Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 28

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28 ,. WILMETTE LIFE November 22, 1929 Field's Will Open New Church Street Store Saturday. BUILDING WILL OFFER LOOP F AC[ITIES HERE Completely Equipped Plant Will Greet Visitors .on Gala Oc~ion The new E\·anston st o re oi Marshall Field & Company, northwest corner of Sherman avenue and Church street. will open at 9 ~aturd~Y. morning, Nm·. These Men Will Care .for Needs of-Evanston Shoppers 23. Climaxing months of construction activity, the opening will mark the addition to the business life of Evanston and the north ·s hore of one of the most important busin~ ss institutions established in this area in recent years. The store was planned as a cot1vcniencQ for customers in the north shore. and evNv cff ort has been made to make it ~s r omplete a s possible. The standard s of service and the character of the merchandise will be identical wit.h those of the ma~n retail store in Chtcagn, all of th e resources of the main stor<' being at the command of residents of the north shore area. The new store '"·ill remain open until 9 p. m. the opening day and C>n each succeeding Saturdav. On week days, Mondav t n Fridav ·inclu sive, the store will r<';nain open .until 6 p. m. To Hold Opening Week The week following th e opening will be observed as opening week, and all residents of Evan ston and adjacent suburbs uhable to visit the store on opening day are invited by the management to vi sit and inspect the store during the following w<'<'k. Everything will be in place at the time of the opcnirig, trained sales people will be on hand and shopping may conveniently be combined with an inspec tion tour of th e store. A number of officials of Marshall Field & Company mcluding James Simpson, president; D. M. Yates, vice -president and general manager; Frederick D. Corley and \V. G. Burt. vice-presidents; and Thomas H. Eddy, treasurer, will be in the store at variou~ timr :-. during the opening days. Ultra-modern fixture ~ co ntaining attractive di splay s of ne\\· merchandise, displays of the latc~t styles of wom en's gowns, millinery and accessories, with model s wearing exceptional selections of the newest styles, a ·five-room model apartment, completely funli . heel and offering timely suggestion s for apartment furni. hing and d(·coration, an evening room for the selection of evening apparel, an interesting book section, whtre noted author:-;, illustrators and publishers will ' appear in person from time to time to speak and autograph copies of their works, a carefully appointed layette room, colorful toy section and a large millinery salon arc a few of the outstanding features which will greet visitors to the new store. !'\othing has been left undone to provide every facility for the comfortable selection of merchandise. The beauty of the exterior of the store is in keeping with the traditions of Marshall Field excellence. Architectural!~·. the store is a modern adaptation of the French Renaissance. The first and second stories are faced with Tennessee marble and the stories above arc of limestone. All fixtures s·uch as the marquees, window trimmings, etc., are of bronze. A large clock of bronze is on the corner of the structure. Simple But lmpreuive There are three entrances to the store, two on Church street and one on Sherman avenue. All are equal in size. The interior of the store is of simple modern design, the very simplicity and quaHty of the decorations, fixtures and · furnishings imparting a ,I Poudre Dispensary Is Part of Beauty Salon 1 Store Began in Small Bungalow on Davis St. The opening Saturday of Field's 11:ew . Evanston · store marks the beginning of an inte res ting third . chapter in the his to n of Fifld's no rth shore branch. E stabli sh ed a s an infa nb' and children 's apparel sh op in a bungalo w a t Davis stre et and Hinman avenue Sept. 13, 1928, th e branch has ha c l a n.·tna rkahl e growth . Th e sto rr wa s moved to larger quar ter~ in the Carbon annex Nov. 1. 1928. and \Yas expapded to include misses' apparel. Dec. 1, a boy s' clothing room was add ed, and Feb. 4, th4s year. the second Aoor was taken over. Ground for the new store was brok New Store C~nvenient en April 22, and the cornerstone wa s laid with an impressive ceremony at to All Transportation which Dean Ralph E. Heilman of Field' s new store is on the site of ~ orthwe stern university was th e th e old Haven school at Sherman ave.s peaker, July 10. nue and Church street. The building fr onts 220 feet on Church street and ARCHITECTS FOR FIELD'S ~0 feet o n Sherman avenue, and is The ft'rm of Graham, Andersoll, rt·adily acce ssible to all forms of transpo rtation . Probst & \Vhite, architects of the new The sto re is ju st across Den son ave- Evanston store of Marshall Field & nu e from the 1\orth Shore line sta- Company, have planned and con structti on at Church s treet. It is o nly a ed some of the largest and most beaustnne's throw from the Rapid Transit tiful of Chicago's buildings. They were tlt'vated station and a block from the the architects of the new Chicago \" orth \V estern Railway depot . Evans- Civic Opera building and of the Pittston surface lines pass the building on ~eld building at \\'ashington street and ~herman avenue and bus lines offer di- \Vabash avenue in the Loop, the tallrrct service from all parts of Evans- e t building in Chicago. They are also ton. Ample parking space is available the architects of the new Merchandise Mart, now rising on the north bank in the vicinity of the store. of the Chicago river at \Vells street. which, when completed, will be the FURNISHED MODEL SUITE Two furnished bedrooms, a living largest building in the world. The West room, dining room and sun parlor arc Suburban store of Field's in Oal: Park included in the model apartment on also was designed by them. the fifth Aoor of the new Evanston CLOCK IS TRADITIONAL store of Field's. The rooms are furnished completely by skilled interior The clocks on the corners of the decorators. one of whom will be in main retail store of Marshall Field & the apartment at all times to assi"st in Company at Washington and State the selection of furnishings for the streets, and Randolph and State home. streets, have long been a familiar sight to shoppers. In keeping with the tradithe sales people are residents of Ev- tion of service associating a large anston and the north shore area who clock with Marshall Field structures, have been trained in the training school clocks have been placed on the cormaintained by Marshall Field & Com- ners of both the new Evanston store pany on one of the upper Aoors of the and the West Suburban store recently downtown store. opened in Oak Park ... The pouclrc dispen sary. which wilt . . . I' he part of th e beauty salon in Field's . Dtr e ctJ~ n of affall:s of t~lt ne.w ·.~·new Evanston store, i. a rec e nt con - .Ln . ton st~rc of Marshall Fteld & .Coutrihution t o th e promo ti 0 n of feminine !>any, whrch open s Saturday, \\'ttl he ln,·elines.. Here vario us shad es of , ·n. the capable hand s, .o f the thre ~ m en delicate ptH\'(ler are carefully we ighed l~tc tnr e d !~ere . C.tlbert Robm o n, and mixed t o suit th e indi\·idual com- I, onald P. l? oan~man and Alfred H o:n , ple xion. A it er th e correct mixtu re ha s J_r., hav e tde.ntdiecl tl~em s ~lv es wtth heen made and the proper -;h ade at- l·. ;·an st<;m busmess. aff~trs and won .~ tained, the "pre scription" i~ filed so wtde ct.rcle ?f fncnd.~ through th ell that additit)nal ~upplie:-. o f t h same c o nt~ectton wtth th e Fteld. branch s~ore powders ma ,. be obtained. at Church street. \Vtth e~ecuttve.s r · · · · · of the company from the mam retatl fhts n ew ht ~~uty atd ~ 1 a ~ wo n wtcle - . tore downt own, thev will be hosts to :-;prcad populanty a~ld ~ ~ expectecl t o Yi :-;it ors to the new ~t ore on Saturdav. be one of the fa ,·o rtt h :at ures nf the n ew beauty salon . (,_o richn c :- ~ which i~ imntt·diatdy impre s- -.,ile. \\'ide ai:-;lc s lead f rl1m th t' entran ces to the int eri or of the sto re. Immediattly upon entering, the visitor obtains an nn oh strtKt ed view of the entire fir st Aoor. Th !:- is mad e possible hy an arrang ment of low fixtures so de signed a ~ to permit a person of normal height to look over them. The f i xture~ ar c a combination of matched carpathian elm burl, w.1lnut and ebony, all match ed in Europe and imported especially for the new Evanston store. Three elevators of modern design will serve cu . tomers of the store. They will be operated by girls attired in the :-;tandard Marshall Field uniforms. ~tairwav~ lead to the upper Aoors and to the ·basement. A feature of the stairways is a grilled balcony overlooking the main floor midway between the first and second Aoors. Display Windows to Be Beautiful Just as the windows of the Chicago store have become famous for the heauty and originality of their displays, so are the windows of the Evanston . tore expected to set a new standard of beauty in \vindow display. There will be twelve large di. play windows and twelve "shadow" boxe -small display space - set between the larger windows for the display of smaller items of merchandise. The windows will be indirectly lighted at night. A trained sales force will serve customers of the store. The majority of

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