Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 25

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: November .22, ·1929 W IL M E T T E [. I F E . the traffic violators in the community, simply because the police cannot he everywhere at once. With the ever-increasing death rate and accident toll attributable to motor traffic, e':er~ owner and driyer of a car sho~ld a1d m every way to curb excessJVe speed and other traffic violations, and if caught violating traffic regulation~, pay the penalty and regard the mctdent as a good lesson . Remember, the judge assesses a fine and .costs, not merely to relieYe you of a few hard-earned dollars. but as a means of having the law infraction "soak in" as a possible deterrent to further violations. A Jesson well paid for it is uot so easily forgotten. If we will all join in and do our best . to see that the laws are justly enj forced, and, when caught violating the· law, refrain from seeking to evade punishment through the "pull" or favor medium, our villa" will be a safer place in which to live and drive. -Leo M. Dean. 1 Mrs. Ella J. Gipe 'Dies at Daughter's Home Here Mrs. Ella J. Gipe, 76, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stanley M. Peterson, 231 Seventeenth street, Wilmette, Thursday, November 14, after an ittness of three months. ¥rs. Gipe had returned to her dau!-!hter s home in Wilmette two weeks l>efore . her death from the Evanston hospital, where she had been for four weeks. She was a member of the Wiimette Presbyterian church. Besides her ?aughter in Wilmette. Mrs. Gipe is survtved by another daughter, Mrs. ]. B. Warren, of Raleigh, K. C., with whom she spent the winter months. The funeral services were held Frid~y afternoon, November 15, at 2:30 o clock from Scott's funeral lwme 11091 Central avenue. \Vilmctte. The' ReY. Clyde Randolph .\Vheeland of the \Viimette ?resby!enan church. and Dr. Fredenck. L. Selden of the Ravenswood Presbyterian church where Mrs. Gipe was a member fo_r many years, offici-; ated a~ the serv1ces. Burial was at Memonal Park cemetery. Public Forum · Editor, WILMETn LIPE: Speed traps in Wilmette as described in Wilmette Announcements of November 15? I have driven a gas engine or automobile over the streets of Wilmette since 1914. I still drive one on these streets, east, west, north, ancl south and I have yet to see or fall into a speed trap. · It is sometimes necessarv to learn ll\· harsh means that the lives and propertv of others must hl· protected. especially from the young men '"ho thoughtlessly drive cars over our streets at a- speed that endangers the lives and property of others. The police of Wilmette would. certainly be v~ry negligent in their duty if the~· failed to stop and arrest any man or ,roman who is found driving at a ratr of 'speed that does endanger life anrl property. ' I have no fight with vVilmt.'tte Announcements in this matter. hut I do think tha t a Illt.'dium of general circulation is wrong in taking such a stand against law enforcement. Such a stand. I feel, can only breed disrespect, contempt and hatred for the men retained to uphold and enforce the law . Any fair-minded person knows. if <ll acquainted \\'ith the personnel of (1\Ir polict.' department and village au~horitio..: . , that not one man of that lot \\'Otdd arrtsl a person or caust such person to he arrested and prosecuted. simply to satisfy a personal grudge or thr oul!h mere personal dislike. lt is a fact. more \·er. that the \Vil'2_ll'tt~ _ t_:S?!ic~dc~not ~!~~ t one-half of # Mr. and Mrs. Harry \V. Bettinghaus, Ashland avenue, motored to Springfield, Ill., .last week-end to be the guests of Mrs. Bettinghaus' sister and her family, the Douglas McLains. 1231 RECITAL FOR HULL HOUSE A benefit recital for the Hull House Players will be given on Sunday aftern.oon, December 1, by Yincenlo Cellt, danseur, of La Scala, ~[ilan. Italy. Mr. Celli, who is 24. wa a Hull House boY. and grew up in the settlement neighborhood. He i:; now dancing in all the capitals nf Europe, and at the theater in Milan. Mrs. Eugene Mancinelli, 1010 SheriJan road. \Vilmette is an assisting spon\or of the Benefit. · Mrs. Frank A. Brown was hu s t~~ s to members of her Tuesday club thi s week at her home. 945 ~f ichiC!a n a r en uc. ... . an Eye for Business" - is the Term given Successful men and women. Your Eyes play no little part in your Efficiency and Success. Have them Checked otJer today! No Charge for this 'Checking Service. Sight~ Ray Photographs for Christmas only way to make Christmas live is T HE to give photographs-Of children, family, yourself-Personal, intimate, individual-The gift you alone can give. A Few Suggestions Christn1as photographs with your greeting- home portraits-YOUR picture in a leather portfolio-our special Christmas n1iniature, handcolor~d in oil, at only J{attstrom &c?anders "Custom-13ilt GlAsses"' $12.50. /, a few day$ the Christ· mas rush will begi,-Phone today for your appoi,lment. SCIENTIFIC and MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS THREE STORES EVANSTON EuoENE L. EVANSTON Phone Univ. 2238 702 Church St. 391 Central Ave. Lake &. Forest HIGHLAND PARK OAK PARK Univ. 1848 PHOTOGRAPHER RAY H. P. 2160 Village 929f Try our "Emergency Servicl' for broken leme1. It'· Rapid! '1606 Chicago Ave. ..

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