and third grades meet at 3 o'clock, the fourth and fifth grades at 3 :30. and the sixth, seventh an(l eighth grades at 4 o'clock. On November 30, Mrs. Merritt H . Dement. 337 Abbottsford road, Kenil worth, will entertain for her daughter, lane, at a luncheon and bridge party. Please call tht branch in your community and our courteous service man will call. The affair will he given at her 1 home ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::;;;:;;::;;::;;::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;::;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 in Ken i1 worth. Phone Winnetka 638

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