November 22, 1929 , WILMETTE LIFE 37 Glassware Is Rose- Tinted ·· 4 Thanksgiving Dinner · Can Be Made .So Appetizing! ·So Much Depends On Correct Accessories · It takes much more than turkey alone to make the Thanksgiving dinner a complete success! And the gracious hostess knows just how important a role is played by gleaming crystal, ~eautiful chiria and lustrous silver, proper1y placed upon a snowy cloth. Graceful glassware in rose tint has d<'licat r· etching in a conventional design. Goblets, sherbets, d o z e n $18 ; wines, $15 dozen . Thi1·d Floor. West · Silver May Be Inexpensive Silver- beautiful and inexpensive - a large water pitcher, $8.50 .. . charming creamer and sugar, $5 ... salt-andpepper, $1 pr .... plated . First Flom· Our household sections offer an abundance of lovely table accessories ... just the types to add dignity and charm to your Thanksgiving table. The suggestions proffered here are but a few of the many available to North Shore hostesses, who shop here. To Enhance Your Table The Mayfair China Service The dinner set, with dainty border, in colors. is Mayfair open stock. Service for 8, 34 pieces. $26.50; service for 12, 53 pieces. $48.50. Third Floor, West The rose-tinted bowl and two candlesticks are charmingly etched, and priced at $7.50 a set. The Haeger figurines in white pottery, $5. Third Floor, W~·~ Practical Suggestions On '!able Setting Six tables have been set out on our Second Floor by North Shore women who are noted for their skill in table decor a ti9n. You will find here many practical suggestions for setting your own Thanksgiving table. Rose Trellis Design Linens The pure Irish linen clamask carries the everpopular rose trellis design and hemstitched hem. 70x lOR-inch cloth and 12 nankins. $25. Second Floor Flatware. and Carving Set? Flatware ... the Paul Revere Communitv set. 6 stainless knives and 6 forks, $22: 6 teaspoons, $4. Other pieces priced accordingly. Carving sets. $7 50. F'rst, Third Floors WIEBOLDT'S-EVANSTON ROSENBERG'S