Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 40

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W I L M .E T T E LIFE November 22,· 1929 ·News of the North Shore Clubs Fricray of last week the Arden Shore association held its annual luncheon Woman's Club of Wilmette Opens meeting in the Petit Salon of the Illi - Name Cast for Club Pageant Its New Home Formally Saturday Evening, Nov. 2 3 Mrs. Marcus Richards Is Wilmette League ·Again Atden Shore Head . of Women Voters Club Announces Evening Meeting Meeting Monday Douglas Malloch. Poet, Speaker at Joint Session of Catholic Club and Its Juniors T IJ (' \\ 'n n1an's Catholic club of \Vil llletk and it ~ Junior membership are IJ(llclin g a joint meeting- Tuesday evenin g-, \'m'l'111hcr 26, at the \Voman's cluh buildin g. and arc openin g- the mee ting I ll th e member s' hu sband s They a r <: offering as their program for th e en ·nin g-, Douglas :\[ all och, poet, i\nd splendid spea ker, and several numhers ,hy g irl s of the Junior mem l1c rship. ~r iss Dorothy Rollo! \\'ill pia~ · ~ n· era l pia no solos . A readin g- will be .L! i\'l' n hy Crare Ludwig , anrl ~li ss Vi,· yeJJn c ~forin will sing. D n ugl ~ ~falloch ha s bee n t rm cd "th e pnct \\·ho makes living a joy." He ha s hecn president of the Pre. s cluh (,f Chic-ago, the larg-est pre ss club in t !J c " ·orld: prl' sident of th e Am erican Pres. Humori sts, the national organiza ' in n of 11('\\·spapcr humori sts ; ma . trr r:f the \\' ritcr ~ · guild of Chicago, and \·ic e- pres ident nf the Societ\· of \1irl land Author s. \ \ ' her ever hr ha s g in·n a prog r .:t tl l he ha . been praised for his strikin g p c r s onalit~ · . hi. youthful spirit, 11i s good nature, and hi s philosophy, "a creed \rhich makes living a thing of joy and g-ladn es s." The Chicago Tri bune ha s declared him a wit, who ln s "a sen se of humor that no one can ,,- ith stand: the N' ew York Tribune, an epigrami st wh o "re\·cals the spirit of the thinker beneath the garb of the 1r:-; tcr." H e is cJe,·er. l'ntcrtaining, :111d a poe t. \\'hose work. the Boston Globe declares, "will Ji,·e in vears to come." His por111 s arc read daiiy in the leading I!C'\YSpapers nf the countr\' hY millions , 1f Americans . ~ · Hostesses fnr the evening will be ~frs. Hugh Reading, Mrs. Max R edlin. :\lrs. f{a~· mond Spies, Mrs. R. H . Doran. Mrs . .1 oseph Kutten, and M rc;. T. R. Byrne. no is \\'omen's Athletic club. Part of the meeting \\'as given 0\·er to th ~ l' lection of officers, most of whom r eThe \Voman's club oi \Vilmett l' main in o flice for this new year. . :w.·aits onlv the advent nf Saturcla,· l ,·ening, November 23, for the present~-!\fr~. Rob ert Gregory is honorary 1 io n of its pageant, and a rcception prL·sident. Mrs. Marcu s Richards of h' ith dancing afterward s. which will \ \ ' innetka continues as pre sid ent: ~[rs . :- i ~ nalize the fnrmal opening nf th e new Ccorge Ri chardson, a s lirst yicc -prcs ia nd enlarg ed club lw111e , an epoch in dt: tlt: Mrs. \Villiam ]. \\-ardall a s sec 1!J e cluh's hi story. llJJd ,·ic c-president; ~Ir. . J os eph ) . The pa g-t·ant. ··n clicn:- 1t or Not," ~iddall a s re cording secretary; ~f r .~. has bern writt n fo'r th e event ll\· Mr .. 1(ohcrt Biddle of \\' innctka is th e new .T ame s A. Hurrill of \\'ilmctll'. ·an<i it rnrrespnnding se cr etary: :\Irs. Jay \\' ill hr pr c=-c nted by a r .st of mem - Clidden continue s a s trea surer, ·and 1 h: r.~. chartn mcn1 hers, a few hu sband " ~~ rs. Richard Ga 111 hri II, I r. of 1 ·:\'a no i mrmhcr s. and hy g irl s of t l1e Juni 1'r :--t<~n. as puhlicity chaimJ;IJI. : t u xil i ar~· . ann ounced this week . .\Irs. Le slie. \V. !\fillar is Wilmette T he fnur <.' pi sodc s in the liic 11 f t lH· chairman , ~Ir s. H u ~ Bard, \\ 'innctka rlu h. with moderni sti c, futurist event s chairman. and all o th er!- remain tlh.· ·" a coHnc ctin g- th eme, compo. e the s:ttne : \1 rs. llerhert ~ . .\"nc k. Chicago : jla g r ant. a mod erni sti c fanta s \·, fu- \lr ~. Erne st Palm er. Fran !-- ltln: ~\1r:-. . turi =- ti c in charact er. in which th l' f('l - . \rtllur \\ 'akl'ln·, KL·nihn1rth: ~fr s . i(l \\·ing will take part: l·:chrin C. .- \u stin : CkJ Jet)e: \1 r s. I~uh e rt Epi so de On e-Mrs. Ed"·in I hun< \ \ 'alker, Ha \·inia: \Ir s. Ccorgr Allen \f rs _ H r nrv B. Gate s. 11 rs. Fran k 1.. \I asnn. I I ighla nd Park; \Ir s. Kingman 111 \ · , ancl . Mr~ . \Villiam Panu sh k:t. 1)\lttgla s:-- , Lah· Fo r l' ~t : :\frs. J ohn ;-!ta rter tn~mhers . and ~f rs. I I l' ktt 1-:reut zhn g. Lak~.· Hlutl : \fr s. C L·n rge C:1ge, !\f rs. J . M elvillr Brn\\'11 , ~f r:-.. 1·:. \'an 1Tagen, Jr .. HarringtlHL l·: d ward L. ~c heidenhelm, ~I r:-.. 1o h n Thrl'C n i th e dire cto r-. at la rg·e. :\[ r-,_ .\ . ~farlean, Mrs . Shelby M. Singlet on l '; trl l.:tth :11n, :\lr:-;. FrL·<Icrick C. ;t nd ~fi ss Mar~· Springer. Mr '>. Charle s \' . Evan s and Mrs. Frederic 0 . Ehclfng \\ 'arkL·r. and .\Irs. Arthur Tuttl e ha\' e :- l.'~ig-nl'\1 and th t,se r lectcd t<1 take th e ir· " ·ill . ing a duct, with Mrs . Da,·id F . .; . Hak 1foldL·n. I r .. \f rs. !fall. accompanist. Mrs. E. L. Sch eid - 1daL:l'S arv ~~ r . Leslie F. Catc..; , all() .\lr ~. ]' > 1111 ~.· n h c lm is chairman of the epi sod e. E pisode TwO-M r. and Mrs. F . l. \lrl-:clltlt· ~· . - - - - - -·- ~ c hridenhclm, Dr. and Mrs. D. \( COSTUME RECITAL FOR CLUB ( ~allie, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. But z, !\t r. The \\' Omen ni till' j{ p t~in· rlul> (l t ;,nd :Mrs. L. M. Drake, Mr. and ~r n . t 'hicago will hold their m ontflly lttnJ.·.I!1 ·: . L. Schcidenhelm. Mr. and ~~ rs. r. B. Olwin. Mr. arid Mrs. C. X. Robert-s . eon \\' ccln esday at the. Ij ~ tcl -Sh c\rman. ~f r and Mrs. F. L. K~ontz, ~f r ~ . lbtan Dc,·i, EasL India artist. \\·ill ~·in· 1'oday's Card Party Is Ttl · mrtltbership Charles H . Crocker, Mrs. Tuhn C. a costume n :'c·itat. Benefit for War Vets \[annerud, l\frs. E. L. FitzRandolph . Pi the club include s mall\- l' C'S iclcnts (lj · During- this episode Mrs. John ~1. t lte north shore. Tlt e card part y this aft ernoon pon \fannerud will g·ive a talk concerning ~ nred 1)\· the \\1oman 's Catholic club of he hi . tor~· of the giving of t hr land a:- .-\rctura, and Miss 1-:thl.'l C i khri ~ t a .., \ \ ' ilmettt: \\'ill benefit di sabled and ior the dtth hy Mrs. Orrea Lan singh Capella. are the member:' of the I unil1r nc eth· cx -s crvirc men at Great Lakes and of the financial support provided auxiliary taking part in the tlllltierni:-- - ho. pita!. The club's committee on l1 y the late F. I,. Fitzf,andnlph and. tir <;>vent s that arc the hackgrnund for friend!" co-npcration \\'ith ex-service \Irs. Fit7Randolph . 1\frs. E. H . Rur~e t hr episodes, and Miss Esther ~forgan. men. nf \rhich Mrs. P. ]. McGurk is h c hairman n f Fpi. nde Two. as Automattie, rvfi ss .Mildred Fln1n a-. chai\man, has hcen in charge of arEpisode Three will be pnrtr;tyl'cl ln· Infra. and Miss Esther Morgan a .; rangements fnr th e affair. A ssi sting tht· pr r-s cnt hl)ard of directors ni th e l ' ltra. arc the dancers who are hein(f :vr rs: ~r cCurk in the rnnducting of the d uh. ~(r s . Haney· A . Bush. prc sidcM; dirt"cted hv Fernando Maione. X plan:-: h< n·c heen the members of her \f r ~. \\' illiam :\_ Durgin, \frs . C'h :-~ rl cs ~ r·ntp of hi~ pupils also will dance dur- committee. ~~ csdames Harry BettingR Hixby. Urs. J esse B. Denman. fir st, it lg the pageant. han s; C. F. Dunte, Ch~rles Hauber, P. -.~._· co nd. and t hire! vier-presidents, re:\f is s Rebecca Fitch is chairman Pi 1. J oyer , E. F. Kelly, Herman Lersch. :-pcc tivcly; Mrs. Hoger E. \\'illiam~. re- 1 he Junior auxiliary g-irls taking part. \fartin L_ n lclJ, Edward J. McArdle. L ·ordin g- ~ crr e tary: :\1 r=- . Raym nnd :\. ~{is s Mabel Becker of Chica~o a.; l. _I. \fills. I lcnrv Pro =- ~cr. \\' he el t1 ck, r nr rcsp nnding sL'CI'l' tary; TIJcremina, w.ll play the ther.:nti;l, the \[ r;-;. Arthur 1. Dixon. t n·asurer: the unique, new musical instrument hla:trd chairmen of d~partmcnt~. Mrs. J. \f r:l- ior the 'occasion. and CtlrdLl!t Btwk Bakery Sale Saturday · : illc Brown. literatur e : !\Irs. :\lon r. t' ]. '.Yilt play accompaniment The ways and mrans committee of for tht' Coburn. art: ~fr -;. Ernc-;t 11. Frl'cm an, t herem in and. for the dancers . the \\'oman's Catholic club of \\'il chi ld and hnme: \1rs. Elliott\ '_ YOtl lJ g:\f rs. John Roddie is ge!ll·ral chair - mette is holding its annual bakery sak lH :rg, civic s ; \( rs. Frederic 0 . Fhel- !nan nf the pageant. Mrs. A.] . ln- all day Saturday. ~ovemher 23. at in g. nnt:-ic: \f rs. Frederick Tilt, lmrn. Mrs. Ashton TaYlor, Mrs. Gor- Schultz and ~ord's. ~[rs. Samurl H . philanthropy: Mrs. Edmond :\1 . ~im d on \\'ilson, Mrs. E. G. Bentle,·. :\[rs. :\1oore of 707 Laurel annuc is chairnn ds. prog ra111: Mrs. Alvin F . Ht·irqes, l{alph T. Huff. Miss Rebecca Fi'tch arc ma·n nf the conunittee spomoring- the "" cia!: ~r s . C. P. Berg, rental a nd Ill charge of stage settings. The :-:ale. She is as:-;isted bv her commitl1ll m ·e: ~frs. \\"alter \r. \litchcll, hul~e ~creens were designed hy Mrs. E. (~. tee members. Mesdames -John Downc,·. titJ : ~fr s . Knight Blanchard. \\'ay:-; and Be-ntley. Mr . George Lamb is chair- \Villiam ]. FitzPatrick. John J_ Janctt~·. mean . : ~1 rs . F . ]. Scheid enhelm, man of the costume committee. with Joseph Koza, Frank Kutten. V\7illiam chairman tii t h: building committee: ~f rs. \Villiam M. Burns, 11 rs. John \\' . Krippes, G. \Yallace Moore. \rcorg-c ( rtOrge F.. \\\·q, auditor. :\[rs. E. \1. Dchr, ::vfrs. Earl E. McDow. Mrs. Ortseifen, ]. ]. Tracey, A r t h 11 r ~imond~ is chairman of the cpisod<'. Frank Francr. Mrs. Joseph Ding-le, \\'ernecke, Frank \Vidger. Episode Four- \1 rs . John \ \'. nv!1r :\f rs. Archer Richards assisting her. and the Mi s~ e~ Jeanette HPJ1i,tcr, ~{iss Helen Beach, Miss Lillian Fitch, Tea for Ushers :\f ary Mart in, Elizabeth M icheld. Vir- and Miss Helen \\'eldon designed tlH' Mrs. F. T. O'Brien and Mrs. Peter g-inia Bixby, \1 incrva Kraft, Elizabeth costumes. Milton E. Reid and Earl E. Prato are entertaining at tea 1 rom 3 Hunt, Huth Bower, Vera Thakg, Alice \f cDow are in charge of the lightitH!: King, Helen Kirtley, Ruth Shellm:tJ J. \fiss Helen \Veldon, of small proper- to 5 Sunday afternoon, at the home Mrs. A. J. C(lburn is chairman o f the ~ies, and Richard H. Hadley, Fred~ric l)f Mrs. O'Brien, 735 Foxdalc avenue. \Vinnetka for the girls who will act epi ode. · ~. Price. A. C. Tisdelle, Jr .. and Ann as ushers for the play, "Little Old New Miss Jane Triggs a:; fno, \Ii~ :: Boddie are the stage ere\\'. The Marian Kirtley as Uno, Miss Betty Span.1er orchestra will play during the York." to be given at the Glencoe school, Fridav evening, November 2'). 'Marshall as Altair, Miss Li sbeth G.1ss l'H'nmg. for the benefit of the war veterans. A (Contributed) T!Jl· ,- ~,· r y int eresting subject of Sa nil an· di stri ct affair s j~ the main con r er11 o f the ~ ~.·coJtd mee ting of th e \Vil lltd tl' Lt' ag uc ni \\'omen V oters which \\' ill be llt·ld \'.wcmb cr 25, at 12:30 ~~ · ci ne k, at the l'ongr<' gational church. 'J' en-miilltte talks \rill be gi,·en by \1 r .... \\ ·. _.\, l~ohcrts. president of the Forum ,, f t hl' ('llira g n Leagu e of \Vnml'tl \' nte rs; hy Ea rl F. Orn er. on "Duties and Po\\'e r s oi th e \ ' ill age Pr l' "id cnt.' ' :t tHI In· ~[ilc s .\I d~ n nald on "1\n-rcatio n in \\'i lln ett e." Th eY will :.p eak durin g the lun chc(J il hour. · ~~1 r s. Rohrrt s is a " ·nman of hi g h rr pntc and \rill ha,·r mu ch o i int er es t to di ~ ru ss . E n ·n · resident o i \ \ ' ilm et.t e will lind \\'hat \fr. Om er ancl ~fr. \l r Don ;tld lla\'C to · sa,- \r orth \\'hile. l)u rin g the aitL'rJI OO ll . therl· \\'ill he in!-- ll'llllll' tltal lt lusir 1,, \I r-. _ \\ '. H. ll:!ln tn , ·ncl n i l·: ,·atbt O;l. T ilt· 111<1in speaker ol tlt L ' a ft crllltOil ic; .\1 rs. 1( . '1'. t 'hil<l s \\' ll tl i!-- chai rman of ·he ~ anit :t n· di strict affair:- C lll lt lllitt ee n f the Cot;k ( 'ottnt \' co uJJcil of the f. <"a g ue of \\'Pllllll \ ' ot t· r ~ . Tl t<: \\' ho le rnuntn· has ft1ll o\\l'd th e atTair s o f our ~anitary di -; trirt tlJi . ; rear . That com: t t i t tt·L~ i1a..; l;tr.:..!t Ptl\\ L .;.:"\ a nd h uge stun s 11 i ll Wti C' _ \ to spend. a tHl it s acti,·itic . :1re of g rc :tt l' Ptll'ti'J t to tb all. :\fr ~ . 1 'hilcl s is \'Cry \\' l' ll iniormed nn hrr · uhjc ct itlld ,,·ill g i,·c a trutltiul a11d :' ull acr mlllt. .\frs. C . T. ll t·ltn nt lt an d :\Irs. F :trl .1. ~mith arc tilt· cha irtllL'Il of th e p !·n~ r a m. Lnnclt ('() Jl rc~<.T \' cttinth ar c to ht· t cle phnn r rl w \lr ~. T . l. ~foreau. \\ 'ilmctte 1.~<).?. by 11 no n ~at .urclay, '\" n' l'Jt tlw r ~.\ . Business Women's Club Plans Emblem Program The Btbitl l' ~~ and Profcs sin ·1al Wom en's cluh is meeting in the Children's room of the \\'ilmettc Public Library ~lonclay cyening, November 25, it 7 :4.1 o'cl ock, for a social session. Member s of the club \\'ill take part in the Fmhlem ccrcmuny which will he one nf th e important - t'vents of the pro !.!:'ram. ~1i s s Anne \Vhitmack will O'i\'e a talk on books for business womc;. :\fiss Esther Dunsl;ce, a member of the \Vilmette club, is appearing on the program given by the Alliance of Business and Professional women in Chirago the same evening. She and Mrs. Frank \Vaugh McCulloch of Evanstnn \\'ill de hate on "\Vomen on J urics." D. B. E. in Session Today Cambridge chapter of the Daughters i the British Empire will hold its regular businf'ss meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. H. Dyon, 1310 Ashland avenue. Last Friday a social meeting with bridge part:v \vas held at the home of Mrs. George' A. Thursby, 1716 Highland avenue. Mi<;s Jane Doig- was also hostess. l 1 HOSTESS TO RE'ADING CLUB Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, will be hostess to members of her Reading circle next Monda,r at her home, 933 Lake a\·enue.

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