Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 30

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November 22, 192<> 30 WILMETTE LIFE = BOY SCOUT NEW. S of the NORTH SHORE TROOPS A regulGt feGture pttge prtputd eGch wtelt by membeta of the Boy Scout Press club, North Shore Area Council Troop 5 ·Has Big Night Recalling Summer Camp Days Troop 5 of the Wilmette Presbvterian church, celebrated · last Thursday night at a camp reunion and banquet held at th~ir church for all the parents and friends. as well as all the Troop 5 Scouts. :\t>arlr one hundred attended. Dr. \\'hcda nd, pastor of the churc:1 npened the dinner with Invocation: Good old camp songs were sung during and followed the dinner, kd bv Mr. ~1 c ~~anus. assistant camp director. ~everal reels of movies were shown a ftn dinn~r oi a hors<:hack trip in tltc we st. The main part nf the prllgram was put on by th <: ~conts as the\· sea tt·d them ~l·ln·s around an artificial camp fire.· on the sta ge. Tlw ca mpfi rc prugram opened \\'ith the wl'ln)J!Jing oi the nc\\' Scoutmaster, ~. 1 ·:. .\1 inor. and bidding far<'\Hll : \l Fran~ l~l'\· nold!-1, \\'ho is lea\'ing hi s ·posititlll as Scoutmaster. The nt:\\· lcadl'r \\'as pn·sentl·d hi s hadg<: hy Dr. \\' ht·t: land. .\1 an,· ad\'ancemt·ut a \rani:. wnc l'ctrncd ll\· the SrtHtb <tt Camp ~la -Ka .Ja- \\'an this sum mer and tht:se were prt·sented at thi:-. Camp meeting. ~l r. Morris. one of the tn·tlP cimmittl't1111..'11. prl':-.l'JJted the First and ~erond dass a\\'ard~. and :\1 r. ({c\'llOicl s the Ill'\\' ~~.·out badges. The highest·a,\·ard Pi the l'\'tJJing- wa:- that oi Eagle l>aclgc wl~irh wa.-. presented by Halph 11. Rice, \ \ ' Jlmt:t tc HoY Scnut president, tu Scout · Launch Troop 25 tn Glencoe Council Leaders Eye Trophy Ar~~a-rd at Region Session The Scout leaders of the North Shor e Area council are out to repeat th eir victory of last year and again win tl w attendance banner of the Council Officers' Training conference to be held at the Edgewater Beach hotel Dcct.:m ber 3 and 4. This training conference ~~ a gathering of Scout committecmer :, officers and members of council s in Region Sc,·cn, comprising Michiga11. lJJcliana. \\' isconsin, and Illin ois, t, , share and exchange ideas on Scouting . It will he attended by council officer:- . council members, executive board mt·tn bers , committee chairmen, commis !'ioncr:-, deputy commissioners, an(l otht:r intere sted laymen. Karl D. King, president of the :\nrth Shore Area council, has been appointed to kad a group discussion on "council :\chninistratinn,·· where the men will cli scu~s "The Executive Doard's l~t· :-pon~ihility for Growth, Progrc:-:-o and Pnman<:ncy of Scouting," and "DI.' ,·eloping and Strengthening our Per sonnel." Other discussion groups will be held on business, finance, advaun· ment, camping, public relation !'. train ing, rural Scouting, and Sea Su)tlting . Every man present will lind grou p discussion of interest to him . Last year the North Shore :\re;t cou ncil had about thirty Scouters pre:- ent . Thi s year fifty Scouters present is the goal. Scout leaders, this is your chance to learn how to help e\·cn mon· effectively to make Scouting cxpe ;i t.:nct: a richer contribution in the li it· oi a boy. r ~f ('JJ in ~t. Elisah~th's Epi!'copal church at Glcnco~ are doing a notable piert· of work in sponsoring a newly organized Scout unit entitled Troop 25. This group of youngsters is made up almost entirely of Italian and :\c g r ~ hoys who ha\·e been enjoying the facilities of St. Eli abeth's parish gymnasium un.dcr the guidance of men in the 1iarish. Orval Simpson is chairman of the Fn·d Hllhinson. The Campfire Cll nt i'l- troop committee and \Vilbur L. \Valter is Scoutmaster. ucd \\·it h :-.ongs and yells. .\1 r. \I inor. Bill F-ret·man and :\{ r. ··s eek ·Re.gisfrati~ns for .\1c~1anu~ all ga\'l' their impression s :·i Vi~it/ to ·'· ~acking Plant Troop ~ and Camp :\la -Ka - la - \\"an . SeYnal .-.ttmts and ~ torie.s addtd t · 1 ~cnur/"if ~-nttr troop hasn't register ed the old spiri t ui thc Campfire. lu as yet ior tlw "Industrial Hike" to di\·idual camp awards \H:r(,' awarded Sing a so ng of pup tent.-., tht S"·ift Parking- plant a~ outlin ~d tt) all who <.'arned them at .\1 a-Ka- J aAll beneath the trees. \Van. Special rl.'rognition :-.hould :.c \Vh en your head is shclten:d. (IJI thi~ page la-.t week, y(J tt had better given to· Frank Rt:ynolds. S. E. 11itH·r s<:e your Scoutmaster about arrangeThen your feet will i·rceze. L. C. Torrey and Alvin Bartholome\\': ment s. It promise~ to be a real exwho were the Troop 5 camp · leader ~. "IIelp! l'm ~motherl.'d! ~lurckr! perienct:. a lnt oi fun, and 110 rlouht, TrOL)P 5 wa s prese nted with its camp Put that tt·nt pole up." shidd, won ior it s acti,·iti('s while That's the kind of li i l' nHt lead an inten·~tin.L; l'Clttcational trip . Rcthere. Sati. iacton-, ~ta-Ka - 1 a- \Van member that lunch is ser.ved at th e Li\'ing- in a pup. "~f ", and H onor C~mpcr hadg.cs wcH· Packing Plant at 1 :15 on Friday, ~oawarded the Scouts. \\'int er camp Sing a song of puddlei, vemher 29 and the trip starts at 2. plans were discus ~e d and explained. Your troop mu st be registere'd at Scout Inch dt:<:P 1ll1 the floor : The campfire l'nded \\·ith a rln~in~ \\' hen the roui is nn·ered. headquarter s to go und er adult lea der~o ng- and "taps." · ' s in the door. ship. Rain conH. · I Nice Puppy Tent Winnetkans Watch Scouts at Camp Demonstrations One of the finest camporees stag~d on the north shore was put on !)\· tht.: \\'innctka Scouts at the park just east of the \ -illage hall last Thursday after noon and eYening. Troops 14, .15, H>, 17, 18, 19. and 20 all took active part in this camping demonstration . Each troop set up a shelter tent for headquarters and around them staged con tes ts, stunts, and demonstration s. j Stretcl~er_ contest, cooking contest. firc-lntt!<lmg contest, message rela_,: :-; and pup tent pitching contest \\Trc among the many activities. People coming home from town were attracted ll\· the glowing- campfires and actiYc 8couts as they got off the train. Townspeople stopped as they were down to do the afternoon shopping. A large crowd witnessed this continy ous demonstration of the outdoor hfc of a Scout that lasted from 3 :30 to 7 o'clock. After the camporee the Scout s. attended their regular weekly meetings. .,l Troop 23 Enjoys Full Program on November 15 Hunting- at night is a bunch of bunk, \\' hen the night \\'ind':; blowing \Vhen you can't tell a coon from a Pup tents seem so small: \\'hen )'Oll tote it on your back, darned old skunk. FridaY, November 15, Troop 23 of You can hardly crawl. <~lencoe held a meeting. The b(ws who came earlv pla ved ba seball. At So. about the pup tents, SCOUTS, ATIENTION! 7 :30 the meetinJ,! started . Colont·l \\'aeAll their faults I\·e told, faler read us some notices and then But we're mighty glad to have thl'lll Every bit of reading, every the different patrols went to their corthought wears a groove in yollr \Vhen the nights arc awful cold. ner s to preparl' for inspection. The brain. At first it is easilv erased, Rattle Snakes won thL· inspection. Then but continual reading, ·or · thinking Mr. Kohl drilkd us and it was a t;e Signalling Contest Is wears grooves which become deep hetween the patrol~ in l)oth contest-;. permanent. Grooves then, inFeature of Scout Meet and After that Cnlond \Vadaler showed dicate habits, which may be The meeting of 1\ovember 12 of us the ~crap honk he i!- making for t l1c destructive or constructive, accordtroop. He is putting stories and pi c- Troop 2, Wilmette, was started at 7 :15 ing tp your type of reading or thinkMr. Cook, our Scoutmaster, tures of the twop into it. During th·.' sharp. ing. Many men would give thousmeeting- h<· counted up the points each inspected the troop and we then heard ands of dollars to change their Scout harl. Adam Cruhl· r had scYcnt ,. a talk on bandaging. Following this grooves from the wrong to the right. ~ints, that was the !{ig-hc~t in the we had our Patrol meeting. In a sigYou should read and become familiar troop. Adam is the librarian and is nalling contest the Panther patrol won with many of the best books. This doinJ.! a lot for th<: troop.-Boh Joh!l - \\·ith thirty-three out of thirty:.four letand your other reading should be ters correct. The Silver Fox, second, son. Troop Scril)(·, Troop 23. "right." Then you'll be prepared with twenty-eight, and the Beavers, to lead. Then you'll be helpful to 'third, with twenty-one. Following this "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" others. Then you'll be as physiSeventy ushers were wantl ,l to u ·her we played a game and were dismissed. cally strong, mentally awake and at the Northwestern Games this year David Lett was awarded his Scribe morally straight as is possible. Then and twenty-two of them are from badge and David Davis his four-year your "grooves" will be deep, clear Troop 13 of Kenilworth.-Defrees service stars.-Troop 2 Reporter, Roband of human calibre. ert Fletcher. Holmes. Reporter, froop 13. .. I Two Wilmette Scouts Win Junior Assistant Rating Scouts Adam Bauer and James E. Hoffman, both Star Scouts of Troop 9' in St. Joseph's church, Wilmette, have been awarded warrants as Junior Assistant Scoutmasters for their troop. Both of these Scouts have about two and one-half years of service and have progressed up through the patrol to patrol leaders and senior patrol leaders. Bauer has eight Merit Badges and Hoffman has fifteen. Both are continuing their work toward Eagle.

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