Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 27

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November 22, 1929 W I -L M E T T E LIFE Compile Booklet of Turkey, Theater Party in Store for These Youngatera . Entire Proceeding.~ 'l'ur ·ey . \rith all the trimmings on at Education ~~ eet Thursday ami a theater partv on FriThe complete proceedings of the One-Day Education conference, he1d at Skokie school, October 28, have been printed in booklet form. The booklet contains the manuscripts of all the speeches, which are more complete than the delivered addresses. It will be especially valuable to people who could not attend the dinner meetings and who wish to read the speeches delivered at them, it is pointed out. The hooklet, it is said, is very worthwhile, as it represents a compact presentatiotl of the parent education problem. These booklets will he on sale in Supt. Carleton \Vashburnc's ottil:e at Skokie school; in the \Vinnetka Jndividual Materials office in thc bas ement of Horace Mann school: in ~fi . s Elizabeth Packer's office at New Trier high school; in the office of the Xorth Shore Country Day school, and at all meetings of the \Vinnctka \\'oman' s cluh from now on. day promise to make Thanksgiving week-end ·a g-ala event for the fortv or more children of the Illinois Children's Honw~ and Aid society, 826 Ridge aYenttc, l·. vanston. Follnwing an annual custom the chitdn·11 oi the ho11te will he treated to a t urh'r dinner ThanKsgiving day. Favors and surprise gifts will add tn 1lte g-airty of the occasion. During- the I altcrrwon the children will {)resent an · L"lltrrtainnH:nt, plans for which are brI in.g kept sec ret hy the youthful author..; : 111 the pr()~ ram . . On Friday aftcrrwon at 2 :30 o'cL)I:k llH.' mher:; oi the Eranstnn Elks lod~e :·n<l rnemhl.'rs of the Evanston Ki\Yani" 1 cluh \rill !ramt~nrt the forty youngsf.!rs 1 to the :\cw I·.,·anston theater wh12re ! hey \\'ill be gu<:sts of honor at a specia!. matinee. . . . . \_o adults \\"til he adn~rtted to. thts pl'rtnrma~tce ~tH.I the .ch1ld.rcn ot. the :~tlr th shore mil comp rrsc the aucllenrc . fnr "Little \\.omen," the pta,· tl) ~>C · "ct'all \ . fo r tl1l.m· 1>'. .., ' 1>,. t , '>t' tttecl l' :-. 1h.. .. H' l l.akL· ~ltnrc ·Productions Pta,· ~rs. . "l.ittk \\'omen" is the stag-<: aclapt~tinn 1 o!· tltc ,,·l'll kn 11 \\·n ncH'd hy Louisa ~f. ~--\ lr1ltt. which has been dramatized 1)\' \I ariun !)cForrcst. The children 1 )f the home \\·ill be th<.: guest: pj }. F. 1 ; I futchi:.clll, managing director nf t 1H' : f. ;tke ~ltore Productions C(lmpan~· . 1· Order a Royal Dinner Suit BE PREPARED FOR WINTER GAIETIES ltNOW YOU W1I.L Bit PROPERLY DaESSED · KEEP YOUR CLOTHES COST DOWN READ~ MADE CLOTHES DON'T COA4J!ARE FOR FINE CLOTHES- FINE WORKMANSHIP REAL FIT AND REAL STYLE 10.000 Store. SeD Royal Tallorfat '25 1 T hose who have already ordcr<:d '11 . t . I 'I them Wl rccen:e t lem Ill t te mat' or they. may obtam them. at the gra~c meetmgs of the \Vmnetka pnblrc s~hools next MOJ.lday. . Peoph: " ·ho wrsh to have coptes n~atled to th.~nl ~hould telephone Mrs. S. G.- Lee, \\ rnnetka 1561. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVIC.E "Soul and. Body" will ·be the subject \f rs . .-\rthur C. Hammond, 500 Crl'J.!·at the services in the First Church of ur ·y :->trtd, spl.'n t la:;t ~Ycek - end "· i ~h Chri st, Scientist, in \\.ilmette. ~undav· Iter dattghtn. \f r:;. Ed\\·ard n. Hauh , .i morning, Xovember 2-t, at 11 o'clock. l.aiayett~..·. Ind., while \fr. flamnwnd Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. ,,· a .~ nn a duck huntin. t.:· trip nt .tr : nrard:-hl\\'11, 111. Mis~ ~aomi \Vhite, 1129 Sltcric.lan l - oroac.l, left last Sunc.lay for Los Angeles, i "\f r:;. f fare s "\f cKinnl'_ , "as hu:-.t,·,.., Cal., for an extended Yisit \\'ith the I to ntemhcrs 1)i her l>ridgc club :1\ Freel Higgs and tiH. ·W' daughter, · ~li ss lttltchc\lll last Tlntrsda,· at 1tn hnlll·· . Marie. former re:-.idcnts of \\'innctka . 1033 Chestnut a\'C'Illt l' . 1641 ORRINGTON AVE., EVANSTON Ope, Ttusday, Thursday and Saturday Eve,i11gs Foot Saver Shoes · Very much .tfte_ ,.Shoe About Town~· You 5ee them everywhere-Foot Saver Shoes. And like true metropolitans they're always chic-with the double smartness of style and comfort. ?9- That's because of the patented, inbuilt con~ 5trUetion, that justly famous feature by which quickly wearied feet are bolstered into healthy walking comfort invisibly! ·· Haven't you been looking for just such shoes? We thought so. FOOT INSURANCE FOR THE FUTURE The 11 Leather Department" is an institution in itself. Exclusive imports provide a c~oice Jor extremely desirable Gifts cJO~VER I SPAULDING-GORHAM INC. MICHIG·AN AVENUE CHICACO OIUUNGTON AVENUIE' EVANSTON SIIESHOP UNIVERSITY ~wUk. BLACK STAll 7ifth .Avuuu .Hew lprA a. ~IOST·GOIHAM INC. J.. 634 The Slloes ~itlt a S·"t· Fitti·t Heel CHURCH ST., EvANSTON 971 ······················~ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS

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