22 WILMETi.E LIFE November Zl, 1920 Margaret Fitch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oma~Su~S~cia~b ·Open Office in Evanston Makes Debut at SP ECIA L $l.OO j F 0 R THIS W E E K A beautiful Crystal Vase sold at the regular price of $2.00 and ~~ dozen fresh, fragrant Roses- FLOWERS FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING REQUIREMENTS See Them! (Watch fo·r our advertisement each week tor 11)eek-eml special sale~) JOHN WEILAND Florist Wilmette Store: 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 HOLLY HILL CLUB DAVENPORT, FLORIDA Miss Margaret Fitch of 416 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, ("Peggy Fitch" th t: name she has chosen for professio 'lal use), has c?me to the north shore t() take part 111 plays the Lake Sho re Productions company will present UU !"· mg the remainder of the seasor:t at tlH" New Evanston theater. Dunng th<· current week Miss Fitch, and Fiorcnz ;t da Veiga, daughter of Edward Joh!lson, noted Metropolitan Opera com pany tenor, are taking the feminit lt' leads in the play "Ann," written b,· PARTY A SUCCESS Mrs. Harrison B. Riley of Evanston. The Guild of the Church of the who is active in social and club life :n Holy Comforter of Kenilworth held. a Evanston. bridge tea on \\'edncsuay of this week ·Miss Fitch, who has great versatilit Y at the Kenilworth club. There were of style, a very charming personalit y. r. umerous article s for sale and lovely excellent speaking voice, and fin '· , prizes donated. As usual the party wa ~ talent, made her first appearance se,· I a big success. ~ral years ago in New York in "Buc 1 dies" with Peggy Wood and since th e·l · has appeared in "Downstairs," "Poor Nut," "The Three Showers," as \\'t: ll as in stock company, where, for t\\' (1 years, she was "leading lady" for Baker Moore, who now is leading man with the Lake Shore Productions com pany. Except for the few years Miss Fi ~ch lived in California, she has madt ~H·r home in Kenilworth. The Thomas,' specialists in scalp treatment have opened an office at 708 Chur~h street, Evanston, in. suite 25.2 Church Street building. Thts office ts in charge of Roger C. Wa~ner, an expcrir nced Thomas trichologtst. Thi s is the forty-seventh Thomas office throughout the United States. and Canada, and the sixth in the Chtcago sul1urban area. Thomas treatment ha~ been given for over fifteen years, and has in thi s period of time expanded from one office, in the Chicago lotlp, tiJ the total of f'-) rty-seven. Evanston Theater None Seriously Injured in 2 Auto Crashes Here Lake avenue and Hibbard road wa -. the scene of two automobile accide!lt <:. this week, neither of which resulted in serious injuries to the drivers or occu pants of the cars. · An automobile which had been k it standing on Lake avenue near Hihh ar ·l road hv H. Collins, who lives in t !11 !\cl:-;on building in \Vilmette. "· a~ struck Sunday morning about 1 o 'ct o~·~. bY a machine driven by Frank Dicbnl.r l. 2J+ C'~ntral Park a venue, \Vilmet tt. Rnth cars \\·e nt into the ditch. The second accident at the I. a k t' avenue-Hibbard road intersectiou occurred \Vednesday morning about 9 : -~ ~ o'clock when a chauffeur for Frank .i. ' Bersbach. 30 Indian Hill road. \\'i nnetka. driving west on Lake aYentl t' a·pplied the b~kes to avoid hit~in g :t truck and skidded on the sl!pp<: · Y pavement going into the ditch. Th ·: truck, which was travelin ~ ea:-.t nn Lake made a turn north on Hibbard in fr~nt of the Rersbach car. ~o nne was hurt. Popular among North Shore residents who winter in Florida. Refined appointments. Exclusive Clientele . Light. Airy. Outside rooms. Excellent cuisine. Spacious grounds. High altitude and healthy climate. Central to all Florida points over payed highways. On the Dixie Highway, state road number 2 and the main line ' of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. Among the hills and lakes of the scenic Ridge of Florida . Delightful drive of only 30 minutes to Bok Singing Tower. "You'll enjoy the winter here." - P. T. A. MEETS TODAY Attractivtl)' Furnished Housekeeping Cottages Centrally Located Ol[ . December 7 Special Round Trip Rate Chicago to Davenport $44.76 Ticket~ good for 16 days The Parent-Teacher association nt St. Francis Xavier school will n1 ed · _ his afternoon at 3 o'clock in ~h e school auditorium. Mrs. W. S. Hcffe r;lan of the board of education ,~·i 11 : sprak. · The children's orchestra v.-l~tch has heen organized. for the first tttnr this year. will give its first program . 1 Reasonable R~tes First Class December 7 The KoYembcr meeting of the Alpha Phi ~{others' club was held at the Alpha Phi house Thursday, November 21. at 1 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Edward \\'alsh and ~{rs. Stephen Day of EY ~. nston were . hostesses. -0- . OME WII. \H;T"J'E rOLKS AT HOLI.Y HILL CLUB ~frs. \Villiam Fred Washburn. /20 Grove street, Glencoe. was hoste. s at ;~ luncheon ~f nnclav in honor of Mrs. ~I. 6,600 Yard, 18 Hole Golf Course Only three blocks away. Exceptionally beautiful and -;party. One of the finest in the state. Operated by and for the Holly Hill Club. ALEX LAW. Professional. Also an 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course on the beautifuL large lawn of the Holly Hill Club. Uniqu~ , sporty and fascinating. Appeals to all c!Jsscs of p!Jyers. "You must play it." E.~ctricall y lighted for night playing. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION · Address William G. Colvin, 58 East Washington Street, Chicago. Phone Central 0922 R. Beckler oi the Evanshire hotel. Jt:,-_ :1nston. and the latter's daughter, ~{ r~. Frank F. Soule ~>f vVilmete. -o-. Urs. \Villiam H. Rehfeld, 210 ~inth strt·et. was hostess at a luncheon and bridge at the Vista del Lal!'o Tuesday in honor of her house guest. Mrs. H erhrrt \Yhalen of Pcwakec Lake, Wis . -oMiss l~ lizahcth Ra!!s rlale. ·tlS Ninth street. returned on Thursdav of la.:;t \veck from the Evanston hospital where' she had hcen ill for two weeks with diphtheria.