Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 33

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November 22, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 33 Union League Club Plans Contests in Memory of Lincoln High schools of Chicago and .its suburbs in Cook ~1ty will again take part in the program planm·d by the Union League club of Chicago ior the observance of Lincoln's birthday on February 12. The annual ex c: rcises commemorating the life and service of Lincoln will be held oti that date in the Auditorium theater, Chicago, with all of Cook county's high ~chnnl :; participating. l\)ntests in oratory, poster designing and the writing of odes to Lincoln , open to all high schools in the county, will be part of the Union T.eague club's program f0r observing the birthday of the famous Civil war president. New Trier High ·chool will ag~in haYe an entrant in the oratory contest. "Lincoln's Life and Its Influence" will be the general theme of all the ~n.i~n Lca~u~ cl_ub oration:;. .Four dtvtstonal eltmmatton contests will be held prior to the final contest on February 12 at the Auditorium theater. :\nv Trier will send its representativc to Harrison Technical High school on January 21, where higl1 ~chool orators in Cook county out::; ide of Chicago will compete in one · of the four sectional contests, speaking on the s·ubject, "Lincoln, the Commander-in-Ch ief." .\lfn·d l~omig. Xew Trier\ entrant in thL· Cnion League oratory conte st la st ~Tar, plac ·d in the divi~ional cont . . ·s t, hut did not win the right ' to ent<·r the ftnals.' Homig is again making a bid for th honor of representing his high school in the cunte~t this year. A number of other pmmi ing :\ew Trier speakers arc working under the direction of \\.illiam Heile~· and Dr. Laura F. Cllrich in preparation for a busy season 0f orat<?_ ry . Christian Science Churches u~fortals and Immortals" was the subJect of the lesson-sermon in all Chl!rches of Christ, Scientist, · on Sunday, November 17. . Th~ Golden Text \\·as "\\. e that are m tlus tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclo.thed, .but clothed upon, that mortabty m1ght be swallowed up of life (II Cor. 5 :4). Among the citations which compri ed the lesson-serm on was the foilowing from the Bible: "And this is the promise that He hath promised m, even eternal life'.' (I. John 2 :25). The lesson-scnnon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by ).fary llakcr Eddy: "The piritual· man's con sciousnc s and individuality j arc re~ecti o n_s o_i Cod.. Th~): ar~ the , emanat1on s nt 1 Inn \\'ho is Lttc, '1 ruth, and Lo,·e. l mmurtal man is not and 1 never was material, but always spiritua l and eternal" (p. 336). ·1 Have Opened a Completely Equipped Office at , ·· 'GREET RUSSIAN COMPOSER Alexandre Glazunoff, distinguished Russian composer, arrived in the . Cnited , tatcs last week 011 his first · \'isit. He will make his only New York appearance as conductor of an orclle tra at the ).fetropolitan Opera H ou=-e Tuesday evening, December 3. j 708 CHURCH ST. Suite 252- Church St. Bldg. Phone Univ. 6221 Call for FREE Scalp Examination at Any Time Wo,./d's Leadin.~ Hair mrd Scalp Specialists-Over 45 Offices :Mrs. F. R. Kilner, 523 \ra~hingt on arenue IHl\·e as th\?ir I guests .l\1 r::;. Kilner's' brother and hi :; \\'ife, ).[r. and ).[ rs. S. Chandler Hooper l l)f Lo s Angcks, " ho came to attend I the Southern Caliiornia and Notre Dame game la:-t ~aturday and will sec 1 the .\ortlnH=-ttrn and .:\t~trc Dame l"ame tnmnrrn\\' . ).fr. and 1 TbeTHOMAS' Evansto11: 708 CHURCH ST. - 252 CHuRcH Sr. BLDG. Loop -30 W. Washington St.; klen, Suite 603; Women, Suite 600 West Side-4010 W. Madison North Side--4753 Broadway South Side Oflices-6306 S. Halsted St. and 6850 Stony Island HOURS-10 A.M. to 8:30P.M. SATURDAY to 7 P.M. A PLATTER WORTHY OF THE NOBI-JE BIRD . .f!tl Tltanksgivin~ Day, and a program dear to tradition. Crisp weather ... welcoming voices . . . a dinner as appetizing as it is abundant. it's nice to have that dinner taste the same. (Holidays shouldn't alter.) But let it LOOK as differ· ent as possible. · If the family gathered 'round your board have confronted their turkey on the very same plates beforenow is the time to do something about it. We should like to show you a widt, variety of service · china-ranging from the surprisingly low priced to the quite exalted. Any selection from it will add new interest to Thanksgiving Day. NOW! BUY ' AND IS THE TIME TO SPECIAL CONCESSIONS ON ALL STOCK RUGS-CARPETS-LINOLEUM TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR THANKSGIVING SALE SOME SAVIJIGS REGULAR $79.50 WILTON ~~~~ REGULAR $42.50 AXMINSTER .... $67.50 .... $93.50 ~~~~ .... $36.00 00 REGULAR $110.00 WILTON TATMAN 517 Davis Street EVANSTON 625 N. Michigan Avenue CHICAGO ~~~~ REGULAR $54.00 AXMINSTER ~UGS . ~.t~ (9x12) .... ~. LIKE SAVINGS ON CARPETING & LINOLEUM WM. SLATER, JR. "FLOORCRAFT" UNIV. 3130 1616 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON

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